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November 08, 1968 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1968-11-08

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A6F 41P
.Altr4t an


Cloudy and colder.
chance of snow flurries


Vol. LXXIX, No. 61 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Friday, November 8, 1968 Ten Cents

Twelve Pages


refuses offer





S GCdemands
sororities end

President-elect Richard M. Nixon
ruled out yesterday a mission to
South Vietnam-unless President
Johnson "suggests it would be
helpful in furthering the negotia-
tions toward peace."
Nixon's chief spokesman re-
layed that response to an invita-
tion from South Vietnamese Pres-
ident Nguyen Van Thieu. Aide
Ronald, Ziegler said Nixon now
has no plans for any foreign travel
before his inauguration next Jan.
Nixon received and read a cable
from Thieu inviting him to Viet-
nam "to make an on the spot as-
sessment of the war and the situ-
4 ation."

Ziegler delivered this response: therefore will do nothing to un-
"Mr. Nixon plans no foreign dercut or derrogate the current
trip, and will make no such trip leadership of the country."

unless President Johnson. suggests
it would be helpful in furthering1
the negotiations toward peace. As
President-elect Nixon said on;
'Meet the Press', he would be
willing to cooperate with Presi-.
dent Johnson in any way that he3
would deem helpful."
In that interview, last Sunday,
Nixon said he would go to Saigon
or to Paris if Johnson asked him
to do so in the interests of en-
hancing peace prospects,
"As Mr. Nixon has said on nu-I
merous occasions," Ziegler said,
"He feels that the country has
only one president at a time and

Nixon advance-men
,plan p ower transfer
WASHINGTON (R--Two aides of President-elect Richard
M. Nixon went to the White douse yesterday to start paving
the way for Nixon's takeover on Jan. 20.
Franklin P. Lincoln Jr., a member of Nixon's New York
law firm and an assistant secretary of defense in the Eisen-,
hower administration said, "It's like coming home again"
when he arrived for talks with Charles S. Murphy, President
Johnson's special counsel.
During the presidential campaign, Johnson invited all:
three of the major candidates to name representatives to
start discussing an orderly transition of power. All three!
A accepted.
Yesterday's meeting was the first since Nixon won the'
election. Lincoln, who was accompanied by William Harmon,,
Sanother law firm associate of
Nixon's, said the discussions
elley seesiinvolved procedures, but he
' declined to go into details.
7 G

"President-elect Nixon will have
no comment on the international
field unless it has been discussed
with the President and the secre-
tary of state and unless it is in the
interest of foreign policy as they
see it," Ziegler said.
"Mr. Nixon has had no per-
sonal conversation with the Pres-
ident or secretary of state since
his election victory and he has
no plans to initiate such a con-
versation at this time."
Ziegler said Nixon had earlier
received several invitations to
visit Western Europe but "he has
no plans to make any foreign trip
between now and the inaugura-
The White House declined to
say whether Thieu had discussed
the invitation previously with
Washington. The State Depart-
ment had no comment.
In a message congratulating
Nixon on his victory, Thieu said:
"The Vietnamese government, the
Vietnamese people and our sol-
diers fighting in the front lines
against Communist aggression will
be most happy to receive on Viet-
namese soil a staunch defender
of freedom, which you have been ,
for many long years."
Thieu said Nixon would be most
welcome "if you wish to make an
on-the-spot assessment of the
war and 'the situation ahead."
Thieu presumably meant before
Nixon takes office in Jan. 20.
The cablegram made no direct
reference to the dispute between
the United States and South Viet-

President-electgitxon and ici f e Prat greo

SRC recomends sty
for OSA advisory cc

Student Government Council last night accepted the
;report of its membership committee which forces sororities
who have either required and/or binding recommendations
to "render ineffective locally" these mechanisms "before the
next rush commences."
The committee's report amended Panhel's proposal of
Oct. 16 which requires the ommission of mechanisms "which
are discriminatory on the basis of race, religion, color, creed
or national origin."
"This was changed because in limiting binding recom-
mendations to only those which are discriminatory, the orig-
inal problem of determining what is discriminatory remains
unsolved," explained M i k e -
Kahn, chairman of the SGC
membership committee. "TheT o "
solution therefore is to renderI1'
invalid or eliminate all bind-
ing recommendations," Kahn
added. Ut1~u
The committee report further
states that "the proposed elimi-
nation of these mechanisms" must C zecli r o
be presented to each sorority's
n a t i o n a l organization at the
earliest possible date. If the bind- PRAGUE (') - Thousands of
-A socated Press ing recommendation is not elimi- Czechoslovak troops and police
nated, the report continues, and used tear gas, water cannons and
'it the people if the sorority does not take steps clubs last night to break up anti-
to invalidate this mechanism, "the Russian demonstrations in the
priviledge of rushing should be heaviest rioting since the Soviet-
denied immediately." led invasion last August.
LEE-WAY Young demonstrators marched
said the committee report "is through the streets of the capital
givingtplenty of lee-way to those for 'six hours shouting, "Russians
sororities who have recommenda- go home!" and burning Soviet
+s.tion restrictions." He added there flags.
m iii t ()should be "absolutely no way now Earlier in the day, hard-line
that sororities cannot comply im- foes of Alexander Dubcek, the
mediately with the committee's liberal-minded Czechoslovak Com-
committees, the office directors recommendation." munist leader, grabbed him at a
will serve as chairmen. The report will be presented to ceremony', and shouted, "Long
The SRC delayed recommenda- ; Panhel next week for approval live the Soviet Union!"
bon onopeatig" ommttes fr rJan Phlegar, chairman of the Pan-
tions on operating- committees for hel mbership m committee said Reports from various sections.
the counseling and appointments, Council's changes in the original of the city indicated scores were
offices and the International Cen- proposal "are in order. They only arrested and several persons were
ter to request more complete re- further clarify the position Panhel knocked down by police clubs.
ports from the heads of these of- has taken," she added. Miss Phle- Some injured were taken away in.
fees R gar said the working of the SGC ambulances.
The SRC made the general re- ' proposal "eliminates any question,
commendation that in all operat- opsaeli in g ton The authorities, apparently
ing committees, the Senate Ad- ,, fearing the demonstrators might
Commitee nivesitya loophole,"
visory Committee on UniversityC LA cause the Russians to roll back
Affairs should be the appointing SIhS COMPLAINT C into Prague, took firm action
body for faculty members, and sieother action Council con- against the demonstrators.
SOC should appoint student mem- sidered filing a complaint against;
bers. s SDS for defacing the Administra- The massive police response
tion Bldg. during Tuesday's sit-in. was in sharp contrast to the tol-
However, no motion was brought erant way they handled anti-So-
up because several members said viet demonstrations Oct. 28, the
SGC as a legislative rather than 50th birthday of the Czechoslovak
a judicial body. republic.
Council member Tom Wester- Shortly before midnight, several
S'i dale said if SOC did file a com- hundred police and soldiers moved
_lnited1 dplaint against SDS it "would be en masse up Wenceslas Square to
the same as Congress bringing clear demonstrators from the
charges against its constituents statue of St. Wenceslas and the


new postt
'In 1970__. '
LANSING (AP1-Democratic At-
ty. Gen. Frank Kelley outlined a
broad range of political ambitions
yesterday, saying he may run'
either for governor or U.S. sen-
"I'm not going tq play coy,"
Kelley said at a news conference.
"I may run for governor in
1970," Kelley said. "Or I may run
for senator in 1972. Then I may
run again for attorney general.
"But I may end up as a profes-
sor at some small college," he
Kelley was asked if he would
rather run against Gov. George
Romney or Lt. Gov. William Mil-
liken, the heir apparent to Rom-
"I don't think Romney will be
here very long," Kelley replied. "I
think he'll probably be in Wash-!
ington after the first of the year."
Discussions between President-
elect Richard Nixon and Romney
during the presidential campaign
have led to persistent speculation
that the governor will receive 'a
cabinet post-probably secretary
4 of housing and urban develop-
The attorney general said he
advocates allowing 18-year olds to
vote. The method of electing dele-
gates to state and national party
conventions should be liberalized,
he said.
"We need to recruit more youth-
ful candidates, both black and
white," Kelley said. "There are
very few people in the state in
their early 30's holding office. We
should have some office-holders
in their early 20's."

He said he expects the consul- 'iam over inieu's rejection of tne
tations will continue with repre- American proposal for peace talks

sentatives of the Budget Bureau,,
Civil Service Commission and the.
General Services Administration
on such matters as choosing new
candidates for top government
posts and starting them through
security clearance processes, plus
getting down to business on bud-
get and administrative problems
that will face the new administra-
tion. '
Nixon spent the day conferring
with advisers.
He planned to remain through
Sunday in Key Biscayne, his va-
cation retreat eight years ago in
presidential defeat, before re-
turning to his New York head-
quarters to begin the task of
assembling a new administration.
Nixon aides said the President-
elect will not name anyone to his
cabinet before Dec. 1. "Mr. Nixon
feels that, with the current unrest
in the country, he wants to fully
assess the situation and that he
wants to select the best people'
Nixon and Vice President-elect
Spiro T. Agnew are the first tos
get the benefit of a 1964 lawI
which provides a transition fund
of $750,000 to help pay for staff
and expenses and fully equipped
office space.

in Paris.
Ziegler said Nixon has no plans
at this point for meeting with
President Johnson, nor with Vice
President Hubert H. Humphrey,
the man he narrowly defeated.
Thieu has refused to join four-
way talks as proposed by the
United States, contending the ar-
rangement would give status
equal to the Saigon Government's
to the Viet Cong's National Lib-
eration Front.
While South Vietnamese lead-
ers have been officially neutral!
on the U.S. election, many were
known to be ardent supporters of
Nixon against Hubert H. Hum-
phrey, particularly since the split
over the Paris talks.
Caucus drive
seeks to end
The Radical Caucus last night
passed a resolution to present peti-
tions demanding the abolition of
language and distribution require-

The Student Relations Commit-
tee yesterday made recommenda-
tions on the composition of oper-
ating committees for two offices
in the Office of Student Affairs,
but delayed recommendations for
three other offices.
The committee is using as a
basis for its recommendations re-
ports from heads of the Univer-
sity Housing Office, the Office of
Student Financial Aids, The In-'
ternational Center, The Bureau of
Appointments and the Counseling'
The SRC recommended the op-
erating committee for the Office
of Student Financial Aids include
four students and four faculty
members, and that such a com-
mittee should include "represen-
tatives of aid recipients." Special
mention wasdmade of black stu-
dents, graduate students and
students from "a poverty back-
Ron Brown, new director of fi-
nancial aids, who will assume his
post in January, had recommend-
ed the committee be composed of
three faculty members and three
students. However, SRC members
felt a six-member committee
would not be sufficient to repre-
sent all recipient groups.
The SRC accepted the sug-
gestions made in a report from
University Housing Director John
Feldkamp to ; continue utilizing
present advisory committees in
that office, including the Gov-
ernors of the Residence Halls and
the Student Advisory Committee
on Housing.
The Board of Governors is com-
posed of four faculty members and
four students and is primarily re-
sponsible for academic concerns1
in the residence halls. The ad-
visory committee is composed sole-I
ly of students and is responsible
for a wide range of dormitory!
The SRC recommended a limi-

tation on the power of the Board
of Governors froin that which
Feldkamp outlined in his report.
The SRC agreed the Board of
Governors should be responsible+
for policies concerning housing of'
students, development of educa-
tional and social programs, and
provisions for student welfare in
the residence halls, but recom-
mended the board not be made
responsible for appointment of'
educational staff and formulation
of residence hall regulations.
On both the housing office and
financial aids office operating
Wl sontorai


Mnments to the literary college cur-
lo e m riculum ommittee at a rally in
two weeks.
PORTLAND, Ore. (P) - Sen,.
PORy LANOe.as P)lmoSt a en, The rally will bring to a head
Wayne Morse was almost a cer- hi eiind'v hc o
ta loser for re-election in ballot heir petition drive which now
tai loer or e-eecton n bllo !has 2,500 signatures.

By MARTIN HIRSCHMAN "The prospects for graduatin
Two years ago, with federal seniors seeking support are fair
Toneyeaoursgnto, t eealbleak," Graf points out. But ti
money pouring into graduate level effect of the Wilson Foundati
education, the Ford Foundation cutbacks on the graduate schoc
out back most of its financialarutastequad matc.o
Suppor't for' the Woodrow Wilson' are at least equally dramatic.
undation fello dr Wisn Not only did the Wilson pr
gram provide each student wi
Rocked by the $4.3 million a a $2000 stipend and an extra fan
year loss, the Wilson .foundation ily allowance but the foundati
was forced to eliminate all but added an additional $2000' to ti
150 of its 1000 fellowship grants coffers of the graduate ,school f
;o first year graduate students, every Wilson fellow enrolled in h
out continued to designate the first year of study.
year's 1000 most promising seniors For example, the Universit
is worthy of financial aid.Fo exmlteUveit
graduate school last year enrol
Each of last year's designates ed 46 Wilson fellows and recei
did in fact receive financial aid ed $96,000 from the foundatio
from some source, says Honors This . year that support is gon
Director Otto G. Graf, regional Despite the reduction in func
director of the identification pro- j the program continues to attra
gram, and the new system will the interest of both gradua
ontinue this year.
nin.with the recent Congres-schools and prospective gradua
But I students, says Graf.
Isional devastation of federal In January, the foundatio
;rants to graduate study, the Wil-, sends out lists of designates to th
son Fellowship funds are likely to { various graduate schools. Gr
be sorely missed by the national says graduate school deans ha
graduate schools and students. supported the utility of the d
.__ __..__. ....i in r ugr a l"l ii

on i

k t:

which is terrible."
SGC also moved last night that
Council point out to "all poten-
tial voters" that the referendum
in next week's election "is whetherf
students shall determine the na-
ture of funding Student Govern~-
ment Council," and not whether
or not SGC should incorporate.
Council /member Bob Nelson said
there is "considerable confusion
about the referendum" since some
students are unaware that the is-
sue on the ballot deals only with
the method of financing Council.
After defeating a motion to
give Engineering Council an ex-
officio 'seat in Council, SGC con-
sidered the move last night and
voted to seat a representative "un-
til SGC's committee on ex-officio
seats makes its report."

huge stairways on the national
Police . swinging clubs charged
into knots of demonstrators and
chased them up side streets. They
squirted tear gas at some demon-
It was an uneasy and tense day
for the city, which is facing a
Communist Party Central Com-
mittee meeting that pould be the
stage for a showdown between
Dubcek and the old guard fac-
tion that is trying to discredit
his reforms.
The demonstration by young
people took place during the cele-
bration of the 51st' anniversary of
the Bolshevik Revolution - a day
usually observed here as Czecho-
slovak-Soviet Friendship Day.

returns last night and a recount
demand was likely.
Republican Robert Packwood,
had a margin of 3,494 votes over
Morse and it was thought that
only about 6.000 votes still werej

It was also decided to continue
petitioning until the faculty As-
sembly meeting in January. The
Caucus expects the committee to
make a recommendation to the
faculty members who may make a
decision concerning the require-
ments at that time.


Ad for, non-meeting

Nederlander: 'Students aren 't ch ldren'

First of a two-part series
Coming off a convincing win
at the polls, newly elected Re-
gent Robert Nederlander will
take office next January at
the most crucial point in t h i s
University's history.
On Tuesday, Nederlander, a
Detroit attorney, along with fel-
low Democrat Gerald Dunn un-
seated Republican incumbents.
Lawrence Lindemer and Fred-

ing funds for superior educa-
tion ten years from now," h°
Nederlander does not feel the
financial burdens of higher ed-
ucation should be continually
placed on the students. "I will
do everything I can to keep stu-
dent tuition down," he says.
"Obviously this means the need-
ed funds must come from other
sources, but I don't know the
specifics as to exactly how the
money can be raised," Neder-

more and they should not be
treated as if they were," he says.
"40 per cent of the student
body averages 26 years of age
and the remaining 60 per cent
averages 20 years of age. The
University can't be a substitute
parent - students must be giv-
en the opportunity to be heard
and what they say should be
highly considered."
However, Nederlander is also
unspecific as to exactly what the
role of students should be. He

in a growing university is a
lack of opportunity for a stu-
dent to know his professors," he
says. "When I attended the
University's Law School, which,
like the Residential College al-
lowed students and professors to
have close contact, I took a
greater interest in what I was
studying. I feel projects like the
Residential College should be
Nederlander hopes to begin
his look into student problems

signation program. T Here is
strong evidence that graduate
deans used the lists extensively,"
he says.
And students are apparently
still interested in obtaining the
recognitionand guaranteed funds
that come with a Wilson grant. In
Ohio and Michigan, which con-
stitute the region Graf admin-
isters. applications grew this yearI
from 1100 to 1312.
Despite cutbacks in the major
fellowship program, there are
some bright spots for the Wilson,
Foundation this year.
The foundation's dissertation
fellowship program, for example,
has almost doubled its support
for students who are within one
year of completing their doctoral
work. This year, the foundation
will provide 225 grants - equi-

draws 150 to
It all started with a two- "irresponsib
page, $400 ad in Thursday's A little r
Daily, proclaiming the death ian dignity,
of SDS with McLuhanesque ef- a "third
fect. exhorted t
The ad, placed by an uniden- long-winde
tified person, drew 150 people one of his
to the Diag last night for what "disrupted.
was billed as a "mass meeting An argum
of the Campus Americans for the 150 p
Democratic Action." doing in th
The people came. The ADA "Apparer
did not. are trying I
The ubiquitous Students for a know what
Democratic Society also show- one offered
ed up, and finding a crowd with Finally a
no leaders, promptly took Applebaum
charge. - to speak, a
SDS leader Bill Ayres said, to organize
"Let's go to the Fishbowl and but not un

pulling off another
ble maneuver."
man with Churchill-
;who claimed to be
generation radical,"
the crowd with a
d account of how
s classes had been
ment arose over what
eople were actually\
e fishbowl.
ntly the people who
to organize this don't
's going on," some-
girl named Brenda
got up the courage
nd said she wanted
e an ADA chapter,
til next semester.

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