INEA~t\L DBKRUSS lye 1Mf1tan&u Dail Seventy-eight years of editorial freedom Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under authority of Board in Control of Student Publications Suburbia: Gizmos, gadg ets and grass 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Mich. News Phone: 764-0552 Editorials printed in The Aichigan Daily exp ress the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 7, 1968 NIGHT EDITOR: PHILIP BLOCK ixon' Svictory: The Demrocratie obstacle IT IS VERY DIFFICULT to take the idea that Richard Milhaus Nixon will be the next President of the United States seriously., Nixon has long inspired such visceral reactions in so many of us that we have ceased to regard him as playing any more significant role than the villain in a Herblock cartoon. Now we are all faced with the reali- zation that Nixon will be running the country for the next four years. Nixon's- narrow and rather blurred vic- tory is in many ways a fitting climax to a tedious and hopelessly murky political year. Ideally, emmanating from this nar- row mandate will be Presidential caution and restraint, two qualities sorely lacking during the Johnson years. F OR A FEW moments early yesterday morning as the computers struggled futilely to deal with tight vote totals, one succumbed to the vision of a Humph- rey Administration which would tran9L form America both internally and ex- ternally., A quick recollection of the events of the past four years, however, quelled this facile delusion, brought on by the theat- rical competiveness of election night. The real rationale behind the fervor of most of Humphrey's supporters was not millenialistic dreams but rather long- standing fear of the damage that Nixon would wreak in the White House. T h r o u g h o u t the campaign many warned, probably with a high degree of accuracy, that Nixon would reassert the fervent anti-Communism of John Foster Dulles, build a $50. billion anti-ballisti' missile system against Russia, and raise unemployment to Eisenhower levels in a futile attempt to curtail the Republican chimera of inflation. IF NIXON'S narrow mandate does not deter him from attempting to carry out these time-worn Republican fanta- sies, it is likely that solid Democratic control of Congress will pose a formidable obstacle. It will also be highly therapeutic for the 'political system that, the Democrats have become the opposition party. For now American foreign'policy can be tem- pered and modified' by the kind of critique that has been sorely lacking for these past three years, as Everett McKin- ley Dirksen merely encouraged the worst excesses of the Johnson Administration.' WHILE ONE'S FAITH in the ability of the Democratic Party to reform itself after this narrow defeat is small, it is to be hoped that at least they will use the next four years out of power to re- examine 'their intellectual underpinnings and free themselves from outmoded lib- eral cant. Admittedly America can ill afford four years of relative Presidential impotence. The national problems which have been papered over by the liberal rhetoric of the past are far too acute to be success- fully ignored. But undoubtedly this is too much to expect. In an election year that has been as depressing as 1968, one ought to be more humble and just be glad that it's finally over. -WALTER SHAPIRO Associate'Editorial Director Suburban man takes to the woods ':¢}' rvtjJA MES WECHSLER...a;:t-- '7 ° F t One ood ear tsn tenough 'v SDS's false consciousness "iE MOVE by SDS and the students who took over the second floor of the Ad- ministration Bldg. Tuesday afternoon to exclude all working press except for The Daily and WCBN was an act of censorship which should be tolerated by none of the media - the favored or the unfavored - nor by others interested in the general freedom of expression. This attitude reflects not only on their own general totalitarian approach to pol- itics, but raises as well' relevant questions on the meaning of the freedom of the., press and its own responsibilities. The crowd in the east side of the second floor of the building, filling most of the area near President Fleming's office, con- sidered at the beginning of the meeting which press representatives should or should not be allowed to stay. Both The Daily and WCBN - despite what Bill Ay- ers called "poor coverage" of SDS activi- ties by The Daily - were thought of as "safe," unlike other media = 'the Ann Ar- bor News, WAAM and some Detroit sta- tions - which they thought would distort the proceedings. THERE IS clear validity to their charge that the media are not objective, that each presents the news through its own prismatic and distorted view, and t h e students - and SDS non-students - merely wanted to select the distortions that represented their meetings. But the, handling of censorship at the meeting' in that matter casts serious doubt upon the integrity of the media involved and re- flects poorly on the integrity of SDS. No honest journalist now claims that his publication is "objective." Political and social events are too complex to be'l treated with sterile indifference, the out- pofuring of facts is too great to allow a newspaper to print them indiscriminate- ly. Inherent in every decision on how and where'to play a story in a paper is a value," decision that is controlled by the editors' decision on what is important, which is colored by their own political views. All newspapers are subject to -such effects. But for a newspaper to concede it is not scientifically objective - because it is humanly impossible - is not to ally it- self with any political ideology. There is great value in a newspaper retaining to itself the political and social philosophy it will follow, and no paper should be swayed by its advertisers, readership or news sources to change its honestly de- termined decisinns. It is. simnlv. a matter they give in the meantime. And no mat- 4 ter -how honest a newspaper, subjecting itself to such pressure offers a needless chance' to subvert its integrity. Clearly the operations of newspapers and television news staffs involves a great deal of dealing to get privileged material. But where t h i s applies - presence at I closed meetings, access to private recdrds - are all at the discretion of the news- paper to choose as they will. For a politi- cal group to try and sway a paper by such blatant favoritism is a disservice to that paper which it should not tolerate. But there is another separate issue to be raised, one which does not concern the media but SDS itself. Inherent in its at- tacks on the media's integrity is the im- plication that in some way, SDS holds the key to truth in the incidents sur- rounding its existence. At the close of the meeting o n e speaker declared, after a short explanation, that "this is the way it was," and media that did not print it as such were lying. They fail to concede their own humanness, to allow of any interpre- tation of events but their own. This arrogance carries over into their politics, and reveals clearly why they can be so authoritarian and anti-democratic. By sanctioning exclusion of t h e press, partial or otherwise, and by the undemo- cratic conduct of their meetings, t h e y show a willingness to exercise the tyr- anny of the majority over the minority. Their leaders feel they hold the truth and can interpret for pothers as well as them- selves. Anyone who doesn't. agree with t h e m is quickly dismissed as suffering from "false consciusness" a n d left to fend for themselves. THE DEMISE of the. democratic ethic is difficult to accept. It is clearly in re- action to the undemocratic and unrepre- sentative nature of American society in general. But to compromise t h e earlier principles may be ethically as w e 11 as tactically wrong. In any event, it cannot be anything but a challenge to the integ- rity of every individual who comes in con- tact with it, and each who does find SDS' attitudes so intolerable will be forced to react against them, as much as against American society as a whole. Their new authoritarianism is belied by their attitude toward all the proceedings yesterday. The SDS revolutionaries find it acceptable to take over a section of a public building, hold a public meeting in which, they admit, they might well con- AMID THE ANGRY frustrations and ominous fallout surround- ing the teachers' strike, I found myself belatedly reading a re- markable book called "336 Child- ren" published early last winter. Written by a young man named Herbert Kohl who spent two years (1962-63) teaching sixth grade pupils in an East Harlem school, it attracted favorable literary ,no- tice for a few weeks and was soon filed and forgotten. But it is cruelly relevant now when so many well-intentioned, bewlidered peo- ple seek a clue to the deep ten- sions touched off by the clash be- tween the UFT a n d the Ocean Hill-Brownsville board. Kohl's memoir evoked no ela-, tion among either bureaucrats of the Board of Education or union functionaries who r e a d it. This was a lyrical outcry - much of it recited in language of the kids he taught - against a bloodless school establishment alternately unresponsive and hostile to the chaotic lives and longings and suppressed aptitudes of s I u m children. He didn't beat the system in any enduring sense: at last pub- lished report, he was teaching at comparatively serene ;Berkeley but hoping to return to Harlem next year. subject, one assumes, to the vagaries of life and Livingston St. It would be unfair to offer his book as a partisan commentary on such current strike issues as the uses a n d abuses of community power. But it should be pondered by those who. querulously ask of Rhody McCoy and h i s cohorts: "What do they really want?" What the wiser of them clearly want - no matter how' debatable and troublesome their tactics - is something better than the smoth- ered. smouldering prison of futil- ity Kohl encountered w h e n he started teaching in East Harlem. THOSE WHO HAVE seen the book will recall that Kohl offered a series of findings not wholly novel, but his documentation was peculiarly vivid and moving. The orthodox curriculum was des- perately dull and remote; after a few weeks. he threw away the ob-' solete scrints and broke the sound barrier. He conducted a kind of exercise in two-way education; he learned about the kids by liberat- ing their talents, letting them - in fiction, essay, verse and draw- ing - "tell it like it is." Much of the book is a collection of their uninhibited works in which, at last, the classroom assumed rela- tionship to the world they knew. Not all the exhibits are memor- able, b u t his method elicited a continuing music and animation. For a while the listlessness of the bureaucracy ineptly encourag- ed his experiment; not until the students began publishing their, own newspaper did a school ad- ministrator take notice of the up- heaval a n d decry the explosive realism of some of the writing, typographical errors were also viewed with concern. marily proves only how much dif- ference a teacher can make if he cares - and if, despite his own initial insecurities, he extends an outstretched h a n d (from which the pupil first flinches as if it were a menacing fist). And that, beneath the rhetoric and the demagogy, must be what much of the decentralization pas- sion is about. It must explain why young new teachers, many of them white, can walk and talk without fear in Ocean Hill-Brownsville even while some racist blacks try to poison the air, There are other Kohls still at their posts in the schools; one of the tragedies of the present con- flict is that some are being in- ERRY CHIAPPETTA, a young well-groomed man who in his inch- deep tan looks like he's returned to his job at head office from a month in Palm Springs, has become identified as "the Michigan Sports- man" by organizing and narrating an extremely popular television show broadcast at least weekly from a Detroit station. Chiappetta, a former wire service reporter on a Lansing beat, brought the great outdoors to Detroit suburbs by putting movie cam- eras in the hands of some outstate fellers more used to' looking through the sights of deer rifles. That's not to say Chiappetta doesn't wear himself to . the bone taking field trips to hunt for wild sparrows in the Gread Mud Pool somewhere In the Great North Woods. Chiappetta takes twenty five outdoorsy trips ,a year, which is why we mention him. On one of those trips last winter, Chiappetta. who is not a chewer of Mail Pouch, was scouting out a Northern trail for motorized snow sleds. He was standing on a snow bank when a snow mobile approached. Its occupants were so glad to see their television sportsman that they veered their snowmobile over tothe bank, hitting Chiappetta, pretty well smashing up his back. SUBURBAN MAN is insane about his junk, for sure; the electric carving knife - will it be followed by the electric spoon? - is the sym- bol of his madness. But he is particularly crazy in regard to the out- doors. Forget about Daniel Boone or Hemingway. In 1968 there is anoth- er man trying to run out his thing on the outdoors. He is doing so by running over it with his junk. The snow mobile which ran into Chiappetta last winter will be selling this winter. It will be a fad, as anyone can tell who has seen snow mobile ads on the back of Kellogg's Corn Flakes boxes or on tele- vision. The snow cars, which are merchandised under several trade names, cost from $700 to $1,300 and are gasoline powered. Some have electric starters and reverse gears. One can forsee that there will be snow covered hills in Northern Michigan jammed with these things, that there will be crashes, that suburban families will spend their weekends shlepping their expensive gizmos up North, where they will monkey with engines and putter around and cultivate running noses. Certain purist skiers will be upset. ONE CAN ONLY remember true life adventure movies of Walt Disney one saw on the tube as a child, of polar explorations in which scientists chugged across ice caps in little vehicles that had names of rodents. Now one can buy much the same thing at a suburban hopping center. It is no surprise that the companies that make snowmobiles also make campers and boats. Campers are small trailers which can be con- structed into tents. Boats are boats. Both are hauled in back of ex- pensive cars.At one point during a summer holiday, every other ex- pensive car to cross the Big Mac bridge up North was hauling some- thing. Then there are dune buggies. You take a Volkswagen, chop up the chassis, put on a nifty fiberglass frame and oversized tires. No, you don't do it. You get some custom designer to do it. Then you put the thing on a trailer and drive it behind your expensive car to sqme place up North, where you drive it on a dune buggy trail. Snow mobiles, boats, campers and dune buggies are the implements of suburban man's nature craziness. And that craziness has its greatest symptom in the attempt to make everything a freeway. Boats make lakes and rivers into freeways; snow mobiles and dune bugges require special trails: more freeways. They are drawn to the great outdoors by expensive cars - on freeways. And the great outdoors itself becomes a traffic jam, for once suburban man has arrived, he packs his trailer, bumper to bumper, with hundreds of other trailers in trailer camps. When he opens his camper next to other campers, as he always 'does, the trailer camp becomes an overnight traffic jam. IT IS no wonder he needs his expensive car to drag all'this junk, and of course needs freeways on which to drive, For if this outdoor stuff is suburban man's weekend insanity, the expensive car without trapping becomes suburban man's weekday insanity. He spends his most painful hours in his expensive car on the freeway heading down- town and then back home. Suburban ma1 travels to work alone. Most cars in the morning- evening Ann Arbor-petroit route have a single occupant, the driver. So the weekday insanity involves loneliness. The only antidote is car radio. But car radio is a brainwash. Every day the same voices, the same top forty tunes. At the same time each day. "Cars 'n Comments with Austin Grant" and "the Joe Garagiola Sports Show" and "the Evening Business report." No wonder one cries out for stereo tape deck. And the Tijuana Brass. BECAUSE SUBURBAN MAN seeks to dominate nature witir his freeway culture, he must die. The loneliness of the traffic jam will reach him in his dune buggy; the urge to floor it in a traffic jam will hit him in his camper. He must bring his suicide to his vacationland. So no vacation. His highway culture horror becomes Now let us be serious. The white man in America has decimated the population of the Red Man, who was at one with the land. The white man has exhausted the soil and even disfigured with clutter the very freeways with which he broke the back of the land. No need to mention the beer cans and chemicals in the laughing waters. The white man in America has always hated the land and anything which flour- ished on it; he fears it greatly and so violates it. Too bad, you say, that in the process of his self-destruction subur- ban man disfigures his world. Too bad he makes more highways for his cars and pseudo-highways for his boats, dune buggies, snow mobiles and campers. Too bad the smell of gasoline is everywhere. But waiting for suburban man to destroy himself is the grass, the great spirit of life. One notices that the grass, in its great time, always shatters untravelled highways, that grass edges up to the road- side of even the most busy freeways, that even in the most polluted of industrial slums, the grass grows between slabs of concrete. AFTER SUBURBAN MAN has sank wimpering to the floor of his vehicle to the tune of Cars 'n Comments, after he has exploded in the fury of a floored gas pedal in a traffic jam, the grass will reclaim the earth. The rust of the dune buggy will be absorbed by grass roots. The abandoned dune mobile will be claimed by leaves of grass resting under the snow. It is no wonder that that :calming and civilizing drug smoked by the new anti-suburban man is fondly known as grass. And one can trust that there will never be enough gas-powered, tractor-style lawn mowers to break the will of the grass. 0 Too many innocent men and women are pay- ing the price for indolence, inertia and insen- sitivity of the past (including the 'resistance to integration that preceeded and in some degree provoked the "black power" era). But K o h I did not merely in- dulge the hidden talents and dreams of those at whom another teacher had angrily 'shouted in class: "Animals, that's what you are, animals" (leading them to join in the mocking retort: "We are animals"). He drilled them hard, often after hours, in read- ing and other elementary prepara- tions for tests. His success irritated some of his colleagues, who cir- culated the rumor that he was a disguised black. THERE WAS NO happy ending; a few of his proteges gained ad- mission to such places as Bronx HS of Science, but many s o o n lapsed into sullen alienation when they went on to another grade (where teachers reverted to rou- tines and scorned non-curricular initiative). Others just dropped out. Later, one was to tell him: "Mr. Kohl, one good year isn't enough." These were not all Jimmy Bald- wins or delightful darlings whom Kohl momentarily stirred and eventually lost; his chronicle pri- discriminately victimized by a revolution that has its own mind- less arrogances. Too many inno- cent men and women are paying the price for the indolence, inertia and insensitivity of the past (in- cluding the resistance to integra- tion that preceeded and in some degree provoked the "black power" era). IN THIS SETTING the ancient slogans of unionism have lost much of their relevance. It is hard' to fathom what "job security" means to a teacher who loathes his job in a ghetto school, and waits as eagerly as his pupils do for the bell to toll the end of an- other working day. It is equally difficult to envisage any real peace and progr'ess in the schools until a new generation of teachers -including the kind of young men and women who have acquired their experience as Peace Corps missionaries-emerges to augment the ranks of those dedicated souls who do give a damn, and who are entrapped in this sad struggle. (Copyright 1968 N. Y. Post) 4 ) Letters: The President's bullet-proof 14 car LBJ's car AN EVENT that occurred on Oc- tober 21 provided an excellent opportunity to compare two news- papers. The piece of news was the unveiling of a new Presidential. limousine. The next day, articles appeared in The New York Times and The Daily, both placed underneath an, Associated Press photograph of President Johnson standing next to thecar. The'treatment of the item by the two papers speaks itself. The Times piece. on nage 18, was ure was completely out of line. They gave no figure of their own. In any event, the cost to the Government and the taxpayers will be comparatively trivial. Mr. Markley (of Ford) said the older limousine had been leased to the Government for about $1,000 a year. He said the new leasing arrangement had not been work- ed out." The Daily report: "In a Congressional year of slashed budgets, President John- son found a half a million dol- i fc or +h neeonc+rnetiono f a heavy-handed sarcasm of The Daily in an article about a car is bad enough. But when so many matters - of far greater importance - are dealt with in the same way, The Daily is performing a great disservice to % readership that knows better. I will continue to r e a d The Daily in the four years that I am here at Michigan, but with a New York Times tucked securely nnCer my arm. -Peter M. Schuler, '72 Oct. 22 people leave the plaza. They sim- ply attacked. Although there were undoubted- ly a few individuals who desired a confrontation the vast majority of the crowdbdid not. However, the police clubbed all those who were unlucky enough to be caught up in the crowd during the charg- es. No distinction was made be- tween those who were just walk- ing around and those. who had attacked the police. The 1 a r g e crowd of Wallace supporters who were also milling around were un- molested by the police. It was simply a case of an un- na-a n cnA +ri a 4'+nnmr, nnn Delta Phi Epsilon To the Editor: DELTA ETA chapter of Delta Phi Epsilon sorority wishes to clarify its position concerning binding a n d/or required recom- mendations. Although we have supported more positive and im- mediate action, we do recognize the resolution passed on Oct. 16, 1968, by Panhellenic Association. However, we hope this is only the first step toward abolishing any nntentially discriminatory influ-