NIXON'S VICTORY: DEMOCRATIC OBSTACLE See editorial page jcj gilt.i!3U11 ~AZIIIM SLIPPERY ilgh-38 Low--30 Light drizzle,- changing to snow Vol. LXXIX, No, 69 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Thursday, November 7, 1968 Ten Cents Twelve Pages Nixon wils by narrow margin ' . Former VPto DemocraticC face, ongress HHH wins in Sen. Wayne Morse Absentee totass Morse win doul By The Associated Press ed his disfavor PQRTLAND, ORE. - The Sen- administration ate seat of veteran Democrat ported the Presi Wayne Morse hung in the balance the war. late last night and it appeared the Packwood is a final results will not be known who has served t until the end of the week. Oregon House o The important absentee ballots where he becam -- some 5,000 - will determine the Republican force final outcome. Morse t'railed Republican Robert PackWood, a Portland lawyer by Close 2,433 votes with 2605 of the state's SAN FRANCIS 2606 precincts reporting. dent Robert S The elections registrar's office the 18,000-stu in Portland said the unofficial t- San Francisco tal vote was 395,574 for Packwood yesterday after and 393,141 for Morse. The of- police broke up fice said the absentee ballots test. would not be counted before to- Smith said t morrow night. reopen today. Morse isr an outspoken critic of There were s the Vietnam War and specifically -none repor of the Johnson administration's police broke up policies in South Vietnam. He 2.000 demonst has been sharply critical of fel- times broke low Senators who have supported threatened noo the war.' No arrests w The delay in the final outcome and white stu was reminiscent of 1954 when Ore- campus quietly gon Democrat Richard L. Neu- the Black S berger unseated Republican Sen. whose 10 dema Guy Cordon, but didn't know it in a strike yest until 48 hours after 4he polls demonstration. closed. Packwood's nip-and-tuck race with Morse had been expected. The _cam~paign was vigorous- Morse playing, down his dovish stand on the war and Packwood pointing it out. Morse narrowly won his state's Li Democratic primary. If Morse does win, it will be in a big Republican year for Ore- gon. Nixon received Oregon's elec- M toral votes and Republican re- presentatives Wendell Wyatt and Washtenaw C Jphn Dellenback were returned uary won't be to Congress. today. Despite During the campaign, Packwood encouraging lib emphasized his difference with the county wen Morse on how the country should retaining or get out of Vietnam. Packwood said servatives to m. he favors staying there if the ' South Vietnamese government Most ndicat takes steps to bring about land re- was the reele form and end corruption. But he Douglas Harve claimed he would support our exit over his neares if the South Vietnamese govern- George Peterser ment failed to attain these objec- If Harvey's i tives. prise, the sho Morse was first elected to the rcandidate Jim Senate in Oregon on the Repub- ctdid re Jm lican ticket. Later as a Democrat moctod his s in 1966 Morse supported Repub- ms fehisdsu lican Mark Hatfield's successful he defeated bo WASHINGTON (AP)-The Demo- crats retained firm control of Congress in Tuesday's election,4 making Richard M. Nixon the first President since the start of the two-party system to take office >:. ~without his party in charge on < Capitol Hill. Although the Republicans scored a net gain of at least four Sen- ate seats, it was not enougt to overcome the Democrats' holdover margin from the 90th Congress. If Democrat Wayne Morse' loses, and he is trailing in a tight Oregon race, the new Senate line-' :up will be 56 Democrats and 42 Republicans. In the House, the GOP barely dented the big Democratic ma- jority, picking up a net gain of four seats, which left it in the minority in the 243-192 split. This was in amazing contrast to pre-election claims by the GOP of a gain of 20 to 30-and Demo- cratic expectations of a loss of 10 or 12. In the Senate Sen. George Mur- phy, (R-Calif.), chairman of the GOP Senate Campaign Commit- PRESIDENT-ELECT Richai tee, had predicted a pickup of 10 one of his, daughters at his New seats and said the Republicans conrtgeh. might even win control, which country together would have required an overturn of 13. If past experience is any guide, however, Nixon can look forward to prompt and favorable Senate action on his first key appoint- ments-his 12 choices for his Cab- inet. There will be submitted as soon v e n 1 as he takes office Jan. 20. The Re Senate traditionally acts on them almost immediately and has WASHINGTON (P) - Republi- r a r e ly rejected a presidential ^ans seized seven governorships choice. from Democrats to capture their 1t u Nixon served as the Senate's biggest majority of the nation's presiding officer for the eight state houses in 15 years, mostly in years of his vice presidency under states where GOP President-elect with the Johnson President Dwight D. Eisenhower. Richard M. Nixon won by sub- - Duncan sup- There was a conspicuous cool- stantial margins. dent s position on ness between him and many Dem- ocratic senators in those years. The victories minus two guber- Some of this old feeling might renatorial losses to Democrats put aPortlandlawyer m fhsna total of 31 governor's chairs in three terms in the main. Republican hands to 19 for Demo- f Representatives The animosity grew out of sharp jReus. hads t 19 for o- .e a leader of the attacks Nixon made on veteran coats. This marks a net gain of s. Democrats in the 1952 and 1954 five and surpasses the 30 held by campaigns in which he raised is- the GOP in 1953 and 1954. sues of communism and subver-! But Nixon's presidential victory u s f m m n s nd sbsion.r- lm ost certainly returned one gov- Nixon's legislative and budget ernorship to the Democrats. In SCO (AP)-Presi- recommendations will go before gaining Spiro T. Agnew on Nixon's ,mith shut down Senate committees which will ticket the GOP lost him as Gov- dent campus at } have about a 3-2 Democratic ratio ernor of Maryland and the Demo- State College compared to 2-1 in the 90th Con- 1ratic-controlled state legislature squads of city gress. will choose his successor. Maryland p a student pro- But Southern senators will have has no lieutenant governor. a major role on most of the com- Republicans took governorships he school would mittees. In some cases, they may from Democratic control in six join with Republicans to form a states carried by Nixon - Dela- cattered injuries majority in support of Nixon eco- ware, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, New, ted serious-as nomic and social proposals, ex- Hampshire and Vermont. a crowd of some pected to be more conservative In the seventh state won from arators who at than those submitted in the Ken- the Democrats, Republican Arch windows and nedy and Johnson administra- Moore bumped a big Democratic a-deontrtos. tions. presidential vote margin for Hu- n-dere made. Black Votes in the more heavily bert Humphrey to become West dees mle.fBlthk Democratic 90th Congress showed Virginia's second Republican gov- udents left the strong backing for the greatly ernor in 40 years. Moore defeated as requested by reduced budget deficits Nixon is the bid of former state-legislator tudents Union, expected to stress. James M. Sprouse to replacei nds culminating Other presidents have found Democratic Governor Hulett C. erday led to the themselves with the opposing I Smith, who was legally barred party entrenched in Congress dur- from running to succeed himself. See DEMOCRATS, Page 9 The Democrats struck back by! toral votes. The Nixon victory was narrow- he received only 43 per cent of the popular vote and it failed to generate a big enough Republican resurgence to crack Democratic control of Congress. Republicans did. however, pick up four House and five Senate seats and fiveE governor's chairs. Illinois A CHICAGO ()-Richard M. Nixon won the presidency by clinching --Associated Press rd M. Nixon is presented with a mock presidential seal sewn by York City hotel. Nixon pledged to a cheering audience to bring the licans captue governorship tS As tabulating of the avalanche Illinois' 26 electoral votes but his of nearly 70 million votes neared victory party was delayed yester- an end, the popular vote lead day by a handful of missing pre- teetered between Nixon and Hum- cincts in Cook County Chicago. phrey. In 1960 Republicans cried that With 93 per cent of the total the Kennedy-Nixon election was vote tabulated, the count in mid-Istolen in that same county. afternoon showed: Nixon 29,519- The missing ballots from about 667, Humphrey 29,558,136 includ- . 150 precincts were reported by a ing votes from two slates of elec- Democratic official to be safe in tors in Alabama. the basement of the Civic Center, Third-party candiate George across the street from Mayor C. Wallace received slightly more Richard J. Daley's office in City than 9 million votes-about 13.Hall. per cent of the total. Thy former Newsmen threw a scare into Alabama governor's emotion- Nixon supporters when they re- charged campaign threatened for ported that each of the precincts a time to plunge the election into had approximately 400-500 votes, the House, but he carried only but it quickly became apparent Washington WASHINGTON (N) - Republican Richard M. Nixon, com- ing back from political oblivion, narrowly won election yester- day as the 37th President of the United States. He immediately pledged full efforts "to bring the Amer- ican people together." Squeezing past Vice President Hubert H. Humphrey in the critical late-counting states of Illinois and California, Nixon harvested 287 electoral votes - 17 more than needed to succeed Lyndon B. Johnson as President and to return the White House to Republican hands after eight years of Democratic rule. Early today Vice President Hu- bert H. Humphrey picked up theJ aIe state of Washington's nine elec- swing over capturing Montana and R h o d e Island from the Republicans. Atty. Gen. Forest H. Anderson, can- paigning largely against a tax hike, overcame Nixon's edge in Montana to oust GOP Governor Tim Babcock. In Rhode Island, former state judge and legislator Frank Licht rode in with a big Humphrey vote to oust three-term Republican Governor John H. Chafee. Nixon's crucial victory in Illi- nois was also apparently a major factor in Republican Richard B. Ogilvie's defeat of Democratic Governor Samuel Shapiro. Republican Russell W. Peterson, a DuPont company official, de- feated Delaware's Governor Char-; les L. Terry in a campaign based largely on Terry's age, health, and: his having kept national guards-, Eseli takes Dens. winl men in Wilmington ever sin quelled rioting there last Indiana Secretary of Sta gar D. Whitcomb capture state for the GOP after vow veto any ,tax hike. NewI shire Republican House S Walter R. Peterson won state's governorship after r to make any of the pre-e promises his Democrat op made. Former Iowa Republican ce they April. .te Ed- d that wing to Hamp- peaker n that efusingI election ponent{ chair- i I i fine states-- -all in the South. Even as the last votes were being counted, both Johnson and Humphrey promised cooperation and unity in the shift of executive power to Nixon and his running mate, Gov. Spiro T. Agnew of Maryland. The changeover will come with their inauguration Jan. I i {y Rep. Marvin Esch (R) tallied, man Robert D. Ray switched his From his Texas ranch, John-: state to the GOP column ,a f t e r son wired congratulations to Nix- accusing his Democratic opponent, on and promised to "do everything state treasurer Paul Franzenburg, I in my power to make your burd- of helping sink the state into fin- ens lighter." ancial trouble. "I hope that our people will Republican Dean C. Davis won turn now from the divisive con- the Vermont governorship to end tentions of the political campaign six years of Democratic rule. Be- to a united search for peace and See REPUBLICANS, page 8 social justice," Johnson said. ~ Humphrey also sent a telegram d o .. to the president-elect, saying "you e i thave my support in unifying and leadingthe people." Conceding defeat, Humphrey in a quavering voice told several hundred cheering supporters in a Sege ts Minneapolis hotel: "I've done my best. I've lost. Mr. Nixon has won. The democratic process has work- With 223 of the districts' 243 ied its will, so let's go on with the precincts counted Esch led Vivian urgent task of uniting this coun- 84.954-71,388. ' try." Democrats Gerald Dunn and A half-hour later, as the stock Robert Nederlander unseated the market advanced with word of his two incumbent Republican Re- victory, a smiling Nixon flashed gents Lawrence Lindermer and the victory sign with upraised Frederick Matthaei Jr. hands and told a jubilant crowd Totals last night gave Dunn in a New York City hotel that (D) 1,441,485; Nederlander (D) "Bring us together" will be the 11505,664; Lindemer (R) 1,307,186; motto of his administration. and Matthaei (R) 1,325,258 with ; And he reaffirmed his pledge 97.1 per cent of the vote counted. to cooperate with Johnson in the Local returns paralleled Esch's post-election period "in bringingj victory, but were opposite, in the peace to the world." Regents race. The Vietnam war was an over- Final county returns gave Mat- riding issue of the turbulent presi- thaei 38,083 votes and Lindemer dential campaign, and Nixon said 36.335. Challengers Dunn and Ne- See NIXON, Page 2 that the lagging precincts were insufficient to alter Nixon's 117,- 126-vote lead over Vice President Hubert H. Humphrey. There were also about 400 un- reported precincts in Downstate counties, but they were dismissed without concern since Nixon won all but 10 of the 101 Downstate counties. Nixon's final unofficial vote was 2,064,756 compared with the vice presidential's tally of, 1,929,254. Republicans, constant with the flush of victory, did not announce they would seek investigations of the missing ballots. Neither did the defeAted Democrats but Da- ley, in a post-election news con- ference, said of the unofficial re- turns. "It's conceivable mistakes were made. A careful check may turn up very interesting results." The mayor said he had not or- dered the state's attorney to in- vestigate. "I don't speak for the state's attorney," he said. He said he believed there were irregularities in two west suburb- an townships where, he said, poll officials counted paper ballots in judicial races before contests at the top of the ticket. This, he said, delayed reports on the major races in those precincts. Edmund J. Kucharski, chair- man of the Cook County Repub- licans, said that 2,500 to 3,000 Republicans in the suburbs were refused ballots Tuesday and told their names were not on the rolls, "It would be more than an un- usual occurrence," Kucharski said. He added that the Republi- can vote-watch on the West Side prior to the election insured that "it was a fair election." See DALEY, Page 8 up a final 13,000 vote lead over Weston Vivian (Di for the dis- trict's seat in the House of Repre- sentatives, and the two Dem- ocratic candidates for University Regent were definitely victorious as the final returns came in lastr night. i I r le c By JIM HECK aily News Analysis County government much different 1 the election of beral Democratic 's nt through Tuesday electing new hard ost county position ive of this conserva ction of Democra y by more than 1 t competitior. form n. large margin wasi wing of New Poli "Joe" Lewis was.] han 10.000 votes. pport from Ann Ar th his opponents i FEW PROGRESSIVE FACES hange in county offices I next Jan- than it is two very upervisors, 's election dline con- s. tive trend at Sheriff 2,000 votes ner sheriff not a sur- tics Party Lewis col- Hie pulled bor where in at least in Ann Arbr Ward Two where former board chairman Bent Nielsen (R) finally won the battle against liberal Marjorie Brazer (D . Nielsen's final margin was less than 150 votes out of a total of 3350 votes cast. Nielson, an outspoken foe of Harvey and student demonstrations, pulled his victory out of the heaviest populated student dis- trict. Mrs. Brazer, wife of Prof. Harvey Braz- er, chairman of the University's economics department ,defeated Nielsen by more than 2 - 1 in the most heavily populated student precinct. But Nielsen turned the tables and rallied more than 675 votes against Mrs. Brazer's 300 in precinct four. Early yesterday morn- ing, however, this gave Nielsen only a 35 vote lead. Though the absentee ballots - some 200 - were still outstanding for the district, Ni]-,An haA fr al -nratipal nn.P . wnnV (Bradbury, Mast, Taylor, Walterhouse and Bredernitzi. O. Herbert Ellis, a black incumbent sup- ervisor-elect who calls himself "moderately conservative" shares that ideological nitch with incumbent supervisors-elect Nielsen, Howard Hand and newcomer William Lands. Only Republican David Byrd, a black architect and professional city planner, will represent any Republican progessivism on the new board. Byrd upset incumbent super- visor John Teachout in the First Ward. The heavily student populated precinct one gave him a margin which carried him to his final victory. But the heavily conservative board will not go unnoticed as most conservative bodies usually do. It may not pass much new legis- lation in the areas of taxation, welfare, or county government structure, but because of two Ynsilanti nDmrvats- the honrd will derlander received 24,801 and 27,875 respectively. The county gave Esch 38,516 votes to Vivian's 30,928-with only five wards of absentee ballots still outstanding. Esch carried 55 of the county's 82 precincts. Most of Vivian's sup- port came from Anh Arbor and sections of Ypsilanti. Vivian served in the Congress from 1964-66 and campaigned on the basis of a need for liberal congressmen. He is a dove on the Vietnam War advocating with- drawl. He was once quoted as say- ing he would vote against all de- fense appiopriations as a protest of the expenditures in Vietnam. Esch is a moderate Republican dSi i'. <,- '.2 ':J'"r:1r . ?'i' : uF.' .{'"S? i'- ... {". . .