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August 29, 1968 - Image 61

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The Michigan Daily, 1968-08-29

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A6F 41P


A pall hangs over
the nation.

Vol LXXIX, No. 1 Ann Arbor, Michigan - Thursday, August 29, 1968 Ten Cents

Twelve Pages

















Daley attacked
from podium
From Wire Service Reports
A CHICAGO-Vice President Hubert H. Humphrey received
the Democratic nomination for the presidency early this
morning after the most tumultuous 'convention session inE
Humphrey received 1761 votes on the first ballot. Sen.
Eugene McCarthy tallied 601, Sen., George McGovern 146.
Nearly all black delegates 'voted for District of Columbia
favorite son the Rev, Jesse Phillips. There were a scattering
of other votes, including three for Alabama football coach
Paul "Bear" Bryant.
Humphrey did not receive the nomination until after the'
fallout of the battle between police and demonstrators in
Chicago streets had reached the floor of the convention.
The loyal delegation of Georgia cast its votes, only two
of which went to the' Vice President, "with reluctance," pro-
testing what'its chairman called "the atrocities in the streets
- of Chicago."

Protest march

turns to




Chicago Mayor Richard J. Da-'
ley, Illinois delegation chairmano
1 O~el'was denounced on the floor of the
convention. When Illinois was
reached in the robl call of statesE
for presidential balloting, many
delegates started to boo and hiss
and continued- until after the dele-}
gation had cast 112 of its 119
votes for Humphrey.
011n11n u "Daley was earlier attacked in
Connecticut Sen. Abraham Ribi-
By STEVE NISSEN coff's nominating speech for Mc-
TGovern, "With George McGovern
The Regent's cdecsion ont Julyas President of the United states,
19 to postpone action of contro we wouldn't have to have Gestapo
versial revisionsin the bylaws tactics in the streets of Chicago."
averted a major confrontation be-
tween student leaders and the Daley waved furiously at the
niversity administration. But podium, trying to get Ribicoff to
!he controversy is far from over. step down. When the uproar on
the' floor died down, the senator
Reforms in the Regents' byla\vs stared at Daley and said, "How
are still high on the priority lists hard it is to accept the truth."
of the students and administra- Ag
tors for the fall semester. At issue'A o adfo delegate "Ishte
arethestrctue o th Oficeoffrom a floor microphone, "Is there.
are the structure of the Office of amy rule under which Mayor Daley]
Student Affairs and the can be compelled to end the police
ptive and judiciary systems of the state of terror being perpetrated."
University comniunity. ]
Daley later told the Associated
Twice during the summer de- Press: "The security is needed to'
bate became heated when bylaws prevent violence. The same forces
were suggested which included re- creating disorder outside the con-
strictions on public speakers, vention hall are creating it in-'
classroom behavior and several side."
other controversial proposals. Stu- Humphrey, who watched the
dent leaders felt the proposad by- battle in Michigan Ave"ue'from
laws were not in the best interests his 26th floor suite at the Hilton
of their constituents and had been Hotel, denounced the demonstra-
formulated without their proper tors.
consultation. "They don't represent the
CONDUCT RULES ., people of Chicago," he said.
But the Regnts' lack of action "They've been brought in from
without machinery to legislate all over the country. We knew
left the University Community this was going to happen. It was
without machinery to legislate all programmed."{
end adjudicate conduct rules. Immediately before the roll call
University President Robben W. began on the nominations, there
Fleming filled the void by in- was an abortive attempt to re-
structing each of the University's cess the convention for the pur-
17 schools and college to pass "in- pose of moving it out of Chicago.
terim rules" governing disruptive Permanent convention thairman
student behavior. Carl Albert refused to recognize]
the delegate wishing to make the,
That decision met with severe motion as pandemonium broke
disapproval of students leaders:otion aheandonr
who now privately say they ex- It on the loor.
pect to provide opportunities to delegation could be gaveled back
challenge the interim rules asseddtobr.a
by the faculties.esasd to order.
Alter the roll call was com-
The regulations approved by the pleted, Illinois moved to make the
various colleges were, almost with- nomination unanimous.
out exception, identical to Stu- On the vote on the consent mo-z
dent Government Council's own tion, there was a loud chorus of,
rules which prohibit "individual no votes.
or mass acts that destroy Uni- Chairman Albert ruled the vote
versity property .or significantly was unanimous. 3

Chicago's Richard J. Iesnfin h l

Special to The Daily
CHICAGO - As the busses
carrying delegates and newsmen
to the International Ampitheater
passed through the largely Irish
and Polish section of Chicago
ringing the Stockyards, the only
phenomqnon more visible thain the
lily-white character of this island
suspended in the sea of the black
ghetto is the control one man
exerts here.
Lining the streets on both the
ride to the Amphitheater and the
ride back are the residents of the
neighborhood. Little kids dressed
in dirty tee-shirts and their par-
ents in "sit-on-the-stoop summer
apparel stand at the curb, waving
uniform plastic American flags
and smiling their greetings to the
And, pasted on the front win-
dow or door of almost every house
is a machine-printed sign in
green and white: "Welcome
Democrats -- Richard J. Daley,
The tentacles of Mayor Daley's
power reach throughout Chicago.
All city buildings and all con-
struction projects are signed with
the mayor's name in mammoth
script: the striped-vest Chicago
Host Committee, a corps of sev-'
eral hundred youths who serve as
guides for the delegates and other
convention visitors, have his name
written on their hatbands and
most members of the Illinois dele-
gation, as well as several in other
state contingents, are wearing
"Daley for -President" pins in their

I asked Mayor Daley the other
day, if he has all this support,
why doesn't he actually run? His
answer came in a guffaw:
"Who says I'm not running?"'
But beneath his jest, there is a
truth which Richard Daley re-
cognizes well: He has no needto
run for President. The job, should
he win, might diminish his power.
The, influence that ,Daley has
within the Democratic party is
astonishing. It was fairly well
manifested Tuesday night, when
convention chairman Carl Albert
ruled Wisconsin's motion to ad-
journ out of order, then quickly
made an about-face when Daley
chose to move adjournment him-
But it actually goes far deeper
than the surface obeisance and
homage that Democratic bigwigs
pay to the short, squat m'ayor.
Daley's actions this week have,
indicated perhaps better than
could any amount of honorary
courtesy exactly how powerful he'
Long before the gavel camea
down to open the first convention
session Monday, almost all observ-
ers had conceded the nomination
to Hubert Humphrey. But Sunday
night, the mayor of Chicago opt-
ed to hold out on an endorse-!
ment. Only then did the Draft
Kennedy movement, first put into
gear by former Ohio Gov. Mike;
DiSalle in mid-July, gain any
When it was reported that
Daley was in contact with Sen.
Kennedy's office, the newspapers
jumped into screaming black
headlines; when he finally en-
dorsed Humphrey, Daley's name
was back on top of the page in
larger type than before.
He is a master of timing, a
savvy politician who knows vell
the import of the well-placed
pause just as much, he is an actor
who isbgrounded solidly enough
in the basic principles of upstag-
ing to manage to constantly re-
tain the attention of the cameras.
But this is not to say t h at
Richard Daley is a creation of
good stage-managing and easily-
duped journalists; within the
party, his might is derived from
actions that never make the
news papers. One Illinois delegate
who lathered himself in oaths of
what he would do to any news-
m11 ,, xr ,11rar a ,nn p tn-

and high-sounding authority that
they all foolishily believed him.
But the delegate, after our con-
versation, insisted on retaining his
It is clear, then, how Daley op-
eratest why he does it is another
matter altogether. It is not out
of principle, this is quite sure; any
man who publicly endorses Hubert
Humphrey primarily because of
his position on the war, and who
barely one day earlier had been
saying that Teddy Kennedy
would actually be his first choice,
cannot be motivated by principle
and belief. What does drive him.
and this is important because it
is generally symptomatic of both
of the major parties and the
,people who run them, is not the
politics of opinion but the politics
of domination.
First and foremost in the mind
of Richard Daley, the man who is
generally credited with "deliver-
ing" the 1960 election for John
F. Kennedy, is victory. What dis-
tinguishes the men chosen by the
Daley organization to run as the
party's candidates is their ability
to attract votes.
Thus, Barrett O'Hara, the aged
congressman from Chicago's south
side who has been a cog in the
Daley machine since the time
when it was still the Kelly' ma-
chine, was dropped from t h i s
year's slate in 'favor, of young,
glamorous-and-liberal-Abner Mi-
kva. Mikva has publicly said that''
his views vary widely from those
of the mayor, but Daley well
recognizes that Mikva, this year.

Police drag.protester fror ndemonstration

Large crowds began gathering again outside the Conrad
Hilton Hotel last night after Vice President Hubert
Humphrey captured the Democratic presidential nomina-
tion. Heavily armed national guardsmen moved in, ap-
parently replacing Chicago police forces at the downtown
Special to the Daily
CHICAGO - An attempt by opponents of the Vietnam
war and of Vice President Hubert Humphrey to stage a pro-
test march on convention headquarters at the Hilton Hotel
, ;ended in a club swinging, tear-gas drenched melee yesterday.
No good estimate on injuries was immediately available,
but witnesses said at least 300 were probably hurt.
The brawl between about 3000 demonstrators and Illinois
National Guardsmen and police reached riot proportions. It
began in the afternoon when demonstrators, mainly Yippies
and members of the National Mobilization to End the War in
Vietnam began congregating in Grant Park in preparation
for the planned march.
There was one incident in thea'-' _.." '.._.'
Ass4ociated Press park when demonstrators at-
tempted to 'haul the American
rushed in to stop them.,i er a
flag down to half-staff and policeAmruhditospte.
Then the demonstrators, kept in o
lin e by Mobilization mnarsha
! iebyMblzainmasas 1 a e.started, to march out of the park
eight abreast. They were met byd p
a four-deep skirmish line of Chi-
cago police, armed with clubs andt
tear gas grenades. The demon -jj jJ jU J
lo litie s strators were told that the march
was illegal and that they would GUATEMALA W) - U.S. Am-
be arrested if they proceeded. bassador John Gordon Mein was
March leaders began negotiations machine-gunhed to death yester-
can accomplish that which with police officials, ' day on a street of Guatemala City
O'Hara might be incapable of- BRIDGES BLOCKED by unknown assassins. The attack
winning. Meanwhile, groups of demon- on t h e 54-year-old ambassador
DOC TRINE OFE DN strators began to drift away from occurred about 5:30 p.m. as he
the crowd toward the Hilton, was driving along from his home
'The doctrine that the Daley which is located across the Illi- to the embassy.
types ascribe to is one of exped- nois Central Railroad tracks and The ambassador's car was ap-
iency. They want simply to win, Michigan Avenue from the park. parently intercepted by a vehicle
and once they have won they As they approached the tracks, carrying assassins w h o- blocked
wallow in the fruits of "control. th f d that all brides over in sin
For its own sake, nothing more.teyfundgethe mtersection.
Although. Daley is perhaps the the railroad were blocked by re- Mein apparently tried to escape
m.ost efficient and the mpst suc- cently moved-in National Guard but was cut down by bullets a few
cessful practitioner of this politi - troops. yards from his car.
cal style it would be quite unfair -What happened next is uncer- Last Jan. 16 leftists killed two
to say he is alone. Even men like tam, but somehow demonsti'ators American diplomats a few blocks
Michigan's Sen. Philip Hart, an and police began clashing. Tear from where the attack on Mein
gas clouds began forming a n d occurred.
politician who is noted at least some of the gas drifted across The daylight terrorist killings
for his honesty, suffer from t h e Michigan Avenue to the vicinity underscored the savagery of civil
plague of American politics, of the Hilton. Many demonstra- warfare that was believed to have
tors were beaten, several of them taken more than 1,000 lives---per-
LIKES 'EM BOTH to unconsciougness. haps as many as 4,000-since
All during this campaign, Hart Meanwhile, many demonstrators President Julio Cesar Mendez
has said, "Humphrey great, Mc- had gotten out of Grant Park and Montenegro took over in July
Carthy great. I like 'em both. I'll had begun to congregate at the 1966.
support which ever one I think Hilton, which was to become the Extremist groups of both the
can win." While Humphrey and scene of the bloodiest violence of right and the left have been re-
McCarthy may not be as dissimi- four days, of demonstrations. The ported behind the bloodshed, with
lar as some of the "Clean for crowd began to chant: "Peace gangster elements profiting from
Gene"' people. would like to be- now; Daley must go, We want both sides.
lieve, it would be remiss to say Daley dead." Constitutional guarantees were
that it could possibly be easy for INDISCRIMINATE ASSAULTS suspended because of the violence
a principle-oriented politician to Then, without warning, police, but were restored June 17.
accept either man with the same with clubs swinging, charged into In Washington, the State De-
amount of ease. the ranks of the demonstrators. partment said President Johnson,
So it is probably unfair to single People on the sidewalk in front of Secretary of State Dean Rusk and
out Richard J. Daley for attack as the hotel were beaten indiscrim- all the colleagues of Mein were
the man who is solely responsible inately. One man, dressed in a suit "shocked and grieved by the slay-
for the "Old Politics" and the and tie, was beaten unconscious ing."
vitality that particular style still and two cops continued to beat A spokesman said the United
has within the American system. him about the abdomen as he was States "will request the govern-
But when you stop to think that carried from the scene. ment of Guatemala to conduct a
this one man is' so tremendously A cameraman for the National full investigation of all the cir-
See RICHARD, Page 2 See DEMONSTRATORS, Page 2 cuistances of the tragedy."


interfere with the free movement
of persons or things on the
campus." '
The SGC regulations also pro-
hibit "intentional disruption of
University functions by depriv-
ing 'others of needed quiet, light,
heat, or other physical conditions
of work."
The interim ,rules will .be ,en-}
forced by the judiciary bodies in
the schools and colleges which
normally adjudicate cases involv-
ing classroom conduct such as
cheating and plagarism.
These rules will apply, Flning
says, until compromise bylaws
can be worked out by an ad hoc
committee which is presently
drafting bylaws dealing with the.
proposed University Council-a

MSUs Harlan not in conflict

From Wire Service ReporU
Atty. Gen. Frank Kelley rul-
ed Tuesday that Michigan State
University trustee C. Allen Har-
lan is not guilty of conflict of
interest. But, in' a separate
statement released simultan-
eously, Kelley said he could not
support Harlan's bid for renom-
Kelley explained the decision
to not support Harlan for re-
election was unrelated to his le-
gal opinion which was requested
by state representatives William
P. Hampton and Martin Buth.
Hampton and Buth are both Re-

Republicans requested a con-
flict of interest report -on him
in an effort to embarrass him
because he had criticized May's
financial dealings.
In Chicago where he is at-
tending the Democratic Nation-
al Convention, Harlan said:
"If tone of five specified
Democrats) feels that I have
taken any position that is not
in the best interest of the total
university and political party
of which I am a part, I will not
seek renomination.
"If you get one to agree with
Fe. n- Z'all n t ie vn,, -n

'None was available for imme-
diate comment.
Harlan added that he did not
feel "this opinion of Frank Kel-
ley hurts my possibilities in any
way whatsoever" for renomina-
tion at t h e Democratic State
Convention this weekend in
Grand Rapids,
In his press statement, Kelley
said he was "not speaking in my
role as chief legal officer of the
state, but rather as a concerned
public official and as one given
leadership responsibility by my
political party."
Kelley listed two questions;

conclude that while I am sure
that Mr. Harlan has made sig-
nificant contributions to the un-
iversity, I cannot under the
present circumstances support
his renmination as a member
of the board...
Kelley's formal ruling said
Harlan is former president and
director of Harlan Electric Co..
whose subsidiary firm, Central'
Electric Co., has financial deal-
ings with MSU.
But, it added, Harlan re-
signed as director of Harlan
Electric in 1957 and as presi-
dent in 1963. His son, John M.


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