0 Illinois .......17
Indiana .......21
Wisconsin ....20
Ohio State.....25
Michigan St...20
Iowa .......... 35
Minnesota .....28
Kansas,...... 27
Colorado ..... 14
Penn State....28
California . .
Emory & Henry 68
Haml.p.-Sy dniey..14
See editorial page
Cloudy and cool.
little chance of rain
Vol. LXXIX, No. 57 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Sunday, November 3, 1968 Ten Cents
Wolverines stompZilcats
By BILL LEVIS 27 aerials. "The lack of comple- split end Bill Harris for Michigan s the only Wolverine who inter-
Associate sports Editor tions was due to a combination of second touchdown of the game, cepted passes. Defensive tackle
EVANSTON-Michigan ran over off-target and dropped passes," the Wildcats' quarterback tried Dan Parks tallied Michigan's
Northestern-yesterday like a noted offensive coordinator Tony to get Northwestern on the score- fourth touchdown of the game in
locomotive. The Wolverines built Mason.board with a bomb. the second period after Cecil Pry-
up steam slowly, but once they Mason felt a key to the game Curtis, ressembling Curt Flood or deflected a Shelbourne pass
started to roll they never stopped and to the season has been Michi- catching a high pop fly in shal- into his waiting arms.
moving. And they stopped the gan's Ability to hang on to the low center field, swiped a pass The, sophomore lumbered 50.
Wildcats: 35-0. ball. "We haven't lost a fumble from two Northwestern receivers yards for the score and then flung
Michigan scored three touch- all season. The only time we have and ran 27 yards to the North- the pigskin into one of the Mich-
downs within one minute and mishandled the ball was on the western 41 setting up Michigan's igan Marching Band's tubas.
thirteen seconds near the end of snap, and we have always been third score. Ron Johnson took a Brown pass
the first half to break the game able to recover the ball." After the Wolverines scored a for the two point conversion to
wide open/ The Wolverines played For the second game in a row, fourth time some twenty seconds give the Wolverines their 28
a sluggish first quarter before they Michigan didn't even mishandle a later, the junior spoiled another point halftime lead.
got untracked in the second stan- snap. Wildcat scoring attempt when, Two other errant Northwestern
za to go into the locker room with The difference in yesterday's with three seconds left in the half, passes were picked off by Michi-
a 28-0 halftime edge. game, however, was the Wolver- he picked off another Shelbourne gan defenders in the fourth
A fourth quarter touchdown ine's defense. The big man was pass and raced 37 yards to the quarter. Backup safety Bob Kieta
gave Michigan; its first shutout junior safety Tom Curtis who in- Michigan 40. Luckily for battered intercepted a Dana Woodring at-
since the Wolverines whitewashed tercepted two passes in the first Northwestern, time ran out be- tempt and rambled 24 yards to
Minnesota 49-0 in 1966. half to bring his season and Big fore Michigan could mount an- the Wolverine 45 to up Michigan's
Still it was not the offense that Ten total to seven, tying his con- other threat. final score.
shone before 40,101 Wildcat fans ference mark set last year. "It is mostly timing," Curtis Five plays later halfback Lance,
on a gray, overcast afternoon. The Curtis snagged two Dave Shel- said of his knack for intercept- Scheffler who had ripped off two
offense had more trouble getting j bourne passes in the last two ing. "When the ball is up in the runs of 13 and 12 yards carried
started than any time since Mich- minutes of the second quarter air like on the first interception the ball for the third consecutive MICHIGAN TACKLE DAN PARKS (74) leaves the last potential North
igan's opening loss to California. when the Wolverines scored three just anyone can get it." time and plunged over left guard he charges across the goal line to score on a 50-yard run following a
Quarterback Dennis Brown was 'touchdowns. Curtis, however, was not the for the score. the ball off after Cecil Pryor and Hank Hill had deflected a Dave Shelb
only able to complete nine out of After Brown threw 'a pass to only star on defense and was not See SECOND, Page 11 was the fourth of the game for the Wolverines.
Twelve Pages
-Daily-Thomas R. Copt
Western tackler in the dust as
n interception. Parks grabbed
ourne pass attempt. The score
H o
to atte
Demonstrations, a classroom
strike and a "teach-out" are
planned for the election protests
on campus tomorrow and Tuesday.
The protest activities, coordi-
nated by the National Mobiliza-
tion to End the War in Vietnam
and supported by the Students
for a Democratic Society, tomor-
row and Tuesday will. include the
appearance at a noon Diag rally i
of two members of tlie "Fort
Hood Three," servicemen jailed
Judge han
* aout Clea
nd protests
for refusing to fight in Vietnam, Stockholm, where he talked to
Dennis Mora and James John- ' U.S. Army deserters.
son, recently released after serv- Rennie Davis, chairman of the
ing two years in Fort Hood Mili- I national Mobilization will appear
tary prison, will be making their with Mora and Johnson at a dis-
first public appearance in a series cussion tomorrow at 8 p.m. in the
of Mobilization demonstrations Union.
called "Strike Three." Activities on election day will
The rally on Tuesday will fea- I include a day-long "teach-out" on
Lur asspeker Mra nd ohn ithe Diag. Picket lines will be
ture as speakers Mora and John- formed around University build-
son and Prof. Sax of the Law ings and groups of demonstrators
School, recently returned from will attempt to recruit students ;
to work for the election of local
anti-war, anti-racist candidates.
The Mobilization is urging a
CO MII'ii i ltboycott of Nixon, Humphrey and
Wallace candidacies as the theme
of Strike Three, Gene Gladstone,
Michigan co-ordinator for the
Ver case, Mobilization, said. "The teach-out
will try to create dialogue around
TermsIbomnbing hl
great Hanoi victory
By The Associated Press
North Vietnamese President Ho Chi Minh today accused
the United States of "perfidy" and called on "all Vietnamese
. . to fight on until the last American aggressor is driven
from our land."
He called the bombing halt of North Vietnam a "great
victory" but his statement broadcast by Radio Hanoi made no
mention of the expanded peace talks President Johnson
announced with the halt.
The U.S. Command in Saigon yesterday reported only
scattered shellings in South
Vietnam during the second
day the bombing halt was in IX011 sas
From Wire Service Reportsa eoe h etr fasae the major questions facing stu-
roWieSrieRorshas become the center of a state- dents," he added.
Superior Court Judge Redmond wide controversy over an experi- Aeng he local
Staats of Alameda County, Cali- mental course on racism he plan- Among the local candidates the
fornia has prohibited lawyers and ned to teach at the Berkeley "ob isor sherf Era Row-
all public officials, including Gov. campus of the University of Cali- Lry and Marge Brazei' for county
Ronald Reagan, from making any fornia. supervisors, Bert Garskof for
statements or comment about the Both Reagan and Max Rafferty, Congress and the New Politics
case of Eldridge Cleaver, contro- State Superintendent of Public candidates. Gladstone stressed the',
versial leader of the Black Pan- Instruction and the Republican importance of a large vote for the
ther party. candidate for U.S. Senate h a v e New Politics slate since Michigan
Cleaver and five other mem- criticized the university's failure law would allow the party to ap-
bers of the Panthers are scheduled to prevent Cleaver from making pear on the next ballot only if
to stand trial next month on any campus appearances. 14,000 votes are cast in the pres-
charges of attempted murder. ent election.
In the past few weeks, Cleaver Cleaver, free on $50,000 bail ente electonn rbrc-
._ was indicted last spring on three Dave Gordon, Ann Arbor co-
counts, attempted murder and as- ordinator of the Mobilization, em-
sault with a deadly weapon against phasized, however, that all activi-
Spoliceman, following a gun fight ties around polling places would
tou rs inwhich Cleaver was wounded ibe legal and no attempt to disrupt
Panther was killed. Gordon's promise of peaceful
vrn s .protest responds to Secretary of
iven to Aside from Cleaver. Warren State James M. Hare, who earlier
Wells, Wendell Wade, Terry Cot- this week warned of anticipated
legi lato s jton, Charles Bursey and Donnell incidents at "as many as a dozen
Lankford have all pleaded n 0 t 1 polling places." Ann Arbor was
leg l ators "guilty on the attempted murder one of the areas he cited as a
charges. trouble spot. Hare said he had
The Panther's defense lawyer "reason to believe," dissident
By SHARON WEINER Charles Garry has asked that the groups planned disruptive protests
State legislators will confront indictment be dismissed on that might "include bombings."
student stors di nr t 'able Igrounds that the grand jury does The secretary of state said his
studn s-over the dinner table- not represent a cross-section of warning to voters was based on
during Student Escort Service the community and that Superior i intelligence reports of- the Fed-
tr y inaugurated UniversityCourt judges intentionally ex- eral Bureau of Investigation, state
slude blacks and the poor from the I and local police and elections of-
The escort service was revital- , grand jury. ficials.
ized this year when. Thomas Ford
In Paris. North Vietnamese Am-
bassador Xuan Thuy yesterday
said the United States had given
assurances that it would bring
South Vietnam to the four-sided
peace talks to begin Wednesday.
Yesterday, South Vietnam Presi-
dent Nguyen van Thieu said his
government would not attend the
sessions since the National Liber-
. ation Front (NLF) the political
arm of the Viet Cong, would be
.e a e h opes dim
i. By The Associated Press
Republican Presidential candi-
date Richard M. Nixon, cam-
paigning in Austin, Tex., yester-
-Associated Press
Nixon, Humphrey: Criticism and patience with Thieu's position
Daily News Analysis
George C. Wallace claims "East-
ern money" controls them.
McCarthy's primary perform-
ances made them look silly.
Romney and LBJ took them at
their word and dropped out.
"Them" are the pollsters, the
ubiquitous political prognostica-
tors who can predict the outcome
tion. Vietnam's refusal to join the Paris
Thuy said North Vietnam had peace talks. He told a rally crowd
cred b iitya t s tc he accepted the U.S. proposals "in "the prospects. for peace are not
good faith. As for Saigon's atti- as bright as we would have hoped
tude, this is for the United States even a few days ago."
of an election within a fraction of polls. Both carry much w'eight and Saigon to settle. If they do Nixon said that President John-
not want peace, then 'the Ameni-
the actual vote--or be leagues with political professionals and cns mut bear thenthe reo- son had assured the candidates by
apart when several of them try average voters, but their credibi- silittelephone before announcing the
lity has suffered somewhat in the bombing halt that the Saigon gov-
to predict the relative strengths unpredictable 1968 campaign. Thuy insisted that Ui.S. pr- ernment would take pat in the
of candidates before the voterss posals would permit all four par-e
cast their ballots. Gov. Nelson Rockefeller based ties to the talks to be represented negotiations.
The two major polling organ- his drive for the nomination on by "independent d e I e g a t i o n s Vice President Hubert Hum-
izations, among some 200 which the pre-convention polls which he having the right to speak for phrey, who seems to have the most
have been active from the pri- hoped would show him attracting themselves." to lose politically in any faltering
maries through the election, are, Democrats and independents in The South Vietnamese observer of the peace moves, attributed
of course, the Harris and Gallup greater .numbers than Richard to the United States yesterday Saigon's position to "political
-- Nixon. But a week before the clarified Thieu's, statement by problems at home."
Miami convention, a Gallup poll saying his government's conditions
showed Nixon farther ahead of for participation in the talks . Good sense will overcome any
the Democratic rivals, while a would allow the NLF to attend as immediate emotional reaction, to
Harris poll two days later showed part of the delegation. He added participating, the Democratic can-
Rocky ahead and Nixon trailing, that Hanoi must also give firm didate said in Youngstown, Ohio.
? rA joint statement by Lou Harris assurances of willingness to open One of Nixon's advisers, Califor-
and George Gallup that Rocke- "direct and serious talks" with nia Lt. Gov. Robert Finch, said
feller had an undisputed lead con- the Saigon government. he called 60 political leaders in
vinced almost no one and prob- . Saigon remained quiet follow- major states and was told t h e
tunities of appeal." He says they ably damaged the polls' image, ing Thieu's statement, but one bombing halt could not help Hum-
probably n.eglected to appeal The Humphrey stretch drive is paper quoted leaders opposed to phrey. He called the arrangement
their reclassification to a 1-A placing great emphasis on suc- the bomb halt as saying anti- "hastily contrived."
An~ieic n de onstrato wud
(R-Grand Rapids) visited the!
campus. Ford, accompanied by
student escorts dined with dor-
mitory residents from his district
and chatted with faculty and'
leaders of student organizations.;
All the members of the state
Senate will be invited to tour the
campus this semester, along with
members of the House Appropri-
ations Committee. Other members
of .the House will be invited next
"The University is suffering
financially because of bad pub-
licity and misunderstandings,"
says Charles Cady, chairman of
University Services. "]Legislators
don't know what the average stu-
dent is like and there simply isn't
Despite President Joh
decision to end the bomb
North Vietnam, gradua
lents still face the imn
possibility of being draf
According to Byront
beck, assistant dean of th
uate school and direct
Rackham ,admissions,"
look bleak for the g r a d
ER dents would be called up by the
hnson's military during the course of
)ing of the year. Both schools have end-
te stu- ed up simply overenrolled.
minent Groesbeck says only five stu-
ted. dents out of an enrollment of
Groes- over 8,000 have been pulled out
e grad- of school by the draft since the
for of end of the official withdrawal
"things period Sept. 16. There have been
i u a t e no such cases since Oct. 15, he
status last summer wit
30-day appeal period.
they were called, the per
He said the five studen
been given a tuition ref
line with the Regents'd
last spring.
hin the
riod had
nts h a d
:fund, in
cessive polls which show him cut-
ting into the lead Nixon has com-
smanded since the conventions.
However, these successive Harris
See ELECTION, Page 2
T t(1 ( P ',I T
be launched today. Sen. Eugene McCarthy said if
Meanwhile, the Soviet Union the South Vietnamese wouldn't
hailed the bombing halt and the agree to a settlement, the U.S.
"understanding in Paris as an im- shquld withdraw its troops. Mc-
portant success along the road to Carthy, in Oregon campaigning for
a peace settlement in Vietnam." Sen. Wayne Morse, said South
No mention was made of Thiieu's Vietnamese President Nguyen van
statement. ! Thieu "thinks he still has the veto