MAKING YOUR VOTE COUNT See editorial page C, 4c fitg n :4Iatii 4 BREEZY Iligh--64 Low--45~ Mostly sunny, windy 4nd cooler Vol. LXXIX, No. 56 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Saturday, November 2, 1968 Ten Cents Eight Pages hieu ref uses to attend tal.s Hanoi agrees to conference By The Associated Press North Vietnam today announced it will take part in four- party peace talks in Paris as proposed by President Johnson in his bombing halt package. A Radio Hanoi broadcast, billed as an official statement, said "with the agreement of the central committee of the National Liberation Front, the government of the Demo- cratic Republic of Vietnam announces it is ready to hold a conference to consist of the Democratic Republic of Vietnam, the National Liberation Front, the United, States and the Saigon government." The broadcast said the United States was forced to call a bombing halt because "it was facing great defeats in Viet- nam and increasing condemnation and pressure from the --peoples throughout the world. NLF presence Letters to qualifyk HHHvote By STEVE ANZALONE A last-minute campaign to pro- test the choices in Tuesday's elec- tion is gaining momentum both in Ann Arbor and acrpss the coun- try. However, the protest is un- usual because it will involve voting} for Hubert Humphrey. The local campaign, started last week by Prof. Peter Eckstein of 1,__ and "This is a great victory for the entire Vietnamese people of both the North and the South," said$ the broadcast, monitored in Hong Kong. Hanoi added the plan to include the South Vietnamese government K in the Paris peace talks "does not mean the Democratic Republic of mpietnam recognizes the puppet Dean Rusk Nguyen van Thiesi South Vietnamese government." , Hanoi contends .that the NLF, the political arm of the Viet Cong, is ATTACK CO NVENTIONS the only representative of South Vietnam. In Paris. North Vietnamese Am- bassador Xuan Thuy, eader ths seek nonl pr a communique acknowledging not acceptable By The Associated Press President Nguyen van Thieu said yesterday South Viet- nam will not attend peace talks in Paris next week because his government cannot agree to bargain with the National Liberation Front (NLF). The Texas White House and the State Department gave a "no comment" last night to this latest development fn the peace negotiations. Thieu, in an address to a joint session of the South Vietnam Congress, said the only real path to the end of the war is direct negotiations between Saigon and Hanoi. He said to accept the NLF, the political arm of the Viet Cong, as a separate entity at the four-party talks would set a pre- cedent for possible formation of a coalition government in South Vietnam. Thieu mentioned only the Nov. 6 meeting would be skipped, but he also indicated he probably would not send a delegation to later meetings if' - his objections were not satis- fied. Pollsters Some highly placed American officials took a wait-and-see atti- tude on whether the Saigon gov- ernment would eventually dispatch Ia nemotiators to Paris. Several US. lr1 Sofficials said that while a Saigon' t-am might not get there by next Wednesday, they believed o n e sI1PvefbV would show up sooner or later. South Vietnam and the NLF both have "observer" teams in From Vire Service Reports Paris which have not participated The Gallup and Harris polls in the talks between Hanoi and.siyetraanefctoth the U.S. leading to the bombing Vietnam bombi g halt on voter Y halt. V e n m b m in a t o o e Thieu's announcement anneared opinion should show up in polls to be a direct slap at Washington, they will take just before the elec- which had called off all bombing tion. in North Vietnam v-stprday in Both of the major pollsters plan order to open the way for peace to sample opinion on the presi- 'eaotiations involving all f o u r dential candidates with surveys oarticipants in the war - North yesterday and today to be released Vietnam, the United States. South Monday. Harris also plans to poll Vietnam and the NLF. on Sunday and release the re- t Whether or not South Vietnam ,sults on election morning and President Johnson's order for a bombing halt. It said a meeting of the four parties "will be held in Paris, not earlier than Nov. 6, 1968." By URBAN LEHNER Editorial Director Richard Nixon had just been nominated. In Miami Beach. stu- changing the process by which Presidential candidates are chosen. Shortly after the Republican National Convention, Weinberg and a hometown friend. Rick Bar- Mary, but communication between the chapters is almost non-exist- ent. Barnett attempted to organ- ize the petition days at the other 180 schools by working through the economics department anad U dents who had come to work for , -nett, a University of Pennsylvania student newspapers which tra- Prof. Rhoads Murphey of the The communique did not com- Gov. Nelson Rockefeller gathered ditionally have been reluctant to geography department, is an out- ment in any other way on John- in dejected groups of twos ard sophomore, spent two weeks re- have eentrlucta growth of a similar campaign son's order: It said U.S. Ambas- threes and traded "Lindsay mnsearcning past proposals for na- asue started in Princeton, N.J. sador Averell Harriman and his rees atns taed sLdsay i tionwide primary elections. ryoles. assistant, Cyrus Vance, had in- ' 72" buttons. Other students across thtim te Weinberg freely admits that hie Backers of the canpaign plan formed Thuy Wednesday of John- the nation were similarly unhappy. Since , organiza- has no idea at how many cam- to induce liberal Democrats to son's p to anone tf bomb- "In 1960 and 1964 I wasn't very tion they started has contacted puses petitions will actually be cast their ballots for- Humphrey s well informed and I really didn't several U.S. Senators known to circulated. by encouraging them to qualify ing halt the following day. understand what was goin ~ ,, favor the idea of a national pri- "We wanted to capitalize on the their vote by sending a letter of: At the same time, the North mary and is organizing the circu- dissatisfaction generated by the says Neal Weinberg. '71. "But latssntoffpetitionseNov.t13 throug protest to Humphrey explaining Vietnamese delegation issued a watching the Republican conven- 15 on 180 campuses. elections," he argues. "I we had their reservations. five-page denunciation of the tion on television this year really1 T"message of the local cam- American war of destruction" in got me to thinking." If the drive is successful, the. ThV tnamdocuments will be presented to paign is "Let's Be Counted Twice Vietnam. Since then, Weinberg and sev- Congress, which could then devise -a Real Protest and a Real Vote." Harriman yesterday cautioned eral others have been doing a lot: an amendment to the Constitu- pp In its letters to Humphrey, the against expecting "too rapid re- of thinking. The result: Citizens tiona group stresses, they are voting for sults" in the four-sided talks, and for a National Primary, a group Ay him in spite of the bad perform- long, hard bargaining is probable of students on several campuses: At the Unversty, the citizen's ance of the Johnson administra- before a cease-fire can be agreed across the country dedicated to group has already recruited 45 l e[t 1 m on tion. Participants in the campaign upon. members and hopes to attract' feel this will allow them to vote more to its first mass meeting By NADINE COHODAS fee tiswil alo temtovot Erlerin asinto, ec A-1 M E 9 Wednesday evening. and still allow them to vocalize a tary of State Dean Rusk publically 1A CM E, 9U Tesplan whicitizens for a, The Michigan Opportunity, protest- urged other, unnamed govern- National Primary is proposing Award Program. now in its fifth Novelist Hortense Calisher, an ments to use their influence to isss stipulates a uniform nationalpri-ear, is expanding at a steady early advocate of the campaign, get North Vietnam toward a settle- us wa es mstyu s apunsod tioa ri- yf rtis Depaning the mary' (as opposed to a series of (rate. Despite a setback duringth suggested the following wording mient of the war. statewide primaries) with estab- 1965-66 school year, the program for this protest in a letter sent to Ruskreferredonlytoresnivesa 8lished maximum spending reg- has increased from 70 entering the New York Times. "sgmoavernments and leading A mi, F d t f State ulations. Candidates would get-freshmen i 1964 to include 167 waited until we were completely organized we wouldn't have gotten ihe petitions going until next April. By then, the interest would have evaporated." Whatever the result of the peti- tion campaign, Barnett and Wein- berg plan to meet shortly there- after with Sen. Mark Hatfeld (R- Ore) a national primary propo- nent before deciding on their next step. hows up at the conference table, "If we fail we will probably re- Lhe T1.. and North Vietnam will group and try again," Weinberg till be able to negotiate on ma-; Spredicts."We aren't about to give issues includingrcease fire pret.-gv and withdrawal of troops. Hanoi UP. has said it would be ready to get into substantive talks once the bombing halted. aw ard s Thieu was formally opposed to the bombing halt until early yes- tArday when he issued a statement that South Vietnam "does not op- st d en ps oose a cessation to the bombing and will keen watching to see if North Vietnam has in reality re- Opportunity Award nominee can- snonded to the de-escalation of the not contribute at least $600 toward war or continues to be stubborn." Sthe cost for one year, he can be: Any recurrence of rocket attacks iven a federal Educational Op- on South Vietnam cities. inform- portunity Grant. The University ants said. would make it mo r e then must match the federal grant difficult for Thieu to accept the dollar for dollar. Johnson formula. The University's total scholar- In his address to the Con-ress. ship fund contains about $1,000,- Thieu said, "The most imoortant 000 this year. The Regents-Alumni nuestion is to have the necessaryI Scholarship fund contributes conditions to achieve peace. $574,000. The Opportunity Award "We will never accept surrender4 funds account for $324,000, and to the Communist aggressors. I' the Michigan Public Junior Col- will never lead the country into a lege Scholarships add another venture that would! turn me into $80,000. a traitor. I believe that our peo- An additional $500,000 is avail- ple and our soldiers . . . would able from federal education op- prefer to fight to the last in order portunity grants, Parker says. that their children might live." afternoon._ A Harris survey taken just a week before election day shows Hubert Humphrey trailing Rich- ard Nixon by only three percent- age points. Nixon led 40 to $7 per cent, with George Wallace receiv- ing 16 per cent and 7 per cent undecided. This marked a gain of two points by Humphrey from the previous Harris survey. Harris said the gap "has thus narrowed within the statistical margin of error." This means that, for probability samples like the pollsters use, the figures given may be off by as much as three or four points. Nixon's margin was largest in the West and narrowest in the East, with Wallace still leading in the South but slipping. Harris said the trend suggests "the possibility of Nixon just edging out an elec- toral college victory." But he conceded a Humphrey gain of another two or three points in the final days could push the Vice President ahead in the East and close enough to Nixon in the Midwest to deny the Republican an electoral victorly. "I am a Democrat (or Repub- personalities" whom he said had lican) opposed to Administration been asserting "something goodC policy. Although you were not my would happen if we stop thej candidate for the nomination, I bombing," his remarks were ap- plan to vote for you because I iparently aimed primarily at the cannot on any score vote for Soviet Union. Nixon. Sir, if you get the people's Moscow has reportedly assured mandate, remember me." the U.S. that if the bombing were Murphey said his group has al- ended, North Vietnam could be! ready secured between 75 and 100 expected to take constructive -ac- signatures from local people who tions toward peace. American e eat i ouue County, and Municipal Employes (AFSCME) met yesterday to dis- cuss specific wage and benefits proposals for the first time. During the negotiating sessions. held almost daily between the union and. the University for the past six months, talks have been limited to non-economic issues. Although contents of the AFS- CME economic proposals were not revealed, it is known that they were first presented to University negotiators Wednesday night. Spokesmen for both sides ex- their names on the primary ballot students this fall. by presenting petitions signed by The Opportunity Award pro- a number of voters equalling one gram is designed primarily to aid per cent of the party's popular disadvantaged freshman within vote total in the last Presidential the state. Emphasis is placed on election. helping those students from urban Primary election results would ghettoes. be binding on the national party "We are pretty confident we can conventions, although the conven- find students for continued ex- tions would choose the Vice-Presi- pansion," John Chavis, program dential candidates. coordinator says. "However, the also agreed to donate $5 each to advertise tle campaign. .a The campaign appears to be meeting with considerable success across the country. Murphey said he heard as many as 160,000 peo- ple have pledged to support the campaign throughout the country. Rusk also said, "I think South Vietnam will participate in the talks." His news conference broad- cast came a few hours before l 1 r 1 But the group is flexible about; the plan. "We are far more in- terested in generally reforming the selection process than in any spe- cific measure," says Weinberg. The organization is faced withI a number of problems. Otherj chapters have been organized at Stanford, Penn, and William and South Vietnamese President Ngu- pressed optimism that this turning yen Van Thieu said Saigon would point in the negotiations would not attend peace talks in Paris result in the signing of an initial next week. contract soon. ASKS $12.8 MILLION U, submits construction request degree of expansion depends on the funds available. "We're starting to attract high school students with better back- grounds," says Ivan Parker, asso- ciate director of financial affairs. "In the first year of the program, we offered students the Oppo'- tunity Award in February of their senior year. "Now, we tell ninth grade stu- dents that if their school work continues to be good, they can receive an opportunity award when they are seniors. And they :ork towardthat goal," he adds. Those of us who run this pro- gram believe in it, Parker claims. He says the money used to aid dis- advantaged students is "probably the best investment we make." Parker says this year's alloca- tion of $324,000 for Opportunity Awards was enough to cover tui- tion increases. Both Chavis and Parker would like to see the program include at least 200 new students each year. Parker says the recommendation for next year's program includes 185 students. He admits that eventually "I'd like to see 800 stu- dents receiving scholarships." Clhavis says there also is the By MICHAEL THORYN * The University asked the state Legislature for $12.8 million yesterday in building funds for the coming fiscal year. The detailed request was de- livered to the State Bureau of the Budget for inclusion in its proposal to the Legislature for the 1969-70 capital outlay bud- get. "The academic facilities in our request' are most critical," said Arthur Ross, vice president for state relations and plann- 30 per cent is needed to con- tinue projects which the Legis- lature has already authorized. Renovations and additions to older buildings such as the Na- tural Science Bldg. account for another 35 per cent of the re- quest. The remaining 35 per cent would be for new building pro- jects. Ross noted that planning has been completed on a Modern Languages Bldg. and a new architectural and design college. John McKevitt, assistant to the vice president and chief financial officer said, "All we can do now is present our re- quests." McKevitt said the state also has financing problems and added, "Passage of the graduat- ed income tax amendment on Tuesday's ballot would be a help." Besides submitting a request for the coming year, the Uni- versity gave the bureau an esti- mate of construction need H -11- ah 1 ()i74 Ross hopes to secure funds to begin planning a classroom and office building, a new building for the engineering college, an engineering - technical library building, a library learning re- sources center on the Dearborn campus, and a classroom and office building at Flint. Remodeling funds are re- quested to continue work in the East Medical Bldg. and to be- gin work on the General Lib- rary, and on roads and utilities. Some University projects are -:t 'r