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November 01, 1968 - Image 10

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The Michigan Daily, 1968-11-01

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Page Ten


Friday, November 1, 1968

Freshmen set to roll at Bowling Green SMU sizzles with Hixsi

on Bomiibs

Michigan's freshman football
team, after ten weeks of hard
practice, finally raises the curtain
on its 1968 football season. The
forsh take on Bowling Green in
the latter's stadium today at 3:00.1
The Michigan-line-up is liberal-
ly sprinkled with names that look
like a Who's Who of recent col-
lege football annals.
There's tackle Leon Hart, Jr.,
son of the All-American giant at
Notre Dame and of similar size
at 6'6" and 270 pounds.
Bruce Elliott, son of former Il-
linois coach Pete Elliott, is cur-
rently battling for the quarter-
back slot.
Paul Seymour, brother of the
Notre Dame and cousion of varsity
linebacker Phil, has arriyed on the
Ann Arbor scene, following in
Jim's' footsteps as an end.'
When conjuring up illustratious

names, one cannot overlook Mike
Hilkene,, a tackle prospect from
Bay City and son of 1948 captain
Hank Fonde' or end Bob Rosema
brother of the St. Louis Cardinals'
Rocky Rosema, a Wolverine star
of the last three seasons.
Frosh coach Bill Dodd, following
the trend in modern football, will
employ the two-platoon system,,in
today's contest, since he is having
no trouble in filling both the of-
fensivC and defensive units with
capable players.
Overall, it appears that the
Wolverines arp strong at the back-
field positions, but the line may
be weak due to injuries.
As Dodd put it, "The backs'have
more, depth, but we're somewhat
concerned about the line. We
thought . it would be the other
Perhaps the most spirited battle
on the team is being waged at the
quarterback position, where Bruce
Elliott and Dennis Connell are
both strong contenders.
Connell, who led Mt. Carmel to
the Chicago city title, currently
rates the starting nod, while El-
liott will move to the secondary
on defense.
Like the varsity, the freshman
team uses the two-back offense,
and both positions appear ade-
quately manned. The starter at
tailback is currently undetermined,
with Bill Taylor, a 5'10'", 200 pound
dynamo from Barberton, Ohio,



and Dave Zuccarelli competing
for the job.
Zuccarelli, a teammate of Den-
nis Connell, was named Chicag's
prep player of the year last. sea-
The fullback slot has been a
problem for the coaching staff this

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season. Coach Dodd has paraded
in several players at the position,
including an end. However, Frank
Gussich, a powerful runner from
Cleveland has stepped in to fill
the breach.,
The wide end and flanker are
perhaps the strongest positions on
the team, where Mike Oldham of
Cincinnati and Glenn Doughty of
Detroit fill the bill.
However, Coach Dodd plans to
stick to the running game if pos-
sible, throwing only "when we
have to, or to keep the defense
The interior lines, both offen-
sive and defensive, are the points
where Michigan will be most vul-
nerable. A series of injuries has
stripped the team of any depth at
these positions.
Both Norbert Borel, who has
lost weight until he now tips the

scales at 295, and huge Leon HartBy JOE MARKER place a man among the top of the
saes atj295. and hue eon sat, In the fascinating realm of col- pass receivers.
are injured and will not see action lege football statistics, Chuck Hix- This is in fact the case as Jerry
at the tackle posts, son is making shambles of the Levias, putting the finishing
In addition, Mike Hall. who passing race and in the process touches on a spectacular career,
weighs in at a paltry 250 pounds, may lead Southern Methodist to has snared 54 aerials for 771 yards
broke his leg to intensify the repeat of its 1966 Southwest Con- and five touchdowns. He leads his
problem. ference championship, nearest competitor. Sam Milner of
Coach Dodd can only hope that Hixson has filled the air with Mississippi State, by eight recep-
Guy Murdock and James Brand- 291 passes, completing 164 for a tions.
statter (another famous name, whopping 1881 yards. His leading: Arizona has made a few eyes
the son of former Spartan star competitor, Greg Cook of Cincin- turn toward the Southwest with
Al Brandstatter) at offensive nati isn't even within breathing its stiff defense which has allowed
tackle, and Reggie McKenzie and distance with -only 1651 yards on only 939 yards and five touch-
Fred Grambau an defense, can 122 completions, downs in five games, the chief
avoid a similar fate. Ironically, the game in which reason why the Wildcats sport a
Hixson put on his greatest aerial 4-1 record.
Bowling Green, although not a circus resulted in the Mustangs' Arizona might still be unde-
name that strikes fear in Big Ten only loss of the season. In Colum- feated if it hadn't encountered
country, has a team which should bus, Ohio, in the second week of Indiana, the nation's seventh
give the Michigan frosh all they the campaign. Hixson bombarded ranked offensive team, who im-
can handle. the Buckeyes with 76 passes-his posed a last-minute 16-13 defeat
Last year Michigan sloshed to team, however, suffered a 35-14 on the Wildcats.
a 6-5 squeaker over the Ohioans drubbing at the hands of the However, California leads the
in tne mud bowl at Ann Arbor Buckeyes. nation in fewest points allowed,
High, a game in which neither Hixson also leads the national giving up a miniscule 5.3 per game.
team crossed the opponent's goal parade in total offense, garnering Thus Michigan's one touchdown
line. 1847 yards in 340 plays (passes was a better than average per-
m wand rushes). This figure is just formance against the Bears. Cal's
The winning margin was pro- 34 yards less than that of his pass- defensive prowess will be tested
vided by the toe of Tim Killian, ing attack. severly, however, when it meets
who kicked two field goals in the This quirk is explained by the Southern California and o. J.
first quarter. The Falcons coun- peculiar way in which the rushing Simpson next week.
tered with a 38 yard field and a and passing yardage is appor-
safety, but it was not enough. tioned. Whenever a quarterback is
Bowling Green relies on a pun- tackled attempting to pass, the G 'dde J
ishing ground game built around total is subtracted from his rush-
the rushing of tailback Livas. ing rather than passing yardage.
They have lost the two games Sneaking up fast in the total
they pae ts sen to gen offense department is Terry Han- In its never-ending search fo
they played this season, to Kent ratty of Notre Dame, who has the Daily goes to great lengths ea
SThe 1-,dt Toledoi dec-pti 1542 yards to his credit and now esting personality, and one who ki
They Toledo score is deceptive, trails second-place Greg Cook by This week we turned to the ci
however, in that both Livas and only 181 yards. nois, home of the good o1' purple a
the regular quarterback were in-
thereguar quarterbak re In- Unlike, Cook and Hixson, how- But our task wasn't as easy
jured, and most of the Toledo eeHnat
scores were the result of Bowling ever, Hanratty has piled up over Mayor John Emory, when contact
Green mistakes. If anything, the 200 in rushing. Hanratty's rise cold water in our face when he s
two games under its belt should has been chiefly accomplished at like that." Imagine! Calling world
help the team against an opponent the expense of Iowa and Illinois, like that."
who hasn't engaged in competition against whom the Irish piled up Evanston City Manager Wayn
109 points.
yet. Contrary to popular belief, he too declined the honor. Anders
Foi those fans who cannot travel "Orange Juice" Simpson is not mind for important things, I decid
to Ohio, the frosh will host To- making a runaway of the rushing all things like sports, Jacqueline K
ledo on November 15 at Ann Arbor derby. Although he has gained jects." You have our sympathy, Mr
High in their only remaining 980 yards, he still trails Eugene But our search was not in va
game. - Morris of West Texas State, who Giddens, who turned out to be ax
has amassed 1114 yards via the guest selector. He said thta althou
R_.,Jii}~,::~ i:i.n"C "? rr":::,:i: $::iiii lW overland route.
..nu fan, "being a policeman I have to
Morris' feat become all the more Northwestern 14-13." As for his 0
spectacular when one realizes thatNohstey1-r.by fhsor
B! illb a r eha are tebl ny16 upset of the year by choosing Ors
times (as compared to Simpson "because my daughter lives there,'
:'mes sma.....Acalculat v ing" when he picks The Citadel o'
Eugene an average of 6.7 yards Whether you agree with Chief
The Washtenaw County Table per carry. Gridde Pickings entry in to the Da
Tennis Tournament will e The Big Ten is well-represented you win, you'll bet as 'a prize one
noon at Forsythe Jr. High in the rushing stats, with Ron Cottage Inn pizzas.
School. Johnson holding down the fourth
slot. Especially noteworthy, how- (Consensus in Caps)
Men's novice and champion- ever, is the performance of Leroy 1. MICHIGAN at Northwestern
ship singles and doubles will be Keyes of Purdue. Keyes, although (pick score)
played. A ladies' tournament is bothered by a pulled leg muscle, 2. Michigan State at OHIO
also scheduled. has piled up 702 yards in only 93 STATE
Tables will be in use for warm- attempts for a '.6 average. 3. Iowa at MINNESOTA
up practice at 11 a.m. For fur- i It would only be lbgical that 4. Illinois at PURDUE
ther information call John Southern Methodist, with the na- 5. INDIANA at Wisconsin
Levens at 665-4682. tion's leading passer, would also 6. Army at PENN STATE





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U a

r a Guest Selector par excellence,
ch week to come up with an inter-
nows football as well.
ty administration of Evanston, Illi-
Lnd white Northwestern Wildcats.
as it might appear at first glance.
;ed, threw the proverbial bucket of
aid, "I never participate in things
d-famous Gridde Pickings a "thing
e Anderson was next on our list, but
son said that "in order to save my
ed long ago to block out of my mind
ennedy, and unidentified flying ob-
r. Anderson.
ain, as Evanston Police Chief Bert
real sport, agreed to be this week's
ugh he's a confirmed Northwestern
deal with the facts: Michigan over
ther picks, Chief Giddens picks the
egon to beat USC. He picks Tulsa
" and admits that he's "just guess-
ver Davidson
Giddens or not, be sure to get your
aily before midnight Friday. And if
of those good ol' purple and white
11. Pennsylvania at HARVARD
12. Oregon State at STANFORD
13. North Carolina at AIR FORCE
14. MEMPHIS STATE at Tulsa
15. Auburn at FLORIDA
16. Colorado at KANSAS
17. Washington State at
19. THE CITADEL vs. Davidson
at Charlotte, N.C.
20. EMORY & HENRY at




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DAVE WEIR, Sports Editor-Michigan, Michigan State, Minnesota, Purdue,
Indiana, Penn. State, Georgia, Tennessee, SMU, Arkansas, Pennsylvania, Stanford,
Air Force, Memphis State, Florida, Kansas, Arizona, Southern California, David-
son, Emory & Henry.
DOUG HELLER, Associate Sports Editor-Michigan, Ohio State, Minnesota,
Purdue, Indiana, Penn. State, Houston, Tennessee, SMU, Arkansas, Harvard,
Oregon, Air Force, Memphis State, Auburn, Kansas, Arizona,.Southern California,
The Citadel, Hampden-Sydney.
BOB LEES, Associate Sports Editor-Michigan, Ohio State, Minnesota, Purdue,
Indiana, Penn. State, Houston, Tennessee, Texas, Arkansas, Pennsylvania, Stan-
ford, Air Force, Memphis State, Florida, Kansas, Washington State, Southern
California, The Citadel, Emory & Henry.
BILL LEVIS, Associaite Sports Editor-Michigan, Ohio State, Minnesota, Purdue,
Indiana, Penn. State, Georgia, Tennessee, Texas, Arkansas, Harvard, Oregon
State, Air Force, Memphis State, Auburn Kansas, Arizona, Southern California,
The Citadel, Emory & Henry.
BERT GIDDENS, Evanston Police Chief, Guest Selector-Michigan, Michigan
State, Minnesota, Purdue, Indiana, Army, Georgia, Tennessee, Texas Arkansas,
Harward, Stanford, North Carolina, Tulsa, Florida, Kansas, Arizona, Oregon, The
Citadel, Emory & Henry.

7. Houston at GEORGIAw
10. ARKANSAS at Texas A&M


ANY QUESTIONS CALL 662-4431 Ext. 23


- Nov. 7



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