Friday, November 1, 1968 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Nine Psychologists start social action group By RENA SELDEN A new local organization of psychologists and students con- cerned with social problems has formed in Ann Arbor as a result of a re c e n t convention of the, American Psychological Associa- tion in San Francisco. The group, Psychologists for So- cial Action, plans several projects in this area designed to "seek alternatives to violence and cony frontation in bringing about so- cial, change." Proposals include the formation 'W T:s Vitnamn. professor visits U * By SCOTT MIXER "A university must not be an ivory tower," said Dr.. Nguyen Cao Hach of the University of Saigon. "I believe the American university serves the community which sup- ports it." Dr. Hach referred to widespread, ' student activism on U.S. campuses as an indication of "much needed" university involvement on contem- * porary issues. Hach is the spokesman for a group of seven South Vietnamese deans and college directors, cur- rently studying the American edu- * cational system. The Vietnamese educatorswere invitedto participate in a session of the Pilot Program \at. Alice Lloyd, affording an informal din- ner and discussion atmosphere be- tween the foreign guests and dorm residents. This was the first time that the Vietnamese group had been able to speak with university students in the United States. Dr. Hachsaid' he was very pleased to discover that students were "enthusiastic, informed and sympathetic to the plight of the Southi Vietnamese people." Dr. Hach believes that the war "has had atremendous effect on the five major universities of South Vietnam. "The draft laws have hot affected the enrollment to such a great degree," Hach explained, "rather, Viet Cong ter- rorizing has caused widespread fear and destruction on cam- puses." He cited the University of Hue, located 50 miles south of the Demilitarized Zone, as a case where more than 75 per cent of the campus facilities - libraries," research labs, and living quarters v have been totally levelled by ter- rorist bombing. of a consumer orientation pro- gram and a professional systems analysis of the city of Ann Arbor. Other programs which have been proposed are making speeches about racism to community groups, encouraging student in- volvement in social problems in the public school system, and in- vestigating "ways and means to correct racial imbalance in grad- uate training programs." Some professors have indicated academic credit may be granted for supervised research or reading in the field. Professors who are looking for free assistants for their own research projects may find them in this organization. Eduardo Siguel, a graduate stu- dent in psychology, gave an ex- planation of the proposed con- sumer orientation program. He said information on bargains, de- termined through comparative shopping, would be disemminated at a central location, and later through a publication. Budget guides and information about the cost of credit would also be made available. A further step might involve consumer organ- ization for economic power. A systems analysis of the city would entail a study of Ann Ar- bor's city resources and depart- ments., Bust contest a big bust EAST LANSING () - Cows competed with coeds at Michigan State University yesterday in a bust measurement contest, but! student judges disqualified the; four-footed ringers. Declared the winner was Cath- erine Depuydt, a 19-year-old sophomore from Holland, whose vital measurements, after several checks, were declared at 43% V inches. Runnerup was Gay Lynn, 21- year old senior from Clarkston, with 38%/ inches. Only three girls and two cows entered the contest. One girl ran away crying, frightened by a pusl ing and shoving mob of more thaA 1,000 male students. Several other coeds also were scheduled to enter. but decided against it when they saw the male mob yelling and wolf-whistling at the lone remaining female entries. The contest was sponsored by the SNOBBS, a group dreamed up by Howard Gabe; a writer for the State News, MSU campus news- paper. The initial stood for State News Organization Boosting Bux- omy Students. Utah State Personnel: weights and FALImeasures inspector, degree in bus.. AI Y OFFICIA mktg., or other rel. fld. 2 years work. 1 in this area. FMC Corporation, Lansing. Mich.: BULLETIN Maintenance, inspection, assembly, test, and machine shop positions. Openings in Manf. Egrg. group for two IE or ME candidates, and for an IE. work in flow (Continued from Page 8) proces, plant layout, machine justifica- McCalls, Detroit, Mich.: Sales person tion, time and motion study. Product t dspace x inthe magazine.pref. draftsman for Automotive group. Export man, BA, some exper., not necess in 1 Sales Correspondent also. adv. Utah State Personnel: Public Health Naval Ordnance Station, Forest Park, educator, degree in publ. health and Ill,: Budget Analyst, min. years exper 3 years. Public Health educator, de- in budgetary tncoract systems. gree, adv. or BA, and 3 years in health Encyclopaedia Britannica, Chicago, ed. Ill.: Research Editor, Geography Re- State of Washington: Rearch Assist- seacher, Reference writer, Library Re- ant, res. and stat anal. BA in soc. sci., search Assistant, Computer Sciences, econ or allied fld. and Financial positions. Require BA level degrees, and technical studies in SUMMER PLACEMENT sci. areas., Some editorial or writing SERVICE exper. is helpful. t212 S.A.B., Lower Level Hallmark ,Cards, Ambassador Division, Applications for summer jobs in fed- Ypsilanti. Mich.: Service Representative, eral agencies are now available at S.P.S. estab, area to maintain display areas, Please read the following schedule of need car, no exper req, could be in application dates carefully: school, free days. Sales Representative, Applications received by November openings, 50% estab. area, will pre- 6 will be scheduled for December 7. sent line to drug mkt., variety store, examination. dept. store, min. 2 years college, and Applications received by December 6 min 2 years selling exper in any field, will be scheduled for January 11 exam- age 24-31. ination. Wrightwood Extended Care Facility, Applications received by January 3 Chicago, Ill.: Physical therapists, occ. will be scheduled for February 8 exam- I therapists, and social workers. ination. Applications received by January 30 will be scheduled for March 8 examin- ati1on. Department of the Interior, Anchor- age Alaska: Openings for Fire Control Aids. Smoke Jumpers, and surveying aids. Applications for the first are ac- cepted from Niv. 1 to Jan. 1. Applica- tions for the others are accepted next semester, after Jan. 1. Details and ap- plic. at 12 S.AB. ENGINEERING PLACEMENT. SERVICE 128 1I, West Engrg. Bldg. NOVEMBER 8, 1968 Bendix Corp. Aerospace Systems Div. Automation & Measurement Div. Executive Offices - Nationwide Data Center System Research Labs. Div. Missiles Systems Div. Dow Chemical Co. - (Make appt., at 3200 SAB) Federal-Mogul Corp. Gibbs & Cox, Inc. Gulf General Atomic Hunt-Wesson Foods IBM-Ph.D. National Cash Register Co. Northern States Power Co. - (Wis.) Northrop Corp. Nortronices Div. Ventura Div. Sun Oil Co. - (a.m.) West Virginia State Road Comm. -Associated Press 'Danny the Red' sentenced Danny "the Red" Cohn-Bendit, right, hero of the French student rebellion last May, listens to sen- tencing in a Frankfurt, Germany court. He was sentenced to three days in jail for disrupting the trial of anti-Vietnam arsonists. The man at left is unidentified.. 3 3 May we suggest.,. MI STER FAMILY RESTAURANT .HAMBURGERS TnutRE C(3= CHICKEN CONEY ISLANDS JUAmBOYS " 0 JYMBTI THE AMBASSADOR A Distinguished Menuo Serving Lunches' and, Dinner #Daily Statler-Hilton STEAK and SHAKE I I SMILING SPEEDY SERVICE CARRY.OUT SPECIALISTS NO WAITING ,. PLENTY of PARKING INSIDE SEATING OR EAT IN YOUR CAR OPEN 11 AM DAILY 662-0022 3325 WAS"TENAW RD. ANN ARBOR 2 BLKS. W. of ARBORLAND Located at 1-94 and State Road. V Fried Half-Chicken Potatoes, Salad, Bread and Butter $1.50 Roast Beef Sandwich on Bun $.75 Support the Grape Boycoft 1313_SOUTH UNIVERSITY For Fine ITALIAN & AMERICAN COCKTAIL LOUNGE SPAGHETTI PIZZA LASAGNA Featuring: Giant Italian Sandwiches & Aged Steaks CARRY-OUT SERVICE ON ENTIRE MENU 483.3027 11 W. Michigan Ave., YPSILANTI 4 P.M.-1 1:30 P.M. Mon.-Thurs. and Sur 4 P.M.-12:30 A.M. Fri. and Sat I Open: 11 A.M.-2 A.M. Above Ad Worth 25c toward Dinner (One per Customer) DeLong'sPit Barbecue Features these CARRY-OUT DINNERS: -Bar-B-Q Ribs Shrimp Bar-B-Q Chicken ' Fish Fried Chicken ' Scallops Bar-B-Q Beef Oysters All Dinners include Fries, Cole Slow andsBread Open: Mon., Wed., Thur.-Noon-2 A.M.; Fri., Sat., Sun.-Noon-3 A.M. 314 DETROIT ST. 665-2266 I BOYCOTT A& P So far 212 people helped by taking shopping elsewhere with Pepperoni Sausage. Mushrooms Hamburger Green Pepper Ham Olives Bacon Anchovies Onions 1 / from ' MOXEES brings you the bulk of fashion ..brawny and bold...a little chunky ...a little clunky..It's the LIGHT YOUR FIRE AT THANO'S LAMPLIGHTER 421 EAST LIBERTY--SEVEN DAYS A WEEK COME and VISIT CURTIS, BEEF BUFFET Where You Can Get "The World's Best Dish" CHICKEN IN THE ROUGH as well as ROUND OF ROAST BEEF and many more dishes 207 S. MAIN Open 7 days a week 11 A.M.,1 OP.M. THE FINEST CORNED BEEF and PASTRAMI in town is at THE DELI RESTAURANT& DELICATESSEN COMPLETE CARRY-OUT SERVICE FRESH HOT BAGELS Every Sunday Morning along with a complete line of SMOKED FISH and LOX N. Miller at Main 769-4444 The /10#f 90; Located in Scenic Northern Ann Arbor Area (Dixboro) .;ad, Xt rie r f beef BEST SELECTION OF SEAFOOD IN ANN ARBOR AREA "the fish you eat today played yesterday in Gloucester By" OTHER SPECIALTIES the finest steaks Pon fried chicken and roast prime ribs of beef OMEGA PIZZA, Open Daily from 5 P.M.-2 AM. FREE DELIVERY Call 769-3400 new look...It's the NOW look..l t's the new shoe look! MO EV Blaises Hamburger 6" on an Oversized Toasted Roll ,if If It's Good Food V'want-Go to Blaises at the Sheraton Ann Arbor Inn *@Oee~e @@@@o@ ~ ee@-----------------@@@ """ ""I """ """ -""0""+ """""