A COLLAGE OF VIEWS See editorial page C I 4c giltA6 :4iaiti HEAT WAVE Pr igh-7 5 Lone-.18 Partly cloudy and warmner, slight chance of raini Vol LXXIX No. 55 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Friday, November 1, 1968 Ten Cents Harvey'andhis four ears of questionabli By JIM HECK penditures of funds for extradition Association (WCDA) with the J. Postill, Sgt. William H. Stander, immediately requested an opinion Sheriff's Department, tightening The and PHILIP BLOCK trips; sheriff's help. However, the as- Cpl. Harold E. Kerr and Deputy on the situation from Atty. Gen. their control over Harvey's finan- pamp MlMismanagement of the coun- sociation soon veered from the Alfred R. Bland, took their case Frank Kelley. cial activities, safety Many legal as well as ethical ty jail, including the maintenance organization of a "company un- before the State Labor Mediation Kelley then issued a preliminary But the supervisors stopped nually questions have been raised in the of an "incorrigible cell"; ion" which Harvey desired, to an Board where they eventually, won report suggesting the County short of severe reprimands, which sociat past four years concerning the ac- 0 Responsibility for rising in- organization pushing for bargain- back pay compensation and an or- Board of Supervisors begin an in- Koch and others had demanded. non-p tivities of Washtenaw County's surance costs for his patrolmen, ing rights. der directing Harvey to reinstate vestigation into Harvey's office. The supervisors have since drop- and i sheriff, Douglas J. Harvey. because of their alleged high acci- The issue came to head when them. peTvpthe investigation and s ent profit The questions have been raised Thed heuinvstigaion anppoented aj by county officials as well asrais dent rate; Harvey ordered the WCDA lead- But several of the deputies, es- special the a comitte t their findings to the circuit court appea individual citizens. But, unfortun- * Negligence in cutting off ers to retract a public statement pecially Postill and Sgt. C a r 1 conduct the inquiry. They submit- and to Kelley. Th few of these important ques- communications between his de- they made concerning plans to Koch, an outspoken supporter of ted written questions to Harvey Harvey s answers to the super- public tions have been answered. partment and the Dexter police take legal action unless the as- the WCDA who Harvey fired in concerning his management of visors' questions were given under count The major charges levied against force. sociation was recognized as the April, have continued and extend-xoath. Since that time he has while wasercognzedrscthaAprlshveecntinedaadaexend- extradition trips, a jail commis- dne oeo hs nwr.jbf Harvey are exclusive bargaining agent for the ed their campaign against t h e sary and his publication of a denied some of those answers job f * Unfair labor practices against Ironically the first formal 62 sheriff's deputies. sheriff. "Safety Guide." then the deputies union; charges against Harvey arose out The deputies refused to obey In July, Koch filed a petition Harvey has returned several sets On Oct. 10 the supervisors ask- But " Questionable financial prac- of a dispute with his deputies. Harvey's order and the sheriff with presiding Circuit Judge of sworn replies. The board mem- ed Harvey: "Have any monies con- refuse tices in the publication of a Safe- In August, 1967, some of Har- consequently fired four of the un- James R. Breakey Jr., requesting bers called the replies "highly un- nected with th so-called Safety sociat ty Guide, the operation of a pri- vey's deputies began formation of ion leaders on Dec. 4, 1967. a one-man grand jury investiga- satisfactory" and voted Oct. 22 Guide . . . been diverted to your relati soner's commissary and the ex- the Washtenaw County Deputies The deputies fired,'Deputy Fred tion of Harvey's office. Breakey to establish a running audit of the personal use?" S Twelve Pages e law Safety Guide, a 70-page ilet of advertisements and notes. is usually printed an- by the State Sheriff's As- ion. The association is a rofit group of state sheriffs s supported solely by the s made from advertisements ring in the guide. association sends a team of relations men into each y soliciting the advertising, performing a public relations or the sheriff. The guide is printed and distributed. in 1967, Harvey, who had ad to pay his dues to the as- ion, told the team of public ons men not to bother can- c THE SHERIFF'S, Page 7 S EXPRESSES 'SYMPATHY': SGC urges students to NLF deie to attend gates talks consider strike support By LESLIE WAYNE Student Government Council urged students last night to con- sider if they "might not better spend Nov. 4 and 5 participating - in the activities of the national student strike rather than at- tending classes." However Council members stress- ed the statement was an bxpres- sion of sympathy for the strike rather than an explicit statement of support. Council also rejected a motion to reaffiliate with tle National Student Association and strongly censured Vice President for Stu- dent Affairs Barbara Newell for blocking an SGC allocation to SGC, Inc. An Editorial . . FOUR YEARS AGO~liberal voters in Washtenaw Coun- ty supported the Democratic candidacy of Douglas J. Harvey in an effort to oust the ossified regime of Repub- lican Sheriff George Peterson. They succeeded in electing Harvey, but not in re- forming the office of sheriff. During his four years in ffice, Sheriff Harvey has turned his public trust into a public disgrace. His tenure in office hias been marred by serious and repeated charg- es of financial irregularities to which Harvey has made no adequate reply and \which have not been thoroughly investigated only through the laxity of the County Board of Supervisors, the Washtenaw County Circuit Court and the office of the Governor. But these charges are not the only, or even the most serious, flaws in Harvey's administration. The sheriff has turned law enforcement in this county into a sorry, and not very funny, joke. On repeat- ed occasions, he has been guilty of cynical and capric- ious application of the law. Excessive force is commonly used in making arrests. Conditions in the County Jail became half-civilized only after the intervention of the State Department of Corrections forced the elimination of medieval torture chamber Harvey called his "incor- rigible cell" Clearly support for Harvey in this election is out of the question. But return to the primitive regime of Pet- erson is equally unacceptable. Peterson is an old-fashion- ed conservative Republican, who was never faced with a test of his tolerance for student protests. But under his long tenure the indiscriminate brutalization of local blacks was a common occurence. FORTUNATELY, IN THIS election, we have more to choose from than the dismal choices presented by our major parties. Jim "Joe" Lewis is running as the candi- date of the New Politics Party on an enlightened plat- form. Lewis believes in community control of police agen- cies and in civilian review boards as a check on abuses of police power. As a resident of the Ypsilanti black com- munity, Lewis is sensitive to the problems of our urban ghettoes. Lewis believes that the right of defendants in the custody of the sheriff must be rigorously protected. The protection afforded by previous incumbents of the office has been less than complete. Lewis, who is a UAW local bargaining committee- man, strongly supports the right of sheriff's deputies to form a union and to bargain collectively. Sheriff Harvey has gone so far as to fire or force the resignation of dep- uties who tried to buck his tame house union and set up a viable bargaining agent. Lewis' qualifications for the job, while not over- whelming, are at least as good as those of Peterson and Harvev. He served as a Washtenaw County Sheriff's Council member Michael Davis, who introduced the strike motion, said "SGC members are not sure if they are willing to stay out of classes, yet we do want every stu- dent to consider this possibility." However, member Gayle Rubir criticized the motion as "wishy- washy and thus not in support of the strike." SGC rejected the stronger pro- posal as being invalid in face of their own doubts over supporting the strike. Executive Vice President Bob. Neff, questioned whether SGC could accept the stronger state- ment when "most of the students on campus don't support the strike." An informal poll taken of Coun- cil members indicated that only Miss Rubin would participate in the strike. Council further criticized whe- ther the strike tactic was an ap- propriate means of teaching SDS' !objectives. "The issues set forth by SDS don't correspond with the tech- niques they plan to employ, Davis said. Council member Sharon Lowen claimed "reasonable demands for the strike have not been articu- lated." SDS called the nation-wide stu- dent strike to dramatize student dissatisfaction with the electoral process, and to protest the war in Vietnam. In other action, SGC defeated a motion asking Council to reaffil- iate with the National Student As- sociation. SGC broke ties with NSA last October shortly after a disclosure that NSA had been accepting funds from the CIA. Miss Rubin introduced the mo- tioi for reaffiliation since "NSA was doing some exciting things in the area of academic reform." Council also formally censured Vice President for Student Affairs Barbara Newell for delaying a $100 allocation from SGC to SGC, Inc. Council charged Mrs. Newell with "acting contrary to a valid vote of SGC, contrary to the SGC plan and contrary to custom." WASHINGTON (R) -- President Johnson announced last night that a complete halt to all bombardment of North Viet- nam will begin at 8 a.m. this morning. The President, addressing the nation, said he had decided t'o take this step-with the concurrence of his top military advisers and the governments of all the allied powers fighting in Vietnam, "in the belief that this action can lead to progress toward a peaceful settlement of the Vietnamese war." Hanoi was notified of the decision. And negotiations, on the basis of it will begin in Paris next Wednesday with the government of South Vietnam represented at the conference table. The latter was a key bone of contention. lj jj l ets The National Liberation Front'j also will be entitled td sit in on the new-terms maneuvering for peace in the long, costly war on the other side of the world. Just what the form of repre- sentation of the Viet Cong will be on Hanoi's side of the bargaining L Le n n table will be is not clear, exceptB that this government is not re- cognizing the NLF as an equal, Associted Press Political Writei participating government. WASHINGTON -- Hubert H. "What we now expect-what we Humphrey got his biggest con- have a right to expect-are tribution of the presidential .cam- prompt, productive, serious and paign last night with President intensive negotiations in an at- Johnson's decision to halt all bom- --Associated Press PRESIDENT JOHNSON meets last night in the White House Cabinet Room with top military and de- fense advisors before announcing the bombing halt. At right are presidential assistant Walt Rostow, right, and Undersecretary of State Nicholas Katzenbach. ASYLUM IN SWEDEN: "12 d1 /2 , 14L e-k cr 0 Lb SO41"144 0i By RON LANDSMAN If Students for a Democratic Society seek recruits, the place not to look is among the deserters and draft resistors in Sweden and France today. Despite the commit- ment of one of the most political of acts-deserting the U.S. Army because of a war they cannot stand -Americans t h e r e who sought "humanitarian asylum" are not the militant anti-war types that a first guess would indicate. This was one of the thoughts of Prof. Joseph Sax of the Law School who returned yesterday morning from a two-week trip to those two strongholds of Ameri-' can deserters. Sponsored by Clergy and Lay- J, t (AU 1" I (1V ~5f r ,G U (4 mosphere that is conducive to I bardment of North Vietnam. progress," Johnson said. But the haze left hanging over Some progress already has come H a n o i's reciprocal intentions 0 in the action he has taken, John- clouded the impact of the Presi- son said, and in indications that dent's action on Tuesday's ballot- I Hanoi is willing now to talk in ing. 9 h I more substantive terms. Republican and Democratic But the President said that strategists agreed privately that men Concerned About Vietnam, did. and it was then that they steady determination and patience Humphrey, as the Democratic the trim's purpose was to give :became political, still will be required, along withprsdnilnmnwodbn- known anti-war Americans a "Their politicization' is in thestl"wlberuidaog ih presidential nominee, would bene- chance to contact desertersans courage, steadfastness and per- fit psychologically by even a be- hopefully, to talk aboute nd, best sense of the word," Sax says, severance here at home to match lated presidential decision to take/ They are thoughtful about Amer- that of the men fighting in Viet- an action that has become a sym- when they returned. ican society and the war, they trya nam. bol of the cataclysmic dissension Like draft dodgers in Toronto, to figure out the meaning of The presidential announcement within the Democratic party resisters and deserters in Europe what happened. Above all, they was delivered from the movie are not the typically political are aware." theater and broadcasting studio in Highly placed Democrats said type. They are not even the ex- That awareness, their common the East Ming of the White House. Johnson's decision to test Hanoi's pected urban, middle class lib- trait, brings out a few common re- I It followed a brief meeting John- reciprocal intentions could only erals who oppose the war so actions. One is the desire to read, son held an hour and a half act to cut the ground from under vocally here. "It is part of their attempt to earlier with his top security, de- Democratic anti-war protesters And they are not martyrs. Sax understand what they had done," fense and diplomatic advisers in who have been inclined not to explains "They do not see them- Sax says, "They are seeking an I the Cabinet Room.' 'vote at all Tuesday. selves as especially noble or es- understanding of what motivated I And along the way, the chief On the other hand, Republican pecially brave, resisters of the them to desert. Most had not executive took time to notify the strategists suggestec that the Pres- Establishment." thought that deeply on it before three presidential nominees, Dem- ident's action, only five days be- Sax says it is difficult; if not they did it." ocrat Hubert H. Humphrey, Re- fore the election, would be con- imposs, to deifieth by nSee U.S., Page 2 See JOHNSON, Page 6 sidered by the voters as a cynical i gy-r-any of thecvenattempted coup to swing the elec- tional sociological terms-class, " tion. But above all of this political education, social status. The un- bickering stood the towering de- derlying common traits-and Sax. En g i n 13 ' 1 1.J f £'eA i 1bickermndgofteoottersasrgstee emphasizes that generalization onmnd of the voters-as registered this is risky at best-are very in- " 4 by responses to both major can- diviuaisti, " cerainsenitiitytn c rra io ndidates when they have talkied of an intolerance to thingsvery:stviy I;Cp o T gI peace in the campaign-to get the wrong that they saw around Vietnam war over with. them." 'This is what politicians say is By MARTY SCOTT cil last March in a motion that the innate demand of the voters. It may have been, he points out,'The Engineering Council last stated "Unless these two condi- They say it wells above their exactly theirstraight-laced up- night denounced Student Gov- tions are satisfactorily met the desire for "law and order"-with bringing in the face of what they ernment Council's plans for in- Engineering Council will not sup- oAr without justice as the individ- saw that made them desert. "Most corporation but demonstrated sup- port incorporation." ual case may be-to end the riot- of them were raised on 'God, port for SGC itself. i Bloch added that on the basis ing in the streets and its attend- country and apple pie'," Sax says, The disapproval was expressed of an exchange of letters and ant crime wave. ''And, believing that, they werein a motion by Executive Vice conversation with SGC members, Significantly, Humphrey said particularly vulnerable to the President Chris Bloch. Criticism he feels that a majority of them in Newark, N.J., that Johnson's shock they received." A more p- centered on Bloch's claim that do not understand incorporation. decision would "help the cause litically sophisticated person would SGC has shown managerial irres- In other action, the Council dis- not have been as surprised as they ponsability in its present status cussed its decision to establish it H of peace. at what they saw, Sax believes. and should not be trusted to run self as the student government of His Republican opponent, Rich- -- - _ _, i rd M Nf?'ixorn. hadino Antionbut Radical Caucus votes not to support strike By ELIZA PATTERSON The Radical Caucus last night voted not to endorse the student strike being sponsored by SDS for Nov. 4 and 5. The Caucus also decided to in- tensify its efforts in circulating petitions that demand an end to language and distribution re- quirements. Many members stress- ed the idea that the campaign is The Caucus has already secured about 2,000 signatures on their petitions. It was originally seek- ing 3,000 signatures, but because of the success of the drive it will attempt to garner about 4,500 signatures. The SGC petitions al- ready have an additional 2,000 signatures. A suggestion was made to mus- ter additional support by having a petition that would just call for