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August 27, 1968 - Image 57

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The Michigan Daily, 1968-08-27

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Page Three


Publications of law, engin, ISR
survive U's throw-away culture

Although no authoritative
studies have been made, it has
generally been assumed that
the life span of student publi-
cations is quite short.'Day-old
Daily's have been used to wrap
fish and janitors have found
slightly dated Gargoyles, dis-
membered and worn, stuffed
behind bookshelfs.
Yet in this throw-away cul-
ture, there are a few magazines
produced by the University
that manage to escape this fate.
In fact, some people have
found favorite works worth
saving for future use.
The Michigan Law Review is
one of these treasured journals.
Law School alums have been
known to sentimentally hoard
every Review since '05 arld
judges are often found peeking
into a copy to find out what
was really thought about their
Recruiting its staff from the
top 10% of the freshman class,
the law review combines stu-
dent opinions with articles by
professors, practicing lawyers
and judges to. produce a sur-
vey of current legal decisions
and problems.
Traditionally, the law review
staff has limited itself to writ-
ing "notes" or commentaries
on recent legal developments
and decisions. However, this
year the staff began publishing
feature articles on fields gener-
ally related to law.
Within the past year, the law
review has received a bit of
competition fromra new jour-
nal produced by the law school.
The new journal, Prospectus
- Journal of 1,aw Reform, is
a reaction to the rule that only
those in the top 10% of the

freshman class are eligible to
write for the review. Articles
for Prospectus may be submit-
ted by any member of the law
One look at the Michigan
Technic will dispel any prior
notions about the lowly Mich-
igan 'engineer. From the sup-
posedly gray engineering de-
p a r t m e n t comes a glossy
monthly digest of current hap-
penings in engineering sparked
by feature articles and abun-
dant artwork.
Within the past year, Tech-
nic has covered the retirement
of Doc Losh (complete with a
center foldout of the Doc) as
well as a discussion of the
"Theory and Practice of Stu-
dent Power."
In past years, the Technic
has been selected as the best
college engineering publication
and -has been sent to all parts
of the world - South Amer-
ica, Europe and the Soviet
Union. ,
However, not all of the "save-
able" journals are produc'd by
students. The University is also
the home of a number of jour-
nals'produced by its staff mem-
Probably the best known
journal in this category is the
Journal of Bio-Psychology (for-
merly known as the Worm-
Runners Digest until too many
librarians objected to that
Produced by Dr. James Mc-
Connell of the psychology de-
partment (the man who sadis-
tically cut up planaria to find
how animals learn), it is a duo-
journal. Skipmming through tie
magazine from front to back,
it is a highly technical and sci-
entific journal. However when
it is turned upside-down-and-

backwards, it turns into a book
of jokes about Dr. McConnell's
beloved planaria.
Some departments almost go
into the printing business in
publishing their staff member's
papers. Within the past year,
Institute of Social Research
staff members produced over
240 articles.
Although most of, these ar-
ticles are aimed at an audience
of sociologists, the Instit pe is
planning to develop more jour-
nals for the layman. Right now,
they are compiling a computer-
ized and categorized mailing
list of 6000 names.
Publications by the Institute
cover an almost endless realm
of topics. Recently one staff
members made a survey of ran-
dom consumer use that can tell
when a housing or auto slump
is pending. Several other mem-
bers have produced a book
Youth in Transition analyzing
the reason why students drop
out of high school, and have
sent it to high school principles
across the county.
If the first magazine you
come to looks like fishwrap,
hunt around - the University
has publications to fit almost
any interest.

From a converted funeral parlor . .

Collecting news of and for the


TSR p)ublications
to fit


every interest



Prom a converted funeral par-
1460 on Maynaid Street and the
orange Literature, Science and
Arts Bldg. a wonder of informa-
tion and culture is disseminated
by the University through the
work of WUOM radio, the Uni-
versity television center and the.
University News Service.
Through these three bodies, all
under the Vice President'for Uni-
versity Relations, Michael Rad-
ock, the educational programs
and professors of the University
are shared with the state and in
some cases the nation.
The radio and TV stations can
remain fairly "pure" in the sense
that they cai}i concentrate on cul-
tural programs or informational
programs of a fairly non-contro-
versial nature - such as sports.
0 The University news service,
however, is in the more tenuous
position of attempting to give
newsmen an accurate account of
what's going on while soothing
the apprehensions of state voters
about any University unrest.
In seeking a'- respectable Uni-
versity image to present to the
public the News Service often
finds itself covering different
areas than the more controyersial
student-orientated publications.
Employing more than 15 staff
reporters and clerical workers, the
University News Service blankets
i the University's research opera-
tions with full-time reporters for
engineering, general sciences, the
medical school, and research in-
In addition to sending regular
bulletins to area papers- and
broadcasters, !news releases on a
particular area - such as prob-
lems with Negro students - are
sent to related journals world-
The University Record, distrib-
uted to all faculty members, and
the University of Michigan News,
distributed to all- non-academic
employees are also produced by
the News Service.
WUOM, like the News Service
run entirely by professionals, is
operated solely as a-service to the
state. Its services vary from
broadcasts on how to teach chor-
al music to Saturday football
games taped for re-broadcast at
convenient times..
In addition to its own regularly
scheduled programs on FM from
11 a.m. to 11 p.m., WUOM sends
taped programs to 90 other Mich-
igan stations.
Classical music forms the bulk
of WUOM broadcasting, but news
specials such as discussions on the
late Dr.= Martin Luther King, the
"Quiet Revolution In Quebec" and
Ann Arbor report are also part of
an average day's programming.
Although covering a wide range
of topics, WUOM concentrates on
coverage of the arts in Ann Arbor.
Eleventl4 Hour, an 11 a.m. pro-
gram conducted by station man-
ager Ed Burroughs, reviews books
and plays interspersed with clas-
sical music.
Also a teacher, WUOM, broad-
casts to elementary schools on
closed circuit TV.

The' University's television cen-
ter on Maynard is really a for-
mer funeral parlor - inappropri-
ate to the constant activity it
sees and nearly a quarter of a
million dollars worth of television
equipment housed therein.
WSDM, appropriately, got its
call numbers on the suggestion of
some speech department students
(speech department at Michigan)
who use the TV center for train-
ing in. technical and artistic as-
pects of programming.
A typical schedule for student
broadcasting starts off with a
newscast. Next, "A Look Prophe-
sy," part of a series on the occult
arts. Finally, a critical look at the
television coverage of last sum-
mer's Detroit riots, followed by
faculty-student critical discus-
sion of the program.
For the archives, and as pat
of its regular programming, the
center interviews famous persons
who come to the campus.
Norman Thomas and Ayn Rand
have been interviewed, and the
TV Center's taped press confer-
ence with Robert Frost is be-
lieved to be one of the only two
or three video recordings ever
made by the poet.
Events like Sesquicentennial,
the inauguration of a new Uni-
versity President and student
power rallies have been covered
by the center's film unit. A news-
reel of the year's activities is
produced each year from the film

in the archives, for use by alum-
ni groups, summer orientation
leaders and others.
WSDM does not have .its own
transmitter, but 13 Michigan sta-
tions and some 57 stations in
other states use programs pro-
duced. by the television center.
Over 8,000 programs are circu-
lated by the Center over some 70
commercial and educational sta-
tions from coast to coast.
Week days, at 6:30 in the morn-
ing, KNXT in Los Angeles broad-
casts the art appr'eciation series
"Painting with Guy Palazzola,"
produced by the center. television
station WWJ in Detroit, every
Sunday at 12:30 p.m., broadcasts
.programs produced by the center.
The center's work in closed.cir-
cuit television includes the most
extensive closed circuit color sys-.
tem in the country and the na-
tion's first, closed circuit' system
originating from inside a court-
Color cameras were first set up
for the Medical School in 1958.
Since then a library of videotapes
has been collected.
Two hospitals, St. Joseph's Mer-
cy, and the Veteran's Hospital,
have been linked up with the sys-
tei and ,the practice of giving
demonstrations and general ob;
serving sessions has been con-
A special viewing room in the
Law School serves as an Adjunct

Courtroom for the Washtenaw
County Circuit Court.
Two of the courtrooms are con-
nected with Hutchins Hall, allow-
ing observation of court proce-
dures that cannot be fully ex-
plained in classes, or textbooks.
The system was set up through
grants from Law School alumni
in 1962.
All the programs produced at
the center are available for edu-
cational audio-visual use by busi-
nesses, organizations and other
schools. Over 1,000 rentals a year
are made for this purpose.
ponsidering the disorganized
and over-crowded space the for-
mer dace. hall (in; addition to
once being a funeral parlor) left
to the television center, it is easy
t ounderstand that new facilities
are desired.
"We really would like to get a
transmitter," says Professor Gar-
net R. Garrison, director of
broadcasting at the ,center. With
a transmitter, and its own educa-
tional channel! the center could
broadcast its own programs every
"And we really should get some
color equipment, since nearly ev-
eryone is converting to color,",
Garrison added. With new equip-
ment and a transmitter, the cen-
ter would have to move to a lar-
ger building.
It would take about $3 million
to get everything we need to mo-
dernize the center," Garrison
commented, "and with the cur-
rent state of the University's bud-
get, it is not forthcoming in the
foreseeable future."
Although all of these organiz%-
tions may sound alluring, WSDM
is the only one that actively en-
courages student participation.
WUOM is, however, an excellent
station to listen to if you have
an FM radio, and University
News Service is the place to go
to publicize information or find
it if turned away by the friendly
student paper.

Student directory
sweeps humanity,

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The assertion that every stu-
dent is a number is no myth. In
fact, over 200 pages of publica-
tion have been devoted to expos-
ing each student in the University
down to his barest number.
The 1968-69 Student Directory,
published in October, bard noth-
The directory is published
through the facilities of the Board
in Control of Student Publications
and prepared by the campus
chapter of Alpha Phi Omega, the
national service fraternity.
In its own way, the directory
sweeps across the complete scope
of humanity - a nearly:random
sampling of the world, achieving
nearly complete ambiguity. Let
there be no doubt about it, the
directory is not an easy book to
read, but it isthe book of life,
and nature does not easily yield
up her secrets unto lazy students.
Deceptively purporting simply
to list its characters alphabetic-
ally, the directory embodies the
most perfect symmetry of human
experience ever achieved.
And there is no dialogue, that
old distorter of experience - the
reader communicates directly with
the meaning.

There are a few subtle guide-
lines for the novice readers of our
generation, but with what ele-
gance and persuasion do they op-
erate! Notice, for instance, the
change in type size between Ron-
ald Davis and Samuel Davis; type
size indeed! And the book is not
without its private jokes either:
look at the pace of Lowrie .. . Lu
. . Lubin . . . Lucarelli, or the
charming turn-about in late regis-
tration: Averbach . . . Baar .
Ackes . . . Baehr.
Prepare yourself for 7 the Stu-
dent Directory. Though it might
not spell the final word in the
writer's craft, it will replace tho




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