VIVIAN OR GARSKOF ? Sec editorial page Y AI!34UT ~IAdI NICE High--60 Logic-47 Sunny and warmer, chance of apparitions Vol. LXXIX, No. 54 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Thursday, October 31, 1968 Ten Cents Eight Pages NEGOTIATIONS FUTILE: Rumors fly of possible bombing halt SHA to resume DAN +ifM'By DAN SHARE Student Housing Association announced last night it' will ,' ,resume a more militant atti- tude toward the local realtors as a result of the Ann Arbor Realtors Association's ,unwill- ingness to cooperate. Last spring SHA initiated a boy- " ' cott of one major landlord, Apart-' { ments Ltd. The action included several weeks of picketingcoutside ?.. the firm's Ann Arbor offices. '{ w For the past two months S H A =; has been attempting to revitalize communications between the land- lords and the students "to enable us to work with them instead of against them," said SHA vice chairman Mike Materna, '69. Materna said SHA has repeat- edly tried to arrange meetings with the Association, composed of a majority of Ann Arbor's apart- ment agencies, through the Off- CampusHousing Bureau. > Though SHA has met twice with Richard Barnhill, president of the Association, Materna said both meetings "proved highly unsuc- cessful." '{ iMaterna said only two of the Association's members aside from Barnhill came to either of the STUDENTS PICKET Apartments Ltd. during last spring's protest meetings-and then only at the led by the Student Housing Association. second one. SHA claims that at a meeting ENCOUNTERS OPPOtSITION: between the ,Association and the Office of Student - Community Relations on Monday it was tenta- tively decided most problems relat- WASHINGTON 'IP---A fresh spurt of mysterious diplomatic activity triggered speculation late last night that President Johnson was on the brink of deciding whether to halt the bombing of North Vietnam. In Tokyo, an official spokes- man for Japanese Prime Min- ister Eisaku Sato said he ex- pected- the United States to announce suspension of the bombing "within several hours." But there were sharply con- flicting reports from foreign capitals on whether a major,an- nouncemnent was imminent. The White House and other official sources maintained an unusually tight lid of silence. There xVas no hint that Presi- dent Johnson was planning a radio-television statement to the nation either last night or early this morning. And observers speculated the President probably would want to have a hand in making any announcement on the question of bombing, considered central to movement in peace talks on the war. Speculation raged through this capital after a secret meet- ing at the White House Tues- day between President Johnson and Gen. Creighton W. Abrams, the U.S commander in Vietnam. Meanwhile, widely varying re- portselsewhere contributed to the suspense. South Vietnamese President Nguyen Van Thieu said bomb- ing of North Vietnam could not stop until Hanoi agrees to de- escalation of the war and to talk directly at the peace table with South Vietnam. Thieu, in remarks at a fore- noon ceremony commemorating Vietnamese war dead, said there had been no agreement on a complete halt in bombing of North Vietnam. Despite Thieu's statement, an- other South Vietnamese leader, Premier Tran Van Huong, said the question of a bombing halt was up to Washington. "We have very little to say" about it, he said. Huong's off - the - cuff state- ment and Thieu's continued hard line could be indications that Saigon is trying to main- tain as mMh pressure on Wash- ington as possible not to com- promise any major points in its original bomb halt offer. South Vietnamese officials have noted before that since the United States is the only one of the allies bombing the North, Washington has the power to halt the air war over the North. It was partly cur- tailed March 31 by President Johnson as the first phase of his peace offensive. Thieu has held to the hard line position continually since negotiations on the bombing halt opened between Washing- ton and Hanoi. Asked what was the stumbling block to the bombing halt and expanded peace talks, Thieu replied: "I don't see any respect response from Hanoi." Thieu met yesterday with U.S. Ambassador Ellsworth Bunker for their 13th session since the negotiations opened, indicating that the U.S. and Vietnamese positions were still not in com- plete harmony. Abrams arrived from a hur- ried and secret conference in Washington; apparently on the military implications of the bombing halt. B u n k e r was thought to be communicating Thieu's latest statements to Washington. When asked about the possi- bility of a unilateral decision in Washington, Thieu said, "it is much better to ask President Johnson about that. I have not to decide for him," He categorically denied a quote attributed to him and carried in one Saigon newspaper that "the end of the war is near." He said he had never made the state- ment or anything like it. In replying to a question on whether a Saigon-Washington joint statement announcing the bombing halt was near, Thieu said: "as long as Hanoi decides to be stubborn, and as long as Hanoi demands an uncondition- al halt of the bombing, and as long as we have no sign of good-will d -escalation f r o m Hanoi," and as long as Hanoi refuses to "talk directly to us, that they will not de-escalate the war-we cannot decide to halt the bombing." ISDS denies plan to disrupt polling places By BILL LAVELY ing to student housing would be ' x' , Voice-SDS members 1: handled by the Off-Campus ' 'der" charges yesterday fERousing Bureau rather than"cagsytrayb i AT* A SHA was not ivited to partici- that SDS is planning to di SHa n ot in g.e Hare's statement, wi aa elW iaio ' UVf~ oi it7 S 'ate in the meeting. William Steude, director of the "that may include bomb Office of Student - Community - brought a response from Student Government Council will vote tonight on whether a Relations said nothing final was General Frank Kelley wh to reaffiliate with the National Student Association. agreed upon at that meeting. He geration 0of reports made SGC broke ties with NSA last October expressing concern lid say, however, concerning a dia- frighten voters from the for the organization's "undemocratic and logue between students and real- unrepresentative tors, "the most feasible sugges- Hare pinpointed Ann nature. Bob Neff, SOC administrative vice president, who tion seemed to be to work through h area" on election day, and plans to introduce the motion, claims membership in NSA the existing framework - that is around other colleges and would prevent "ourselves from being isolated from other the Student Advisory Committee , versities which have chapte campuses. on Housing. SDS. Association members who were In a press conference yest "NSA. has also undertaken some worthwhile projects in present at Monday's meeting were afternoon SDS members rev the area of academic reform," Neff added. either unavailable or chose not to " their protest plans for the - --- However, SGC president Mike comment on the meeting's decis- tion period but disclaimed SKoeneke questioned whether the ions and implications. plans for disruptions. organization's $300 membership Materna charged that the re- s Voice-SDS spokesman Bill. C fac tion dues are "worth the services of- fusal of the Association to meet ! ; called Hare's charges "polit fered. directly with SHA was a "break motivated", and said the T in trust, especially since we went -Associated Press ment is designed to discredit proposals are never carried out onsignify good Amid widespread rumors of an impending U.S. bombing halt, members of the North Vietnamese destroy SDS, and all student a ae nfaith including retardation of ad- . onstrations on election da t campus," he said, "Since Michi- verse publicity, forwarding of all peace delegation last night attended a reception at the information office of the National Liberation associating them with SDS. gan is one of the most radical "ass attemen wih Sdesi g11schools in NSAf e m gsraly complaints to the Off-Campus Front in Paris. Pictured from left to right are Yi Su Chill, charge d'affaires of Red China in Paris, "Hare's statemen is des maintain our own programs." Housing Bureau, and by making Vu Van Thanh, interpreter and Xuan Thuy, Chief of the North Vietnamese peace talks delegation. to intimidate people," Ayers formal written communcation 'It is an attempt to turr Under terms of the motion, SGC tsking their cooperation and pro- wrath of the people against can affiliate only under the fol- mising ours." SC3U PRO!ECT. instead of against the Democ By GREG ZIEREN lowing conditions: SHA feels the Student Advisory *S Party where it rightfully belo The expected challeSGge from a - SGC disavows any relation Committee on Housing, the vehi- Ayers also described the a . . with the NSA regional organiza- cle the Association wishes to use ties planned for next Monday dissident group of College Repub- tion; for student-landlord dialogue, is tftdktl i1 tEV O T i W1I Tuesday, hc include a licans for the leadership of that infostdn-alrd ilgui O PS1t far ini A marchr ar T esy whichinldas group faile to ateriize a thet - SGC representatives cannot inadequate to serve the needs of -5against classes, symbolic p group aled CR metinga '.ast ight accept any national or regional of- the students. "The University has lines at classro to classified res fl.s;o fr failed to involve itself r y mtar, he locl dafd bar The group, the ad hoc commit- -SCrpentivsbr- any supply-and-demand consid- areas th local drftbord -e f ncr ClgeicsSGC representatives be re- nu hedures an th univeOS r il OI RC :;n~a ;aa tee of concerned College Repub- quired to investigate and expose jera tions in the Ann Arbor Housing ~aqatradteui licans, last week rejected discus- any compromising relations be- Market. The Advisory Committee administration building. sions with the executive board of tween NSA and the U.S. govern- is incapable of initiating the me- By LESLIE WAYNE ing and its purchasing department "Students in the dorm are sick A teach-ir is planned for CR and indicated they would bring ment. zhanisms by which the market can are waiting for the approval of and tired of a monopoly situation day night, and a "festival o up the disagreements at last be significantly changed," Ma- A proposed exclusive laundry- dorm residents before accepting that removes their power of party" for Tuesday night. night's metig The dissident NefadCuclmme al en ad rcenn evc o nvriybids for the contract. Neither a' choice," he said. "Under the pres-, Ajac otehm f upteRiagemntbtiat nf attnde Conilme r GSatoalsen ad ho using may not be implemented ps dent Robbers Fleming will be gh s meeting.ted be Rubin attended the NSA national Steude said the Committee is drycgeanin s e ierejection or acceptance of t his ent competative situation, we have Ae a tobe ome group is omia y members, convention last August as ob erv- excellent for dealing with policy in f ac e of opposition by Inter-'ron ece of t sen gettive staone aveMonday night, and a set o of Young Americans for Freedom, ers. Miss Rubin said NSA is "doing questions like model leases, listing House Assembly and hesitancy by program has been received as yet been getting reasonable laundryMnd i set o ausin righwin group. gess lisin prices." mands will be presented to a rightwing group. some exciting things." procedures, and complaints, but house presidents. "If substantial student support Smith ing and the University com One member speculated the pro- In other action, Council is also its efficiency in dealing with The proposal, originated by the is shown for this program, we are t, Gne , chaimano ity. posed challenge was postponed be- expected to vote tonight on a mo- broader problems is open to ques- Student Consumer's Union, would prepared to begin it immediately the consume -s union maintains These demands include am cause of lack of support from the tion to withdraw funds from the tion. contract a laundry-drycleaning on an experimental basis," said that "a system-wide operation to military research at the membership and the, issue of en- Office of Student Affairs and es- Action SHA will consider include company to service all University John Feldkwmp, director for a firm ogive the best ic versity, and the reinstatem dorsements in the upcoming SGC tablish a local bank account. This rent strikes, picketing, and the dorms. SCU estimates prices un- veisity housing. es. The present Ann Arbor laun Prof Julian Gendell of the c elections. action follows the recent refusal of lirection of student buying power der such a system would be ap- However, the program has come ery presen at Arlan- istry department. dry prices are not at all reasonableh D Acting Vice President for Student away from the controlling shares proximately 25 to 30 percent less under harsh criticism from Jack in the campus area" Gendell was deed by d comis. Mike ode Affairs Barbara Newell to au- of the market which, Materna than present Ann Arbor prices. Myers, Inter-House Assembly pres- . h ' partment for "political rea ad committee, Mike Modelski, Smith said he informally .con- i chairman of YAF, Roger Keats thorize a $100 allocation to SGC. says, "really set the rental tone." The Office of University Hous- ,ident. tacted three cleaning establish- and Bob Eldridge, members of ments in Detroit and all compan- YAF and CR are all seeking seats 'SOCIETY TO BLAMES ies offered prices "at least 25 to in the SGC election in November. 30 percent lower than prices in e--e--,ion Ann Arbor." FT abeled as "intimidation" and "slan- y Secretary of State James Hare srupt polling places on election day. hich forecast disruptive incidents )ings and molotov cocktails" 'also Gov. George Romney and Attorney ap together warned against "exag- by officials" which might tend to polls. Arbor as a "potentially explosive anticipated trouble in voting places rs of erdayIF1dseven ealed, elec- any Ayers gultyIn ically state- t andAl)C i dem- Sby By HAROLD ROSENTHAL igned One person was acquitted and said, seven were found guilty last night the SDS on charges of trespass during the cratic Sept. 6 welfare sit-in. Three other ngs." eases ended in a mistrial. ctivi- Charges against Nais Raulet '72, y and strike were dismissed because prosecu- picket tion failed to produce any evi- n g s , dence of her guilt. earch IOTCI The jury took two hours and ersity 45 minutes to find the seven gull- ty. Those found guilty include six fol-I students: Patricia Bateman, Grad, Nicholas Cherot '69, Don Rice '70, Presi- Angela Sherbo '72, Dave Wesley held '71, James Wrigley '72; and one f de- non-student, Rose Hochman. Flem- The three mistrials were declar- mun- ed after the jury failed to reach a verdict. Yvonne Calloway '72, n end Brendon Hudson '69, and Victoria Uni- Jackson '69, will have new trials. nt of hem- Kenneth V. Cockrel, the defense attorney, said the pictures entered e de- as evidence by the prosecution did sons," not prove that those arrested were in the County Bldg. He also ques- tioned the validity of the testi- mony of the arresting officers, charging that they required brief- ings before the trial to identify Sin court those they arrested. Several members indicated they had attended the meeting speci- fically to support the leadership of president Julie Metzger and' the rest of the executive board. A motion to support the candi- dacies of the four members was tabled. Members said that though they may finally endorse the four candidates, a question and an- swer period for all SGC candi- dates will be held first. This was1 scheduled for November 6 and will decide any CR endorsements. Earlier the dissident group had sent a letter to all members ofj CR charging a lack of competent leadership, insufficient club activ- ities and a decline in CR member- ship to less than half of last year's totals. The letter also included the resignations of three of five mem- bers who resigned from the CR 16-man executive board. Dean Allen hits 'law and order' By JOHN GRAY Dean Francis Allen of t h e Law School yesterday told the National Commission on the Causes and Prevention of vio- lence in Washington that so- ciety as well as demonstrators are to blame for a growing dis- regard for law and order. Allen's prepared testimony dealt with the relationship be- tween "law, order and 'law and order'." He was quick to point out what he feels are misrepre- sentations of the concepts. "A great deal being proposed today under the rubric- of 'law and order' is unrelated or an- tagonistic to the rule of law and to the kinds of order that are the products of the rule of law," he told the commission. nation today and this is where t h e fight against violence should begin, he said. While Allen was not specif- ically critical of the police, he raised questions about the pro- priety of their actions and blasted some of their defend- ers, He noted that, in attempts to justify police violence, "the rel- evant inquiry is and always has been: Was there reasonable necessity for the force actually employed? Was the force nec- essary to affect the arrest of wrong-doers? Was it necessary to protect the life and limb of the peace officers? Was it nec- essary to prevent the commis- sion of serious crimes?" He went on to comment, "The Allen placed some of the blame for disrespect for 1 a w on "the host of trial courts ... in urban centers throughout the country." "In part," he testified, "this damage is inflicted by the judg- es sitting in these courts .-. often of minimal competence and even less sensitivity and compassion." But he adds that the courts only reflect, to an extent "a sys- tem of justice that in such mat- ters as bail, rights of repre- sentation, and monetary fines explicitly discriminates against persons of meager financial re- sources." Allen also placed a large part of the blame on the demon- strators themselves. "We are a tactic of protest is not con- tributing to the emergence of a more liberal and humane so- ciety but is, on the contrary, producing an opposite tenden- cy. "Fanaticism," he said, "breeds fanaticism in opposition. Just as 'extremism in defense of lib- erty' does not promote liberty, extremism in the cause of jus- tice may extinguish hopes for a just society." "Insofar as rioting and large- scale public disorders are con- cerned, the real issue is not whether public order will be re- stored to American society," he explained. "It is, rather under what terms will order be re- stored a n d with what conse- Under terms of the contract, on- i o'elojcedtMheams ly one laundry-cleaning company rr2II sion of pictures taken at the coun- would be permitted to use t h e bidnasedncutlth dormitory desk personnel to col- t uidigasevdnc utl h lect their payments. Other laun- court could hear testimony from dries would be able to make de- the officer who took the pictures liveries to the dorm desks if the " r on the authenticity of them. order is paid in advance Det. Sergeant Charles Anderson If the University is not satis- testified that the four picttures fied with the service, the proposal ,rwere from among the twenty-five allows cancellation of the contract to thirty-six he took. He also said after 30 days notice. that he could identify the people Last October, Feldkamp sent a '':.I> in three of the pictures. letter to all residence hall presi- I s t C , dents, explaining the program and , ..IhisumtoCcer- asking fore comments.iOf the 12n . ferring to the provisions of the asking for comments. Of the 12 ::" !resiass statute. said, "Each part letters sent, Felkamp received only :rs"the statute, sad 'Each par one rply.of the statute must be proven in- one reply. dividually for each person." Later this week, Feldkamp will James Hare Covkrul sac prson. send another letter to all the pres- Cockrel said Prosecutor William idents to seek support for the pro- Ayers said. F. Delhey "couldn't identify peo- gram. Ayers emphasized that the ple as the recipients of his warn- If support; is shown the Univer- demonstrations would not be. ing to leave the building." He also sity will solicit bids for the con- aimed against people or students, ;aid there was no positiye identifi- tract. If all the bids are unsatis- but against institutions. "Every - cation of any of the defendants. factory, bd four years the people feel they' rythe program can be drop- : av a, ha,,ne e ,t ohan te I- -_ I Municipal Judge S. J. Elden in-