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.-IHA approves niew structure
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The Daily Offical Bulletin is an,
official publication tot the Univer-
sity of Michigan for which The
Michigan Daily assumes no 'editor-
ial responsibility. Notices should be
sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to
Room 3528 L. S. & A. Bldg., be-
fore 2 p.m. of the day preceding
publication and by 2 p.m. Friday
for Saturday and Sunday. General
Notices may be published a maxi-
mum of two times on request; Day
Calendar items appear once only.
Student organization notices are
not accepted for publication. For
more information call 764-9270.
Day Calendar
Bureau of Industrial Relations Sem-
inar: "Management of Managers, Pro-
gram No. 72": North Campus Commons,
8:15 a.m.
Center for Programmed Learning for
Business: "Training Systems Work-
shop": Michigan Union, 8:30 a.m.
Conversations at the Center for Con-
tinuing Education of Women: 330
Thompson, 12:00 p.m.
Statistical Computing Meeting in
Room 2225 Angell Hall at 3 p.m. All
interested are invited.
Botany.Seminar: Dr. Hugh Iltis, Uni-
versity of Wisconsin will speak on "The
Mystique of Pleistocene Fertility", Bot-
anical Gardens, 4:15 p.m.
Cinema Guild: Michael Redgrave in
Dead of Night: Architecture Auditor-
ium, 7:00 and 9:05 p.m.
School of Business Lecture S e r i e s:
Thomas J. Schriber, Assistant Profes-
sor of Statistics, School of Business Ad-
ministration, "General Purpose Simul-
ation System/360: Introductory Con-
cepts and Case Studies": Auditorium
130 Business School, 7:30 p.m.
School of Music Concert - University
Philharmonia: Theo Alcantara, Con-
ductor, Gustave Rosseels. Violin Solo-
ist: Hill Auditorium, 8:00 p.m.
University Players (Department of
Speech): Harold Pinter's The Home-
coming: Trueblood Theatre, 8:00 p.m.
School of Music Concert: 1968-1969
Festival of Contemporary Music; Cham-
ber Music. Contemporary Directions En-
semble; Schuller's "Aphorisms," John
Hawkins' "Three Cavatinas," Barney
Child's "Nonet," and Finney's "Divertis=
sement." Rackham Lecture Hall, Friday,
Nov. 1, 8 p.m.
The History Department presents the
sixth lecture in its series on Some
Aspects of Negro -American History. Mr.
Harold Cruse, Visiting Honors Lecturer
at the University of ,Michigan, will
speak on "The Negro Creative Move-
ment of the 1890's", Thursday, October
31, at 4:15 p.m. in Auditorium A, An-
gell Hall.
German Exchange Scholarships: A
limited number of scholarships a r e
available for one year of graduate study
in Germany for the 1969-70 school
year. Candidates must .have completed
a bachelor's degree by the end of the
summer term, 1969, be proficient in
German, and should have a well-de-
fined purpose for wishing to study in
Germany. The scholarships apply to
any field of study and may be used for
research activities by advanced grad-
uate students. Awards range from 400
DM to 800 DM per month, plus round-
trip transportation. Applications a r e
available at the Scholarship Office, 2011
SAB; the German Department, 1072
Frieze Building; and The International
Center, 603 E. Madison Street. Deadline
for submission of applications is No-
vember 2, 1968. For additional informa-
tion, contact Mr. LaVine, International
Center, 764-2137.
Sister Mary Joan La Fontaine, Speech,3
Dissertation: "A Critical Translation of,
Philip Melanchthon's Elementorum
Rhetorices Libri Duo," at 3. p.m., Wed-#
nesday, October 30 in Room 2065 Ad-
ministration Building, Chairman: H. W.
P e
City of New York: Program Manager, All disciplines for Business and Public Women. All day. BA/BS in Arch., Math.,
and asst position, radio-TV degree and Administration study. Econ., Phys., Lands. Arch., and MA
3 years for Sr. position. Announcer. Imperial Chemical Industries Limit- in Poll. Sl. for Art & Des., Mgmt. Trng.,
Musical Supv. Civil engr., Sanitary. ed, Men and women. Primarily inter- Mktg. Res., Stat., and Econ.
Elect. Engr. Assistant Planner, degree ested in meeting British Post-doctoral Union Carbide Corporation, Nuclear
and/or 2 years and MA. Landscape Ar- scientists. PhD in Bio-chem., Anal Division, Oak Ride, Tenn., and Pad-
chitects at several levels for State De- Chem., eGn. Chem., Inorgan. Chem., ucah, Ky. Men and women. Afternoon
partment of Conservation. Organ, Chem, Phys. Chem., Math, oly, BABS/MA/MS Biochem., Anal.
State of Vermont: Social Welfare Microbiol., and Physics for research Chem., Gen. Chem., .organ. Chem.,
Supervisor, MSW and years, or BA and posts in chemical industry . Phys. Chem., Math, Microbiol., and
4. Director of Community Correctional -_._Phys.icho mcEeth, RMsrch__,D-
Centers, BA and 6 years rel. admin. re- TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 5, 1968 si c for Atomic Energy Research De-
spon. Director of Environmental Sani- National Labor Relations Board, sign. Dev. and Production.
tation, MSE in Sanitary Engr. or Publ. Wash. N.C.: Men and women, all day.
Health and 6 years. Radiation Health BA BS MA MS Econ.,* Law, Poll. Sci., ENGINEERING PLACEMENT
Assistant, BA in phys. or biol. sci. and for Publ. Admin., Labor Rel., and In- SERVICE
1 year exper in rediological health pro- dust. Rel. 128 H, West Engrg Bldg.
gram or MPH. Health Department Bus- ,HW Eg.d
iness Mgr., MPH, MBA, and 3 years. WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 6, 1968 Make interview appointment at Room
Social Welfare Supv., MSW and 1 year Aetna Life and Casualty, Group Divi- 128 H, West Engrg. Bldg. unless other-
of BA add 3 years. Sanitary Engr., Engr. sion, Detroit. Mich,: Men and women, wise specified.
degree and 4 years. Industrial Safety In- afternoon only. All majors for Insur- NOV EMBER 6. 1968
spector- ;once. home office, mgmt. trng., mer-_ Bethlehem Steel Corp.
State of West Virginia: Occupational chandising, and sales. Cornell Aeronautical Lab., Inc.
Therapist, two levels open, BA/BS and City of Detroit Civil Service: Men Crawford & Russell, Inc.
certificate, and 0-2 years exper. Physi- and women, all day. BS Arch Anal and Dow Chemical Co. - Ph.D. -(Make
cal Therapist, degree, cert. and 0-2 Gen. Chem., Econ., Gen. Lib. Arts, rappt. at 3200 SAB)
years. Other positions in physical ther- Math, Landscape Arch., Poli. Sci., General Cable Corp.
apy with 4-6 years exper and with the PsyhLSoc..Sc.cW., rnlan-S M- Hughes Aircraft Co
MPH. Dental Hygienist, cert, and BA Dh..nSocrSoco Wk., and Urba nl- IBM - Ph.D
nih0- ing for ED,Mgin rn. Prone, MichiganDetofSaeHgwy
with 0-1 -year exper. Publ. Admin., Purchasing, Recreation, gA Dept. of State Highways
Crucible Steel Company, Trent 'rube Soc-orort
Division, EasteTroy, Wis.: Engineer fo Soc.Wk., Stat., and Urban Planning. Texaco Inc.
small organization, IE. The Upjohn Company, men, All day. Union Carbide Corp. - Nuclear Div.
Standard Oil Company, Ohio Div Kalamazoo. Mich., BA/BS/MA/MS Bi- Westinghouse Electric Corp.
Cleveland, Ohio: Engineering positions chem., Microbiol., and Pharmacy for U.S. Gov't. - Naval Ammunition
in sales, construction, plastics, research Territorial Sales. Depot
and Dev., Crude oil., and chemical areas. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 7, 1968
g,.and field. Psychologist in Bradstreet, Inc., Men and
psychometry, MS mnn. and 1-5 years. Women, afternoon only Bach and
Anchor Hocking Glass Corporation, Masters non onlg. TBach,~,1 I~ ~
Lancaster, Ohio: Engineers in IE, Con- Masters in Econ., for Mgmt. Trng,
struction, reffractory, ceramic, EE, Pro- Mnapi wome. orlday.Bach, Ind
cess Control, ME, Chemists, IE, :Men and women. All day. Bach.and N TI E
cesswControl, ErCheIstse KEn Masters degrees in Econ., Gen. Lib. Arts .
Midwest Research Institute, Kansas, Journ.. Math and Bach. in Educ. for, >:;:::>:::::::;.:.:":>:-::::;x ::::::::. :
City, Mo.: Biology, Bacteriol., Microbio.,nEDP. Foreign Trade, Mgmt. Trng.,
Virol., Immunol. Chemistry - ChE, In- Mktg., Res.. Merchan., Production, In- U3M Chess Club, Oct. 30th, 7:30 p.m.,
organic, Polymer Sc. Econ. Dev. - Re- side Sales, Writing, Gen. and Tech. 3A Union, weekly meeting.
gional Econ., Indust. Econ., and Chem. City of Detroit Civil Service: see the * * * *
Econ. Engineering - Microwave., En- Wed. listing above. University Lutheran Chapel, 1 5 1 1
gineering Analysis, Product and pro Wickes Corporation, Saginaw, Mich.: Washtenaw, Mid week service on Oct.
cess, ad design. Operations Research, Men and women. All day. BA/BS/MA/ 30th at 10:00 p.m., Reformation E v e
Project Control, and Statistics positions. MS Econ., Educ., Engl., Gen. Lib. Arts, service with Holy Communion.
Ct- Geog., Hist., Journ., Libr. Sci., Math, * * *-
Current Position Openings received Philo., Psych., Speech, and others. For UM Scottish Country Dance Society,
by General Division by mail and phone, Mgmt. Trng. Mktg. Res., Merchandising, Dance meeting, Weds., 8:00 - 10:30 p.m.,
no interviews held on Campus for these Personnel, Publ. Rel., Purchas., Inside W.A.B. lounge, instruction given, be-
openings, contact Placement Services, and Territ. Sales, and Stat. ginners welcome.
764-7464 for annriinifrt
By GEORGE MILLER tution will be changes in proced- proveme
Inter-House Assembly last night ures for IHA assessment of house as East
approved a restructuring proposal dues and policies regarding rights IHA i
which forms an Executive Council of member houses. petition
of 20 members to act on day-to- Completion of the document position
day business, could come within a month, IHA lege fun
Under the proposal the 50-mem- president Jack Myers. '71, said. "Flemr
ber House Presidents Council willh
no longer meet biweekly. Instead, Myers claimed the main idea lim Ofg
it will meet only when called by behind the restructuring plan is Fl
d hwith M~
the president or Executive Councils aimed to increase the representa- Flemit
to act "on business of significant tion of residence halls by decreas-
importance" ing the size of its regularly meet- place t
.' o in th e a ;
The resolution specifies that ing body. gentse a
"business of significant impor- In other business last night, of IHA's
tance" includes the election of Myers announced he had recently! claimed.
the IHA officers and student met with University President ! HA
members to the Board of Gov- Robben W. Fleming to express help fu
ernors Residence Halls. - IHA's opposition to the procedure Smitty{
The Executive Council will con- approved by the Regents to fund tablishm
sist of one or two representatives Residential College. Bursley
from each residence hall, the three IRA is opposed to the use of when tt
largest dormitories having two residence hall funds solely for strate a
representatives. The number of the remodeling of the college in Myers
votes per representative will be East Quadrangle. Instead, IHA, portant
determined on the basis of popu- favors the utilization of a por- residenc
lation in the dorms represented. tion of these funds for delayed madea
The proposal will be included in maintenance and "needed" im- soon."
IHA's revised constitution, cur- ----------- -s
rently being written by IRA's con- _._- ----
stitutional committee. 0
This constitution, after approv- STU D EN
al by IHA, will be sent to all house
councils for tatification.
Included in the revised consti- :
tnts in other doris as well
has begun circulation of a
seeking support for its M
on the Residential Col-
ing was upset when I told
his objection," Myers said.
has agreed to meet again
yers later this week.
ig has also consented to
he RC funding procedure
genda of next month's Re-
meeting for consideration
s recommendations, Myers
also decided last night* to
and South Quadrangle's
coffee house. Similiar es-
nents at Alice Lloyd and
Hall would be subsidized
hese dormitories "demon-
need for such funds."
announced several "im-
changes in next year's
e halls contract have been
and. will be announced
The Daily
3200 S.A.B.
epenerai Notices GENERAL DIVISION
Placement Interviews: 'Ihe following
T. S. erome Lecture Series: "Sketch organizations will interview atvPlace-
of aHistory of Ancient Italy Before Its ent Services, the representatives ex-
Romanization" by Massimo Palottino,t pect to see at least a vita sheet on in-
Professor of Struscoogy and Italic An- terviewees. therefore, if you are not
Professor T of Untrso y nd Italc A- already registered with the General
tiquity, The University of Rome, Lec- Division, please stop in and let us pro-
tures on October 31- November 5. 7. 12, vide you with the proper materials.
14: Auditorinm B. Anmell Hall. 4:00 n m. Please call 763-1363 to make appoint-
Physical Ch mistrv Semir: c 7r-f ments by phone, or stop in and make
H. H. Jaffe, University of Cincinnati/ ets phoneMorestppin.adsmak
"CNDO Calculations of Spectroscope aspt in person. Make appts. as soon
Properties", Thursday, October 31, Room a possible, none accepted after 4 p.m.
1200, Chemistry, 4 p.m. day preceding visit.
Chemistry Colloquium: Prof. H. H Opportunities for Work-Study, Fin-
Jaffe, University of Cincinnati, "A1 ancial Aid, and Further Study: Contact
Valence Electron SCF Calculations, Placement Serv. for these notices, and
Thurs,, Oct. 31, Rocm 1300 Chemistry, application procedures.
8:00 p.m. United States Coast Guard Officer
Broadcasting Service: WUOM Raio Candidate School offers preliminary
(91.7 Mc. 11 a.m. to 1 n.m. daily. questionnaire for students interested in
Wednesday 11:00 a.m. The Eleventh1 17 week intensive training and 3 years
Hour ,(repeated at 7 p.m.) Ed Burrow service.
hosts an houi of news and conversation Interagency Board of U.S. Civil Serv-
about the artA and literature. Guests: ice Examiners, offer students in en-
Richard and Ellie Wilson in a discus- gineering, physical sciences, and mathe-
sion of their hobby of gravestone rub- matics sciences a work-study program
bing. Wednesday 1:00 n.m. U-M Con- cooperative with several universities in
ference on Aging - A Panel on "Asti- the Wash. metropolitan area only. Stu-
tudes and Adiustments to Aging in Old dents are given career-eoncitional ap-
Ag", with Frances N. Carp of P a 1 c pointments, attend college on full-time
Alto and Joseph A. Britton of Penn basis, followed by full time work on
State. Wednesday 5:00 p.m. The Press vacation periods. Apply before Dec. 3
and World Affairs, with Prof. Ben Ya- for test on Feb. 1, and- Feb. 8 for test
blonkey. 8:00 p.m. Philharmonja Con- on March 29.
cert, broadcast live from Hill Auditor- The Urban Corps, Office of the May-
ium. or, City of New York: Work-Study pro-
Thursday 1:00 p.m. U.S. Foreign Po1- grain for Summer, and during the aca-
icy: The Next Decade: "Within the demic year programs, all four years of
Communist World" with Prof. Phillip college, and graduate students eligible
Mosley, Columbia University. Thursday for appointments in areas of Business
4:45 p.m. Conservation Report with and Management. Public Administra-
Prof. Karl Lagler. 5:15 p.m, U-M Fea- tion and Law. Social Sciences, The Arts.
ture Story with Jack Hamilton. Science and Technology. Education, and
Representatives from the following other areas. Preliminary questionnaire
law schools will visit Michigan in the available by writing no later than No-
next few weeks to discuss the programs vember 15.
and admission policies of their respec- School of Advanced International
tive schools with prospective applicants. Studies, Johns Hopkins University,
Case Western Reserve, Monday, Novem- Washington, D.C., and Bologna, Italy:
ber 4; New York University School of Degrees in econ.. hist., poll. sci.. and
Law, Friday, November 8; Washington min. 1 western European language in-
University, Monday, November 11; Ui~l- vited to apply for fellowships leading to
versity of Washington, Monday, No- MA and PhD. Aoplications received no
vember 18; Stanford University School lat-r thvan March I.
of Law, Monday, December 2. Appoint- City of Milwaukee: Librarian, MALS
ments may be made by calling Mrs. and 4 years. Administrative Asst. BA
Towle, 40312 or in person in 1223 Angell any fld.
4iso or app lcation information:
Cornell University, Graduate Sehool
of Business, Men and women, all day.
FRIIAY NOVEMBER 8, 1968 Baha'i Student Group, Nov. 1st, 8:00
Wednesday, above, listing, of Justice Is Being Set for White and k~) It t f
City of D~etroit Civil Service: See' p.m., 520 N. Ashley, "How the Balance + 11 is SdWneayabvltngofJtcesBigStfrWhead
Tennessee Valley Authority, Men and Black." Everyone welcome!
438 W. Huron 663-2033
.. . . . .. . . . . .
AS LOW AS6 1oc Per Copy
90-minute film
Fri.-Sot., Nov. 1-2
Nat. Sci. Aud. -7 & 9 p.m.
Tickets $1.00 - Fishbowl
SHOWN NOV. 17-18
(Sun and Mon nights) 7 and 9:05
made by Frederic Rossif in '65 from
films of the Spanish Civil War: Docu-
mentory and "work of ort" Sponsor,
J. L. Godard ('61)
Theisoldiers: Ulysse
and Michel Ange
Nov. 24-25-,-Sun.
7 and 9:05
Mon 9:00 only-
Aud. "A,"
rULL fz . 'A (l~~