ELECTION ENDORSEMENTS See editorial page Y A6F 4tj t A6P r4t an ~!IaitF WARMER Lo«-;5 Partly sunny, cooler towards evening Vol. LXXIX, No., 53 Ann Arbor. Michiaon---Wednesdav. October 30 1968 Ten Cents Eioht Paes p . - -- ,, -~ -- - -- a E' 4 -.y - McCarthy dumbfounds WASHINGTON (A) - Sen. Eugene J. McCarthy endorsed Hubert H. Humphrey for presi- dent yesterday but fired fresh criticism at Democratic -party leaders and the Chicago con- ,vention where he lost the presi- dential nomination. In a statement ending his sustained refusal to back Hum- phrey after the latter wrested the nomination from him last August, McCarthy called on his supporters to vote for the vice president as he said he plans to do. But the Minnesota senator left open the possibility that he might quit the party. McCarthy did not foreclose the possibility that he would seek re-election to the Senate in 1970 or a presidential nom- ination two years later under some other political banner than the Democratic standard. He did so by declaring: "I will not be a candidate of my party for re-election to the Senate from the state of Minnesota in 1970. Nor will I seek the presi- dential nomination of the Dem- ocratic party 'in 1972." In saying he would vote for Humphrey against GOP nomi- nee Richard M. Nixon, he called on those who supported his ef- fort to win the Democratic nom- ination to do likewise. But he said he wanted to make it clear that his endorse- accepted the rosier side of luke- warm endorsement and said it will have a "decided effect" on his presidential campaign. The Democratic presidential contender learned of his former rival's announcement that he intends to vote for Humphrey as he took part in a local tele- vision program. "I'm a happy man this morn- ing in terms of his support," Humphrey said of the man who had contested him for the Dem- ocratic presidential nomination. Humphrey said he expects "lots of undecided votes to come our way" in the last days before th? election. "There are a lot of Democrats coming back to the party. The McCarthy an- nouncement will have a decided effect." The vice president, appearing oil a Pittsburgh television show, said that he had predicted all along that McCarthy would eventually support him because of their long personal connec- tions and the friendship of their families. Humphrey said the last time he had talked to McCarthy was by telephone last Sunday. Humphrey was asked why it had taken so long for McCarthy to express his support.. The vice president said that his Minnesota colleague had gone through a long ordeal and it takes"a long time for wounds to heal." Democratic National chairipan Lawrence F. O'Brien, Humphrey's campaign manager, said in ad- vance of McCarthy's announce- ment that "it ,will be nice to have Sen. McCarthy aboard." O'Brien would not speculate on the impact of McCa'thy's announcement. He noted, how- ever, that most of the leaders of McCarthy's drive for the presi- dential nomination already had come over to Humphrey's camp. David Hoeh, the -man who headed the New Hampshire' presidentialprimary campaign for McCarthy; said he, doesn't consider the senator's announce- ment that he'll vote for Hubert H. Humphrey a real endorse- ment of the Democratic presi- dential nominee. Hoeh said he had expected McCarthy to say what he said today. But he added that Mc- Carthy's statement in Washing- )ems ton "was hardly an endorse- ment." Hoeh said: "The statement makes clear that he's taking a position that the kind of pres- sure, he applied will continue to be applied, that is to square the policies of the government with what the people are demand- ing." Hoeh said the so-called "hard- liners"-people who strongly en- dorsed Humphrey-will feel "set aside." But he added that "realistic- ally, he made the right state- ment" and that those wanting to bring about changes by work- ing within 'the political party system will welcome McCarthy's statement. Hoeh, of Hanover, a congres- sional candidate in the 2nd Dis- trict, said that at the moment "the problem is one of "defeating the LeMay-Wallace-Agnew-NiX- on combination.' See text of McCarthy statement, page 2 inent is "in no Ivay intended to reinstate me in the good graces of the Democratic leaders nor in any way to suggest my having forgotten or condoned the things that happened both before Chi- cago and at Chicago." In Pittsburgh, Vice President Hubert H. Humphrey joyfully then withheld his support until one week before Election Day. "I say thank you. Gene," Humphrey beamed, seeming to ignore McCarthy's statement that he continues to be dissatis- fied with Humphrey's position on the Vietnam War and other matters. Sen. Eugene McCarthy , ACADEMIC INNOVATION: History forum beginsPOliCe battle protesters new operating plan Students and faculty members tory students. It also accepted the difference was largely semantic. at yesterday's History Department student-faculty curriculum com- The meeting lasted two hours Forum decided to begin operating inittee and agreed to hold month- yesterday and ended discussion on under a compromise between the ly forums of students and faculty. the structural relationship be- History Student Assembly's orig- All three were accepted exactly as ; tween faculty and students. inal proposals and the faculty's the students had proposed. The student-faculty curriculum response'at their meeting Monday. However, the faculty voted to committee, probably will begin On Monday the faculty rec- keep its executive committee es- work by the end of this month. ognized the steering committee sentially as it now functions, Prof. William Willcox, history elected by the student assembly rather than accept the proposed department chairman, said the last week as representative of his- "faculty affairs committee." The faculty will choose its three mem- bers at its next faculty meeting, Nov. 11.r Judg' e o rn CS ;The student steering committee Jocase5}called a meeting of the history student assembly for Tuesday, Nov. 21, to select its three mem-1 on lgalty f ciy txe hers and to begin discussion of . 0 11 e R i1 citly aXes Iposible areas of change in the de- partment after Wallace Cobo rally 2 00' office s Confront hecklrsouts ide hial By JIM NEUBACHER special To The Daily DETROIT-Sporadic confrontations, fistfights, and scuf- fles followed by a clash between demonstrators and more than 200 police turned George Wallace's final Michigan cam- paign into chaos last night at Cobo arena. Police arrested 10 persons on charges ranging from inciting to riot to spitting on an officer. Two were booked for resisting arrest. Heads were bloodied during the chair-swinging, fist- throwing melee. The Associated Press reported an undeter- mined number of demonstrators were taken to Detrdit Gen- eral Hospital. One policeman was sprayed in the face with an unknown substance, and wasp-- - -----_~ By PHILIP BLOCK A suit accusing the city of Ann Arbor of fraudulently levying more than $2 million in illegal taxes was adjourned yesterday pending submission of briefs by the attorneys Friday, Nov. 8. Five city officials are involved in the case which charges the city with illegal collection of special purpose, garbage col- lection and pension and social security taxes during the past - . four years. Approximately 100 students and 30 faculty members attended yes- terday's meeting making it nearly as large as the original forum heldj Sept. 20. The executive committee of the department and the student steer- ing committee plan to meet in the! near future to clarify the pro- posals students made at Monday's general meeting. A specific date has not yet been chosen. At yesterday's trial, City At- The two committees, along with r e 1~2'iI~I~I~~ torney Peter Forsythe asked the the student-faculty curriculum court for an "accelerated and/or committee, will meet on a monthly summary judgment" on the case. I basis to discuss departmental mat- Stie " * The motion, if granted, would in ' ters. s'rk e fai s effect throw the case out of court. The other major feature of the However, Judge John C. Dalton, newly-instituted compromise pro- By CHARLES SILKOWITZ a Jackson Circuit Court J u d g e posal is the forum itself. The next called in to hear the case, said he 'forum has not been officially Support for a student boycott of would not rule on the motion un- slated, but it is expected to dis-' classes at the University of Cali- til the briefs were filed. cuss curriculum innovation. $ fornia at Berkeley failed to de- During yesterday's meeting one velop yesterday as the great ma- The charges are being made by suggestion which seemed to meet jority of the 28,000 students on Arthur Carpenter, a local attorney with general approval concerned a campus attended classes as usual. who is pleading his own case. "faculty studies course." The strike had been called to On Oct. 4, Circuit Court Judge William Jowdy, a member of protest the noncredit status of a William Ager Jr. threw out a sim- both the temporary and permanent course on racism whose main lec- ilar suit brought up by Carpenter. steering committee, described the! turer is Eldridge Cleaver of the At that time Carpenter filed on proposal as a "unique way to look Black Panthers, a militant black behalf of seven Ann Arbor tax- at the faculty's historical works." organization. pay rs and all other city taxpayers The class would involve four The Center for Participant Edu- in 7'hat is termed a "class action." professors, each working for about cation, which is sympathetic to Carpenter is asking the court three weeks, discussing and anal- the strike, estimated the strike to enjoin the city fi om collecting yzing with the class one of his was 30 percent effective. But ; the allegedly illegal taxes and to rmajor works. most campus observers conceded refund a minimum of $1,326,566 that 10 percent was a more reli- of tax monies collected since 1964. able figure, hospitalized. The Wallace rally was the second half of the double dose of Campaign '68 given to Detroit area voters yesterday. Richard Nixon also visited the area, stump- ing through the Detroit suburbs of Dearborn, Livonia, Southfield, and Warren. Tension began to build at the Wallace rally more than two hours before the ,presidential candidate began to speak. Wallace's cam- paign staff, in an attempt to pre- vent "disruptive persons" f r o m getting into the rally, required each spectator to have an entrance ticket to the arena. It was the first time in the campaign such a rule had been laid down at a to finalize strikeplan By STEVE ANZALONE The Ann Arbor SDS chapter decided last night to plan a march for the first evening of the stu- dent strike scheduled to protest the elections, the war and the University's complicity with the war Nov. 4 and 5. BLOOD STREAMING from a cut above his eye, a blacks melee which erupted last night at Cobo Arena. The inkid campaign rally in Michigan, and was reportedly touched lace students and pro-Wallace spectators. FEDERAL CUTBACKS e-chneo Eal .Ch In his request for an accelerated' Vice-chancellor Earl F. Cheit, or summary judgment, Forsythe in a terse statemet, said: "All contended the second case is mere- idnc shows th the strike is ,y a repetition of the first suit, be- failing and that l asses are pro- cause it asks the same remedy for t i ceeding normally.'i similar actions nd thus under Strike organizers met late last' rule 115 of Michigan Court Rules By ERIKA 110FF ofgt to reconsider their boycott of 1963 is an improper complaint. One of the effects this year of the federal ofclasses and to ,decide what ad- ditional action-if any-is to be Forsythe also charged that the cutback in appropriations for educational taken. However, as many teaching circuit court has no legal juris- and cultural exchange activities is the de- assistants reported "attendance diction over the case. He claimed ; crease in the number of Fulbright-Hayes up" in their classes, the possibility the only way persons can receive grants expected to be awarded to the of arranging an effective strike on tax refund is by first paying the nation's scholars. the Cleaver issue at Berkeley ap- taxes in question under formal;nati's ars. pears remote, protest 'and then suing within 30 'Fulbrights are awarded to United States days to recover those taxes. graduate students and college faculty for T ough the strike seemed to be study abroad. a failure, an attempt to establish Carpenter answered these char- Last year 1,437 awards were made. In a meaningful communication among ges by saying that the facts of the recently published article. the International students, faculty and administra- two cases are sufficiently different Bulletin of Education claimed no more than tion seemed to be a success as to warrant a new trial, namely B0 ulli of Edcaion claimred noi moetan. more than 2,500 students, 100 fac- that unlike the other plaintiffs, he 300 Fullbrights will be awarded this year. ulty members and 20 administra- has not yet paid his city property Of 60 University applicants last year, 26 tors met for four hours on an taxes and thus an order stopping' received awards. If the University main- informal basis to discuss the "rele- city collection of the taxes would 'tains its percentage in the grants awarded, vant issues." - be the proper remedy. no more than nine awards will be received The call for the boycott of Dalton .was called in by Circuit by University faculty and students this year. classes came after the arrest last Court Judge James R. Breakey, Jr. The Committee on the International Ex- week of 197 University of Cali- because Breakey felt his relations change of Persons (CIEP), which cooper- 'it grants available has forced the CIEP to consider the problems of maintaining the traditional open competition method of selecting grantees. Open competition is more costly and less efficient than granting awards by invita- tional recruitment. However, the suspension of open competition would endanger the quality of the program, many CIEP of- ficials have said. Presently, the papers of all eligible ap- plicants are reviewed by one of the 42 screening committees. Committee members are specialists appointed for th° principal academic disciplines by members of the Conference Board of Associate Research Councils. The board is the CIEP parent body. The CIEP uses the evaluations of t h e screening committees to make a list of re- commended candidates. The candidates are then considered for the particular program which they applied. .1 Wallace rally. At one point more than 150 ... However, the tickets could only persons attended the open meet- -Daily-Andy sacks be obtained from members of the ing. spectator hit by a chair is led out of the Wallace staff, who were circulat- The planned march may end at lent occurred during George Wallace's last ing about the arriving crowd. University President R o b b e n off by a dispute between black anti-Wal- "I sure as hell ain't gonna give Fleming's house where a specific any ticket to no disrupter," said set of demands would be pre- one of the staff men. When asked sented. The meeting failed, how- what criteria he used to deter- ever, to ratify the proposal, but 'mine if a person was a disrupter, did not kill it. hesaid only, "When you've 'been The meeting also voted to picket to as many rallies as I have, you classroom buildings Monday morn- can tell." ' ing to persuade students to join Very few persons' with shabby the strike and boycott classes. clothes, Humphrey-Muskie signs, Other plans for Monday in- or black skin received tickets. elude activities on the Diag and Many persons in the crowd gave tours of facilities involved in such countries is still undecided. In some of the ; their tickets to those who couldn't things as the University's war European countries there has been signifi- get them for themselves. research. ,ant costsharing in supporting the Fulbright- This, and lax security work laterE Tuesday, there will be a regional Hays program. The extent to which these in the evening allowed more than strike with people coming to Ann countries, will reduce their support is not a thousand protesters and heck- Arbor from other parts of the yet known. It is expected that they will cut lers to finally gain access to the state. Much of Monday's activity their contributions by about the same per- rally. will continue Tuesday with the centage as the United States. Bitter arguing, jeering, and' addition of another march that heckling marked the rally from will probably protest election ac- In certain cases the foreign countries will the start. Even before Wallace's tivity. look for other means of support. New Zea- appearance, anti-Wallace hecklers Movement centers will be estab- land has indicated it will seek funds from began shouting, "Wallace ain't lished in various apartments and other countries to support lecturers its uni- shit!", and were answered by Wal- other facilities to coordinate ac- versities want. la'ce supporters on the main floor tivities fortthe strike. A proposal (2000 main floor seats were re- to meet at a central place for Hardest hit by the reductions will be the stricted to Wallace organization dinner on Monday night was de- grants for postdoctoral research and for people), who began standing on feated. projects in the creative and performing arts, their chairs screaming "Com- The two-day strike will close Mre. than 135 ,such grants were made.mies." with a festival of life party on for this a ear; fewur than twelve are expected The major incident occurred in- Tuesday night. fori 1969-70 side the Arena just before the end There will be a meeting Sun- of Wallace's speech. A Time day night at 7 p.m on the second Two specific fields of study that have re- magazine correspondent, and a floor of the S.A.B for the purpose