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October 29, 1968 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1968-10-29

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Turning cooler
toward evening

Vol. LXXIX No. 52 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Tuesday, October 29, 1968 Ten Cents

Ten Pages

City suedf
or illeoal
tax levy
Five officials
accuse( of f raud
ill circuit Court
A suit charging Ann Arbor and
five city officials with "construe-
' tive fraud" in the levying of over
$2 million in illegal taxes will be
heard today in Washtenaw Count
Circuit Court.
The suit charges the officials,
including City Administrator Guyj
Larcom, Jr. and City Controller
Lauren J. Jedele, with levying j
three different taxes which exceed
the tax limitations laid down in
the citycharter.
On October 14 Circuit C o u r ts
Judge William Ager Jr. dismissed
a similar case on the grounds thatj
plaintiffs did not file a protest at
the time they paid their taxes.
The case is being brought
against the city by Arthur Car-
penter, a local attorney, who is
pleading the case himself. Car-i
penter represented the plaintiffs in
the earlier case.
Carpenter is bringing the case
before the court on behalf of him-
self and all other tax payers of'
the City of Ann Arbor, in what is Be
termed a "class action".
Under Michigan Court Rule No.
208.1(3) a plaintiff may plead the e
case this way if the plaintiffs con-
stitute a class so large as to makeO
it impractical to bring them all
before the court.
All five officials and assistant By URBAN LEHN
city attorney .Fred Steingold have and GREG ZIER
been subpoened to appear in court Daily News Analys
tomorrow. Carpenter charges that
Steingold had informed Jedele of Tired leftist slogans
the illegality of the taxes before worn liberal rhetoric.,
the 1968 city budget was approv- That was the debate
ed. between five Second Di
Carpenter is asking the court to gressional candidates
order a refund of $1,326,556 in bored audience of 100
taxes collected between 1965 and ion ballroom.t
1967 and the refund of any pro- Speaking in alphabet
perty taxes collected so far under John Belisle (Socialist
the 1968-69-budget under the lev- Party) advocated tie
les he is contesting. tion of professional rev,

History faculty
accepts student
reform proposal.
The history department faculty yesterday accepted
major provisions of a student proposal for restructuring rela-
tions between the faculty and history students. They voted,
however, to maintain their executive committee as it .now
The proposed restructuring had been drawn up by a
steering committee chosen at a general meeting of the History
Student Assembly earlier this month. The proposals were
approved by the assembly last week and then presented to the
executive committee and the faculty.
In a terse five motion statement, the faculty recognized
the steering committee elected by the History Student
Assembly as representative ofW - --...
history students and accepted v
the student-faculty curricu-
lum committee and monthly
forums of students and facul-
ty. They also suggested thar,
the executive committee and f"
the steering committee meet
to "clarify the present docu-
ment presented to the faculty ,
by the Student Assembly."
A forum of the faculty and the
student assembly - including all
undergraduate majors in history
and history graduate students -. ..z
is scheduled for 1-3 p.m. today in
Aud. C to discuss the student pro-
posal and the faculty motions.
The only difference between the
student and the faculty positions
lies in the executive committee.
The students had asked that the
committee be abolished and re-
placed by a Faculty Affairs Com-
mittee, which would have dealt
only with matters of personnel -
s a 1 a r i e s, promotions, appoint-
ments, granting of tenure, hiring
and firing.
The faculty vote to maintain the FraIcois Mitterand
executive committee, however, may
be no more tlhan a semantic issue.
Some faculty members, see per-
sonnel and budgetary matters as
almost the entire function of the
committee. All other issues have
tended to be decided by the facultyci
as a whole. X1J~ i z


art Garskof

rressiona 1

-Daily-Eric Pergeaux
Weston Vivian Marvin Esch
debate:.,ul ffi

and time-
last night
strict Con-
before a
n the Un-

None of the candidates had an
opportunity to present more than'
a shell of his platform.
But the platforms weren't as
important as they would have been
in a traditional, establishment, Re-
publican-Democrat debate. The'
affair was marked by a perverse
individualism, with Esch and Viv-

ian and Garskoff and Belisle car-
tical order' rying on their own little internal

t Workers

Carpenter contends the cit hcadrie; uRpu nibc-
illegally collected taxes under e lManlsc Republican)back
three separate levies - a Special e.Ber aRek Plcan: ee
Purpose levy, a Pension and So- Bert Garskof (Peace and Free-
yand dom-New Politics) called for tak-
cial Security levyan a Garbage igpwrnw
Collection Levy. iag power now;(
He bases his charges on two Ralph Muncy (Socialist Labor
separate grounds. He alleges the Party) described Socialist Indus-
city "has not determined t h e trial Unions, a la De Leon, and;'
amount necessary to be raised by Weston Vivian Democrat) stood
taxes . . . as is required by Sec- up for liberal Democracy.
tion 8.6 of the City Charter." His The moderator (and the atten-
second charge states that the three tion span of the audience) de-,
eond care sttes tht the te manded strict time limits, which
taxes are "in excess of the Cityrededipsblan atmt
tax limit set forth in Section rendered impassible any attempt
8.7(a) of the City Charter and no tconduaontea gful political di-
*statutory or other authority exists lgeaogfvcndats
for the levy of such taxes in ex-
cess of said limitation." 0
DUAL CHARGES Heart patient
Carpenter's case puts 'greater
emphasis on the second grounds. "
He charges that although Act 283 riins , el
of Michigan Public Acts of 1909
formerly authorized the city to
levy up to five mills to cover the There has been "no change int
cost" of street repairs--and other the condition of heart transplant
public works, the act was repealed patient Phillip T. Barnum, Uni-
by Act 170 of Public Acts of 1964. versity Hospital sources said yes--
Since 1964 the city has levied terday. Barnum is now in his sixth
$100,000 in Special Purpose taxes .week of unmarred recovery from
Carpenter also alleges that the the dramatic operation.
Social Security portion of the i Despite Barnum's satisfactory
Scia'sSecurfty potion onf thi progress, doctors refrain' from
city's tax for Pension and Social speculating on a possible date of
Security is illegal and not author- release for Barnum.
ized by any State Law or city Hospital officials have said they
charter provision, would not hesitate to perform a
The city, as an employer, must second transplant when conditions
pay a certain portion of its em- are right.. However, they say they
ployees' social security tax. The have no potential recipients at'
See TAXPAYER, page 7 this time.

feuds and Muncy off in a corner
by himself. The effect was like
Said an Esch aide after the de-
bate: "They would have gotten a
better response if they had gone
'to a bowling alley. It was a
waste of the candidates' time. All
that can be said for it was that
Garskof was entertaining."
The audience teetered between
apathy and hostility. Ann Arbor
Human Relations Commission
staffer Bob Hunter asked the only
pertinent question of the candi-
dates, demanding that Esch ex-
plain his vote for the Omnibus
Crime Control Bill.
(Eseh's answer: "There is a fine
line between dissent and disrup-
tion. This administration has not
allowed dissent, forcing dissenters
to turn to disruption. We must en-
courage dissent. I voted for giv-
ing money to local police forces
because we need police forces on
the local level thatare properly
educated and trained so that they
won't overreact.")
Otherwise, the mood of the au-
dience was difficult to pinpoint.
Garskof's followers were vocal,
more vocal than their numbers.
Vivian's supporters taunted Esch
with intermittent cries of "Strom'
Thurmond!" Esch's -supporters
were the good citizens from the
suburbs, all politeness and Nixon:
buttons and dedication to the
weighty responsibilities of democ-
Garskof stole the show. Handle-
bar mustache and motorcycle
boots, he descended from the plat-
form during his remarks and

sauntered up and down before the "Quite simply." he said. "What1
audience. Esch and Vivian were we need in this country is a rev-t
"hawks two years ago who are olution."
now chickenhawks." Black capi- Muncy said elections would con-
talism (as proposed by Esch) tinue to be a hoax as long as "the
means corporate exploitation of decisions are made in the board
the ghetto with tax incentives to rooms of the great corporations."'
boot. Reciprocal deescalation of He attempted to summarize thet
the bombing? A deliberate lie, Socialist Labor Party's complex
empty rhetoric ("They aren't Marxist analysis of American pol-1
bombing anyone.".) itics and then suggested that the
Garskof reserved his wittiest audience might learn more by
demagogic scorn for Vivian's pro- reading the party's literature.
posal that we "slowly but unilat-
erally withdraw from Vietnam." Vivian admitted he was propos-
e When you're caught in a ra'e ing some "old-fashioned solutions"
said Garskof, "which is what we're for the -problems of the cities.
caught in in Vietnam, and you Some of them, he further admit-
talk about gradual withdrawal, ted, were supported by Esch as
you're talking about prolonging well. "The difference between my
your pleasure at.someone else's ex- opponent and me is that I would
pense." tend to be more willing to spend
Belisle, who looks more like some money on these programs."
John Feldkamp than a political He proposed making the govern-
revolutionary, called for an end ment the employer of last resort.
to the Democratic Party because' more money of education and,
it "hoodwinks" workers and stu- training programs, a draft lottery,'
dents. and a national series of run-off
ROTC commandants
defend curriculum
The three commandants of the Naval, Army, and Air
Force Reserve Officers Training Corps at the University ap-
peared before the literary college curriculum committee yes-z
terday to defend their programs.
"The commandants were asked questions about what
ROTC courses cover," Prof. James Gindin of the Englisht

primaries in Presidential elec-
Esch attacked Vietnam as "but
the horrible symbol of the pa-
ternalistic, unilateral foreign pol-
icy of the Johnson administra-
tion." He claimed that the deescal-
ation proposed by Johnson on
March 31 had been his Vietnam
NEW'YORK (A)-Jerry Eller,
administrative assistant to Sen.
Eugene J. McCarthy,,'said last
night that McCarthy would is-
sue a statement today endors-
ing Hubert H. Humphrey for
Eller told newsmen the state-
ment would be issued at a
Washington news conference,
and asked if the Minnesota
senator would support the vice
president, Eller replied: "Of
course. It's just a matter of
degree and extent."
Eller made the statement in
an interview following a Mc-
Carthy speech at Madison
Square Garden.

The curriculum committee is to
consist of three students and three
faculty members. It is delegated to
consider all matters relating to the
department's curriculum, includ-

De. aulle


proposal, but that Johnson had
scuttled the tactic by "inflexibil-
ity at the bargaining table."
"There are signs," Esch said,
"that they have deescalated recip-
rocally and we have not respond-
ed." .
Television, oddly enough, got in-
volved in the debate. Vivian ob-

department, committee chairman, explained, " . . . fully served that a television-telephone
aware that the faculty would be skeptical about credit for ,system by which the electorate
courses in drilling or military saluting." could vote instantaneously on?
Gi n sd tevery public issue is a technical
Gindin said that after the military officers had run - posibility. "The people who would
through their prepared material, they were asked questions stand in the way of it," Vivian
about policies on dropping ROTC courses and student visitors ' argued, "are the students and pro-
to ROTC classrooms. fessors who know they are right."
"On these other kinds of questions their answers satisfied "Someone said that with tele-
us entirely," said Gindin. vision politics would be contested
- *The ofcr pern eeCl by the uglies and the handsornes,"
H. K. officers appearing were Col. ' quipped Garskof. "1968 is the year
Reynolds, Air Force Col. An- of the uglies."
1 thony Criscuolo, and Navy Capt. --


ing degree requirements, course By RICIIARID WINTER
offerings, class size and structure, "W of the French left feel that
and the balance of offerings with- De Gaulle's nationalist policies
in the department. are intelligent, but just a bit re-
Its proposals will go either to Larded."
the faculty or a joint meeting of Francois Mitterand leader of
itself, the steering committee and Fra's Mittrnd, le f
the executive committee. If. an France's Coalition of the Left.
early agreement cannot be reach- spoke mildly Sunday in condemn-
ed, the proposals will be consider- in DeGale's poii and
ed at a meeting of the j o i n t of government as unoriginal and
student-faculty forum. "too narrow for the needs of the
The forum is expected to be twenty-first century."
the major source of communica- His speech, delivered in French
tion between the faculty and stu- and then translated, was part of
dents. ,the Controversy '68 series.
The proposal which the faculty Mitterand charged that ' De
accepted, did not provide for a raulle's nationalist policies are
final arbiter in the case of major unoriginal and "don't correspond
disagreements. However, it en- to the givens of this century."
visions a co-operative effort where The times, he said, call for an
"a reasonable agreement can be internationalist,' no a nationalist,
worked out through discussion outlook. "The most important
and persuasion." problem facing Europe is whether
Prof. William Willcox, history to build a united Europe, or to
department chairman, and five lay Europe to rest." France under
other faculty members met with De Gaulle is now apparently
the steering committee yesterday choosing the latter, he added.
evening following the faculty The Fifth Republic, formed in
meeting. 1958 under Gen. De Gaulle, estab-
Willcox said the faculty was lished immediate political insti-
"enthusiastic" about the student tutions aimed at solving the two
proposal. Other faculty members major failings of the Fourth Re-
termed the proposal and the facul- public: governmental instability
ty's decision "a good first step" and inability to deal effectively
toward academic reform, with the colonial problems.
- ---- --- - Despite his objections to the
Gaullist government, Mitterand
" " agreed that in two areas at least,
lAYrite-i 'the Fifth Republic h ad acted
v wisely.
De Gaulle has provided govern-
mental stability "which France
4 1en 8hadn't seen in 75 years," and a
strong franc, which is. now "as
solid as the dollar," Mitterand
lawyers," Ross commented, "and said.
at this date no one wants to take Leftists also agree with De
this case on a volunteer basis." Gaulle's decision to withdraw
"There just aren't enough cam- from the NorthnAtlantic Treaty
petent election lawyers available Organization, and to seek ties with
at this late juncture who can han- the East, he said.
die the case," Ross continued. However, he pointed to De
"Most of the lawyers are good Gaulle's failures, saying they have
Democrats. While they may sym- been much more far-reaching, es-
pathize with us from a legal stand- pecially in the areas of social
point, we're asking them to do justice, industrial expansion, uni-
sornmhing with political ramifi- versity policies and construction
cations for less than the usual and housing.
fe'. "One-third of the French wxork-
Ernest Mazey of the ACLU told ers earn less than $120 a month,"
Ross he felt Kelley's opinion was Matterand complained. De Gaulle
i f.:. -A lt Kley n iornwashas failed to attack this problem,


Romney revises budget guidelines

Governor George Romney has revised two key
budget policy guidelines, a move which could be
worth $10 million to state colleges and univer-
"I think we were able to convince the state
that. the original guidelines were unrealistic,"
said Arthur Ross, Vice President for State Rela-
tions and Planning.
Due to the revisions, Ross has estimated the
state will appropriate $22-23 million for higher
education above and beyond the existing level of
support. Under the old guidelines, the maximum
amount the state was prepared to appropriate
was an additional $13.7 million.
Most significantly, Romney has committed the
state to paying for 80 per cent of the costs of
increased enrollment in state colleges and uni-

Ross said yesterday he believes the University's
presentation at the recent Lansing hearings was
instrumental in helping to obtain the guideline
"The University took a very strong stand on
two basic points," he said. "We told them educa-
tion was not like industry." Increased technology
and more efficient machinery may increase pro-
duction of cars, he said, but the same thing can't
be done with students.
"We also pointed out the state has not been
keeping up with other midwestern states in in-
creasing its support for public higher education,"
he continued.
University administrators maintain it is im-
possible to absorb an enrollment increase without
extra funds unless the quality of the institution
is reduced., They claimed increased class sizes, a

William Sisler.
Under the present arrangement
with the University, an ROTC
commanant is not legally bound
to permit a student to drop a
course, even if the drop has been
recommended by the literary col-
lege dean.
The committee will vote on any
changes that might be made con-:
cerning this arrangement, and
ROTCin general, at their Novem-
ber 25 meeting.
In other business, committee3
members discussed a questionnaire
they intend to circulate among{
students to determine attitudes
toward the present language re-
"We hope to have the question-
naire prepared at our meeting on
November 11," Gindin said.
Although the language depart-
ments have not taken a stand on
the proposed change in the re-
quirement. Gindin aid the com

Ruling on
to go unci
Supporters of the McCarthy
Write-in campaign have decidedl
not to challenge Atty. Gen. Frank
Kelley's ruling invalidating write-
in ballots. They have been unable
to obtain a satisfactory lawyer to
try the case.
Kelley ruled on Oct. 16 that the
write-in was invalid, and said such
votes would not be counted. The
ruling was based on the fact that
the McCarthy electors listed on
write-in stickers had not been
filed with the state before the
Sept. 3 deadline.

'f ..


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