Tuesday, August 27, 1968 THE MICHIGAN DAISY P r" , Page Seven Student-voters muzzled By JILL CRABTREE This year has been one of subdued confron- tation between students and city officials over the issue of student voter registration. SGC-sponsored registration drives and court suits by students acting on their own are the recent focal points in a long-existing contro- versy over whether University students are suf- ficiently permanent and interested residents of Ann Arbor for a voice in city elections. The question of a student voice is becoming increasingly crucial. Parking and driving regu- lations set by the city of Ann Arbor most direct- ly affect the student as do zoning deeisions. A voice in the Ann Arbor city government conscience, however,. is a more subtle although equally important motivation for student voter registration. However, despite the importance to students of Ann Arbor city government decisions on everything from police riot control to inclusion of a peace referendum on the city ballot, most students remain mute. Most requirements fpr registration are clear- cut: you must be at least 21 years old by the date of the next election (over 9,000 students meet this test). You must have lived in Mich- igan for six months, and in Ann Arbor for at least 30 days before election day. And you must establish residency. This last requirement is the one which causes students trouble. The, Michigan statute on residency reads in part: "No elector shall be deemed to have gained or lost a residence while a student at any in- stitution of learning." This language has been described even by city officials as vague-the law does not mean it is impossible to establish residency while a student. It merely means a student is not necessarily a resident of the city in which he attends college. Ann Arbor city clerks, with the backing of many local voters have not been overly gen- erous in interpreting the registration law. They argue students are merely guests of the city. Despite SGC voter registration campaigns, many students over 21 are turned away. The city clerk himself or better yet the city attorney often prove more amenable to questionable student registrations than staff clerks. Injustices in the law are obvious. For instance, it is interesting to note, that, a non-student: could move into Ann Arbor 60 days before an election and still be allowed to vote, if he came before the 30-day pre-election moratorium on registration. A student over 21 who comes to the Univer- sity to do graduate work may stay in the city for over four years without being allowed to vote. Fuel was added to the students' case in 1964 when the U.S. Bureau of the Census decided to begin counting students as residents of the cities in which they attend college. There is a possibility for clarification of stu- dents' now vague registration status. Currently in1 the County Court is a case involving eight University students who were refused registra- tion bythe City"Clerk in March. Judge James Breaky, Jr. has made it clear in hearing that his court "does not have the authority to change existing law" in the case. He said it would be iup to the State Supreme Court to dec'de on the constitutionality of the present residency requirement. The ACLU sponsored case nay then leaf to an appeal in that higher court--and the possibility of in- creased student enfranchisement. sDral By HENRY GRIX A draft resister isn't really safe anywhere in this country. Unlike the draft dodger who disappears into the underground or escapes into welcome anonymity in Can- ada, the resister faces a lengthy jail term and permanent social stigma. To counter the fear of the con- sequences of restisting, students banded together in Resistance, a community of individuals who have turned in, or are seriously considering turning in, their draft cards and plan to refuse induc- tion. Resistance, under varying or- ganizational names has appeared at about 75 college campuses, in- cluding the University, in the past two years. Ann Arbor Resistance, an out- growth of the now defunct Stu- dent Peace Union, was formed last December by about 10 or 15 stu- dents and now has seven full time and 22 part time workers. Although it has not increased greatly in size, Resistance has expanded its activities and devel- oped a community spirit, which,' resisters say, {encourages and re- assures them. "There has always been indi- vidual non-cooperation," explains Denny Church, "brit only through collective action will we bust the fdraft." Although resisters say their im- mediate goal is the elimination of the draft, they aim for a complete Resistance revamping of the social organiza- tion of the United States. But be- fore they try to change society, resisters have to re-orient them- selves to a more socially conscious, less alienated life. "The primary motive force in society is fear of disaster, includ- ing exams, parental disapproval'x on the middle class road. "In analyzing society he con- tinues, "we see fear is the enemy in changing society. Until we beat this sense of fear, we can't do anything. The individual is liber- ated from social coercion as soon as he learns to beat fear." So Resistance combats isolation and fear with a sense of com- munity, and strikes at uncertainty about resisting by conducting se- lective service and jail workshops. and are indicted. In most states, Resisters learn that as soon as they turn in their cards, they are liable to be classified I-A, al- though the. painfully slow selec- tive service bureaucracy some- times delays reclassification for half a year. When called for a pre-induction I physical, resisters refuse to come another six months separate in- dictment from arraignment and eventual conviction and prison. Individuals in Resistance don't try to get the "sugar coated pois- on" of a conscientious objector'or physical deferment, even if they qualify, which, few' of them do. Their goal is to abolish the draft by non-'ooperation. And although they have information on Canada. they frown on it as "politically and socially unwise." The dodger who leaves for Canada "under- mines the morale" of resisters, says Church and "leaves this country to those who are unaware or don't care." But Church speculates that 3,000 students have fled to Canada. Only about 100 resisters have actually served or are serving jail sentences. But they are trying to re-educate resisters about prison, explaining its not like the movies. selective service and jail work- shops. Such educational programs are vital to Resistance since they stimulate discontented students to become resisters. Denny says most resisters start out a students who hate the Vietnam war, but who feel 'powerless to stop it. Coerced by parents, schools and the draft, students begin to feel that war .is a symptom of a sick goes I society and not the result of some- one's bungling. Looking for some- thing better, an ideal model of society, the student is attracted to Resitance, Church says. Resist- ance helps each individual de- velop a philosophy which can sus- tain him through jail and provide him with a life's work of changing society. This sounds simplistic, but the resisters are serious; their pro- grams function. Beginning this spring, Resist- ance decided to go local, and moved to organize student oppo- sition to the draft and educa- tional programs rather than con- duct more headline-getting selec- tive service card turn-ins. There had never really been much contact between the Re- sistance chapters at geographic- ally separated campuses anyway and Resistance leaders decided that the war against the draft had to be won on campus and not on television. Local Since the end of April, the Re- sistance has been trying to organ- ize local, independent chapters in East Lansing, Grand Rapids, Oak- land, Kalamazoo and has begun revitalizing the Detroit group. Resisters count on this local ac- tion to be more rewarding in the long run than the national draft card turn-ins held last Oct. 16, Dec. 4 and April 3. Although the national organi- zation is becoming, what Resist- ance leaders call "radically de- centralized," there will be coop- eration on another national Day c." Resistance Nov. 14. There is also cooperation in the distribution of a Resistance news- paper published by the strong Boston chapter. Despite the increased autonomy of each group, links between groups in the same area, such as chapters in Detroit, Ann Arbor and Chicago, are apt to be strengthened by the grass roots action. VASCILLATING: SGC s rejection oNSA symiptomatic of, 'elitism' . rrru ir rr.rrmwrnroirr r .n . .ru rs rru r n r. o irr. . r. r.orr.rri rrrrr r. C/t'e t By URBAN LEHNER Editorial Director It would be accurate (al- though hardly descriptive) to pigeonhole Bruce Kahn as the' kind of Student Government Council president under whom SGC withdraws from the Na- tional Student Association. Last October 5, 'Council did just that - disaffiliated the University student body from NSA after. two votes spanning three weeks of something less than acrimonious debate. But given the diverse nature of the passions NSA has traditionally inspired, knowing only this would reveal little about the political ideology, direction, or even personalities of the Kahn Council. Although NSA officials pub- licly deny it, the organization's membership has always been, fluid. The disclosure last Feb- ruary of financial entanglement with the CIA accounts for some of this (the day after the story broke, Brandeis U n i v e r s i t y withdrew; Michigan Sjate Uni- versity rejoined the same day after a two-year estrangement), but by no means all. For NSA has had a stormy history since its inception in 1947. From the beginning it has served as whipping boy for con- servative rstudents; recently, it has come under fire from the radicalsgas well. The member- ship figures reflect this, with schools withdrawing and re- joining as student bodies and student governments change. Last year was relatively typi- cal: as of August 3.1, there were 326,members; today, despite al- most 15 withdrawals in the past year, new membership& and old members rejoining have since brought the total up to around 350. The manifold conceivable motivations for severing ties with the organization are illus- trated by a cursory glance at the universities who have made the move : in the past twelve months: i Houston University pulled out on the mandate of a stu- dent referendum which was solidly organized by the local chapter of the conservative Young Americans for Freedom (NSA has been a favorite tar- get of YAF wrath and is fre- quently criticized in the con- servative journal of opinion, the National Review.) *Drake University in In- diana withdrew - because, it complained, the resolutions passed at last year's National' Student Congress in College Park, Maryland, were "in vio- lation of the basic moral po- sitions of Christianity." Al- though Drake apparently didn't; specify, Margot Averill, NSA's liaison director, thinks one of the resolutions Drake found objectionable was one recogniz- ing "the necessity for black' people to .gain their liberties by any means necessary." 0 Columbia student govern-' ment leaders last October ob- jected that NSA wasn't radicalt enough for them, and that they didn't need help from' NSA. anyway; Barnard, Columbia's sister school, seceded because it "didn't get anything out of" the College Park Congress. " The University of Illinois withdrew because of personal, i n t e r n a l squabbles in the, school's student government. According to sources, the presi- dent of Illinois' student govern- ment was very close to the NSA's national l e a d e r s h i p. When trouble arose between her and some other student legisla- tors, the school voted to with- draw as a slap at her. Two weeks later, a reorganized stu- dent government voted to re- join. The disenchantment over NSA's CIA connections played a large role in the drive for withdrawal at the University, but it wasn't the, only cause. Al- most nine months elapsed be- tween the first stories of the complicated financial , nexus linking the CIA to the organi- zation and SGC's decision to withdraw. Actually, dissatisfac- tion with what University stu- dent leaders call NSA's "elit- ism" and "undemocratic struc- ture" had been building up for a long time. Ed Robinson, SGC president the year before Kahn, was well known for the anathema in which he held NSA. But the, real defu'sing didn't occur until last summer's College Park Congress. At College Park, NSA's "top-heavy, elitist un- democratic" structure prompted a Students for a Democratic Society "counterconvention" 'and eventually a walkout staged, by radical delegates. Itt also provided the straw which broke the patience of the Uni- versity's delegation. "I was totally unprepared to face anything as patently un- democratic as this convention," said Kahn. "It's really absurd for us to send, and pay for, 12 people to come here just to act as 'legitimizers' for whatever some staff members may de- cide to do. If we as delegates don't have the power to even draw up our own agenda, then the whole congress becomes a waste of time." SGC executive'vice-president Ruth Baumann, who ran (and lost) as the dissidents' candi- date for national president at College Park, echoed Kahn's sentiments. 'UIn a democratic system the power must flow on a horizontal basis .,. .The way things are now, NSA is existing on a vertical structure from the top down. Even with the unhappiness with NSA among SGC members of which these statements were typical, Council nevertheless al- most rejected disaffiliation.. A faction led by Miss Baumann favored "reforming NSA from 'within;" in early September, they voted down the first with- drawal resolution 6-5. Although pressure to abandon NSA con- tinued, SGC might still ,be a member were it not for the national ' representative who came to Ann Arbor to "talk Michigan out of withdrawing;" "He was such a zoo," one Council member remembered, "He swung all the votes against NSA." At its October 5 meet- ing, the vote was 7-3 in favor of disaffiliation. Now there are .-mutterings about rejoining, but so far they are only mutterings. SGC will send two "observers" to this year's national congress in Manhattan, Kansas. As some students begin to see the econ- omic benefits of NSA member- ship (cheaper travel fares in Europe, etc.) there will be more pressure to rejoin. Whether SGC will is unclear, though at this point it doesn't seem like- ly. If it does, many will be un- happy, Oyut no one - leakt of all NSA's national office in Washington - will be much surprised. Cover Photo Two coeds (top) argue that curfew for women must go at an SGC sponsored teach-in at Bursley Hall last January. The lower picture shows sev- eral hundred students sitting- in at the Literature, Science, and Arts Building last fall to protest the University's partici- pation in classified war re- search. WELCOME !! OPEN MON. thru SAT. 8:30 to5:30 P.M. DASCOLA BARBERS Near Michigan Theatre tip, THE CROWN HOUSE OF GiFTS CORDIALLY INVITES YOU TO AN EXCITING ADVENTURE .: 0 IN GIFT, HOME ACCESSORIES, CANDY, AND. GREETING CARD SHOPPING. Ve're actually 9 shops in one! CARD SHOP SPECIAL SERVICES (Ann Arbor's Largest) Over 500 designs of Contemporary Cards Over 1000 designs in Everyday Cards Free Gift Wrapping Party and Candle Shop Season Cards for all occasions " BARTON AND SANDERS CANDY Mailing Service anywhere in U.S.A. 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