Marvin Esch: A Seventy-eight years of editorial freedom Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under authority of Board in Control of Student Publications modern Revublican 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Mich. News Phone: 764-0552 Editorials printed in The Michigan Doily exp ress the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. SATURDAY, OCTOBER26, 1968 NIGHT EDITOR: DAN SHARE We have nothing to lose but our change (machines) . THE PAPER MONEY which constitutes almost the only campaign literature; in Dick Gregory's eclectic write-in cam- paign for President was seized Wednes- day by Treasury agents because it al- legedly too closely resembled legal tender. In many ways this was the funniest thing since Donald Hoeh of the New Hampshire delegation discovered that an American Express Card worked as well as the carefully designed plastic identifica- tion tags in the Democratic Convention's much-vaunted.automatic security appa- ratus. Supporters of Gregory's quixotic cam- paign for the Presidency should be re- lieved that only his campaign literature was seized. After all Hoeh, like so many great discoverers throughout the ages, was arrested for his troubles. Investigation reveals that the main' problem caused by the Gregory dollars was that many automatic change ma-. chines were duped into believing that" these campaign flyers were real money. SEEN IN THIS light, the portents of Wednesday's seizure are indeed omi- nous in a society that is already too tech- nologically oriented. Remember, it is only a short step from banning campaign literature which mis- leads money machines to outlawing thoughts and actions which offend these mechanical monsters. How many of our freedbms are we willing to surrender merely for the convenience of the ma-' chines which allegedly serve us? Gregory responded to the seizure by announcing that he would file suit in Editorial Staff MARK LEVIN, Editor STEPHEN WILDSTROM URBAN LEHNER Managing Editor Editorial Director DAVID KNOKE, Executive Editor WALLACE IMMEN............ . News Editor CAROLYN MIEGEL......Associate Managing Editor DANIEL OKRENT... .........Feature Editor PAT O'DONOHUE ............News Editor WALTER SHAPIRO......Associate Ehitorial Director HOWARD KOHN ........ Associate Editorial Director Second class postage paid at Ann Arbor, Mi"higan, 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Michigan. 48104. Daily except Monday during regular academic school year. Daily except Sunday and Monday during regular summer session. The Daily is a member of the Associated Press and Collegiate Press Service. Federal court to block the Presidential election on the grounds that his rights to campaign have been infringed. In many ways a finding in Gregory's favor would indeed be fitting since the most strenuous efforts have been made to convince the electorate that 1968 is just another election year. THE APOSTLES of politics as usual in- vite us to choose among the lesser of three evils and blithely urge us to ignore that the war in Vietnam still rages and that a large segment of the American people have justifiably lost all faith in the responsiveness of our institutions. It is for this reason that any attempt to harass or silence Dick Gregory is deep- ly distressing. For Gregory is campaigning in his own Individualistic way to remind the American people how little will be changed by the November elections. Consequently there seems only one fit- ting response to the indignities that Dick Gregory has suffered for his efforts to bring the truth to the American people. We must all work to organize a nation- wide boycott of automatic change ma- chines on election day. -WALTER SHAPIRO Armchair, ~sociolog TWO REPORTS j u s t released by the American Council on Education ought to set the "alienated society"'analysts all agog. ,i The first, "A doctoral research s t u d y done at the University of Chicago, main- tains that student \activism comes not from parental permissiveness, not from generational disgust, but rather it corre- lates most highly with parental political activity. The second, a study written by a uni- versity adniinistrator and published by the ACE maintains that faculty members are realli the 'alienated sector, confused about their role in academic governance and generally unwilling to participate. Could it be that the "generation gap" has finally died? Where will Harper's and Newsweek find their next catch-phrase? -F. B.I By URBAN LEHNER Editorial Director N AN ELEVENTH hour news conference at the Republican National Convention in Mianii Beach, Gov. Nelson Rockefeller with great fanfare an- nounced endorsements by three freshman Repub- lican Congressmen from Michigan: Marvin Esch of the Second District, Garry Brown of the Third. and Jack McDonald of the Nineteenth. "I find it especially significant," said Rockefeller gravely, "that these three liberal Republican Con- gressmen from marginal Northern districts have decided they will not be able to win their elections unless I am nominated." With regard to Esch, at least, Rockefeller over- stated the case. The Second is hardly a marginal Republican district, and Marvin Esch's position within it is firmly established. In fact, despite the nomination of Nixon, only the unlikely eventuality of a substantial Humphrey victory statewide could defeat Esch on Nov. 5. MICHIGAN'S SECOND Congressional District is a traditional Republican stronghold. Composed largely of rural areas and small towns, steeped in upright MidwesternRepublican virtues and tradi- tions, the Second for the past five decades has had a Republican Representative in all but two sessions of Congress. Even Washtenaw County, with its sizable con- tingent. of predominantly liberal university profes- cors, normally votes Republican. To elect a Democratic Representative in this dis- trict requires an unlikely combination of coinci- dences. No ordinary national coattail can guarantee a Democratic Congresssional victory. For Repub- lican loyalties are strong enough that many who vote Democratic for President will pull the rest of the levers in the elephant column. To elect a Democratic Representa- tive in this Congressional district re- quires an unlikely, combination of coincidences. Even in 1964, when the Johnson-Humphrey ticket took the state by'a crushing majority of 2-1, Weston vivian beat George Meader by only 2000 votes. And in 1966, Johnson's honeymoon quite over, the Republicans gained back the district Still, the Democratic landslide in 1964 appre- ciably changed the quality of Congressional rep- resentation in the Second District. For the real beneficiary of Johnson's electoral coattails was not Weston Vivian but his 1966 opponent, Marvin Esch. Johnson's sweep literally left the local Repub- lican machine in shambles. Going into the 1966 off- year elections, the Republicans held almost no local or county offices. In the 1966 primary election, Esch ousted George Meader, the archconservatve Republican who served in the Eighty-Second through Eighty-Eighth Congresses. GIVEN A STAUNCHLY Republican district, which Republican holds the local reigns becomes a question of no little importance. And for liberal residents of the districts, Marvin Esch is infinitely preferable to George Meader. "Marvin Esch simply is not one of the worst Republicans," observed Weston Vivial this summer in a debate with his opponent in the Democratic primary, Jerome Dupont. "But his vote is another organizational vote for the Jerry Fords." Indeed, Marvin Esch is a very good Republican. And Vivian's argument is unlikely to sway those liberals unable to perceive the ideological differ- ences between the Jerry Fords and the John McCor- macks, William Colmers, Wilbur Mills, and George McMahons. Esch's political stances are difficult to cate- gorize. Elected in 1966 as one of the 40 "new, young" Republicans about whom so much has been written, he is no Ogden Reid or Theodore Kupfer- man (both are liberal A Republican Congressmen from New York), His ADA rating for 15 House votes in 1957 was a meager 27 per cent, compared to 80 for Reid and 67 for Kupferman. And he voted affirmatively on the Omnibus Crime Control Bill, the most conservative piece. of legislation passed by the Ninetieth Congress ON THE OTHER SIDE of the political ledger, Esch worked hard in the Education and Labor Committee last year to save the Teachers' Corp, has voted regularly to reject cuts in poverty pro- grams, and has proposed a set of comprehensive measures designed to reduce draft calls to an ab- soluteminimum without abolishing the Selective Service System. One of the most revealing ,i'ndices of a Con- gressman's ideological position is his degree of sup- port for the role of the Federal Government in the country's economic and social affairs;, A Congres- sional Quarterly compilation of 11 1967 votes testing support for a larger Federal role has Esch voting 7-5 well above Jerry Ford (4-7) and below Reid and Kupferman (each 10-1). j Esch calls himself "an independent Repub- lican." Although he supported Romney and later Rockefeller for the Republican Presidential nom- ination, the former Wayne State Associate Professor of Speech (Ile received his doctorate at the Uni- versity) is now actively behind Nixon. He is strong- ly committed to solving urban problems, and as a member of the Education and Labor Committee worked closely with mayors of several large cities, especially New York's John Lindsay. HIS PET SHIBBOLETH is "objectivity," and his arguments smack of the assumptions of phi- losophical liberalism: Reasonable men, confronted with the sameto facts, will reach the same conclu- sions. Esch fears that the middle premise isn't al- ways fulfilled; much legislation, he contends, is written and debated on the basis of inadequate or incomplete research. His own proposals and state- ments are exhaustively researched. In fact, Fsch defends his dismal ADA score with the argument that many of the bills supported by ADA were in actuality shoddily conceived, however nOble their intent. Translated into specific votes; this insistence on expertise in government means that Esch, whatever his unwillingness to go along with liberal legislation that in his opinion has not been thoroughly thought-out, will not be intimidated by traditional conservative bogeymen. - Take the gold cover issue, for example. It was a complicated question with obvious ,emotional overtones. Donald Riegle, a freshman Republican Congressman from Michigan's Seventh District (whom the liberal Nation magazine designated a 1967 Congressman of the Year for his constructive proposals on Vietnam), is now exploiting it'in his campaign for re-election. Esch voted for removal. THE REPUBLICAN candidate is not without his liberal critics of course. For' many,' voting for a Congressman who supported the Omnibus Crime Control Bill would be an act of unthinkable heresy, and indeed Esch is unlikely to woo away from Vivian many of thole wh voted for him in 1966. t, On the other hand, Esch probably doesn't need them. Like Vivian, he is directing his campaign toward the moderate and conservative voters who make up a majority of the district. His newspaper ads, for example, deal not with the war (on which he tends to be moderately dovish), or urban prob- lems (which he is committted to solving), or even to crime, but to the one issue which probably comes closest to touching the heartstrings of this respect- ably prosperous Republican district: Inflation. Neverthless, if the liberals don't love him, they can live with him. And that, in a district represented for six Congresses by a Republican more con- servative than Ford, is saying a lot. -4 4. N EA L B R USS In defense of coercion BECAUSE there is usually great dignity to being misunderstood in Intellectual matters, for one to try to "explain' the position of a misunderstood person can be extremely presumptuous. Furthermore, one can make the mistakes of "explaining away" a man's position in attempting to make sense out of it for others. At the risk of being both presumptuous and stupid, I'll try to ex- plain the position of Prof. Sheridan Baker of the English. Department, whose remarks at a recent meeting of the literary college curriculum committee are probagly being misunderstood. Prof. Baker engaged in a discussion of course requirements, specif- ically language requirements. According to the Daily's reporter, Prof. Baker, "claimed that coercion 'is the best way to generally educate a student.'" Continues The Daily, "In favoring the language requirement, he cited the force used in E.uropean schools and claimed that students there were better educated than they are here." One pales at the thought of anyone advocating coercion in 1968, the year of the fear of repression in the name of law and order. Prof. Baker has, however, gone and done it. PROF. BAKER and his opponents were arguing over the best way to liberally educate students. The point of contention is the notion of freedom. Prof. Baker's opponents would argue that coercion denies free- dom, which is necessary for liberal education. Prof. Baker, at this point, would be misunderstood as some sort of authoritarian. Certainly freedom is crucial, but it isn't denied by Prof. Baker's kind of coercion. Whether a student has-all his courses chosen for him or can pick any offering from the time schedule' neither makes him free or unfree. "Coercion" or infinite choice in the course requirement says nothing about a student's freedom because all the choices in the world won't make the student free. Freedom is more involved with the innards of a person, not choices with which he is confronted. Freedom is a' matter .of how a person responds to his situati n, if you like, whether or not he identifies with his situation. One can imagine being busily and contentedly at work at some studies plotted out by full professors. Or being. thoronghl disgusted and unhappy in the same situation. One can similarly imagine, rejoic- ing at the wealth of classes one can select. Or being confused, frightened and unable to confront the infinite choices'posed by the time schedule. THE POINT I# that to talk about how many choices' a student should have says nothing very much about how students feel. And it is insulting and mistaken to talk about people's freedom without talk-. ing about the personal, subjective,, emotional realities of their lives. There are legitimate arguments for coercion. Students are in school to have their minds expanded. When they make their application end turn in their dollars, they dedicate themselves to that. Prof. Baker seems to feel some of that mind expansion doesn't happen by accident, that students can't 'bring it about-themselves. They simply aren't in a position to expand their own minds or even to know what types of courses will expand their minds. Prof. iaker's coercion says there are'som things which expand the mind, and coercion mere- ly insures students face them. One would coerce a student to force him to face a strikingly dif- ferent picture of his own possibilities than he had ever known. Then one would expect the student would begin to think and act in new ways. TAE KWON DO (Korean karate) instruction is a paradigm of coercion. A student says to himself that he'd-like to know some of the ancient martial art of self-defense. So he signs up for certain'types of, coercion. For two hours twice a week he goes about a rOutine of stren- uous and not in themselves rewarding sebuences of kicking and punch- ing motions. Additionally while making those motions he does not talk or grunt or make other noises. When he sits, he does so cross-legged, with his back against the wall. And he takes hundreds ;and hundreds of orders. Out of this come black belts. That seems to %be the type of coercion Prof. Baker means. But it is not as much "coercion inposed" as "discipline undertaken." It is more a matter of students doing certain things than having certain things done to them, which in turn is a matter, again, of identification. My problem with Prof. Baker's coercion is that few l;ersons in the University take it very seriously. Students float in the University, ex- pecting certain changes to occur in their lives. In most cases, the stu- dents are pretty much left to their own devices. Some persons in the University and perhaps the students themselves pass this off as 'free- dom, when in fact it is neglect. Not very many persons around the University are that serious about coercion. If one is going to be serious about coercing students, one will have to spend many hours working with them, and plenty of faculty don't seem to want to do that. Instead they will shrink back and change the subject to freedom. ewY By STEVE KOPPMAN A BITTER CONFLICT has brought the nation's largest school system to its knees. Six weeks after the beginning of the term, the vast majority of New York's 1.1 million school children remain ' wighout classes, as a result of a highly charged dispute over community con- trol of schools. The struggle, has heavy racial over- tones, and has brought intergroup ten- sion in the already beleaguered city to a danger point. The conflict pits the locally elected community governing board of. Ocean Hill-Brownsville, a black and Puerto Rican slum area in Brooklyn, against the largely Jewish United Federation of 'Feachers. The significance of the strike goes beyond New 'York for the city has long served as the trail blazer in educa- tional innovation. Whether decentrali- zation works in New York will undoubtedly affect other major cities in their attempts to upgrade ghetto education. The strike began when school open- ed as the teachers walked out In pro- test over tha refusal by the Ocean Hill- Brownsville board to readmit 83 teach- ers to take their posts in schools in the district. The 83 "teachers comprised ten teachers who had been dismissed by the local board last May and 73 who subsequently struck the district in . protest over these dismissals. THE BOARD had no legal right to fire the teachers and submitted no formal cause at the time for doing so, but it acted in the belief that this" power was essential to its effective op- eration. The union feels that teacher rights I rl blackboards grind toa halt t and twice the agreements have col- lapsed due to the resistance of the community. This week, the local board finally acceded to the union's original 'de- mand for the reassignment to classes of the disputed teachers, but the em- bittered union has now gone farther, demanding a virtual end to the regime of community control in the district. BUT THE ISSUES go much deeper. than this. The issues go back to the desperate effort of ghetto parents to get a decent education for their child- ren amid the jungle of the New York slums. It is evident to all sides in this dis- pute that the New York school sys- tem has failed the black student. The initial educational handicaps of the children from ghetto backgrounds are merely accentuated as he progresses through school. In 1967, only aboit 700 out of 30,- 000 academic high school diplomas went to black and this is in a system which is over a third black. SCHOOLS IN BLACK and Puerto Rican ghettos are generally p o o r 1y equipped and exude an atmosphere of despair. Teachers often give up before the child does. The New York school system has long been highly centralized, bureau- cratic, and resistant to change.. T h e noted psychologist Dr. Kenneth Clark explains, "The public schools are cap- tive to the educational establishment, which has built safeguard for its vested interests." The failures of p r e v i o u s efforts spurred the search for some other solu- tion. Talk in the black community turned to "community control". If the generally unfriendly to the idea of decentralizing the system, but Mayor Lindsay liked it, and when the Ford Foundation stepped in in the spring of 1967 and agreed to finance estab- lishment of three demonstration pro- jects to test the value of "community involvement," the city board went along. A Harlem spokesman said, "We like to carry it further. We call it com- munity control." This distinction was a crucial one as the city Board never made clear what the legitimate pow- ers of the local board were. ONE OF THE new districts was Ocean Hill-Brownsville, in Brooklyn. Friction came quickly as the city board refused to aid in the local board elec- tions, and as a result less than 10% of eligible parents voted. The board became increasingly res- tive when expected additional F o r d funds were withheld. Actual power over curriculum, hiring and firing, and budgeting, was still beyond its reach. and board members soon decided they couldn't be effective without it. They came under pressure from the community for action, and felt hin- dered by some white teachers who they considered hostile to the project. By spring 1968, the local board was vigor- ously demanding more power. PUBLICLY, THE city board said, correctly, that it had no legal right to grant the community board these ex- tensive powers - the state legislature had not yet acted on the decentraliza- tion issue. But, privately, the city board said that any teachers objectionable to the community could be transferred out if it was done quietly. The community board refused to settle for quiet accommodation and de- manded genuine nntrn1 of theechnnl The city government ordered ' the teachers returned to their posts, but their return was blocked by crowds of, parents at J.H.S. 271, a focal point of' the district., WHEN THE teachers entered, the parents responded by boycotting the schools. For the remainder of the school year, Ocean Hill was a sham- bles. Most of the district's 500 teachers struck in support of their col- leagues, with pupil attendance hovering around 40 per cent. Attempts during the summer to settle the matter were futile, and when school began in Sep- tember, the local board still refused to readmit the teachers. The teachers struck the school sys- tem. Two days later, the UFT and the city board agreed on the return of the disputed teachers, but the agreement failed when angry crowds, with the tacit consent of the local boadd, block- ed their entrance. The union went out on strike again, charging the city board with failure to enforce the agreement. The second strike lasted over two weeks, and ano- ther agreement was reached, similar to the first. The teachers were to go back to the district under heavy police guard. THE OCEAN HILL board only said it would not prevent the teachers from coming to school. Things came to a head at J.H.S. 271, when trouble broke out between the disputed 'teachers and some of the teachers friendly to the local board. Threats were made, and the violence of the atmosphere made teaching next to impossible. Donovan closed the school, and met for two days with all teachers involved. Finally, he ordered f-h cr. l vo- - -- "A a in- - a board announced it was assign the dis- puted teachers to classes, but t h i s would no longer satisfy, the union. It is clear that the path from here must be reconciliation, not further confrontation. The, majority of teach- ers still regard the actions of the Ocean Hill board as a direct threat to their autonomy and job security. - The local board erred gravely in making its "dismissals without d u e process. But now it is time for the union to compromise. It's call for the virtual dissolution of the demonstra- tipns project flies in the face of the as- pirations of the Ocean Hill-Browns-, ville community. RECOGNITION of the legitimate in- terests of both sides is the only viable solution. Teachers must have unequi- vocal assurances against arbitrary dis- missal and harassment by local boards. The ultimate stake of parents in the education of their children must be given the weight it deserves by the system. Out of the rubble of this dis- aster must emerge an understanding of the interdependence of these groups, and the necessity to prevent ,conflict between them. The central board has a key role now in insuring harmony. The new board must revise ob- solete procedure regarding personnel, define a clear policy for decentraliza- tion and work to defuse the social dyn- amite aroused by battles like this one. THE RACIAL and religious tension exercised by .the dispute has been an unmitigated disaster for the city. Anti- Semitism displayed by extremists in Ocean Hill has become a UFT rally- ing point. (This has obscured the fact that half the new teachers hired by the local board have been Jews). Sup- A 1 f r 4: .,1 I AT THE SAME TIME that the student is left to his buddies in the dorm, the, college rather anonymously says to him, "You must know some of our language and science." So the student wanders into some class which he thinks may meet that end. Enough exceptionally bright students have 'hard enough times with language and 'science that it's pretty clear something's wrong with the present style' of coercion. Many flunk. Some pass and yet ,know no language or science. What's even more unfortunate is the situation of the student who in the autumn of his years at the University suddenly finds he would have liked to have known about Keats or Kafka. He finds there are some important works of scholarship that no one told him existed, or that there are some areas of learning that the guys in the dorm didn't tell him about, let alone the University. AT THIS TIME it would probably be better to remove all reauire-