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October 26, 1968 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1968-10-26

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Utop ia



your own



-Da ily'-Eric Perkeaux

Pageantry: Queen Nancy Sebold .. .

--Daily---Eric Pergeaux
,11 sic itih fDion te. .

Daily--Eric Pergeaux

Social Justice

See editorial page


Sw 43UU


Sunny and cool
little chance of rain

Vol. LXXIX, No. 50 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Saturday,'October 26, 1968 Teri Cents
WIDER CONCERNS: ? :s ;; ...

Twelve Pages

Rudd: 'Student power'
not issue at Columbia



Mark Rudd lashed out last night
at the assumption that' the' Co-
lumbia uprising last s p r i n g'
resulted from a lack of communi-
cation with the administration
and a growth of student "desires
to exercise control over their own!
Rudd, whose leadership figured
prominently in the' rebellion at
Columbia, said that "student pow- I
swing .wit
SW1 9Wth

er is totally irrelevant to where shut-down of the university aimed
we are at." to strike at larger issues concern-
Speaking to a packed house in ing the corporate, exploitative
the Union Ballroom, Rudd dis- make-up of the university,
missed the ideas that the revolt The building of the gymnasium
was staged to change an archaic in a Harlem neighborhood and
administration and to advance Columbia's ties to the Institute for
student power in university af- Defense 'Analysis (IDA) were only
fairs. symbols and not the substantive
The former Columbia student issues, Rudd said.
said that the people taking part Before Rudd's address, a film
in the rebellion that led to the was shown to the audience about
- thsiege at Columbia. The film was
produced by "drop-outs from the
commercial film industry" and
en H 10e l' ;showed events from the inside of
buildings that the students had'
1 Rudd said jokingly of the film,
It is biased, it is propaganda, and
is is completely true."

declared guilty
*Juryc nowvicsseven u sIU ents
attempt to disqualify Elden fails
In the continuation of a trial halted on Monday by a de-
fense attorney's walkout, Ann Arbor Municipal Court con-
victed seven University students arrested in the September
welfare sit-ins of criminal trespass.
John B. Collins, attorney for the defense who walked out
of Municipal Court charging that the trial was."a mockery of
justice," was denied a motion that Municipal Judge Samuel
J. Elden remove himself from the trial for reasons of bias.
Collins said after the trial that he "had asked twice for
Judge Edlen to be removed ---


The president of General Motors er's dollar that comes from in
said yesterday, that the automo- and outside the industry.,
tive industry offers more oppor- Cole reviewed a number of
tunity for creative, self-expression vances in automotive safety
than ever before. pollution abatement to illust
GM president Edward N. Cole, the success General Motors
speaking at the Centennial Con- ineers have achieved th
vocation of the University's Me- He pointed out that GM a
chanical Engineering department, I mobile price increases have
said a shift in emphasis from corn- mained minimal, despite the p
petitive items to environmental j sure of rising operating costs
problems had. instilled new vigor Cole asserted, that maintena
and importance in automotive en- of this momentum in serving
gneering. satisfying the customer "will
He urged student engineers to quire further acceleration of
equip themselves to meet the de- pace of technological and mana
mands of today's changing; times. ment innovations" in order to pr
If they hope to succeed profes- vide greater product value;
sionally and personally in our in- contribute to the solution of
creasingly complex society, he said, nations environmental ands
they should familiarize themselves ial problems.
with a wide range of technical
and non-technical subjects. ' The speech department h
Cole contended that work on the announced dates 'for electio
environmental problems of traffic of students to department
safety and air and water pollution faculty committees. An electi
made automobile engineering more meeting for graduate studen
challenging than ever. will be held at 5 p.m., Tue
Oct. 29, in Rm. 2528, Frie

Tdhnroughout nis address. Rudd
stressed the idea of building a
ad- "mass democratic and revolution-
and ary movement." He said that the'
gate movement should do things all
eI the way from leafletting to at-
ese.n- 'ta n g Police.
is. Rudd urged participation in the

-Daily---Jay Cassidy

from this case. Once in circuit
court on Wednesday, and once
before the trial." His motions
were 'denied both times.
In the first session of the trial
on Monday, Collins refused to
continue with the afternoon ses-

Rudd pontificates before a packed house


He subsequently walked out of
the trial in the face of a threaten-
71 T I1 IF 1I1I1, ed contempt charge from Elden.

Engineers are also critically in-
volved in the industry's continuing
attempts to maintain a satisfac-
tory cost-price-profit balance and
in the competition for the consum-,

vv N , a awa. N w , K
Bldg. A similar meeting f
undergraduates will be held
4 p.m., Thurs., Oct. 31. also
2528 Frieze.

ut-student strike that the Ann Arborde hnrd
re- SDS chapter is planning for No- £ ed and returned to the courtroom
res- vember 4 and 5. Jim Mellen of the saying "no one will make a mock-
Ann Arbor chapter said that the ery of my court."
ince strike will protest the fraudulence By RICHARD WINTER version will be the literary col- free the present building, located
and of the election, the continuance The University hopes that the lege, and more specifically, the at Glen' and Ann streets, to be Also, in the first session of the'
re- of the war in Vi'etnam and the much-needed wet laboratory and psychology department. The de- converted during the summer for trial Collins was granted the right
the University's complicity with the research facilities being planned partment was hit hard this year occupancy sometime next fall. to seek a ruling from. the circuit
ige- war. outliningfor the conversimon of the Food by senior faculty losses, largely at- Smith indicated t h a t the re- court on a procedural point In-
ro- In outlining the events that Services building will aid in at- tributed to poor laboratory facili- maining unassigned space might volving the seating and identif-
and ended in the confrontation at Co- tract ig nefacurty. tie i the artment. be used as initial facilities for an cation of defendants.
the 'lumbia. Rudd mentioned a March of. aes aorf dhescto 2ad0 r saie eets abty inter-college program in psycho- PROCEDURAL POINT
soc- coup in the SDS chapter there of space allocation in the psycho- 20g000 square feet of the facility biology. This program, now under; The procedural point involved
that led to a take-over by younger ment is initiating a recruitment ButSmith would not be so defi- study, would combine much of the the seating of defendants during
-people like himself.,identification.ino 11rionsssclaims
He sid hatse . program aimed at filling senior nite a b o u t any estimates. "We:dsidentification. Collins claim-
las He said that the younger people staff positions vacated last year. promised that the literary college and departments of the University, ed that the defendants should be
ns had grown tired of the "overly He hopes the new labs, which Vice would be given a share of t h e in biological psychology, neuro- able to sit in the audience and be
al verbal approach" to politicizing President for Academic Affairs space in the building, but .the ex- logy, neuro-physics, and so . identified. Elden wanted the de-
on students. Allan Smith called "very attrac- act amount has not been decided Even if the psychology depart- fendants lined up, seated in front
its . Rudd made a reference to a sin- tive facilities" will help attract yet." ment gets its hoped-for allocation, of the jury in assigned seats. The;
s. filar split in SDS here that many quality staff to the department. Smith said he plans to "develop its research and physiological fa- Circuit Court upheld Elden's deci-
rze believe was caused by the same However, decisions concerning a wet laboratory with only a por- cilities will still be "very tight," Sion on Wednesday.
or kind of disagreement over the ap- 'the allocation among the various tion of the building assigned" to Papsdorf says. -Dy
at i proach to building a radical move- schools and departments of the specific purposes. These facilities will serve "pri- the circuit court denied, Collins'
in ment. almost 40,000 square feet in the Smith said plans call for a new marily as replacement" of inade- obheciona the dendCnts r
The split eventually led to the building are yet to be made. Food Services building to be com- quate facilities now in use, such idetin, by the destng o er.
walk-out of the Radical Caucus. A major beneficiary of the con- pleted by next summer. This will as the labs in the basement of 'dentified bythe arrest oers.
_ --. Mason Hall and the Argus build- The defendants were seated in as-
ing. signed seats. '
PROGRAM REVISION Smith said the new facilities for-: During the testimony, however,:
psychology "willnot be a substi- several officers said that if the
tute for laboratory facilities in the ! defendants had been seated in the
new psychology building." Plans audience, they would not have
'for this building are currently be- been able to identify the defen-
'robs hetto develop-ment -P-sofsi ht h e asgah
fore the state legislature. dants without the aid. of a photo-,
Papsdorf said that .tche new labs graph.
students a descrip- sign professionals ... help establish the enter the University of Michigan can will be used mostly for research, The prosecution's identification'
needs and attitudes goals and means of achieving a desirable spend two years at another college or and little space will be allocated procedures have been the subject
man-made environment." But this is only junior college and transfer into the four- for teaching. However, the labs' of much criticism by defense at
evopoulos, , "students one facet of that enormous achievement. year professional program.. now used for research on the third torneys. Both Collins, and Joel'
- grasp such funda- Department chairman Robert Metcalf The four professional years are designed floor of Mason Hall will become Feldman, defense attorney for a
the need for com- explains, "In the next 40 years we will with flexibility in mind. Should the stu- teaching facilities, group tried on Oct. 10, have
nd involvem'ent in probably build the equivalent' of all our dent choose to leave school after the first William Hays, dean of the Lit- charged that the arre'ting officers
ms, perhaps by the existing structures to meet the needs of two years of concentrated basic study, erary College, labeled the p o o r have needed briefings-includingI
students can become an expanding population, increasing he will receive a Bachelor of Science laboratory facilities available to photographs with the defendant's
h in npsychology"aeacrisis situation." names on them-to identify peo-

I subsdes
From Wire service Reports
BERKELEY, Calif.-At a noon
rally on the campus of the Uni-
versity of California At Berkeley
yesterday radical student leaders
junked a plan to reseize Sproul
In the wake of several days of
violent confrontations between
demonstrators and police, about
500- people appeared at the rally.
Scarcely 30, however, responded
to the suggestion that another
building be barricaded. Discour-
aged SDS, leaders decided against
the plan.
The crowd did, however, march
en masse to the Alameda County
courthouse', where 76 protesters
were being arraigned for the sei-
zure of Moses, Hall Wednesday
night. Bail had been set at $1,650
for each of them. Only four had
their bail reduced to $750.
Berkeley administrators also
took action against the Moses Hall
protesters, pla'cing all of them on
interim suspension until a meeting
LONDON ), -, Eugene Mc-
Carthy was quoted in a dispatch
to the London Times ag saying
he will announce his support
for the candidacy of vice pres-
ident Hubert Humphrey Wed-
nesday in California.
The Times received the story
from its Washington corre-
spondent, Louis Herefi.

A&Dseminar p

One night a week, 20 University stu- '
dents and several urban black leaders
have been meeting until well into the
night for an out-spoken, no-nonsense
discussion of the gap between "white
academia" and the urban ghetto.
But this is no extra-curricular gather-
ing. It is 'a meeting of a new architecture
graduate seminar, on 'urban development
and it is only one of the many curriculum
changes that 'department is making td
meet the needs of the times.
Prof. Stephen Paraskevopoulos of the
college of architecture, co-creator of the
course along with William Barth of the
Center for Research," on Conflict Resolu-
tion, explains that' "there are two phi-
losophies of a un$versity. One is that it

and urban planning
tion of the special
of urban citizens.
"If," says Parask
in the first term can
mental concepts as
munity influence a
development progran
second term severals
involved with specific
munity development
troit. area."
A related program
University participat
Larson's Infant Care
Program. This inter
involving seven Unit
hopes to design pilot
Fiint and Ann Arbor w
ers can csafel iOnxO

projects in the De-
whicht has attracted
ion is Prof. C. T.
and Training Center
disciplinary project.
versity departments,
t centers in Detroit,
where working moth-
thpi , .hildrim in

L flLjtlj, pL aLl. e UPIa,-ek1.L U0
obsolete and deteriorated structures.
After 12 years of study, the department
has significantly revised its five-year
The basic changes are fairly simple.
Whereas the old program consisted of one
year of liberal arts studies plus four years
of professional education leading to a
Bachelor of Architecture degree, the new
vi Pr- x n n. ,' t-fx -n v-.1,. 4'., nran.

aegree wicn qualifes mim or a variety.
of occupations within the building indus-
The last two years offer a much less
rigid program in which the student selects
/ 27 hours of electives and his own thesis
topic and tutor. Completion qualifies him
for either a Master of Architecture degree
or a combined Master and B.A. degree.
The six year graduate is prepared for
r-r f, cin - t-nnfr ,t-t-hn ri.r. ..

These poor facilities "show a p
failure at the University, not the INADEQUATE PROOF
nnlPr d rlr t m rt tsl " 't


cnege oartea nment eve ne .
Yes folks, tonight is that,
time of annual confusion, the
night we go back on standard

Feldman has also charged that
movies and pictures taken at the
buses used to transport arrestees
from the County Bldg. to the Jail
are not adequate proof that the
defendants were, in fact, inside
the County Bldg. after closing

i .

next week, when a joint student-
faculty committee will vote on
their expulsion.
Berkeley campus Chancellor
Roger Heyns recommended yes-
terday that all of those students
who took part in the barricading
of Moses Hall be dismissed or ex-
pelled. They are currently under
interim suspension.
A classroom boycott called
Thursday by student body presi-

hours. ient Charles Palmer failed to

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