Thursday, October 24, 1968 THE°MICHIGAN DAILY Page Five Thursday, October 2~, 1968 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Five 'COUNTY SUPERVISORS: Ann Arbor candidates County boards of supervisors have long been an anchronism - assigned with major governmental re- sponsibilities, but saddled with a selection process straight out of the nineteenth century. In one historic move, the United States Supreme Court may have succeeded in bringing this vital govern- mental subdivision up to date. With the 1967 decision of the Supreme Court ex- tending its one-man one-vote dictum to '-the county level, supervisors must now face the electQrate and be held accountable for their public decisions. In the past, supervisors were appointed at the dis- cretion of city and township officials. Most often poli- tical patronage has been a more important considera- tion in the selection process than actual qualifications. The nation's boards of supervisors have too often ap- proached their responsibilities from the bottom of the pork barrel. Efficiency and effectiveness of services have been secondary considerations. They easily continued, this brand of nineteenth century political activity well past its due, safely in- sulated from the electorate. Washtenaw County has been no exception. To the surprise 'of most voters, who for the first time will examine the qualifications and views of the candidates for supervisor, the county is delegated by the state constitution with important responsibilities. In the fields of law enforcement, welfare, roads and zoning, the county plays major roles. Moreover, the county is the administrative funnel for most federal and state monies. It is at this point in the web of governmental bureaucracy that the principle of "maximum feasible participation of the poor" be- comes applicable to social welfare programs. The unrealized potential of the county form of government is great. Long-range metropolitan planning which anticipates population growth and redistribu- tion is possible at this jurisdictional level. ''axation problems which currently plague the nation's big cities as industry moves into less densely populated areas, would be circumvented if county government chose to move boldly into new areas.{ With the passage of county home rule statutes by the state legislature, rational, metropolitan govern- ment may become a reality. Thus, the supervisors' election takes on new im- portance for those( concerned °about so many of the problems facing the nation. If the federal government fails to meet its responsibilities, an aggressive, respon- sive county government can take up some of the slack. -MARK LEVIN Editor Washtenaw County is subdivided into 13 new supervisor districts, five of which are in Ann Arbor. These ten interviews with candidates' for supervisors. in the Ann Arbor districts represent subjective analysis by Daily staff members Jim Heck and Chris- Steele of the candidates views and qualifications. IST. 7(Arin Arbor ward 2). This dis- trict contains itheglargst number ,and highest concentration of :students in any M district.' However, some of the most wealthy parts of the city are also incorporated in the district's easterly 'sections 4precincts 3, and4 Marjorie Brazer is a bright, progressive woman whose proposals for improving coun- ty government are both enlightening and encouraging. She has original ideas for ex- panding the scope and content of county services and knows how to put these ideas into action. Mrs. Brazer, a professional economist and wife of University economics department chairman Harvey Brazer, claims the county is presently in an inefficient, almost chaotic state. And, she says, she can help put some order into the government. Mrs. Brazer, a past economic consultant to the county, calls present county admin-. istration "archaic.'' What is needed, she says, is a "true executive officer who could coordinate the purse strings of all the departments." The present departments "are too autonomous," she says. Such coordination, she explains, would allow a continuing audit? of the departments. * ,Problems would be anticipated and demon- 'strations like the recent welfare disturb- ances would not occur since the problem' would be dealt with before it became criti- cal. Mrs. Brazer is critical of the present welfare structure. She claims the System, s inefficient because it is based on "cate- gorical assistance for certain reasons only" and because "the allocation of the welfare funds is done in such a way people are told how to spend their money." Speaking as an economist, she says such operations are "not good allocation of our resources." She advocates welfare payments in the form of cash-not vouchers-that can be spent in any way the recipient desires. Such operation "is a benefit and a ration- ing device for market production. Besides, people have different life styles," she ex- plains. k She claims \the county .has been "very; negligent" in not providing medical aid for the welfare recipients. Only a guaranteed annual income could, solve many problems inherent. in the wel- fare system says Mrs. Brazer. But, such Brazer (D) Nielsen, (R) action is beyond the realm of county gov- ernment, she admits! # She says the county can "lobby for such legislation." Until the federal and state government' "come to the realization of the need for an annual income," she explains, "the county can work through its direct relief program in supplying many of the unmet needs." In reference to Sheriff Douglas J. Harvey's reaction to welfare demonstrations, Mrs. Brazer says,, "I think dogs should be used for pets, not against mothers and children." She charges both sides in the dispute with "overreaction." contends. For this, "The county needs more money," but not by an income tax or high- er property 'tax. Mrs. Brazer says the proposed .Heller plan for block-grants of money to the county from the state is the solution. This additional money should be used to help the county "emerge as a pivotal force in public affairs." She advocates, for instance, county coordination over the en- vironmental activities of /the city. She claims individual city zoning and in- spection tends to increase disenfranchise- ment, setting up ghettos in areas with poorer and yet adjacent zoning codes.., "If the county could coordinate this activ- ity," she asserts, "there would be less of a problem." Students, she says, should be able to vote. "All people should be entitled to vote where they're living." Mrs. Brazer claims, "The affect the coun- ty has on the University and the student is as hport.t as the affect the University has on the county." -J. H. Bent 1. Nielsen is an enigma in county government. 'With a record of more than ten years of county service, Nielsen h a s made marks on both sides of the ledger.' For example, his views on the welfare situation are somewhat less than moderate, but his attitudes towards the sheriff's de- partment is most encouraging. Nielsen signed, with incumbent supervis- ors Richard Walterhouse and Mildred Har- ris, a statement highly critical of the wel- "fare demonstrations. They cited the demon- strations as "uncalled for disruption of gov- ernmental functions which cannot be tol- erated." Later, they put themselves on record at a board meeting, "as being determined not to allow regular county business to be disrupt- ed by pressure groups." Nielsen admits, "I can't say I approve of hippies, but you can't quarrel with them un- til they break the law. Then, you have to treat them just as you would any other law- breaker." Nielsen says the welfare requests by the mothers were "Justifiable." But Nielsen de- ploresthe demonstrations.-. He says welfare mothers want to f i n d work and that-the county "should look into child care centers." Nielsen is one of Sheriff Douglas Harvey's most vehement critics. Nielsen is not satis- fied'with the board's investigation, claiming blantantly "a falsification of records" was made by Harvey. He is highly critical of the recent solici- tation -for the "safety guide" by the sher- iff's department. Nielsen claims the state association - .which usually publishes the guide - "didn't get a penny of it." Nielsen asks, "What happened to-the money? We don't know and he won't tell us." Nielsen says he is "most encouraged" by the new structure for the county board. He says the new organization will better be able to meet the county's growing urban problems. Nielsen says he hopes the future "will bring greater contributions of ideas a n d personnel" from the "young people in the area, especially the academic community." -C. S. DST. 4 (Ann Arbor ward 5) Though some middle class persons live in some of the area's new housing developments, the dis'- trict contains mostly the very poor or the very rich. A low concentration of students can be found in the districts' southern areas social change. In most situations, he says working peacefully within the establishment can alleviate social ills. But if efforts to al- leviate the causes, of social problems are stalled, then violence cannot be ruled out. He doesn't fear the white establishment, even though he views it as racist. "The establishment is so structured," he claims, "there is a' way, racists can be made not to affect me."! Rowry, who works as a technician in the public health, school, is testing his faith in the establishment by running for election. He views his challenge of incumbent Negro supervisor Herbert Ellis as a battle to give the poor representation.. "Ellis is role playing for the estabjishment. He's negative with respect to all issues of concern to p Ror people," he claims. Rowry is critical of the supervisors for their action in the recent welfare disputes, claiming they "acted irresponsibly, negli- gently and unresponsively." He attacks the board for not solving a problem "which was at their disposal." He claims the supervisors, instead, chose to "delve into personalities." As a supervisor, Rowry would have allowed the mothers to remain inside the County, Bldg., staging their protest, as was later allowed in similar incidents in Oakland County. Rowry says he firmly believes in the prin- ciple of "maximum feasible participation of He says there is no need to change the format of county government. Nor does he find any faults with the services the county currently provides. He claims the recent welfare disturbances "were handled as well as they could have been under the circumstances." "The board's responsibility by law ends in providing adequate and suitable space and money to the Social Services Board," Ellis explains. Students cannot be trusted, Ellis asserts. He says the students who participated in the demonstrations had "ulterior motives beyond the situation." Ellis blames students for much of the mil- lion dollar sheriff's budget. "We need in- creased protection now, because of their movements," he says. He doesn't want students to get the vote "too quickly. I don't think on a short-term basis that anyone knows enough of local af- fairs to make a decision they might be able to make two y ars later," explains Ellis. "If I went somewhere else, I don't think I'd be able to decide until I became active for a couple years." Ellis recognizes the problems of the poor, but is short on solutions. He says the poor could be better helped without additional funds if the present county agencies sim- ply "coordinated their offices in a better Way."~ He opposes demonstrations because he says they're unnecessary. "The mothers would have gotten their money even if there hadn't been a demon- stration," he claims. -- J.H. DIST. 6 (Ann Arbor ward 4). The district is one of the county's most hetergeneous districts, containing some of the city's poor- est blacks and most affluent whites, as well as large sections of middle class. There is an area (precinct 3) of new industrial develop- ment.- Mrs. Eugenia Carpenter is keeping up the family tradition. Her husband, Art Carpenter, is currently defending welfare demostrators and han- dling the student voter rgistration suit be- fore the State Court of Appeals. And Mrs. Carpenter, in seeking a super- visor position, asks for radical innovation in county government in order to alleviate many of the problems her husband has been fighting in the courts. She has served as a program analysis officer in the U.S. Department of Health, Education and Welfare and as a consultant to the President's Committee on Consumer Interests. She was also a consultant to the Citizens Advisory Council on the Status of Women. Since she came to Ann Arbor in 1966 she has been active in Citizens for Im- proving Welfare Services. "Only through reformation of the county as a whole," contends Mrs. Carpenter, "can a more responsive county government be achieved." Mrs. Carpenter, who has an extensive background in the social services field, says "the whole structure of welfare is inade- qpate." The placement of a welfare recipient on the Social Services Board is one of er prior- ities. This is necessary, she says, "because no one on the present Social Services Board is truly representative of the people receiving welfare in the county." She calls -the accounts of the welfare demonstrations "frightening." As a supervisor she would have kept the building opened past closing time-as was done in Oakland County. Labeling the sheriff's department an "anachronistic" concept of county govern- ment, Mrs. Carpenter says elected sheriffs sh'uld have "gone out with Boot Hill." She criticizes the ability of an elected sheriff to build a "political fiefdom." Many of the present elective offices- such as the sheriff-should be replaced by appointed officials whose qualifications could be scrutinized by the county board, she says: She attacks what she call the "cronyisn" of the present board of supervisors and criti- cizes the recent decision by the board to ap- point "lame-duck" supervisors to new terms on county boards and commissions. The former supervisors, she believes, will "reflect tlie generally conservative and rural orientations of the present board." Although many of the programs Mrs. Car- penter advocates would require additional funding she is not in favor of increasing county taxes. There are other ways, she says, for increasing the revenue besides increasing taxes. With the passage of county home-rule statutes by the State Legislature, additional county revenue could be found in a sharing of the income tax brought in by the state, she says.' -C. S. Richard Walterhouse is a force stifling change in the present Board of Supervisors. He is satisfied with the way county govern- ment now operates and says there is little that can be done to improve it. Carpenter=D Walterho Walterhouse claims the social se partment is "properly funded now,' ter having a third of its budget slas Walterhouse says that since Sher las Harvey has answered the quest mitted him, he is "satisfied." DIST. 8 (Ann Arbor ward 3) Th highly middle to upper midi composed of many University p Many new housing developments h started in the area. claim shows the "willingness" of the super- visors to "discuss matters 'with' other groups." Perhaps, Williams says, something should be done "at .the state level to give mothers an incentive to get jobs." He argues that many of the ADC mothers feel they cannot make as much money on a job as they do from welfare. DIST. 5 (Ann Arbor ward 1). The dis- trict has an area of high concentration. of blacks and lower middle class. The district incorporates University's north campus area with a high concentration of married stu- dents. New housing developments in the easterly portion of the district (precincts 4 and 5) contain some upper middle class. David Byrd is professionally familiar with the major problems in the county. As a black professional architect and city planner, he is intimately aware of the racial and economic problems which will face the new Board of Supervisors. Byrd has served as a member of both the Ann Arbor and Washtenaw County County Planning Commissions. He is a for- mer engineering, planning and zoning ad- visor to the Washington, D.C. municipal gov- ernment, and a former fair employment practices consultant. rilCDR Byrd says demonstrations are one of the rvices de- most legitimate ways for the minority to be 'even af- heard. "Demonstrations should be held in shed. this county," he says, "to dramatize the poor iff Doug- quality of, county's administration." ions sub- He say students "should not be penalized" for their efforts in the welfare demonstra- -C. S. tions.. He contends the students helped "dramatize" a critical situation. he area is As a supervisor, Byrd says he would have idle class voted to keep the County Bldg. open allow- rofessors. ing the welfare sit-in to continue. have been Byrd sees a destructive "parental" ap- proach to the problem of welfare. He claims, "the whole system is in need of study is needed and revision. On all levels, from local to fed- sgruntled eral." the fields ' There are" no incentives for the poor un- ation and der the present welfare system, Byrd claims. "The poor are penalised for working. Every to prob- dollar they make means less welfare." ation and Byrd expresses dissatisfaction with the answers Sheriff Douglas Harvey recently ld try to submitted to a special board committee in- need" ofvestigating his office. needs" of Byrd says he does not wish to be highly ations c'itical of Harvey, but does say that "public . " Lloyd Williams Jr. says change in the county. He claims he is di with the operation of the county in of welfare and social services, taxi law enforcement. However, the approach he takes lems is usually tempered by modern often equivocating. Williams says the county shou determine what he calls the "real: those on welfare. He claims sucl would avert "crisis to crisis" situE Williams says they welfare syst "move away from the straight doll something more along,the lines of f teed income." But he is not sure a guaranteed desirable, and he fails to purr means to alleviate the causes of and the need for welfare Williams' moderation is again strated in the stand he takes or demonstrations. He agrees with th of thedemonstrators and congratt students for bringing the situatio attention of the supervisors. But, he asserts, "They should gone into open violation of the 1f He fails, however, to suggest a means appropriate to the situatio: The matter of student voting rig another equivocated response. Students who are here "simply dents," Williams contends, should z lowed to register. The question, he to explain, is one of "intent" an it is one which would be "difficul termine. William Lands has spent his last at the University working as a bi However, Lands has decided to lea, mia-at least part time-and seek visor post. The personable Lands is a con Not extremely well-versed in count he spends most of . his time in va eralities. Lands rules'out radical change is or housing programs He praises tl tenaw County Community College role it has played in the field of training and claims there is little county can do. The problem of housing, well human rights, Lands implies, is a best solved outside the political ar "At the present time, I don't se for additional 'funds for more, lates the Byrd (R) Teachout (D) n to' the officials should be held strictly accountable not have for their funds. In the field of law enforce- Lw' ment there should not even be a suggestion ny other funds have been misused," he says. n. Byrd says he finds "most disturbing" the hts yields solicitation by the sheriff's department for advertisement in' this years "safety guide." He says no county officials should be in a as stu- position to solicit "anything." not be al- The county should pay enough in salaries, attempts he says, so that the sheriff's department d admits "will need to solicit nothing but law 'and t" to de- order. There is a thin line between graft and solicitation." -.. S. Byrd desires immediate changes in the county's tax base. He believes the present 13 years millage receipts "penalize the property ochemist. owner who improves neighborhoods while. ve acade- subsidizing purposive deterioration." Byrd a super- considers an income tax to be at least a "partial solution" to the problem. servative. Most, importantly, he contends, "The poor .y affairs, and the disenfranchised are making it known gue gen- that they must be considered; their cdm- unities must be established; they must n welfare have a part of the action." Sw - --C. S. Rowry (D)-Ellis (R) the poor" in the decisions affecting their lives. "I would appoint 'a low-income represent- ative to the Social Services Board," Rowry says. A strong supporter of the late Sen. Rob- ert Kennedy, Rowry sees welfare as an ex- pedient system. "I would institute a program to train and then employ welfare recipients," he says. Rowry is highly suspicious of his long- time Democratic party adversary Sheriff Douglas Harvey. "The sheriff's department overacted with gestapo-like police tactics," he says. He wants line item budget requests from the department and "full use of the board's apparatus to insure" that nothing extra- legal occurs. But Rowry's attacks on county government are not limited to the glaring problems of welfare and law enforcement. Rowry is also concerned about roads and water and air pollution. He claims the county pays "exhorbitant prices" to construction companies for "poor quality" roads. "There are air and water pollution laws," he notes, "but unlike the ADC mothers in violating trespass laws, they are not en- forced, because the affluent people are re- sponsible for the pollution." "If I'm not elected," he says, "that's it. I'll never run again." He's not being premature- ly bitter. He simply claims to feel his elec- tion will be a conclusive test of the estab- lishment. "If I win," Rowry says, "I'll run for the Senate and really give the people a-choice. -J. H. John Teachout has consistently worked for board improvement during his five years as a supervisor. But Teachout, like many of the present supervisors, is plagued with the concept that the ;county can do no more than it is pres- ently doing. It can only increase its efficien- cy in programs already initiated. - In his campaigning, Teachout stresses the. need for county home rule status. He op- poses the present county home rule proposal before the State Legislature, because it al- lows for the election of county officials he would rather have appointed. Teachout claims that "greater efficiency" could be obtained'if positions such as the sheriff and drain commissioner were ap- pointed posts. He is reluctant to support increases in county welfare programs claiming, "Welfare' is fundamentally a state program." He says he supports the ADC mothers protest, but warns, "I would not support such action again. Now, we have begun work on the problems brought to our attention. If they should protest again, there woulk be no point to it." He condemns what he terms "organized outside agitation in the welfare demonstra- tions. "In terms of students demonstrations," Teachout claims, "I think the sheriff han- dled it very well." However, Teachout is not satisfied "with Williams (D) Lands (R) Lands claims. The housing situation he ad- mits is "inadequate" but says, "I would like: to look at the situation more carefully before I'd consider it beyond the city's re- sponsibility," Of present residency requirements for stu- dents seeking the vote, Lands says, "Resi- dency requirements are there, and I don't see a true division between students and other young persons seeking the %vote." Lands compares the recent welfare dem-= onstrations with demonstrations in the South several years ago "when it was ex-