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October 24, 1968 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1968-10-24

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Thursday, October 24, 1968'


Page Three

Thursday, October 24, 1968 THE MiCHIGAN DAILY Page Three


invasion: Moscow


Alexander Dubcek
has the Soviet-led invasion of
Czechoslovakia affected East
Europe? An AP reporter with
! long experience there has just
completed a swing through
the region, starting in Prague
and going on to Belgrade,
Bucharest, Budapest and So-
fia. Here is his report.
BELGRADE, Yugoslavia ,W) -
Two months after the invasion
of Czechoslovakia it is evident
that Moscow hays lost prestige in
Eastern Europe.
This correspondent, after re-
porting from Prague the first
weeks of the invasion, has visit-
ed Romania, Hungary, Bulgaria
and Yugoslavia.
Even in the countries ruled by
orthodox Communists there'
seems to be widespread agree-
ment that the intervention will"
have a laating impact. M a n y

people found the invasion irra-
tional, and some suggest it was
the worst blow ever dealt the-
international Communist move-
A Yugoslav editor said:
"I know, the same was said
after the Hungarian revolution
was crushed, but Hungary was
different. There were some real
elements of counterrevolution.
There were lynchings and de-
struction. There w a s 'at least
some justification for interven-
"This time, Moscow moved in
an undisguised, brutally imperi-
alist manner. In effect, it was
an anti-Communist move."
All this does not necessarily
mean the U.S. image has con-
siderably gained in Eastern Eu-
rope. Many people seem con-
vinced that the two superpowers
have secretly agreed to respect
each other's sphere of influence.
"No denial from Washington
can shake this belief," one so-
phisticated Romanian observed.
"It is fertile ground for Chinese
An official in the Yugoslav
Foreign Ministry commented:
"It is dangerous if these two
countries feel they can take the
fate of the world into their own
There is talk, with no confir-
mation, about a possible strug-
gle for power in the Kremlin.
No matter what Moscow's mo-
tives in moving in Prague, Yu-
goslavia and Romania are tak-
ing few chances.
The Yugoslavs, who broke
away from the Soviet-led alli-
ance 20 years ago, have become
a prime target of attacks in the
Moscow press. Concern has
mounted among Yugoslavs that
they could be next on the list of
dissidents whom the Russians
might like to force back into the
Yugoslavia served notice that
this would not be easy. It or-
dered a partial mobilization,
staged practice air raid alerts,
stepped up training of paramili-
tary youth units and pushed
passage of legislation preparing

the country for an "all-people's
defensive war."
Any invasion, the Yugoslavs
made plain, would be fought in
Vietnam-style guerrilla war, the
kind of warfare in which they
proved experts during 400 years
under Turkish occupation.
"The Yugoslav borders a r e
peaceful today," said Mika Tri-
palo, a regional party secretary
in Croatia. "Anyone who cross-
es them by force, either from
East or West, will be the prota-
gonist of a n e w catastrophic
war of annihilation."
Popular , response to such
tough talk impressed Commu-
nist officials. Party membership
applications increased. Prob-
lems that weighed heavily in the.
past, such as student unrest,
complaints from minorities, and
economic discontent, f a d e d
"To break one's backbone be-
fore the hooligans of socialism
would mean today, more than at
any time before, to betray not
only oneself, but the past, the
present and the future," Mace-
donian writer Kole Casule wrote
in Komunist, the party's ideo-
logical weekly.
Officials reject any sugges-
tions that the party fans popular
concern about a possible Soviet
invasion to boost support of the
leadership and close Communist
"Our concern is legitimate,"
one official said. "We just do
not trust the Russians any long-
er. We have our experiences
with them."
Fear that the Soviet Union
might take a r m e d action
against Romania has abated af-
ter both sides concluded a cease-
fire in polemics.
The armistice followed a dra-
matic week in the independent-
minded but tightly ruled Balkan
state, packed with anti-Moscow
protest rallies, glowing newspa-
per reports about Czechoslova-
kia's brave stand against the in-
vaders, and military muscle-
There has been a lot of specu-
lation why President Nicolae
;Ceausescu pulled in his horns.
Not everyone agrees with t he
oft-cited view that it was the re-
suIt of massive Soviet pressure.
"Why ! should we be more
Czech than the Czech?" asked a
Romanian functionary. "We
have always be e n opposed to
sheer polemics. We have stated
our position. We have not de-
viated from it since."
Diplomatic observers agree
" No Waiting
The Dascola Barbers
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there is no indication that Ceau-
sescu has abandoned his basic
independent line. Among both
party members and non-Com-
munists Ceausescu has gained a
popularity that is believed with-
out precedent for a Communist
leader in Romania.
Rough times are still likely to
be ahead. Moscow may well
make new efforts to have the
nation review. its independent
line in foreign policy and eco-
Bulgaria, a model child in the
Soviet-led family, poses no such
problems for the Kremlin. But
like many well-behaved kids, it
seems not to feel happy about
its role.
Bulgarian relations with Ro-
mania are cool, And they a're
strained with Yugoslavia, which
accuses Sofia of having territo-
rial aspirations.
"O n e Bulgarian mockingly
told me that Sofia's relations
with Turkey and Greece, both

n1~l averlg all 1mvsbun. 1e1
last of multiple private and offi-
cial contacts was a secret meet-
ing with Czechoslovakia's Alex-
ander Dubcek in t h e Slovak
town of Komarno Aug. 17 - 72
hours before the Soviet tanks
were on their way.{
"Dubcek was not impressed
when Kadar recalled the Hun-
garian experiences," one well-
informed Hungarian said. "He

"Maybe we ought to have re-
fused," was a reluctant reply.
"But it may have well meant
full occupation for Hungary in-
stead of the four Soviet divis-
ions we have now.
"We have learned our lessons
In 1956 and the Czechs will learn
theirs now. And I am sure this
will not be the last piece of in-

ost prestige
members of NATO, right now thought we were just trying to
seem better than those with its undermine his whole lizeraliza-
Communist neighbors in the tion program. Hejust would not
Balkans," a Western diplomat listen."
related. "We know how to handle the
In Hungary, the party goes Russians," explained a Hungar-
out of its way in stating that i a n Communist intellectual.
siding with the Soviet-led or- "We always make sure they are
thodox group in Czechoslovakia not antagonized before we move.
does not herald an end to a lib- Thus we have gotten farther
eralized domestic line. than the Czechs with 'liberaliza-
Even non-Communists con- The question w h y Hungary
cede that Hungary's party chief agreed to send troops into
Janos Kadar tried hard to medi- Czechoslovakia d r a o s less
ate a Prague-Moscow settle- Cecdyakia
met svix a n nreay Th r answers.

news toda
b The Associated Press and College Press Service
terday after U.S. and North Vietnamese envoys failed to
reach an agreement at their twenty-seventh session in
The discussion at yesterday's meeting centered on the
issue of who has the right to speak for the South Vietnamese
people at the negotiating table.
A recent U.S. peace bid linked a total halt in American
air attacks on North Vietnam to an agreement on how South
Vietnam should be represented at the bargaining table,
During the session, North Vietnamese Ambassador Xuan
Thuy assailed the Saigon government of President Nguyen
Van Thieu as "U.S.-paid" and said it had been "installed by
fraud and force."
The U.S. ambassador responded that the National Libera-
tion Front was no more than a North Vietnamese "agent in
the South."
0 * *
Monday with Soviet Ambassador Anatoly Dobrynin at the
State Department, a spokesman acknowledged yesterday.
The spokesman refused to comment on whether they
discussed the Vietnam war or whether Dobrynin's visit was
a follow-up to their Saturday meeting.
Since the first rumors of a U.S. bombing halt last week,
there have been persistent reports that the Soviet Union may
be using its influence in Hanoi to arrange an agreement.
U.S. officials deny they have asked Russia to help ar-
range a bombing halt, raising speculation that if Russia has
intervened in Hanoi, it is doing so in its own interests.
0 0
the Suez Canal yesterday envoys from both countries
were preparing peace proposals to present to the United
An Egyptian memorandum asking whether Israel was
"ready to implement" an earlier Security Council resolution
affirming the requirements for a settlement of last year's war,
which involved Israel's withdrawal from occupied Arab ter-
Israeli sources indicated that Israel is unlikely to declare
now that it will withdraw from Arab territories or whether it
is ready to implement the resolution, which also was the bas-
is for U.N. envoy Gunnar V. Jarring's peace mission to the
Middle East.
The air incident over the Sinai Desert was the first. re-
ported aerial action since the five day war.
NEW YORK CITY'S 1 a b o r problems continue al-
though prospects for an end to the city's 1,100,000 pupil
school system tieup brightened yesterday.
In a major change of policy the suspended local govern-
ing body of the Negro and Puerto Rican Ocean Hill-Browns-
ville experimental school district in Brooklyn offered to re-
store 79 ousted white teachers to classroom duties.
But elsewhere on the city's chaotic labor front firemen
joined policemen in a work slowdown for more pay.
The police department's slowdown was being pressed by
the 22,000 members of the Patrolmen's Benevolent Associa-
tion, while the firemen's job action was directed by the 10,500
member Uniformed Firefighters Association.
APOLLO 7's ASTRONAUTS returned to Cape Ken-
nedy yesterday.



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-Associated Press
Fire Dance
Two demonstrators dance around a bonfire on Telegraph Ave. at Berkeley yesterday morning. More
than 100 persons were arrested for sitting-in at California's Sproul Hall in protest of denial of credit
for a course on American racism.


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After thanking their launch crew for the "great sendoff"
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i{.r .::" "t" + : ..r s the Cape.
The A final debriefing will-be conducted the following week at
Join Th Daily the Manned Spacecraft Center in Houston.
What the astronauts tell the experts during the debrief-
Sports Staff ings will have a bearing on whether the Apollo 8 crew will
attempt to orbit the moon in December.
The -National Aeronautics and Space Administration will
_____-___ ___* n not make the final decision on the Apollo 8 mission until mid-
__ _ __November.



reality! Drawn life-
sized and sharp by Mr.
-A. H. Weller, N.Y. Times
"Brilliant !"
--William Wolf, Cue


"Searing and
'Inadmissible Evidence'
is immaculate in pres-
entation. It is impor-
tant because it is
nowt" -Judith Crist,
New York Mag.


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WefG eat is aG nlyiuter
z~chn clof" iom W% ktC , -3e~cc¢zt

Details about "
his wife, his women
and his world,







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