THE MICHIGAN DAIL) Tuesday, August 27, 1968 J . Jorm By LUCY KENNEDY t student-led move to end itory regulations, although ed by- confusion on all sides, I the University's loco par- stand without obvious show rce by students or adminis-/ yrs. tching the administration nt some cases the students by ise, Joint Judiciary Council ) paved the way for elimina- of dormitory regulations in pring of 1967 by announcing ould not discipline students breaking rules students did nake. e tenuous position in which decision put the University nistration eliminated many e grounds for the open stu- display of force seen in the of 1966. Tensions, however, there. idents remembered the "Uni- y administration's 11 g h1 ed implementation in the of 1966 of a sit-in ban and rules an admiinstrative refusal to con- sider a student referendum asking discontinuation of class ranking for the draft. During the battl to end dormitory regulations ther were several occasions when the memory of fall, 1966 could have become a violent reality. Revolutionary but quiet, JJC', new stand on discipline studentC came when Student Governmen Council (8GC) appointed nine new members to JJC pledged t uphold only student made regula- tions. The new members gave JJC previously more oriented to ex- plaining rules and acting as an appeal body, a new policy-making function. JJC's jurisdiction, which would later confuse student and admin- istrative groups, did not become a problem in the first SGC- administration encounter. Immediately after the election of Bruce Kahn, '68, to SOC pres- idency, SGC recommended elim ination of sophomore women', Loco - hours, and also resolved that reg- g ulations for both curfew and g hours when members of the opp- e site sex could visit would be de- e termined by the individual hous- e ing units. e JJC STAND According to JJC's stand soph- s omore women staying out after s the midnight curfew could be t breaking a rule but would not e be punished. They could stay out o beyond the curfew for sophomore -' women set up in the University Regulations code. JJC, however, - would not punish sophomore wo- n men for staying out after cur- g few because the student made. rule (passed by SGC) did not set a curfew. Although immediately after e SGC's elimination of sophomore women's hours, chances for ad- ministrative approval seemed dim, no plans were made to use JJC's n new stand on discipline. This was - to come later. Vice President ,for Student Af- s fairs Richard Cutler reversed early disapproval of SGC's move and recommended sophomore wo- men's hours for a trial period of one year to the Regents. The is- sue of visitation hours was dropped. SGC INDOCTRINATION Later, the administration was to become more rigid, recognizing thesubtle yet sweeping changes SGC and JJC were making, in the power structure Over the summer, in orientation talks to freshmen, the neatness of a student take-over of University regulations thoughdJJC was talked up. SGC was developing a surer and surer strategy for elim- ination of non-student made rules. In the fall of 1967 the new Residential College gave the cam- pus a lesson in the simplicity of -student power in setting up its government Residential College faculty, students, and adminis- trators banded to form a com- munity government with autdn- omy from the rest of the Univer- sity and no- formal structure. piestions Despite possible administra- tion and landlord apoplexy over premarital cohabitation and ac- companying activities, the fran- tic brouhaha raised over the issue seems unnecessary While many students do suc- cessfully cohabitate, frequently tudents are beset by every day complications which make the supposedly convenient rooming arrangement more trouble than it is worth. One junior says he and his companion are c o n s t a n t l y frought with financial prob- lems. "It's a real bind deciding how the rent's going to be split and who buys groceries each week," he says. ; A harried senior elaborated on another more common situ- ation - "When your room- mate's woman no longer knocks at 'the bathroom door, there's bound to be difficulty." Probably the biggest dilemma is how to handle the folks back home. One coed relates her weekly panic to beat her par- ents' telephone call at her ''supposed residence." Mailing addresses pose yet , another complication. "I can't tell my dad to ,write care of my boyfriend's ap,rtment, can I?" asks a junior woman. "Instead, every day I've got to run over to my old place and pick up the bills," Unquestionably though, co- habitation exists in Ann Arbor. Apparently it can survive com- plaints from fellow tenants, landlords, the pressures of stu- dent life-and dormitory rules. Given biology and contem- porary American society, the old University regulations seem a weak weapon in the fight for chastity. parentis di RC was the first campus unit to vote for abolition of freshman women's hours. Director of Uni- versity Housing John Feldkamp and Cutler were more open to the experimental college's proposal than they would later prove to be to other housing units. However, they never gave the RC move ap- proval and did not send the mat- ter to the Regents. RC's move canhonly be appre- ciated in the light of the trend it set for other units. Once RC's community government approved elimination of freshmen women's hours in the College, RC freshmen, considered the issue closed. As far as they were concerned, no punishment (handled in final ap- peal by JJC) would be levied for staying out after University cur- few, so freshmen women's hours no longer existed for RC women. All campus living units were given the ,opportunity to follow RC's example after SGC com- pletely revised the University Reg- ulations code in mid-September to. fulfill the promise of JJC's move of the previous spring. The SGC written regulations code provided for a decision on women's hours through an all campus referendum, an all women referendum, an all freshmen wo"- men referendum, or/a decision at the housing unit or Inter House Assembly (IHA) level. In the new regulation code men living in University housing were: to be responsible for their own internal regulations - this would include visitation hours-through house councils "or any other snit deemed appropriate by he stu- dents." NEW REGULATIONS Rules-for all women in Univer- sity living units were to be deter- mined through house councils "or, other appropriate units" with the exception of women's hours. Following city and state regu- lations, less stringent than the University's the new SGC regula- tions allowed students. over 21 in University housing to possess in- toxicants even with minors pres- ent. The University's blanket ban en "any disruptive sit-in" that gad touched off the student power movement of .fall, 1966, was re- placed by a new SGC regulation prohibiting "individual or mass acts that destroy University prop- erty or are against city, state or federal law." STUDENT DOUBTS After this September meeting SGC found itself dispelling doubt and confusion-some created by the administration-and some from students questioning what body should make the new student rules-for the next semester and a half. Among students the main prob- lem was that student rule-making depended on student initative. South Quad Council took advant- age of abolition of old University regulations less than a week after the SGC meeting by dropping all dress regulations. They had the approval of the South Quad di- rector but said they would have gone ahead even if they hadn't had it. Other house councils, however,{ were slower to make their own rules. Which students would initiate the new rules caused problems be- tween IHA and house councils. Until Blagdon House, Markley, in the beginning of October, dis- carded all punishments for stay- ing out after curfew, many IHA members f e t standardhrules! should be made for all housing units. JURISDICTION CLARIFIED After Blagdon's action SGC re-: versed its earlier call for some type of referendum and recog- nized the right of individual hous- ing units to make their own hours! as well as other regulations. Many units, with the exception of some conservative groups - notably sorority houses-then fol- lowed Blagdon's example ; with little hesitation. Students were not being pun- ished for breaking curfew unless it was a' curfew set by students. ADMINISTRATIVE QUESTIONS Administration attempts to halt the spread of SG-C's move in- creased. All of the administration moves were surrounded by deeper and deeper- examination of the Regents Bylaws to see if SGC could : 1) seize control of disciplining procedure. 2) seize control of rules-making itself 3) separate rule-making from' discipline. On point one SGC and most of the students had no question. JJC was the final body of appeal and if they chose riot to punish stu- dents for breaking the old, large- ly administration -written, rules those rules were defunct. HOW TO PUNISH? . Feldkamp, however, considered the old University regulations in effect. Feldkamp and other adminis-i trators argued that JJC had the right to discipline only from.tthe Regents, so could have this power removed. No administrator, how- ever, was willing to court the stu- dent movement that would have been inevitable if JJC's. right to discipline were usurped. Without JJC it was impossible for residence hall staffs to punish rule-breakers except by going to their schools or colleges and asking that they be given: academic punishment. with right to give individual house councils power over rule-making Only the Board had that right , they argued. By the next month the rule- making, disciplining situation was chaotic. In mid-October, Alice Lloyd House judiciary was telling fresh- man women that only the Uni- versity could regulate hours while Blagdon House in Markley was drawing up parental permission slips for Blagdon freshmen who had already abolished curfew. But student determination was high and a hasty administrative re-structuring or blanket punish- ment would have touched off student action. Without recourse to drastic measures, the Office- of Univer sity Housing was in an unques- tionably delicate position. The only way, with existing University structures, Feldkamp could see that a student get non-academic punishment was to bring the case before JJC. JJC would have thrown the case out as a non- student made rule. Meanwhile, another branch of administration residence hall gov- ernment, the Board, dropped its earlier disapproval of SGC's move and asked Cutler to recommend to the r the Regents an end to freshman bodies women's hours. "Th BOARD REVERSAL "belie The issue of visitation, recentlyUni son brought up by Frost House, Mark- spln ley, in a house council move that duct.' extended visiting hours from SUC noon to midnight, was not dis- cussed . Hov In mid-November a report of argue Faculty Assembly's Student Rela- presen tions Committee (SRC) generally autho lent support to the student argu- condi ments but pointed out the need eercn or Regental or administrative duct clarification to once again bringd difficulty " oed protests impersonality of U at teach-in SGC President Bruce Kahn supports new rules . ..andamid By NADINE COHODAS Aftee spending the eighth consecutive Saturday n i g h tr strewn over the sofa in your, apartment because your room- mate is otherwise occupied, you' fondly remember the old days in University housing when the reliable RA. would case the halls- each weekend evening around 1 a.m. and deliver the familiar "Time's up." T h is catchy little warning invariab- ly meant you- could return to. your regulation puce-colored dorm room and finally settle in for a good night's sleep. Unfortunately with the new, more liberal dormitory p'olicies, this isn't always true. Despite the administration's unflinch- ing attitude, ("Cohabitation and overnight visitation will subject student's to University discipline."), couches, general- ly lacking in the dorms, are still needed for those of us with frisky roommates. - With the new dormitory pol- icies, individual houses are able to set up their own visitation rules and women have no hours if granted parental permission. The administration, however, is quick to clarify its stand. Hous- ing director John Feldkamp re-, affirms the administration po- sition:. "The University finds unacceptable premarital- sexual intercourse." The University has held firm to this no-sex-in-the-newly- liberated-dorm policy. In an April incident, for example, Thomas Fox, director of South Quad, took action against a Quad coed who had a boy in her room after hours. Fox sent a letter to the girl's parents informing them of her misdemeanor. Feldkamp says these letters are always "fac- tual and objective." However, the U n i v e rs i t y seems to be something less than 100 per cent successful in regulating morals in the dorm. Their record for successful lgco parentis becomes evei lower for students in off-campus housing. Since a majority of Univer- sity students live in apart- ments, anyway, the University's adamant stand appears rather ridiculous. Even if Ann Arbor landlords take their tenants' morals to heart as the administration. professes, their control over the renting students' personal be- havior is minimal. Some landlords, however, seek to insure moral upright- ness in their establishments. Consequently, they include in each lease a passage which pro- hibits cohabitation. - The landlords admit it is dif- ficult to substantiate the charge of cohabitation, but in one case a student was actually evicted after he was found to be living with his girlfriend. In most cases, however, land lords say the cohabitation issue is so delicate an affair that it is seldom the reaon for -evic- tion. If tenants are suspected of cohabitation, landlords tend to seek other reasons for evic- tion - making too much noise or having a pet. - While some landlords may worry a great deal about breeding sin and vice in their buildings, other realtors take a laissez-faire attitude toward the. whole situatkon. One lanfdlord bluntly said it was "none of his business" who his tenants slept with. All he asked was that they "exercise good, taste." a star and n discip unrel "It the le tablis for m demic a pro handl t\ th functi SRC the H a solu CUTL As (Boar rule-r level over Regen But of the elimin and t power ule-making and disciplining s together. he SRC," the report said, eves that students at the, ersity have the primary re- ibility to develop sets of affecting their personal con- RE-ENFORCEMENT wever, the report further d that, "The sitautifn at nt is one in which the legal ority over non-academic mis- uct resides in one place, while mechanisms with which to ise, authority over. miscon- resides in another. In such te, of affairs it is difficult may be legally impossible to line students for misconduct ated to academic behavior. is advisable . . . to identify egal problems involved to es- h a clear University policy niscondtct unrelated to aca- c behavior ,and to establish 'per judiciary procedure for ling cases that are relevant e University's educational Lion." C looked to the report of iatcher Commission for such ution. LER, REGENTS STALL faculty and administrative rd of Governors) approval of making at the house council increased, student tension stalling by Cutler and the nts mounted. t Cutler agreed at the end e fall semester to recommend nation of women's hours the Board granted students r to determine visitation hours through their house coun- cils. This was largely a result of several mass co-ed visits in Fred- erick House, South Quad. Kahn, although pleased, with the Board's approval reminded students that this was an ex-post facto approval and that students made, the rules, In the beginning of the winter semester, 1968, deliberate stalling on implementation of the Board's new policies made Kahn's re- marks a valid warning. REGENTAL REVIEW , he' Board's decision was by bylaw and tradition a final deci- sion. However, on the-request of Uni- versity President Robben Fleming, the Regents decided to review the Board's decision. Students retalitated to what t h e y c al le d "administrative games" with three mass violations of curfew at Markley, Bursley, and South Quad. The day after the, third teach- in Prof. Frank Braun, chairman of the Board of Governors, "ad- dressed the Regents as a member of their own generation explain- ing that although hard to accept, it was necessary to initiate rea- sonable changes." The . issue of loco parentis, mortally wounded two semesters earlier, formally died the next day when the Regents approved elimination of curfew require- ments to all students with par- ental permission. They also al- lowed each University housing unit to determine by a democratic process its own visiting hours. i At least in the literary college, faculty members showed them- selves quite'hesitant 'to give out academic punishments for break- ing non-academic conduct rules. The faculty student Board of Governors of Residence Balls claimed SGC did not have the The Richard Cutler 00o 0 , 01 us, ;I ..0, 0 N I The back-to-school rush always includes a ' John Feldkamp - I GOT YOURSELF A PROBLEM? Mistake? Wet Books? Try ERASABLE paper Try our BOOKBAGS rush for telephone service. Every year at this time we gear up by putting on extra people and working extra hours. But there have always been many who- had to wait for their tele- phones longer than we'd likes If you want telephone service this fall, the sooner you can place your order with us the sooner we'll lie able to install it. You can order telephone service any day, Monday through Friday, from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. As soon as you know your new address, call (Area 313) 761-9900 or visit our office in the City Center Building, 220 E. Huron. Or, if ypu're out of town, just call us collect. For those of you who can't order until the last minute, we'll be open an extra day, Satur- day, August 24 from 8-5. I . . 4 Colors Type Faint-? Try a NEW RIBBON Birthday ? Try a MUG . . . Several Types No Room? Try a BOOKSTAND or RACK Tough Course ? Try an OUTLINE for Help Forget ? Try an ADDRESS BOOK I