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October 23, 1968 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1968-10-23

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Wednesdoy, October 23, 1968


Page Three

Wednsday Ocober23,1968THE ICHGAN AIL

..I YY YL YIf ....

Berkeley's schools integrate without incident

BERKELEY, Calif. WP) - The
total racial integration of this
city's public schools has appar-
ently passed its major hurdles.
Berkeley has succeeded, with-
out incident, where experimental
programs in New York and
other cities have failed. Accord-
ing to school Supt. Neil V. Sul-
livan, who presided over the
program since its inception, it
has exceeded all expectations.
The switchover has not been
accomiplished without its share
ground battles between Negro
A/ 6f problems, including play-
of ground battles between Ne-
gro problems, including play-
takes at the administrative end.
It is the first complete public
school desegragation . in a U.S.
city of over 100,000 population.
Berkeley's secondary schools
were desegragated four ,years
ago. Last Sept. 10, the job was
completed in the kindergarten
through the sixth grade of 3.-
300 pupils in 16 schools by a
unique busing system.
The grade school children each
weekday wait for buses on 342
42 corners throughout this city of
120,000 across the bay from San
Children from kindergarten

through the third grade, desig-
nated as K-3, all attend schools
in the mostly white Berkeley
hills, with the Negro youngsters
being bused up from the flat-
From grades 4-6, the pupils
are bused down to the flatlands
schools heretofore attended
mostly by Negroes.,
Berkeley's school population is
about 50 per cent Caucasian.
41 per cent Negro and 9 per
cent Oriental and other groups.
The classroom ratios of Ne-
groe and other minority pupils
to whites were figured out by
computers and reported to have
worked out well - except at a
tiny 200-pupil school called
Hillside Primary in a largely
white district.
The K-3 school, said Berkeley
school research and publications
director Dan K. Freudenthal,
right off had "bad behavior" pu-
pils with a history of trouble.
"They apparently couldn't
stand so much sitting in a class-
room," he said. "Don't forget,
there is much anger in the com-
The trouble, he said, amount-
ed to some Negro children
smacking the white youngsters,

with much of the blame to be
put on the small size of the
Sullivan put it: " . . . It was a
damned neighborhood school
that was altogether too small
and should have been closed
15 years ago. Here's a situation
in which the computer didn't
work and we ended up with a
school that wasn't racially bal-
anced, either its faculty or its
student body.
"The school was overloaded
with black children-about 60
per cent-but did not have a
s i n g le Negro teacher. This
should not have occurred.
"The playground was as big
as a postage stamp and there
wasn't a male adult in the entire
He said the situation was
cleared up through use of a
"black aide from the inner
city," an unlettered N e g r o
woman whose compassion and
native intelligence made her
"one of the greatest teachers
I've ever known."
Hillside Primary wasn't the
only school that had trouble, but
in all of them immediate and
pointed measures were taken to
try for cures.

"We're having fewer and few-
er fights," said Miss Glena Cru-
mal, principal of Columbus
School, grades 4-6, in a Negro
"Some Negro youngsters have
resisted white youngsters com-
ing into the school. They feel
it's their school." She adds that
it takes time to change atti-
One classroom display at Co-
lumbus is a collage of cutouts
of black hands and white hands,
clasped together or-reaching for
each other. On it is a quotation
from' the assassinated Negro
leader Martin Luther King Jr.:
"We must learn to live together
as brothers or perish together
as fools."
The city of Berkeley spent
$530,290 for the integration pro-
gram - training teachers; mov-
ing books, furniture and equip-
ment; renovation and installa-
tion in classrooms and other .:
units;meeting firm safety re-
quirements, and transportation.

-Associated Press
The heritage of school integration

"An Exuberant Comic Fantasy... 'Cock-a-doodle'f
has a lift!"-Detroit News
"Looney and Larky"-Detroit Free Press

Republican RucKelshaus seeks
to unseat Bayhi in Senate, race

- "
* I
Directed by Jack O'Brien
Music by Bob James

name is Ruckelshaus, and the
owner is trying to make it enough
of a household word in Indiana
to derail Sen. Birch Bayh's run
for a second term.
William D. Ruckelshaus, a 36-
year-old state legislator from In-
dianapolis, went to work on the
name immediately after theRe-
publican State Convention nom-
inated him in June.
He joked about it by extending
the name out beyond the edge
of billboards, emphasizing its
length. One of his slogans is "vote
the long name."
And his campaigners are fond
of printing the name in two colors
-RUCKELSHA in red, the US
in blue.
Polls sponsored by the Repub-
licans themselves, and made pub-
lic by the Republicans, show
Ruckelshaus running well behind
Bayh, 40, a friend of the Ken-
nedy family, got campaign help
Oct. 2 from Joan Kennedy, wife
of Sen. Edward M. Kennedy of
Massachusetts. Mrs. Kennedy
Joined Bayh's wife, Marvella, In
an all-day swing through several
of the state's largest cities.
Bayh's chance's are clouded by
he presidential candidacies of
Republican Richard M. Nixon and
independent George C. Wallace.
: Wallace carried Lake County,
the populous East Chicago.Gary-
Hammnond area, in the 1964 Demo-
cratic presidential primary and
could cut heavily into the Demo-
crtic vote there this year.
In 1962 Bayh carried Lake Coun-
! ty by 37,326 votes in beating three-
term Republican incumbent Homer
(E. Capehart, but his statewide
inargin was only 10,994,
Bayh's people figure that his
'principal problem is how to coun-

news today
) The Associated Press and College Press Service
APOLLO 7 returned to earth yesterday concluding
what officials called "a perfect mission."
The 11-day flight, which ended in the Atlantic Ocean only
a third of a mile from target, was a key stage in U.S. plans
for a moon shot.
Physicians for the three-man crew reported them "in
really good spirits and in good shape."
The crew received congratulations from President John-
son, Vice President Humphrey and UN Secretary-General
U Thant.
may have begun a new series of attacks on U.S. military
Shelling of the U.S. 3rd Marine Division headquarters
resumed yesterday for the first time in two months. This was
the third shelling of a U.S. headquarters in as many days.
Meanwhile, a statement yesterday by South Vietnamese
President Nguyen Van Thieu was viewed in Washington as a
success for the United States in persuading him to relax his
opposition to a bombing halt.
Thieu said he would not oppose a bombing halt if there
was "good reason to believe" Hanoi would reciprocate. Only
Saturday he said the main problem is "to stop the war, not
stop the bombing."
New York City's teachers' strike.
The city's 1.1 million public school students spent their
18th day out of classes.
Meanwhile, the police slowdown which has plagued the
city continued, and, firemen threatened to contribute to the
crisis by slowing their operations as well.
The teachers are demanding the re-instatement of 80
white teachers ousted last spring from the black and Puerto
Rican Ocean Hill-Brownsville experimental school district in
Brooklyn. The district was part of the city's plan for decen-
tralization of the school system.
The policemen and firemen are seeking increased con-
tract benefits.
The rash of strikes which has hit New York also extended
into the United Nations yesterday as a walkout by two-thirds
of the 150-man guard force compelled diplomats to open their
own car doors.
PRESIDENT JOHNSON signed a new gun control bill
into law yesterday.
The new legislation'is the most comprehensive bill of its
kind in 30 years, butJohnson said it falls short of what is
needed for effective crime control.
The law bans the mail order sale of rifles, shotguns and
ammunition, but lacks two features the President asked Con-
gress to .include - registration of weapons and licensing 'of
Passage of the gun control bill was spurred by the assas-
sinations of Sen. Robert Kennedy and Dr. Martin Luther King
last spring.
LT. CMDR. MARCUS ARNHEITER has failed in fed-
eral court to regain his command.
Arnheiter was releived of command of a U.S. destroyer
stationed off Vietnam in 1966. Iis superiors said there were
complaints of irregular practices and allegations that he had
broken Naval regulations.
Since 'then he has lost in a series of attempts inside and
outside the Naval chain of command to regain his post, After
yesterday's defeat, the commander plans to take the ffght to
the Supreme Court.
SHELLING BROKE OUT across the- Jordan River
The Israeli army accused'the Jordanians of opening up
-with artillery on the settlement of Gesher, just south of the
biblical Lake of Galilee. Other light arms clashes across the
country were reported.
Meanwhile, in Jenin, a portion of Israeli-held Jordan,
some 100 Arab women and school teachers clashed with po-
lice. They were protesting an Israeli plan to build a Jewish
suburb alongside the town of Hebron on the west bank of the
Jordan River.
KEY EVIDENCE in the trial of Sirhan Sirhan was
ruled admissable in Los Angeles Superior Court yesterday.

Sirhan is charged with murdering Sen. Robert Kennedy
last June.
The evidence in question - papers reported to be in the
! defendant's handwriting and other items - were taken from
Sirhan's home after the shooting.
The court ruled police were within bounds when they
searched the house without a warrant because the defendant's
brother had given them permission.
The evidence is considered important to the prosecutor's
. 0 0
SOME 200 STUDENTS began a sit-in at the Univer-
sity of California's Berkeley campus yesterday.
The demonstration was called to- protest the denial of
credit for a course on racism with *llack Panther Eldridge
The sit-in began just after Cleaver completed his third
in a series of lectures. 'If you think this is worthwhile," he
told students, "then -do your thing."
At their meeting last:week, the California Regents post-
poned action on a proposal to offer credit for Cleaver's course.

Ruckelshaus Sen. Bayh


'teract a probable big margin for
Nixon in the state.
Nixon carried Indiana by 222,762
(votes over John F. Kennedy in'
(1960. He was far ahead of the
(GOP state ticket. This year Nixon
,collected 508,362 votes in the
presidential primary, running un-
Politicians of both parties, par-
ticuarly the Democrats, are con-
cerned about how many Wallace
,supports may simply vote Wallace
for President and not bother to
,vote for either state ticket.
:Ruckelshaus, besides being less
'well-known, may be facing some
'religious opposition in rural areas.
He is a Roman Catholic and Bayh
pis a Methodist.
Ruckelshaus has been accusing

?Bayh of being on both sides of
many issues and of talking econo-
+my in Indiana while voting spend-
'ing in Washington.
Bayh is paying little attention
'to the national Democratic ticket
and is listing public works pro-
j ects of benefit to Indiana which
he worked for.
Both take a "peace with hon-
or" position on Vietnam but Bayh
-said Sept. 21 the United States
could stop bombing North Viet-
nam without conditioning the halt
on a, response by the other side,
"It's worth a try," he said.
?Ruckelshaus has said there should
tbe some assurance tlat a bombing
'halt would not be used for further
'buildups in the North.
Bayh is a lawyer, farmer for-
Iner speaker and minority leader
of the Indiana House.
Ruckelshaus is a lawyer who
'was chosen majority leader of the
Indiana House in his first legis-


An imaginative and
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MON., FEB. 3-SAT., FEB. 8

An evening of endless musical variety-This
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Mike Gabbard
singing contemporary, traditional, and Samoor folk music accom-
panied by guitar.
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