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October 23, 1968 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1968-10-23

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See editorial page




Partly cloudy, windy,
generally dismal

Vol. LXXIX No. 47 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Wednesday, October 23, 1968 Ten Cents

Eight Pages


acts on



Supervisors vote to increase{
control of Harvey's finances
The County Board of Supervisors yesterday voted to
increase the county's control over spending by Sheriff Doug-
- , las Harvey.
The board also noved to refer all information gathered by
the special committee investigating Harvey's department to
state and local officials,
The committee's report was based on questions and "an-
swers it exchanged with Harvey. The committee inquired
about Harvey's finances on several extradition trips to the
~ ~_ -- - - West coast, the publication of
a "safety guide" and the op-
eration of a prisoner's conces-
sion stand and commissary.
The board adopted the follow-
as~ f cutRS ing committee recommendations:
at"That the sheriff be pro-
vided a business m'anager to assist
him in 'providing more efficient
Vj control of funds within his de-!
e as partment;
By ERIK, HOFF * "That the county adminis-
trator formulate and present to
stude ts aephooseoy graduate the County Ways and Means
students ra~e prsenathast tin Committee a procedural policy
Sstudent representatives sit in on covering extraditions and travel
all faculty meetings with the formc emptoysn
for all county employes; a
voting status of assistant" profes- "That the entire questions,
sors. answers and reports be forwarded
The students who made the pro- to the state attorney general-and
posal said they felt that it would auditor general, the county prose-
meet with "unanimous support cuting attorney and the circuit

v Newell

of funds b
Action hinoes
on results of
Student Government Coun-
cil officers yesterday threat-
ened to organize a sit-in if
Acting Vice President for Stu-
dent Affairs Barbara Newell
does not move this morning to
release the $100 Council ap-
propriated to form SGC Incor-
The threat came after the stu-
dents met with Mrs. Newell yes-
terday and the vice president ad-

What goes up.. .
One of the Apollo 7 astronauts is shown leaving his capsule after completing an 11-day flight in
space. Frogmen from the carrier IJSS Essex assist him prior to being lifted into a helicopter.

Faculty heads receptive
to, student membership

among, the graduate students.
Prof. Richard Brant, chairman
of the departm n, said the fac-
ulty voted unanimously in favor
of the proposal with the provision
that certain details be worked
.One 'of the problems is a Re-
gental by-law that might prohibit
graduate students' voting as junior
faculty members.;
Brant also pointed out that there,

court judges;
* "That the prosecuting attor-
ney be directed to provide a writ-
ten opinion to the board regard-
ing the sheriff's personal responsi-
bility separate from the county's
responsibility in regards to the
fund raising activities of the sher-
iff and his department."
' The two-and-one-half month
investigation leading to the report
wwac iti ed ths - th


SChairmen of Faculty Assembly

has been waiting for the Assembly committee advise might object to
to take some action on the matter. the presence of students. "We want

Special to The Daily
BERKELEY, Cal. -- Campus
police began arresting protest-
ers In the University of Cali-
fornia's Sproul Hall at 10:35j
PDT last night following a sit-
in there that had begun 11
hours earlier.
The students, numbering ap-
proximately 150, were protest-
ing the failure of the university
to allow credit for a course be-
ing taught, in part, by Black
Panther Eldridge Cleaver.
mitted she was "stalling for time
until President Fleming returns to

nUii ,eu ay Te Doara au t e
are some cases in which thestu- request of Atty. Gen. Frank Kel-
dents should not be present at the ley. Kelley said in August that the
meetings. E supervisors were best suited to
He cited the discussion of grad- conduct the investigation.
uate students' letters of recom- The committee noted that it
mendation from other' schools and could not recommend any penalty
the discussion of graduate students' because Harvey answered all the
merits as examples. He said they questions submitted to him, even
involve "matters of confidence." though they said his answers were
Another problem is that of vot- "unsatisfactory."
ing on the appointment of future The committee also claimed It
prfessers. was limited by only receiving
"I feel graduate students cer- Harvey's replies to the committee's
tainly have the right to vote on questions. The committee's reportI
their own professors" Brant said, states, "Without the benefit of the
"but this would invlve spending attorney general's investigation,;
the time to attend the interviews." the auditor general's report and
Prof. Jack W. Meiland suggest- facts in possession of the circuit
ed to the Undergraduate Steering judges of the county, obviously no
Committee that they make a sim- recommendations as to the au-;
ilar proposal. They have not taken thenticity of the answers can be
any action yet. given to the board."
Petition drives aim to
,language requiremeni

committees feel there is very little "We will now go ahead and try! a free examination
opposition to the idea of student to find a mechanism for recruiting the vice presidents,'
participation on the committees. students," he says. might be inhibitedt
Student leaders, however, are Prof. Noah Sherman, one of the of students."
skeptical as to how much effect co-chairmen of the educational Sinnott, howeve
hepcange wsit havewn increag policies committee, is also enthu- in the minority, an
the change will have in increasingsasiabu hid. find the will of the
the power of students in the poli- siastic about the idea. fn h ilo h
h NO OBJECTION very comforting.
cy-making process 'of the Univer- "Personally I have no objection Student Govern
sity. to having students as full commit- president Michael
These reactions are in response tee members," Sherman says. As the proposal which
to a motion passed Monday by the for actual voting, he explains, passed was a wat
Assembly encouraging its commit- "The committee is rarely called sion of the motion.
tees to involve studen.ts in their upon to make a decision by voting. would pass. He sa
activities. A student vote is largely an il- voting positions to
Several chairmen are openly en- lusory priviledge." THREE CONDITIO
thusiastic about the idea. Others Prof. Robert Super of the Eng- SGC member,T
raise questions concerning the de- lish department, chairman of the says the policy wo
gree of interest students would Economic Status of the Faculty only if three cond
have in their committees' work Committee, says he thinks stu- Students must hav
and the exact nature of the stu- dents would have very little in- on the committees
dents' role. terest in the committee's activi- represented in suffI
Prof. William Coon of the Med- ties. to carry weight ec
ical School, chairman of the clas- "We don't meet very often," the faculty, and
sified research committee, says lie Super says, "and we discuss things chosen in such af
and his committee are "all in like fringe benefits for the faculty they do not owe th
favor" of the idea of student par- members which probably wouldn't the faculty.
ticipation. He says the committee interest students very much." The proposal to i
The chairman of the campus on the committees
planning and development com- to the Assembly 1
cittee; Prof. Maurice Sinnott of 1 =Senate Advisory
cha gethe Engineering college, doubts theI University Affairs.
committe would accept student the motion, Prof.V
members. . chairman of thej
SSTUDENTS USED partment, said it ca
SSinnott says the committee has of several requests
worked vith students on specific tee chairmen.
on the language requirement, pro problems in the past and probably Faculty oppositi
and con, for several weeks now, would continue to do so. He says hand given to the
and indications are - coming as members of the committee feel, structuring the ro

of ideas with
he says. "They
by the presence
. seems to be
d students don't
e majority here
anent Council
Koeneke says
h the Assembly'
ered down ver-
vhich he hoped
ys he expected
be assured.
Michael Davis,
uld be effective
itions are met:
ve voting power
, they must be
[icient numbers
qual to that of
they must be
fashion so that
eir selection to
nclude students
was presented
Monday by the'

The Wright man for Humphrey
oC ADA debates
.a liberaldiemmta'

"I do want to consult with the "What should a liberal's position
President," Mrs. Newell s a i d. and strategy be in the presidential
Fleming is expected to return to- alectiontog be r thsd
day. election of November 5th."
day. s s That was the topic of a vigorous
The. vice president said she and. sometimes emotional debate
would not be ready to make a final b nteemembtofdte
decision on releasing the funds between three members of the
befre he cheuld metig wthliberal stand-by, Americans for
before the scheduled meetingwith Democratic action, and the organ-
SI'C officers this morning., ztos eea ebrhpls
"I'm going to stall for a little izations general membership last
more time because they gave me nih.
o ieeca e e gA panel consisting of Professors
See'SGC,Page___ _.._
Neff, Rubil to _m___ove /

Daily News Analysis

tangibly as the Radical Caucus
and Student Government have'

Committee on By NADINE COHODAS The NSA motion will be pre-
In presenting A motion will be presented to sented by administrative vice pre-
William Porter, Student Government Council to- sident Bob Neff and member-at-
journalism de- night asking Council to reaffiliate large Gayle Rubin. Neff explained
ame as a result with the National Student Assoc- that in the area of education in-
from commit- iation. SGC withdrew from the novation NSA "has done some
organization last October over the good things."
on to the freei growing concern 'that NSA was "We want to keep on top of
committees in '"undemocratic and unrepresenta- these, and we don't want to isolate
le of the stu- tive." ourselves from other campuses,"
Neff said. He added SGC would
endment to the They will also consider a mo-s-
that all com- tion from member E. O. Knowles 1 not be as interested in NSA's legis-
including stu- recommending the formation of a latve programs or its student
d to the assem- committee to study non-student servics
control in student organizations. tThere will be major opposition
_ to the motion.
Council president Mike Koeneke
E said he doubted "the worth of the


*Ti"hn m"aiwa ;mattim if ton of '..., nnllartpH almn'gf q (Inn - signn.tl rpq i

,m curriuum m mitteuse o i ecmeu aimness uuusimiuwru
the literary college meets students I in independent-petition drives forI
today in an open meeting to test abolition of the language require- !
sentiments toward language re- ment.
quirement which has stood virtu- If all the signatures are vali-
ally unchallenged for 14 years., dated, the petitions will represent
Opposition to the requirement- 25 per cent of the total LSA en-
accepted for' years as a funda- rollment. And only two weeks be-F
mental of the University's liberal hind the campaign, neither Voice
arts education - has mounted nor SGC have by any means yet
canvassed all the dorms, sorori-
* ties, fraternities or apartments.
Election da petitions aim to abolish the
fmly entrenched requ~irement
that literary college students mas-
11)1 ter four semesters or the equiva-
strike Caueu lent of at least one foreign lan-
h V But petitions alone, says Bob
Neff, SGC executive vice presi-
y Voice
dent, are unlikely to wield much
influence with the curriculum
By RICK PERLOFF committee where a key recom-
Voice-SDS has called for a stu- mendation can be made. "The pe-
dent strike Nov. 4 and 5 in pro- titions give us a power base-but
test of the national elections. they are more of , device to let
The purposes of the strike, dis- students feel they've played a part
cussed at last night's Voice meet- in working for academic reform."
ing, are to facilitate a rebellion The Radical Caucus drive --
against "mock democracy and the which has been continued by the
death-voting of elections, against caucus since it split last week from
U.S. suppression of . liberation the official SDS chapter - ap-
movements in Vietnam and proaches academic reform more
against University participation in radically, by demanding not only
similar crimes through war re- an end to language, requirements,
search and manipulation of stu- but to all distribution require-
dents' lives." ments as well.
Gag tours of University build- "Students have a right to control
ings like Willow Run Laboratory, their own lives," argues campaign
where much o the war research chairman Bernie Elbaum, '71.
is conducted, are tentatively plan-"Foreign language and any dis-
'-.-----. , , ,_ tribution requirement are in direct.

somewhat of a surprise to even
optimistic students-it will rec-
ommend abolishing the require-
ment, or at least severely modify

however, that they should rep- j dents led to an am
resent faculty interests rather than motion requiring
those of students. mittees plans for
In addition, Sinott feels some dents' be submittec
of the vice presidents whom the bly for approval.

L. Hart Wright and Paul D. Car-
rington of the Law School and
Dr. Edward Pierce, a local physic-
ian, presented three separate al-
ternates to that liberal dilemma.
Wright maintained that Vice
President Humphrey can "provide
America with badly needed time"
to reach solutions to pressing do-
mestic problems.
"Humphrey has a special credit
with the black community,"
Wright contended, because t h e
Vice President has consistently
fought for human rights.
He pointed to Humphrey's sup-
port for programs such as Medi-
care, Social Security, and H e a d
Start as indications the Vice Pres-
ident will "'search creatively for
bold new solutions to the prob-
lems facing the black community."
Wright lambasted Richard Nix-
Dn and his running mate, Spiro
Agnew. "I hear this is a new
Nixon. I believe it not."
He said the election of Nixon
amounted to playing "Russian
roulette" with a "three-shooter"
snefour of the 12 presidents in
the 20th century, reached office
through death of their predeces-
Wright concluded that "to not
support Humphrey in order to
punish the Democratic party is to
punish our country."
His remarks were followed by
Carrington, who recommended
that liberals support Nixon be-
cause "peace and progress ar e
more likely to occur in a Nixon ad-
"HIupmphrey lacks the ability to
get out of the war" and would be
"hopelessly impotent" in dealing
with "an irresponsible Congress,"
Carrington contended.
He also suggested that pressures
an the presidency tend to temper
;he office-holder and hopefully
would keep Nixon on a "middle
"The risks of -a Humphrey
failure are substantial. The es-
calation of the atnfosphere of
despair" would be more likely if
Humphrey were elected, Carring-
ton warned.
"An unsuccessful Nixon admin-
istration would set the stage for
a rebuilding of the Democratic
party" and demonstrate "the
bankruptcy of the Republican ap-
proach," he added.
Following Carrington's present-
Committee asks
language proposals
- Th liter.rv collere curicu-

The financial squeeze -is on Found
for the graduate school. appea
Dean Stephen Spurr puts it the gl(
bluntly: "In per capita student they j
support we're in very bad the sq
an im
Not only has the state tight- ing or
ened up on its support for the was in
University, but federally sup- NSF
ported fellowships for grad- sity e
uate study have been cut dras- s y
tically in many programs. cuts h
The most costly cut came By th
from the National Defense Ed- ahead,
ucation Act (NDEA) program And
which for the last two years a d
has provided the University agreed
with 85 full graduate -fellow- ntete
ships ranging from $2,000 to traine
$2,400 per year. tling d
But this year a maximum of from
45 NDEA fellowships will be The
distributed to each university. evenr
Meanwhile, National Aero- in stu
.. . . . , ~.. ..J '. ..... s. X . .. . . . ,. . .. rl ti


funds cut

first. atinai Science
ation traineeship grants
red to be a bright spot in
oomy financial picture as
lumped from 48 to 60. But
queeze came when the
ation told the University
Lmediate $5.4 million ceil-
n all NSF support here
n effect.
support at the Univer-
xceeds $5.4 million and
had to be made quickly.
e time the ceiling was set,
h, some $1.3 million had
y been spent.
since the University had
to maintain its commit-
of $1.1 million for student
eships, the acutal whit-
down of funds had to come
NSF-sponsored research.'
situation is aggravated
more since the cutbacks
udent stipends are felt
v byt - rnl-f cr-nn

Berkeley, Harvard, Chicago and
MIT because the same federal
cuts have affected each.
But competition arises with
smaller graduate schools, the
University of Rochester for ex-
ample, which will now get the
same number or NDEA stipends
-45-as the University.
Consequently, the University
is expected to lose many of its
brightest potential graduate
students to schools where the
competition is less keen.
Special internal problems be-
gin to arise between depart-
ments when the federal cuts
come. For example, 51 depart-
ments met the minimum rem
quirements for NDEA fellow-
ship aid this year. When the
cut from 85 to 45 fellowship was
made, some of these depart-
ments were left without any
grants at all.
R' ._ .. F.... .7 7 .. .. ... .

$500,000 in about $8,000 pack-
ages' to its departments, and
another $190,000 is divided
among 40 doctoral candidates
--primarily in the social sci-_
ences and humanities-who are
writing their dissertations.
And there are other sources
of support for graduate stu-
dents. At least $2 million is
spent annually in teaching and
research assistantships. A total
of about 1,800 graduate stu-
dents are listed in some way on
the University's research pay-
roll. This is about one-fourth
of the graduate school's 7,000
on-campus students.
Both Spurr and Vice Presi-
dent for Research A. Geoffrey
Norman believe that the federal
cuts have reached a levelling
off point. But as Spurr readily
admits, the cost of education
per student is rising at least at
the rate of inflation of the na-
._ _ _ . __.__ _ .. , _ _ .-. ..

"Their legislative programs are
never carried out on campuses,"
he said.
"Although they do have some
educational reforms, I question,
whether we get enough benefit for
what it costs."
Knowles, who was strongly in
favor of last year's withdrawal,
said he was "totally against the
reaffiliation under any circum-
Last spring ,a similar motion to
have SOC reaffiliate with NSA
I was proposed, but Council decid-
ed to send Neff and Sharon Low-
en to the NSA convention in Aug-
ust as observers and then take
action upon their recommenda-
Knowles' proposal on student or-
ganizations follows occasional
consideration of the problem. He
withdrew an earlier proposal ask-
ing Council to determine whether
or not sororities and fraternities
qualify as student organizations.
Koeneke said Council "realizes
certain student organizations have
non-student control. We want to
find out where this is in all stu-
dent organizations," he explained.

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