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October 22, 1968 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1968-10-22

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Harvey investigation:
Rationalz justice

THIS AFTERNOON the special commit-
tee of the County Board of Supervisors
w 111 terminate its investigation of the
sheriff's department and will recommend
that the board act on the matter.
This action could take the form of any-
thing fronm a verbal reprimand to a rec-
ommendation that the three circuit
judges' honor a petition before them re-
questing a grand jury investigation.
The later possible recommendation,
though most appropriate, is highly un-
likely. The special committee investigat-
ing Sheriff Douglas Harvey has consis-
tently refused to take a firm stand in
their investigation. Instead, it has con-
sistently bowed to Harvey's slowness in
answering questions submitted him by
the committee. The committee has also
refused to ask Harvey to appear before
them in a public session.
vestigating this most important matter
can possibly be understood by examining'
the political reasoning of the supervisors
conducting this investigation. They may
feel somewhat precarious in investigating
an elected official. Were they to t a k e
harsh measures, they might reason, their.
action could be construed by the electo-

rate as indicating the county elected a
corrupt man to office - or more concise-
ly, that the electorate was irresponsible.
However, such a rationale is irrelevant
to the matter at; h a n d. Regardless - of
whether the electorate was irresponsible
or not, it can be justly assumed that the
electorate would not favor the selection
of a corrupt mnan. And that if they did,
it was because they had been tricked into
thinking he was a decent man. The later
is probably true. (Harvey was supported,
by none other than the editor of the Ann
Arbor News and many other prominent
The committee's investigation has re-
vealed evidence of corruption in the sher-
iff's office. If the special committee re-
fuses to recommend action proportional
to the malfeasance of Harvey's o f f i c e,
then the committee is, in fact, saying that
the electorate wanted to elect a corrupt
man. Thus, the committee would reason it
had no right to interfere.
IF THIS IS what the-committee decides
today, they must also be passing judg-
ment on themselves - as they were elect-
ed indirectly by the same voters who four
years ago elected Harvey.

Daily-Jay L. Cassidy

Can these actors follow a new script?

Letters to.the Editor

Rest cure

RICHARD NIXON has the advantage.
Eight years after being defeated in the
presidential race by a handsome, charis-
matic leader, Nixon is matched with an
opponent who closely resembles a snap-
ping turtle. And the Republican has
learned a lot.
He now shaves ;at least twelve times a
day. He makes jokes about his make-up
men. And he sleeps enough to keep his
face relatively free from wrinkles.
His wavy hair is not long enough for
admiring females to twirl and fondle, but
it will do. It is still black.
Nixon' remains trim. However, he
doesn't reveal his true physical condition.
Have you ever seen him in a bathing suit?
His biggest deficit is his nose. He must
always remember to face front. And not
to touch it.
On the other hand (or face), Humph-
rey must try ,to conceal his facial prob-
Second class postage paid at Ann Arbor, Mirhigan,
420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Michigan. 48104.
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Daily except Sunday and Monday during regular
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Editorial Staff
Managing Editor Editorial Director
DAVID KNOKE, Executive Editor
WALLACE, IMMEN............... News Editor
PAT O'DONOHUE ......... ... News Editor
CAROLYN MIEGEL .... Associate Managing Editor
DANIEL OKRENT .................... Feature Editor

lems. A good idea would be to wear a tur-
tle neck sweater that will include his
overwhelming jowels. He is working on
his third chin.
T h e Democratic candidate's ready
smile and sparking eyes are good points
but the mind rebels at his youthful, all
black (like Nixon) hair.
Just a few years ago, Humphrey was
turning a distinctive E. G. Marshall gray.
The gray was rapidly moving up his side-.
burns. But sometime before t h e cam-
paign, Humphrey suddenly returned to
the familiar black.
Though this subterfuge may keep the
Minnesotan young in the minds of thous-
ands, he will not fill his bald spots with,
false hair. Harold Stassen already tried
No comment
NEW YORK-The Boy Scouts are going
The organization's executive board
voted yesterday to admit girls to Explorer
posts-troops of older boys.:
A- spokesman for the Boy Scouts of
America said that although most mem-
bers in each Explorer group would be
goys, girls who were registered members
of "qualified girls' organizations" would
be permitted to become members of some
Explorer posts.
"We have known all along that boys
were interested in girls," said the spokes-
main."Now it's an acknowledged fact."
-The Associated Press

Apollo 7
To the Editor:
IN REGARD to your article on
NASA's direction in Tuesday's
paper, you are obviously misin-
formed about many things, things
I'm sure a little research on your,
part would have cleared up.
Apollo 7 is on a shakedown
cruise scheduled to prove the
space-worthiness of the ship. This
is why only two on-board experi-
ments were taken along. T h i s
shakedown cruise will make it pos-
sible for future Apollos to take
along an ample supply of on-board
experiments because t h e astro-
nauts won't have to spend so much
of their time monitoring control
panels that monitor t h e ship's
THE PRIMARY mission is not
merely the landing of men on the
moon, although that is the most
publicized aspect, but rather to.
gain knowledge about the planets
and space itself for the future. In
order to accomplish this it is nec-
essary for man to:
- Set up seismographic instru-
ments on the lunar surface
- set up meteroite experiments
on the lunar surface
-set up magnetic field experi-
ments on the lunar surface,
-set up an observatory on the
lunar surface
- set up a biological laboratory
on the lunar surface
- explore the lunar surface,
- determine the actual mater-
ials of the lunar surface
IT'S TRUE that manned space
flights are dramatic, but you must
remember that the fully automat-
ic lunar surveyor and lunar orbiter
programs were also very dramatic.
Being dramatic does not make it
bad as you hint in your article.
I am also glad you mentioned
Congressional funding for NASA.
NASA does not get a blank check
from Congress as you suggest. In
fact, NASA has never been award-
ed the full amount it applied for.

In past years, it has varied from,
one half' to one quarter of the
amount applied for. Only during
the Kennedy Administration did
the funding approach the request-
ed amount.
If youre worried about expense,
as you seem to be, then dig into
the reason why Congress didn't re-
quire McDonald Aircraft to turn
over its research records on Mer-
cury and Gemini to Boeing when
they initiated the Apollo program.
This duplication of research
costs billions of dollars. The Apol-
lo fire was a result of this dupli-
cation and after the fire millions
were spent on Apollo to perfect it.
This is the big reason why the cost
of sending men up has not de-
Before you jump on the band-
wagon to criticize NASA, you
should dig into the subject for
some facts. If you don't k n o w
where to look, try some of the
professors of aeronautical and as-
tronomical engineering at the
--Alan Mast
Oct. 15.
Phoenix fSDS
To the Editor:
IT IS SELDOM that we relatively
conservative individuals get a
look into the" revolutionary mind."
The thirteen members of the new
PHOENIX/SDS in their letter of
the tenth, regarding disaffiliation
with VOICE, offer a glimpse, if not,
into, then at least at the product
of, the so-called revolutionary
mind. Because their ideas are ex-
pressed in the form of fourteen
definite arguments rather , than
the usual garbled diatribes expect-
ed of the revolutionary, we can
closely examine this product.
It states, "We as revolu-
tionaries believe that we have the
right to end these restraints
American institutional controls)
by any means available, so long
as these do not injure innocent
people or deprive them of their
rights." But in order to "end these

restraints without injuring "in
nocent people," they must sep
arate the innocent from the non
THIS REQUIRES that t h e
judge all the people and thus de
prive non-innocent as well as in
nocent people of their right t
judgment by our constitutions
judicial processes.
The other nine arguments dea
with dissatisfaction with the pres
ent VOICE leadership. Argument
nine and thirteen border on th
fallacy of Argumentum ad Homi
nem (abusive) in the descriptioi
of the VOICE leaders. "Its'- lead
ers (VOICE) are too engrossed i
their infantile ego-tripping to re
spond in Pny meaningful way t
the problemns of the university
Thanks o a leadership too con
cerned over retaining their fadin
power and position, it (VOICE
has become hidebound, and nar
row ." But these claims ar
contradicted by their own basi
premise of human ehavior in ar
gument three, "Men will cdoperat
for their mutual interests .. Y"
that it has "continually associate
itself w i t hpersons, ,and cause
which are either irrelevant or op
posed' to our aims." And then h
the next two arguments reverse
its position, "It (V O I C E) ha
shown no concern for student
outside its dwindling circle of in
fluence.". " . . it no -longer listen
to, new people or new ideas" (em
phasis supplied).
Thus, without examining t h
value of the premisses themselves
it may be seen that the argument
are contradictory and/or invalid
That such fuzzy thinking 'i
T.. representative of the Amer,
ican radical movement in Ann Ar
bor," as PHOENIX/SDS claims t
be, is not surprising. Jesse an
Frank probably didn't think ver
carefully, either.
-C. Mezoff '70
Oct. 10

HAS GEORGE C. WALLACE'S campaign begun to recede under the
impact of deafening cheers from hostile *throats? Certainly it is
too early to tell; it remains unclear whether the precedent ingeniously
set by several hundred youths in San Diego last week will be widely
imitated. Dissidents in other places may insist on playing into Wallace's
hands by reverting to the standard "confrontation" tactics he wel-
comes and even incites.
That Wallace was badly shaken by the San Diego encounter was
indicated in all dispatches from the scene; the episode may have con-
tributed to the fatigue now blamed for a three-day campaign time-out.
Perhaps he has called this intermission to fashion a counter-strategy.
In any case the San Diego story is worthy of contemplation as the
first serious - or entertaining - 1968 departure from the campaign
WHAT HAPPENED, in brief, was that the.anti-Wallace contingent
chose to salute him with a fervor confounding any expectation and
burlesquing all his political war cries. When he dplivered his usual call
for the banishment of subversives from defense plants, they chanted,
"Kill the Commies." When he'reached the passage proclaiming himself
our only true- defender against criminal elements, there were ardent ar
cries: "Kill, Kill." And when, in a desperate effort to alter the simulated
enthusiasm of the Lhrong, he provocatively shouted, "You're some of the'
folks that people in this country are sick and tired of," the young men
and women - some of them wearing conspicuously long hair -
"whooped and applauded loudly," according to an eyewitness account.
So jarred was Wallace by this mock adulation that. he began to
flounder and repeat himself, as if unfamiliar with his oft-recited script. ,
He even found himself inviting one of his dissembling "fans" to step
up to the platform for a pugilistic exchange; the youth exasperatingly
turned the other cheek.
UP TILL that night much of the momentumh of George Wallace's
campaign had depended on the unwitting collaboration of bellicose,
often disheveled, young hecklers on TV news programs. On many oc-
casions he met their taunts with some variation of the theme: "Keep
it up, you just got me 5,000 more votes."
One had the sense that there was melancholy substance in his
appraisal. Indeed, there have been moments when one wondered wheth-
er Wallace's managers were subsidizing some of the shrill actors whose
presence he has so adroitly exploited.
This may be unfair to some dedicated kids who regard his ca- ,
didacy as so monstrous a distortion of decency that they have con-
sidered it a matter of conscience to stand up in high-pitched protest.
But the evidence is unhappily plain that their .crude disruptions have
provided the cues for some of his favorite punch-lines.
Now a totally new scenario has been projected, and Its possibilities
- delight the imagination.
.. SUPPOSE WHEREVER he goes Wallace meets replicas of,the San
Diego performers, perhaps many of them garbed in Yippie costume
and prepared to voice only bloodthirsty echoes to his most truculent
y pronouncements. One can visualize many additional slogans and plac-
- ards faithful to the spirit of George's crusades: "A New Deal With
- George at the Wheel . . . Love Thy White Neighbor . . One Nation
'O Divisible, With You Know What for You-All . . . Do You Want Your
Daughter . . .? Down the Drains With Brains . . . Help Your Local
L Police; Buy a Gun." -
]- These are random proposals and they can no doubt be adjusted and
, elaborated, depending on local circumstances The crucial point is that
e there must be no disorder, no departure from the solemnity and solidar-
ity of the pro-Wallace tone of the exercises. At. each point there must
- be plausible fidelity to the spirit of Wallaceism. A
- I DO NOT SEE how Wallace can legitimately claim aty infringe-
o ment on his constitutional rights by such massive displays of merry,
y. militant assent. Certainly no provision for the First Amendment denies
- any assemblage the 'right to simulate passionate agreement with an
) orator, even if some of its members wear long hair or non-conventional
costume. And if a few of their slogans appear to be a somewhat extrava-
e gant extension of his remarks, that, too, is surely small political license. .
C (Copyright 1968 N. Y. Post)
N Sorrows of PaUl -
's EDITOR'S NOTE: The following analysis is being reprinted from,- the,
Cornell Daily Sun because of the especial interest surrounding Paul O'Dwyer's
uphill battle to wrest a New York Senate seat'from long time Republican
incumbent Jacob Javits.
s BEFORE PAUL O'DWYER came to Ithaca Monday afternoon, he ap-
pearedon a radio program in Watkins Glen. Suffering from a lack
- of support from local leaders, O'Dwyer had to take to the air to get
a hearing. He had to express great admiration for the local scenery and
e a burning desire to see the famous glen. He also had to say that if the
s, election were held tomorrow, he would win. But seeing the glen was
is not on his mind and victory was not within his grasp.
Is O'Dwyer looked quite tired, as he rode to Ithaca, as he spoke down-
town to a small crowd and as he addressed an enthusiastic gathering
- at Bailey Hall. He had a good reason to be tired. He is somewhat alone
o now, leading a fight that will not be won. Democrats seem more angry
d with him for not supporting Humphrey than happy with him for op-
y posing the war. One of the great friends of organized labor, O'Dwyer
watches the leadership go for Javits and the membership flock to Wal-

lace. A man who has claimed that -
America wants change, be must
watch the nation choose Nixon's
version of change instead of his -
O'Dwyer lacks the charisma of a
Robert Kennedy as well as' the .in-
tellectual appeal of Gene McCar-
thy, and he is really a man from
another era who has found him-
self wrapped up in the new politics
because it has a place for men of
integrity. He represents the best
that can be expected from the
traditional ethnic politicans; he
believes in what he says and is willing to stand up and do battle when-
ever a good fight needs fighting.
IT IS WITHIN this context that he deserves to be elected. There
are few, if any, better men in America politics. But it is also from with-
in this same context that an unpleasant truth emerges. Even if he
could win his race for the Senate, his victory and his approach to the
problems of America will not go far towards solving these problems.
It is in this vein that he displays inadequate concern over the
swing to the right. He has seen swings before, and expects that his peo-
ple will soon win when the pendulum swings back to the left. He is not
tired of swinging. He does not face the great probability that even after
the war is over, America will not be willing to undertake the massive,
long-range, expensive job of saving the cities., For that work must have
greater commitment behind it than is afforded by a swinging apathetic
INDEED, HE HAS MISREAD the nature of the Kennedy-McCarthy
support as did they. He asserts that the Democratic primaries showed
an 80 per cent vote against the war and for peace. But at least a large

Kopkind, Rigeway Sherrill signal Mayday'

THERE IS a story that Yale
University Chaplain and con-
victed "anti-draft conspirator"
Rev. William Sloane Coffin enjoys
A few years ago, a Russian on
his first visit to America stopped
off to see the good Reverend at
New Haven after visiting the Kan-
sas-Nebraska farm belt.
The Russian immediately asked
Coffin with amazement, "How do
you Americans do it?" Coffin as-
sumed that the Russian was
amazed at the efficiency of Amer-
ican farming.
Instead, the Russian continued,
"I just can't understand how you
Americans manage such a high
degree of thought control without
resorting to terror."'
A GLANCE at American jour-
nalism will show that it's easy.
All you need is the proper ad-
mixture, of one newspaper towns,

political voices of the American
liberal-left, the New Republic and
the Nation, have both increased
their circulation over the past few
years. However, there are many
young liberals and radicals who
are somewhat bored with the re-
latively bland and middle-aged
cast of both of these aged publica-
FOR A WHILE many thought
that Ramparts, which sprang to
fame on the weight of its exposes
of Michigan State's adventures in
South Vietnam and the CIA-NSA
institutional nexus, would become
the major publication of the dis-
enchanted left.
Instead, Ramparts has respond-
ed to the challenge in a rather
disappointing fashion. Now a bi-
weekly, it alternates between being
the press agent for the almost-
revolutionary left and the above
ground spokesman for the Cali-
fornia drug-hippy scene.

ed on a budget of less than $20,000
by three of the brightest dropouts
from the New Republic-Nation
syndrome who seemingly wanted
to go it on their own.
Horatio Alger zeal to be your own
boss which seized Andrew Kop-
kind, James Ridgeway and Robert
Sherrill is indeed commendable, it
is disappointing that the first two
issues of Mayday have contained
nothing that couldn't be easily be
printed in the New Republic or
The newsletter consists of only
four less than tabloid-sized pages.
And, at a quarter an issue, it's
vital for the newsletter to be cram-
med with information and insights
unobtainable elsewhere.
The contents of the first two
isues have ranged from a short
piece revealing that Richard Nixon
gave a message on the Jewish High
Holy Days from a restricted Flor-
ida beach community to a semi-

and Sherrill rediscovering the old
Richard Nixon of Hughes Tool loan
fame and adding a few new wrin-
kles. But somehow it is just not
worth a quarter to discover that
Richard Nixon is now no more
honest than he ever was.
In fact the editors of this new
weekly seem to share with Drew
Pearson an overabiding concern
with examples of political petty
But while Pearson definitely does
a public service in keeping Con-
gressional graft beneath the six
figure bracket, any cry of "May-
day" hopefully should concern it-
self with more important questions
than where Pat Nixon gets her
"cloth coats.,"
Another more relevant exclusive
by the new publication was an
overly-researched article by James
Ridgeway concerning the implica-
tions of a mushrooming series of
experiments in black private en-
terprise carried out with the aid
of our major foundations and pub-

taking over two ghetto supermar-
kets is highly insightful: "Looked
at one way, a black company has
taken over two stores in a black
community. Looked at another,
way, a scared white store owner
has got himself a black front."
He concludes that "if b I a c k
business succeeds in Roxbury, it
will create more jobs and the il-
lusions of control." But all that
has happened is that "control has
shifted ... from small white store
owners to large insurance com-
Unfortunately, these important
conclusions are 'buriedunder a
long and tedious recital of 'the
complicated, but legal, arrange-
ments that went in to the forma-
tion of these black corporations.
This valuable space-for, in a
large four page tabloid all space
is valuable-could have been far
better used to discuss the impli-
catio s of efforts by groups like
the Urban Coalition to sponsor
programs like these.

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