Tuesday, October 22, 1968 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Three Tuesday, October 22, 1968 THE MICHIGAN DAILY -ueThe HOPEFUL SIGNS Hanoi deliberates bomb halt plan By JOHN M. HIGHTOWER Associated Press Special Correspondent WASHINGTON (R) Communist/ *leaders in Hanoi are believed by Washington officials to be in the f$f f' :f final stages .of debate on whether {; w and how to accept U.S. terms for an end to the bombing of North.. ... Vietnam.f Agreement between Washington: and Hanoi on a 36-h o u r local ceasefire around the North Viet-. namese city of Vinh to permit the safe return of X14 North Vietna-1 mese seamen could be a ahopeful:.: sign of some proader understand- ing to come.s U.S officials discount any direct connection between the Vinh ntnceasefire' deal and the far gveaterv issues involved in a bombing halt. But diplomats in Hanoi very like- ly intended some significance in its agreement to the Vinh suspen- sion of hostilities at just this tiie. Thfnom Kiuikachorn A far more important reason consultations already heldn the advanced for cautious 'optimism cnuttosaed edo h about a de-escalationuaccord be-I steps to be taken if Hanoi agrees tween the United States and North to limit the war and move the Vietnam is that North Vietnam peace talks into'the second stage. and the government is really building up popular support. In Bangkok, Thailand, Prime Minister Thanon Kittikachorn de- clared the United States should agree to a complete end to t h e bombing of North Vietnam only when the Communists s t o p all military activity in South Viet- nam. His price was much higher than any President Johnson is bie- lieved to have asked. South Korea also is reported to have cautioned the Johnson ad- ministration against any weaken- ing in its demands on Hanoi. Among the indicators t h a t a Hanoi decision may be imminent was the report over the weekend that Communist China had broad- cast to; its own people that Viet- nam and the United States were engaged in peace talks in Paris and that reports in the West said' the talks had entered a delicate stage.j T he simplest explanation w a s that the Peking government was preparing for some new develop- ment of such importance that it could not be ignored. President Johnson is s a i d to have set no deadline on the pro- posals he made for de-escalation and advancing the peace talks. But well-informed -officials believe that after dragging through the Paris talks for more than four ~months the leaders in Hanoi would not have moved as rapidly as they have recently to consider the whole range of bomb-halt is- sues, had they not intended to come to a prompt decision. Other indicators include the ar- rival in Hanoi from Paris last Fri- day of the top-ranking adviser to the Paris talks, Le Duc Tho. He is a member of the North Vietna- mese politburo a n d presumably would be, a key figure in any wind- up of the war-peace strategy re- view. A sign of the delicacy and un- certainty of the situation was seen here in the fact that the North Vietnamese spokesman in Paris, Nguyen Thanh Le, called off his weekly news conference Monday. He sent word he was not feeling well; his real purpose was believed to be to avoid stirring up contro- versy at the moment. ' Though Washington p 1 a y e d down the importance of the'release of the seamen in connection with the effort to break the barrier to serious peace talks, the fact is that the release sequence has paralleled the development of, events bearing THIS NOW I on the peace talks. missile install Very early in the year, when in 1962. North Vietnam was putting pres- sure on the United States to end the bombing and hinting at start- ing talks on that condition, Hanoi arranged the release of three cap- tured American fliers. It released another three in the derstood by both sides to be a good bad suerdnb wohtides tcle ayon-d will gesture at t h e Paris peace NEW YORK (P talks.1 At that time, the United States nedy's personal advised North Vietnam that the 1962 Cuban mis seamen would be sent home as that President J s o o n as arrangements could be military advisors made. North Vietnam appeared to be in no great hurry to complete over the issue the arrangements and its decision in the nation's 1 finally to take the seamen .at this ' One memberc time is subject to the interpreta- of Staff, Kenn( tion that the timing was deliber- that the nuclear ate. immediately on The ceasefire from Sunday mid- night to Tuesday noon was ar- Another °mem ranged to make certain that the chiefs, he said men could be delivered safely and believed in a pr without risk of casualties to either on Russia. side. A U.S. spokesman in Saigon I thought, a4 said "to the best of my knowledge late senator wro the North Vietnamese abided by times that I hai the ceasefire."j tary take position -Associated ress FAMOUS intelligence photo of a Cuban ballistic ation might have been the cause of nuclear war memoir reveals i~dvi~ce on Cuba has made such heavy cutbacks in its forces in the South. An estimated five divisions pull- ed out of South Vietnam since late September. Military authorities say the Communist units are prob- ably being rested, reorganized and refitted' but diplomats generally believe the marked lull in the 'fighting is much more -important than that. The day-by-day wait for some reply f r o m Hanoi 'is putting a heavy strain on relations among *the United States and its allies. But U.S. officials say there is a basic understanding as a result of A nervous and critical attitude is especially evident in Saigon where President Nguyen V a n Thieu faces difficult problems of adjustment if the -war suddenly begins to undergo radical change. A Saigon press dispatch Monday quoted one high government offi- cial as saying: "The Americans are fighting a political campaign at home, not the war here." Another minister took the dole- ful view that the U.S. efforts with Hanoi risk destroying what has been accomplished in the w a r. This official said that "for th first time we're really winning" )-Robert F. Ken- account of the ssile crisis reveals ohn F. Kennedy's concluded a war would have been best interest. of theJoint Chiefs iedy wrote, urged weapons be used Cuba. had the advantage that no one would be around at the end to know." With the exception of retired Gen. Maxewll." Taylor, Kennedy wrote, President Kennedy was "distressed" that the military ad- visers apparently felt .these would be no response from the Soviet Union or Cuba to military action by this country. Kennedy wrote that Gen. Curtis ber of the joint E. LeMay, then Air Force chief of at another point, staff, was a strong advocate of reventative attack military attack against Cuba. r LeMay, now vice presidential SI listened,"' the candidate with third party candi- *4tn "n h mn Wednesday & Thursday 4:10 P.M. DEPARTMENT OF SPEECH STUDENT LABORATORY THEATRE presentsr RED CROSS by Sam Shepard. ote, ozt any A heard the mili- ns which, if wrong, r.............a........... DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN ... :::............ ................................... ::..mlisisem stissm assiissmum I (Continued from Page 2) of Music, Glascow, Scotland. October 19-21. Professor Harold Brissenden: Professor of Music, Australia. Oct. 19-?, Professor UBOL Huvanandana: Vice- President Pitumwan College of Educa- tion, Bangkok, Thailand. Oct. 19-22. Dr. Thich Man Giac; Dean, Faculty of Buddhist Studies. Van Hanh Univer- sity, South Vietnam. Oct. 20-23. Dr. Nguyen Cao Hoch: Dean, Faculty of Law, University of Saigon, S o u t h Vietnam. Oct. 20-23. Dr. Nguyen Si Hal: Dean. Faculty of Law, University of Hue, South Vietnam. October 20-23. Dr. Nguyen KhanH oach: Dean. Fa- culty of Letters, University of Saigon, South Vietnam. Oct. 20-23. Dr. Lam Ngac Huynh: Dean, Faculty' Mr. Tatetsu Ryuji: Director of the Secretariat, High Court of theRyuk- us, The Ryukian Islands. Oct. 21-23. Mr. Harald Herwig Schenk: Language Professor (English/French), Albrecht- Altdorfer-Gymnasium, University of Regensburg, Germany. Oct. 22.% Mr. Lothar Heinz Witthaus: Special Assistant to the President of the Olden- burg Regional School Board Supervisor, Realschulen, Volkschulen. and Sonder- schelen. Regional Department Public Schools. Oldenburg, Germany. Oct. 22. Dr.FHans-Karl Behrend: Principal, John F. Kennedy School, German-Amer- ican Community School, Berlin, Ger- many. Oct. 22. Mr. Felix Josef Maier: Supervisor of Secondary Schools; Oberschulamt Nord- baden, Germany, Oct. 22. J'~b - date George C. Wallace, assured the President the Russians would not react, Kennedy said. Even after Soviet Premier Khrushchev announced on Sun- day, Oct. 28, 1962, that he was withdrawing the missiles, thus ending a nuclear confrontation, one high military adviser, Ken- nedy said, urged that the United States attack Cuba anyway. To which the President replied, "They, no more than we, can let these things go by without doing something. They can't, after all their statements, permit us to take out their missiles, kill a lot of Rusians, and then do nothing. If they don't take action in Cuba, they certainly will in Berlin." The memoir said President Ken- nedy had to withstand "'forceful arguments from the military that he escalate his planned action, and it ' details sharp, frequently the news toda by The Associated Press and College Press Service NORTH VIETNAMESE WAR PRISONERS were re- turned directly to the shore of their country yesterday by the United States. The exchange took 'place under the terms of a 36 hour ceasefire encompassing 288 square miles of w a t e r off the North Vietnamese coastline. The cease-fire, the first in the war North Vietnam and the U.S. had negotiated diplomatical- ly and directly, ends midnight today Saigon time. U.S. officials cautioned against speculating that this cease-fire indicated any new progress In the Paris talks. They said the action was taken merely to assure safe return of the prisoners. NEW YORK CITY was besieged yesterday by public employe labor disputes. Efforts to end the eight day old teachers' strike failed Sunday when Albert Shanker, president of the United Federa- tion of Teachers, rejected Mayor John Lindsay's offer to close Junior High School 271 in the experimental Ocean-Hill Brownsville district in Brooklyn. This area has been the focus of the controversy since the union has demanded that 80 area teachers opposed by the Brooklyn district's self-governing board be assigned teaching positions in that district. Lindsay also was faced with a police slowdown as 3,000 off-duty patrolmen demonstrated around City Hall demand- ing higher pay. More than 1,000 other patrolmen called in sick on the overnight and day shifts - close to 10 percent of the work force. The Patrolmen's Benevolent Association had rejected an offer that would have raised a patrolman's annual base wage almost $1400 over a two year period. The Uniformed Firefighters association also rejected a two-year contract yesterday and began consideration of its own slowdown. The firemen have demanded a continuation of pay parity with policemen who contend their work is more dangerous. APOLLO 7 ASTRONAUTS prepared yesterday for re- entry and landing expected early this morning. After their final on-board television broadcast, the as- tronauts ignited the 20,500-pound thrust service propulsion rocket engine for eight seconds to put the spacecraft on the orbital path to earth. The rocket thrust kicked the Apollo orbit high point 10 miles farther out, and shifted its path through space for a proper approach to the Atlantic landing zone. THE SUPREME COURT decided yesterday to consid- er a law that makes it a crime to buy or sell untaxed mar- 1juana. Under the federal law, doctors, dentists, and some other special professionals are permitted to prescribe or dispense marijuana if they register with the government and pay a special tax. People who buy or sell unregistered marijuana are subject to prison terms ranging from two to 40 years. The Justice Department asked the high court for a hear- ing and will get one in early December. There should be a ruling by June. Up to now the law has been used to prosecute hundreds of people who traded illegally in marijuana. " . . THOUSANDS OF JAPANESE STUDENTS battled po- lice in Tokyo yesterday to support observance of Japan's third Anti-War day. The clashes at Tokyo's Shnjuku railway station left 15' persons injured, including 105 police, a police spokesman sid. The students outnumbered the police and occupied the station for four hours, paralyzing railway service for the city's com- mouters. The students claim their violent action at Shinjuku con- tributes to the obstruction of "aggressive" U.S. military op- erations in Japan such as shipments of aviation fuel and oth- er supplies for U.S. Air Force bases in the country. Earlier yesterday about 500 students tried to storm the U.S. embassy but were turned back by police. * . 0 WHILE SOME SOVIET BLOC TROOPS left Czech- oslovakia yesterday, others dug in for an indefinite stay. Both actions came under the terms of the new Soviet- Czechoslovak occupation agreement signed Friday by Moscow and Prague leaders. The treaty provides for most of the occu- pation troops to leave within two months. Informants believe, however, about 70,000 Soviet soldiers will stay on. I of Letters. University of Hue, South Cemotional debate among all the Vietnam. Oct. 20-23.me Reverend Thich Nguyen Tanh: Di- :iadvisers. rector ofrCurricula, Van Hanh Univer- 121amtinalflutObns sity, South Vietnam. Oct. 20-23. Because of the immense press- Dr. Le Van Ly; Dean of Letters, Uni- ,Howard Andrew Mickener, Social Py- ure. Kennedy said, some of the ersiy of Dalat, South Vietnam. Oct. chology, Dissertation: "Resource Pro- advisers even seemed to "lose their 20e23 rcuerement and Collective Power inVol- judgment and stability." Mr. V. R. Rao: Director. Computer untary Associations," on Tuesday, Oc- Center, New Delhi, India. Oct. 21. I tober 22 at 4 p.m. in Room 6006 I.S.R., This approach, Kennedy said, Mr. V. Diuatia; Deputy, Statistical De- Chairman: R. L. Kahn. unesoeIh edfrcvla partment, Reserve Bank of India, underscored the need for civilian Bombay, India. Oct. 21.c Mr. Kenichi Nakamura: Chief, Ryuk- Placementcontrol, for carefully examining ian High Court; Public Procurator, The recommendations and Ryukian Islands. Oct. 21-23. 3200 S.A.B. miltary Mr. Takashi Sawamura: District Court GENERAL DIVISION was one of the reasons his brother Judge, The Ryukian Islands. Oct. 21- 23. INTERVIEW VISITS IN OTHER Considered Defense Secretary Rob- Mr! Hidetaka Oyadomare: Attorney;| PLACEMENT OFFICES ON CAMPUS: ert S. McNamara the most valu- former Judge, The Ryukian Islands, I These companies seek LS&A persons I Oct. 21 - 23. (Continued on Page 8) 'able man in the government. 1 1aL-6 GecHeart is a'Lone12 'Hunter Join The Daily, Sports Staff ... "An Exuberant Comic Fantasy. 'Cock-a-doodle' has a lift!"-Detroit FNewsP "Looney and Larky"-Detroit Free Press 2 EXCITING NEW PLAYS A powerful and prophetic An imaginative and play by the daring young provocative new play by Czediliberalleader. the author of (1967 ?rcra e auccess 'Blackboard Jungle: now banned). THE WORLD PREMIERE OF # 5 VXA N-,cK rYa a AdaptedTby RUM .A EVAN HUNTER TUES., DEC. 3 U..DEC. 8 MON., FEB. 3-SAT., FEB. 8 / SHAKESPEARE FESTIVAL THE FOUR FINEST FILM PRODUCTIONS OF SHAKESPEAREAN DRAMA jANWEDNESDA ACAL.PERFORMANCE AND OF THE .: THU RSDA NATIONA THEATRE OF GREAT BRITAIN 2:00-5:00-8 wmku AY Y :00 LAURENCELL The greatest Othello'ever by the greatest actor of our time. A PRODUCTION 441,0 STRING ANIHONY HAVELOCK-AAN and JOHN BRABOURNE ECHNICOLOR* PANAVISION*From WARNER BROS.-SEVEN ARTS "HAMLET" Fri. & Sat.-"MACBETH" Sun. & Mon. "TAMING OF THE! SHREW"-Tues. & Wed. Sean I M'--r+-A t t r I j