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October 20, 1968 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1968-10-20

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Sunday, October 2b, :1,968


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Sunday, October 2b, 1968 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Three


Calforna scene of bitter campaign

SACRAMENTO, Calif. () -
California's tart-tongued school-
master, Republican Max Rafferty,
and Democrat Alan Cranston, one
of the state's champion vote-get-
ters, are locked in a bruising U.S.
Senate campaign of sharply con-
trasting styles and beliefs.
The two men. hold opposite
viewpoints on almost all public
1 Cranston regards Rafferty as a
right wing extremist.
Rafferty looks on Cranston as
a left wing extremist. .
Charges of lies, smears and near
treason have been traded. Each
professes amazement at the idea
that his foe would ever sit in the
O halls of Congress.
Rafferty, 51-year-old state Su-
perintendent of public instruction,
upset incumbent Thomas H.
Kuchel-assistant Republican lead-1
er in the Senate-by 69,000 votes
of more than two million in the,
June primary.
Cranston scored an easy primary
victory, unlike 1964 'when he was1
beaten out by the last minute
challenge of Pierre Salinger, form-

er White House press secretary.
Cranston had rolled up huge mar-
gins in being elected state con-
troller in 1958 and 1962, but was
ousted in the Ronald Reagan-led
Republican statewide sweep in
The state's two major nonpar-
tisan polls show Cranston from
12 to 19 percentage points in
front. The rest are undecided,
with from one to two per cent
going to the third man on the bal-
lot, Paul Jacobs, a labor writer
running on the Peace and Free-
dom Party ticket.
Top Republicans, including Gov.
Ronald Reagan, are concerned
about Rafferty's showing in the
polls and his organization,'which
has lost his primary campaign or-_
ganizer and his first general elec-
tion manager. Reagan is cam-
paigning around the state for Raf-
ferty, and GOP Presidential can-
didate Richard M. Nixon also ap-
peared with him.
Now, Reagan's top political ad-
viser and top aide, Lyn Nofziger,
has left state service to join Raf-
ferty's staff in the closing days.

Cranston gleefully lists day after
day the number of longtime Re-
publican Party activists who have
endorsed him and called Rafferty
irresponsible and the artist of a
smear campaign again Kuchel.
Kuchel has made no public reply
to Rafferty's open appeal for an
Debate before California's near-
ly eight million voters echoes the
presidential campaign rhetoric in
keying on two basic issues-peace
in Vietnam and on A m e r i c a n
Cranston's position on Vietnam:
"I urgehan immediate, uncondi-
tional halt to the bombing of
North Vietnam. We should find
out if, when we stop the bombing,
they will talk peace. If they will
not talk peace no matter what we
do ., .. then we must seek to de-
Americanize the war.
"We should tell the government
of South Vietnam 'You can't de-
pend on us forever.' I do not favor
picking up and walking out and
abandoning South Vietnam."

Rafferty's Vietnam position:
"We are all desirous of an honor-
able settlement of the war at the
earliest possible date - but this
settlement must be honorable and
not an unconditional halt in the
bombing which could cause the
loss of thousands of American
He says Cranston's call for a
bombing halt approaches "a policy
not only of national suicide but of
national treason."
Both men favor "law and or-
der," although Cranston calls it
"law and justice." Rafferty talks
about "some surly slob who blasts
his neighbor wide open with a
shotgun" and urges quick, stiff
punishment: "Retribution is what
I'm talking about, friends, and
ever since we crawled out of caves,
retribution has followed wrong-
doing as the night does the day."
Cranston emphasizes better pay,
equipment and training for police-
men, federally financed but locally
Rafferty carries the usual mid-
dle-age paunch on his six foot
frame, topped by a receding hair-
line. Cranston, at 54, is trim
around the middle, stands six-
feet-one and is nearly bald.
Rafferty has won solidly in two
races for the nonpartisan school
chief job, and has developed a
nationwide reputation as a
Fourth-of-July style orator and
writer. He reports earning $16,500
from speaking and writing fees in
In contrast to Cranston's level-
voiced, unemotional speeches, Raf-
ferty is a phrasemaker who seeks
- and draws - larger crowds
than his opponent.
A typical excerpt from his talks:
"A generation ago, would our peo-
ple have tolerated for one single
day a teacher who taught the
youngsters entrusted to his care
the best way to lie out of the
draft, the delights of LSD and the
necessity for premarital sex?"

CROWDS TURNOUT to hear Senate hopefuls at Ohio's state-
house in Columbus.
Ohio's Senate seat



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LUMBUS, Ohio (&)-The U.S.! The race is close, and observers
te race in Ohio has developed predict it will be a neck and neck
a hot battle between Demo- : struggle down to the wire on Nov.
John J. Gilligan, a former 5, although some polls currently
essman, and Republican Wil- show Saxbe with a slight edge.
B. Saxbe, state attorney Six months ago, Gilligan was
given little chance of being in this
winning the nomination to election. But with the help and
Saxbe, Gilligan toppled an financial backing of labor, he won
ution in Ohio politics, in- the Democratic nomination with
ent Sen. Frank J. Lausche, his stunning upset over Lausche,
ie May primary. 72-year-old former five-term gov-
xbe is using a computer anal- ernor who was seeking his third
of voting trends to help in Senate term.


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o ming the first Republican Sen- Gilligan campaigned then as a
comingthist-"real Democrat." lashing away at
ator from Ohio in 14 years. the independent-minded Lausche
Both candidates arehsimilar in who was assailed by his own party
some respects. Both have taken for voting more often along Re-
dovish stands on Vietnam. Both publican lines than Democratic.
have labor support in varying de-
grees and both have scored smash- Saxbe faced only nominal op-
ing successes at the polls. position in the Republican pri-
" " ade sayphey cn'ts. mary. His aides concede they be-
Gilligan aides say they can't lieve he'll have a better chance
mard a esielevision and bill- against Gilligan then he would
Republican candidate is outspend- have had againstn uschehor f
ing them 3-1. Republicans.
Gilligan lost some favor within
his party because of his dovish Although not as colorful as Gil-
Vietnam stand at the national ligan, Saxbe is a seasoned cam-
convention and his refusal to en- paigner with a strong and wealthy
dorse Vice President Hubert H. state party organization behind
Humphrey for the nomination be- him. The state party made thi
fore the convention open~ed. He
forethe onvntio opiged H{computer analysis of voting trends
has since given his full support
to Humphrey. for each precinct.;
Gilligan wants a unilateral halt Labor gave Gilligan a big war
to the bombing of North Vietnam. chest in the primary, and he de-
Saxbe says the United States feated Lausche by 117,000 votes.
should turn the war over to the Although he again has the official
South Vietnamese and get out by
next summer, but favors continu- endorsment of the Ohio AFL-CIO,
ing the bombing until U.S. troops the flow of money to Gilligan's
are pulled out. G campaign from labor forces has
Saxbe is 52 and Gilligan is47 not been as heavy as it was in the
Both were in World War II, Saxbe s
as a bomber pilot and Gilligan as primary. One reason, an aide said,
a naval officer who won the Silver is that more money is being spent
Star in the presidential campaign.
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news today
by The Associated Press and College Press Service
the Vietnam War persisted yesterday, but they received
no confirmation from official sources,
Washington has reportedly sent a new offer to Hanoi, and
U.S. diplomats believe the offer is being debated in the North
Vietnamese capital.
There was speculation that Hanoi might reply at the next
scheduled meeting of the Paris talks Wednesday, through
other diplomatic channels, or even through a public broad-
Continuing consultations between U.S. and Saigon has
lead some to believe the delay in reaching agreement has been
caused by a rift between the two allies, but state department
officials denied this.
However, in an apparent attempt to dampen speculation
on a bombing halt, South Vietnamese President Ngyuen Van
Thieu yesterday emphasized there had been no change in his
government's position. Visiting the scene of a recent battle,
Thieu said a Viet Cong rocket attack there was "a perfect ex-
ample that Hanoi has not de-escalated."
Both the United States and South Vietnam have asked
Hanoi for some indication of de-escalation before a bombing
halt would be put into effect.
EGYPT WILL RESPOND to Israel's nine-point peace
program within two or three days.
The Cairo government made the announcement at a pri-
vate meeting of Arab countries yesterday. There were mixed
indications as to the content of the response.
The Israeli plan calls for a peace settlement in treaty
f o r m, "recognized boundaries," "security agreements,"
"an open frontier," and freedom of navigation in internation-
al waters.
JACQUELINE KENNEDY and Greek shipping mag-
nate Aristotle Onassis will be married today in a Greek
Orthodox ceremony.
The wedding could jeopardize Mrs..Kennedy's standing in
the Roman Catholic church because Onassis is divorced.
Observers speculated the marriage would give a sizeable
boost to the 18-mont-old Greek military government. The
regime yesterday released 76 political prisoners in an apparent
show of good will on the eve of the wedding.
U.S.-Greek relations are also expected to improve. This
would be especially true if the Republican presidential ticket
- including Greek-American Spiro T. Agnew - wins next
month's election.
HURRICANE GLADYS left a multi-million dollar trail
of destruction yesterday as the storm swept across Florida
toward the Carolinas.
Emergency hurricane warnings were issued a on g the
coast from Charleston,'S.C., to Cape Hatteras, N.C. The hur-
ricane winds - over 100 miles per hour - have left three
CURTIS LeMAY, George Wallace's running mate, yes-
terday said U.S. military men in South Vietnam feel re-
strictions placed on them "really handicap them in get-
ting the war over."
The retired air force chief of staff, on tour of Vietnam
this week, said he could see no value in a bombing halt of the
north because past suspensions "have produced no tangible
results toward a settlement or negotiated peace."
Wallace will confer with LeMay when he returns to the
United States today.
NEW YORK CITY'S POLICEMEN began a work slow-
down yesterday.
A sizeable portion of the force reported sick with "Hong
Kong flu." The slowdown, which is aimed at stripping the
force of 20 per cent of its manpower, was called by the Pa-
trolmen's Benevolent Association to emphasize contract de-
JOHN LENNON was charged in court yesterday for
possession of marijuana.
The 28-year-old Beatle and his Japanese'girl friend Yoko
Ono were arrested Friday at Lennon's London apartment.
THE SUPREME COURT ruled yesterday that rival
slates of Democratic presidential electors must appear on
the November ballot in Alabama.

The effect of the ruling will be to split the state's Demo-
cratic vote. The court decision will put both the regular elec-
tors and members of the racially-integrated National Demo-
cratic Party of Alabama on the ballot.
Both slates are pledged to Vice President Hubert Humph-


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