Page Ter, THE MICHIGAN DAILY Thursday, October 17, 1968 ___ DAILYBOFFICIAL BULLETIN (Continued from Page 7) ham Lecture Hall Friday 11:00 a.m. The Eleventh Hour (repeated at 7 Real Estate Institute l: Michigan Un- p.m.) Ed Burrows hosts an hour of ion, 9:00 a.m. news and conversation about the arts Conversations at the Center for Con- and literature. Guest: contemporary tinning Education for Women: 330 music composer, Roger Reynolds. Fri- Thompson, 10:00. a.m. day 1:00 p.m. From The Midway: "Guidelines of Public Policy Interven- Mental Hpalth Research Institute tion", with Kenneth B. Clark, Presi- Seminar: Frederick Strodtbeck, Doctor dent, Metropolitan Applied Research of Program in Social Psychology, Uni- denter pl:aApm.esnRenac versity of Chicago, "The Origins of the Center. 5:00 p.m. Focus on Students, Enthusiasm for Lost Causes," 1057 produced by speech department stu- EHI3:s5m .f Lo s, 7dents. Friday 5:15 p.m. Business Re- MHRI, 3:45 p.m. view, with Prof. Ross Wilhelm. 8:00 Physical Chemistry Seminar: Arnold p.m. 8th Festival of Contemporary S. Prostak, "The Thin Film Gold Elec- Music Concert, broadcast live from trode-A New Tool for Simultaneous Hill Auditorium. Given by faculty and Electrochemical and Internal Reflection students of the school of music. 9:45 Spectrometric Measurements," Room p.m. 1968 Carolina Symposium: Red 1200 Chem, 4:00 p.m. China and the West: A Doak Barnett, Speech Department Student Labora- Chairman, Contemporary China Studies tory'Theatre Program: "Tango Palace" Committee, Columbia U., on "China in by Maria Fornes and "The Falling Sick- Asia". ness" by Russell Edson, 4:10 p.m., Arena History Department Symposium: Theatre, Frieze Building. Comparative American Colonization, Department of History Lecture Series: Participants: Woodrow Borah, Univer- Aspects of Negro American history: Au- sity of California, Berkeley; Sigmund gust Meer, Professor, Kent State Uni- Diamond, Columbia; Michael Kammen, versity, "Toward A History of the Role Cornell; Herbert Klein, University of of Non-Violent Direct Action in Ameri- Chicago; Robert Morse, Yale; J. H. can Negro Protest": Auditorium A, An- Parry, Harvard; John Te Paske, Duke; gell Hall, 4:15 p.m. Jack P. Greene, moderator, Johns Hop- Cinema Guild: D. W. Griffith's Brok- kins: Friday, October 18, 10-12 a.m., en Blossoms: Architecture Auditorium, 2-5 p.m., Clements Library. 7:00 and 9:05 p nm. 7:00and :05 ~m.Woodrow Wilson Fellowships: Mem- Departments of Chemical Engineer- ers of the faculty are reminded that ing and Biostatistics Lecture Series: the deadline for nominations is October Brice Carnahan, Associate Professor of 20. Letters postmarked October 20 will Chemical Engineering and Biostatistics, be Leted.othe d cbe thwl "TheMiciga Temina Sytem: N- f accepted. They should include the tThe Michigan Terminal System": Na- field or study and the local addresses tural Science Auditorium, 7:30 p.m. of the students nominated, and should Professional 'Theatre Program: APA be sent directly to Professor Otto Graf, Repertory Company in Sean O'Casey's Department of German, 1079 Frieze Cock-A-Doodle Dandy: Lydia Mendel- Building, University of Michigan. ssohn Theater, 8:00 p.m. School of Music Concert: The Astronomy Department Visitors' Baroque Trio, Nelson Hauenstein, Flute; Nights: Friday, October 18, 8:00 p.m., Florian Mueller, Oboe; Lawrence Hurst, Aud B, Angell Hall. Dr. Darrell J. Mac- Double Bass; Charles Fisher, Harpsi- Connell will speak on "Cerro Tololo- chord; Willis Patterson, Guest Bass: A New Southern Observatory." After the Rackham Lecture Hall, 8:00 p.m. lecture the Student Observatory on the fifth floor of Angell Hall will be Chemistry Lecture: Dr. J. A. Ibers, open for inspection and for telescopic Northwestern University, "Five-Coordi- observations of Saturn and a star clus- nate Transition Metal Complexes," 1300 ter. Children welcomed, but must be Chem, 8:00 p.m. accompanied by adults., t t 7 1 7 t l l 1 Doctoral only, MAMA ad PhD in Math and O ~~aphysics for Technical writing, R&D, Systems Analysis, and engineering. ExamCtinaY t Io sJ. C. Penny Co., Inc., Nationwide: Men and women. Afternoon only. BA. BS in General Lib. Arts for Mgmt. Trng, Joseph Sela, Meteorology, Disserta- Merchandising and Sales. tion: "On Baroclinic and Barotropic Current Position Openings received by Ageostrophic Stability," on Thursday, General Division, by mail and phone. October 17 at 3:30 p.m. in Room 2038 please call 764-7460 for further in- East Engineering, Chairman, S. J. formation: Jacobs. State of Utah: Division of Health Iu- Howard Jew, Aerospace Engineering, dustrial Hygienist, 2 levels. 4 year de- Dissertation: "Numerical Studies of the gree in Indust. Hyg., Chem, publ. health Rarefied-Plasma Interactions at Meso- engrg, or rel. fields, and 5 years or 4 thermal Speeds," on Thursday, October years exp. in related areas. Administra- 17 at 2 p.m. in Room 1504 East Engin., tive Asst, for Coord. Council for Higher Chairman: V. C. Liu. Education, PhD in area related to high- Richard Irving Ford, Anthropology, er ed., and 5 years employ in public in- Dissertation: "An Ecological Analysis fo., adv. or rel. areas. Driver's License Involving the Population of San Juan Examiner. Pueblo, New Mexico," on Thursday, Oc- State of Washington Personnel: Posi- tober.. 17 at 10 a.m. in Room 4017 Uni- tions in education, social services, med- versity Museums, Chairman: V. H. ical, law enforcement, inspection. Cur- Jones. rent listings at Plcm't. Services. Raytheon Company, Waltham, Mass.: Subsidiary companies in Conn., N.J., Sr. in Pl +'it and Jr. engineering openigs primarily in electronic areas. Both BS and MS. 3200 S.A.B. both exper and not. GENERAL DIVISION University of Wisconsin Medical Center, Madison, Wisc.: Chemistry, BS All interested stu'dents are invited to in lab fld, work in pediatrics. Giologist, meet with Mr. James Dangl, representa- Gyn-Ob work, ES mm. Bacteriologist, tive of RIKES, Dayton, Ohio. He would Med. Microbiol area. Histologist. Ana- like to treat to coffee students inter- tomy area. Anatomy biologist, BS MS, ested in opportunities with a large mer- exper. req. candising organization. Mr. Dangl's f I Applications received by January 3 1... will be scheduled for February 8 exam- iAptioin. DORAN I ZAT ION Applications received by January 30 will be scheduled for March 8 exmin- ationa.NOTICES I Cen ter for Japanese Studies 1 TEACHEl PLACEMEN1' The following schools have listed va- cancies for this semester: Hartland. Michigan P.S. - Elem. Li- brarian immediately. Pinckney, Michigan P.S. - Counselor 6, 7, 8, - 1 Math Science 6, 7. Montclair. New Jersey P.S. - 1 Phys. Educ, 1 Soc. Studies, 1tGuid. Counselor, 2 Reading Spec.. 1 Math. S. Lyons, Michigan (PS) - Substitutes needed in: Ma. h. Science, P.E , HE.. Art. For further information contact the Placement Services, 3200 S.A.B. 764-7459. ENGINEERING P\.CEMENT SERVICE 128 Ii, West Engrg. Bldg. Make interview appointment at Room 128 H. West Engrg. Bldg. unless other- wise specified. Allen-Bradley Co. American Can Co. The Eudd Co. The Charmin Paner Products Co. General Mills, Inc. - Central Res. Labs. Los Alamos Scientific Lab. The Peoples Gas Light & Coke Co. Standard Oil Co. of Calif. & Chevron Research Co. TRW INC. Union Electric Co. Washington State Dept. of Highways Whirlpool Corp. U.S. Gov't.- Army Material Commnrand ESSA - ESSA Hdqts., Central Re- Rion. Weather Bureau. U.S. Geological Survey - Topo- graphic Div. U.S. Geological Survey- Water Resources Div. Hillel Foundation, 1429 Hill St., Fri., Oct. 18th, Traditional Services (6:00 pim.) Hillel Student Services (7:15 p.m! Sat., Oct 19, Traditional Services (9:15 a.m.) Mixer 18:30 p m.). Bach Club Meet~ing, Thursday., Oct. 17th. 8:00 p.m., Guild House, 802 Mon- roe St., Speaker: Richmond Browne, "So Its' a Fugue - Then What?" Bring W.T.C.I. in case you have it (and come if you don't). Jelly donuts and conver- sation afterwards. For further informa- tion call 769-2922 or 769-0995. Christian Science Organization meet- ing, Thurs. 7:30 p.m., Room 3545 SAB.' DAILY CLASSIFIEDS BRING QUICK RESULTS presentIs DJONALD KEENS ("(#111mbia U ni ciil "Sejjidine Sensibility iii the Hliin Era" FRIDAY, OCT. 18th P I.M. 2001 1ANIf IHALLI 0 IFC company is one of a nationwide group of 13 department stores, Federated Dept. Stores, many with international repu- tations. Meet in lobby of S.A.B. on Thursday, at 5 p.m., October 17. Call 764-7460 for further information: Placement Interviews: The following organizations will interview at Place- ment Services, the representatives ex- pect to see at least a vita sheet on in- terviewees, therefore, if you are n o t already registered with the General Division, please stop in and let us pro- vide you with the proper materials. Please call 763-1363 to make appoint- ments by phone, or stop in and make appt. in person. Make appts. as soon as possible, none' accepted after 4 p.m. day preceding visit. MONDAY, OCTOBER 21, 1968 Department of the Navy, Wash. D.C. and China Lake, Calif.: Men and Women. All day. Bach. and Masters lev- els in Econ., Educ., Engl.; Fine Arts, Gen. Lib. Arts, Hist., Journ., Law, Poli. Sci., and PhD in Poll. Sci. for Per- sonnel, Publ. Admin., Purchasing and General Writing. Stanford University, Graduate School of Business, Stanford, Calif.: Men and women. All day. All disciplines inter- ested in MBA or PhD in Business Ad- ministration. TUESDAY, OCTOBER 2, 1968 Milwaukee County Civil Service Com- mission, Wis.: Men and women. All day. Bach. level in Inorganic Chem., Geography, Microbiol. Pharmacy, Social Work, Med. Tech. and Engrg. for Social Work, Med. Tech. and engrg. Mitre Corporation, Bedford, Mass., and other locations nationwide - Men and women. All day. Advanced degrees SUMMER PLACEMENT SERVICE 212 S.A.B., Lower Level Applications for summer jobs in fed- eral agencies are now available at S.P.S. Please read the following schedule of application dates carefully:. Applications received by November 6 will be scheduled for December 7 examination. Applications received by December 6 will be scheduled for January 11 exam- ination. PLE DGE ASSEMBLY FRIDAY and SATURDAY at 1421 Hill St. 9:30 P.M. SATURDAY,' OCTOBER' 19 1:30 MICHIGAN UNION Rooms K, LM, N Discu~ssion o01 1. (Comnii ity Servie 2. University Ativities 4. Pledgeshi1) 4 General NoticesJ Broadcasting Service: WUOM Radio (91.7 Mc.) 11 a.m. to 11 p~m. daily. Thursday 1:00 p.m. Pe, ce, Love, Crea- tivity: Hope of Mankind - "Develop- ment of Creativity", with Alfred Jones, co-director, Mental Health Consultation Center. Thursday 4:45 p.m. Conservation Report, with Dr. Karl Lagler of the School of Natural Resources. Thursday 5:15 p.m., U-M Feature Story, w i t h Jack Hamilton. 8:00 p.m. U-M Baroque Trio Concert, broadcast live from Rack- Linguistics Club Lecture: Dr. Arthur King, "Recent Developments in t h e Policy of English Language Teaching Overseas," Friday, October 18. 1968, 7:45 p.m., Rackham Amphitheater. Student Relations Committee Meet- ing: Thursday, Oct. 17, 1968, 3:00 p.m., 3rd floor. SAB Bldg. Agenda: 1. Con- sideration of minutes. 2. Proposed Change in the Composition of the Board of Governors of Residence Halls. 3. Report of the Police-Relations Sub- committee (You will receive an outline of the comments made at last Thurs- day's meeting at this Thursday's meet- ing). (from Miami, Florida) Singing blues, ballads & folk-rock accompanied by guitar $1.00 cover includes free food! i - / ._ Altr A, 4 scribe a'ow i P .rt~~ # "" r 5 V r~t rlr4.. 64m0558{9 h>: Sub 11 Cal 7 .4 4 t