TO PRESERVE EDITORIAL FREEDOM See editorial page (ZI e Sir i!3ZU1 Pait33 SPIFFY Hligh-84 Low-58 Sunny and warm, continued clear Vol. LXX X, No. 42 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Thursday, October 17, 1968 Ten Cents Ten Pages Panhel limits alumnae, pledge By LISA STEPHENS veto power Court action threatened on 'McCarthy vote committee to investigate all rec- zations that they eliminate bind- Panhellenic Council last night ommendations which may be dis- ing or required recommendations approved a motion requiring all criminatory. at their next convention or they sororities with binding alumnae Sororities which do not comply will be unable to rush the year recommendations on prospective with the resolution will be denied following. members to keep those recom- rushing privileges this year. Required recommendations are mendations on file with Panhel's The resolution further states recommendations pre-requisite to membership committee. that the houses in question must pledging. The motion would allow the propose to their national organi- Panhel's action culminated a three-year controversy centering around alumnae power to veto the pledging of a new member. Twenty-four sorority and ex- officionvotes were cast in favor of the resolution, with Alpha Gamma Delta, Delta Phi Epsilon and Sig- ma Delta Tau voting against it. Delta Gamma, Kappa Delta and 1 Sigma Kappa abstained. Sr: Signia Delta Tau's negative vote; was cast because they favored a later motion to drop rushing priv- ileges immediately for the 16 hous- es which did not return Panhel's original anti-discrimination state- ment last month. "We feel that this resolution is f .j postponing action for another two years," said Sue Jospey, president of Sigma Delta Tau, "and it is a definite compromise of what wea believe."w Before voting, Claire McNight, president of Pi Beta Phi, announc- ed, "We have received a ,communi- cation from our national organiza- .................tion instructing us to vote no on this motion or face probation and revocation of our charter. In j}" spite of this we are voting 'yes'." -: '=Theresolution says that in order to rush in January, 1969, the 16 houses which did not return the original statement must use one of : ::three options. They are: -Submit the original statement, Copi signed by the local chapter. -Daily-Thors R. -Submit to Student Govern-! ment Council or to Vice-President hfor Student Affairs Mrs. Barbara Newell a copy of the sorority's S DISCUSS PREJUDICE.'national membership policy show-; ing that the house does not use a system of binding or required " recommendations. This option will allow those houses who do not use bSc n d i n g recommendations but whose nationals have questioned. Panhel's legal authority to act to sfs reels comply with the resolution. LLL -If the house uses required Blaze guts DKE 1o A raging fire destroyed the Delta Kappa Epsilon fraternity house vacant at the time, was completely gutted and damage was estimatt ities condemned the building last Friday. LACK 'OF. FUNDS: Federal cutback muse yesterday ed at 590,00 .S -S porting re besides N Departmer By RICK PERLOFF Leaders of the state-wide McCarthy write-in drive may go to court to fight Atty. Gen. Frank Kelley's ruling yesterday stating that their votes will not be counted. Kelley ruled that "a vote cast by inserting a sticker containing an uncertified list of names as presidential electors is void and need not be tallied." Some McCarthy backers had planned to use ballot stick- ers bearing the names of presidential electors pledged to McCarthy as a means of'- .voting for the Minnesota senator. iFormer The group was not able to have their electors certified by the state before the Sept. 3 deadline. Kelley's ruling, which is binding U 'stu unless overturned in court, also said that if McCarthy supporters scratched Democratic nominee Hubert 'Humphrey's name from ets Nobel their ballots and wrote-in Mc- Carthy's name instead the ballots would be counted as votes for the ' From Wire Service Reports regular Democratic electors who A former University doctoral almost certainly would vote for student was one of three Ameri- Humphrey. can professors to receive a joint "Presumably." the ruling con- Nobel Prize foi medicine and a ily -Lasr rcy tali~s tinued, "the elector intends to physiology yesterday, vote for the list of presidential electors selected and certified by Marshall Nirenburg, who re- the Democratic party, but merely ceived his doctorate in biological wishes by his write-in vote to ex- chemistry from the University in morning. The house, press his own personal preference 1957, was lauded along with Han 00. Ann Arbor author- for the presidential candidate." Gobind Khorana of the Univer- Kelley ruled that since the slate sity of Wisconsin and Robert Hol-, of 1 po-M~arhy lecorshadley of Cornedl University, for gof 21 pro-McCarthy electors had enetic research that points the not been certified to the secretary of state by any political party, a way toward combating hereditary vote for it would be void. illnesses and which may some day The ruling also stated it was not give men the power to control his possible to vote for some of the biological destiny. Democratic electors and not oth- Nirenburg joined the National lo w ers. It further stipulated that in Institute of Health in 1957 and in precincts using voting machines a 1959 began to investigate the pro- voter is not entitled to a paper cess of protein synthesis, which ballot to enable him to write in his led to his efforts in deciphering Fly c ~own slate of presidential electors." the genetic code-the achievement Prof. Marc Ross of the physics for which he won the prize. department, treasurer of the Ann Prof. Merle Mason, who was a Arbor-based McCarthy campaign, member of Nirenburg's doctoral search at the University said last night that lawyers are committee, said last night he was SF and NIH were the presently being chosen to handle "a good graduate student." Mason nt of Defense - $16.5 the group's court case. confessed that the committee had he Atomic Energy Coin- The first goal in court would be no idea Nirenburg might go on to $2.5 million, and the De- to obtain an order allowing the earn the Nobel Prize. write-in votes to be counted, said According to Mason, "No one of Health, Education John Koza, Grad., a member of ever has that idea about any of are- $17 million, includ- the group. Actual' challenging of the people who receive Nobel Kelley's ruling would come later, Prizes." He added, however, that he added. "everyone realized the importance 'resident .Norman sai, "If the margin between Hum- of the discovery Nirenburg made." 5 per cent of the $62 phrey and Nixon is greater than A Swedish fellow scientist who oes into salaries and the number of write-in votes, we won the medical prize in 1955, the 3,500 undergraduate just won't bother trying to get Prof. Hugo Theorell, explained it on the record books and we'll Nirenburg's achievements in larger ate students involved in take it no further," Ross said. r s i:teC T1i s..l t~P mrrAl growth By MICHAEL THORYN The once tremendous grokth rate of University research. most prepare .revised budgets which al- low an overall reduction of ex- penditures of 15 to 25 per cent for I A motion will be presented to Student Government Council to- night asking Council to determine whether fraternities and sororities qualify as student organizations. The motion will be introduced by E 0. Inowles who explained that "for 12 years, SGC has held every\ other student organization to certain rules. We've ignored the refo rms Sdscusse Approximately 130 English ma- jors and faculty members met yes- terday in Angell Hall to discuss possible changes in the organiza- tion of the English curriculum and formation of a student group to v present ideas and opinions to the department. The group spent over an hour discussing basic questions of poli- cy before deciding to adjourn un- til next Wednesday at 5:00. The location of the meeting will be announced in English classes, -ac- cording to Prof. James Gindin, who chaired the informal session. The students, while not present- ing any clear program for the de- partment, brought up the question of the reasons for concentrating in, English. Many contended that there are two types of English ma- jors - a "pre-professional" stu- dent who 'looks forward to grad- uate work, and a "hedonistic" stu- dent, who "just likes to read." Some students conteided that the English department focused on the "pre-professional" students and promoted the idea of insti- tuting another sort of program for the "hedonistically" inclined. Prof. Russell Fraser, chairman of the department, disputed the al- legation, but seemed hard pressed for an explanation of the value of some departmental requirements. 4 Concerning the requirement that all students concentrating in Eng- lish must take a English literature survey course, Fraser said "you want it so you can take advantage of all that came before you." recommendations; it must obtain e b h the 1969 fiscal year. million; t fact that the Greek system doesn't one on each prospective member jy sui t by the dwa goa- qualify for the priviledges it re- through appeal or house mandate. e'mdent, is slowing down. Researchers are reluctant to missionl---d cetves." If it utilizes binding recommenda- A $6 billion cut in the federal pichow tefunding slew- partment down will affect their ongoing Knowles maintains that frater- tions, it must keep all recommend- budget attached by Congress rsac "The amont einated and Welfa nities and sororities cannot be re- ations on file with Panhel's mem- to the President's 10 per cent in-r esearch has either gone downding NIH. cognized as student organizations bership committee. come tax surcharge is the major: if alumni are able to control the To rush in 1970-71-the period 'eason for the decline, according or remained the same," explained Vice P. selection of members throygh the immediately following most of the to Robert Burroughs, director of Prof. Martin Hoffman of the psy- "About 55 binding or required recomhmenda- houses' national conventions-the the Office of Research Adminis- chology department, who is cur- million gc tion system, sorority must either submit the tration (ORA). rently involved in an NIH assistedwages for original statement, or one saying However, SGC president, Mike that their national no longer uses The $62.1 million expended for and gradu Koenke said "whether or not research during fiscal 1968 was an Fewer projects are getting new fraternities and sororities are stu- bCdingrecommendations. b r easeo only 4.2 per ce s vn support as well, he added, citing research." dent organizations is not a point! SGC instructed their member- increase of only 4.2z per cent over h; Venm a a hsmjr den oraisin " nship committee last week to m- fiscal 1967, barely keeping pace d the Vietnam wa' as the major SGC is raising." vestigate whether the 16 houses rith inflation, fund drain.Aa Koeneke contends this motion affected by the Panhel resolution "Current and projected cuts in Burroughs predicted a change "doesn't hit our major objection were in violation of Regents' By- the budget of sponsoring agencies in the funding of future ORA pro- Studer head on - that of discrimination law 2.14, which prohibits discrimi- will soon begin to be felt," Bur- grams which currently total ap- partment in membership selection." nation in the selection of members roughs said. "We will be doing proximately 2,500 active projects. forum to The SGC Council Plan states for any recognized student organi- well if we stabilize our research "Urban and social problems will form tod that if an organization is to be I zation. Committee chairman Mike .. 'receive increased funding while 3532 of recognized as a student organiza- Kahn has said that no report will oue.other areas will probably reain Building tion, its executive board and vot- be made public until their in- Over 600 projects funded by the constant " he said. first of ing niembership must consist of vestigation is complete. National Science Foundation and ctat kd. fistdos students only. The 16 houses affected by last the National Institutes of Health The breakdown for 1967-68's students, If fratit d night's action are: Alpha Chi (NIH) are hardest hit by govern- $62 million research expenditure forums h not qualify as student organiza- Omega, Alpha Delta Pi, Alpha ment spending cutbacks. The two!has not been completed by ORA.ano tions, they can re-apply for re- Epsilon Phi, Alpha Gamma Delta, federally funded agencies which IWe ran into some difficulties m cognition as a student-community Alpha Phi, Alpha Xi Delta, Chi supplied nearly a quarter of the an we ave o re-c , a - TheH organization. However, as a stu- Omega, Defta Delta Delta, Delta total basic research last year are icia said. ciation- d e n t - community organization, Gamma, Gamma Phi Beta, Kap- staggering the release of new In fiscal 1967, $46 million of and decl alumni cannot have more than a oa Alpha Theta, Kappa Delta, funds. the $59 million total came from well as 1/3 voting control in the house. Kappa Kappa Gamma, Pi Beta NSF researchers were asked last one large source: the United States dents-w "This proposal will hit a larger Phi, Sigma Kappa and Zeta Tau month by A. Geoffrey Norman, Government. ing 7 p.i issue facing sororities and frater- Alpha. vice president for research, to Major Federal departments sup- nities that of local autonomy of individual chapters," Knowles said. LECTURE AT R ACKH A M He referred to the policy of al- lowing alumni to determine house rules and regulations. T 7'1 ['Y t a"' E t R r t k S '" r l e w t r lleniic forums rs in the sociology de- t have called a student discuss academic re- day, at 8 p.m. in room, the Student Activities The meeting is the its kind for sociology in the wake of other held by students in the ology, history, English, cs and philosophy de- its. [istory Students Asso- all graduate students ared history majors as other interested stu- Nill hold its next meet- m., Monday in Aud. A. However, Zolton Ferency, one of those listed as McCarthy elec- tors, seemed to think a case challenging the ruling should be pressed in any event. "It might be important in future cases to see how this pertains to a minor- ity party," he said. "It may be worthwhile to see whether the state is in violation of the Supreme Court," he added.: Ferency maintained this was! very similar to the Supreme Court decision in Ohio. There the Court ruled that George Wallace's name must be present on the Ohio bal- lot on the grounds "competition in ideas and governmental poli- cies is at the core of our electoral process and of the First Amend- ment freedoms." The write-in effort is continuing despite the Kelley ruling. 75,000 See WRITE-IN, Page 6 brms : 11s5 means we su uenyw came to understand the alphabet of life as far as heredity is con- cerned. Some illnesses result from misprints in this process." Theorell said something wrong with hemoglobin, the red colorjng of the blood, or with the enzymes, active proteins, could make a body prone to certain ailments. "The three Nobel Prize winners have not provided any remedy for such illnesses, but their great feat in research lies in the fact they have shown what it is we have to attack to combat the illnesses," he said. In breaking the genetic code, Nirenburg p r o vi d e d the key through' his research, and Kho- rana and Holley went on to-prove the structure in detail, Theorell explained. Man -could - conceivably control the physical and perhaps mental makeup of generations yet unborn when further work is done in this field. Nirenburg has said the final, breakthrough may come within 25 years or .so, "perhaps before man- kind is ready for it." Many scientists have worked on the problems for which t h e profesors won the world's most coveted medical distinction. The three will share equally in the award, which has earecord cash value this year of $70,000. The medical prize is one of the five set up to be awarded an- nually under the will of Alfred Nobel, the inventor of dynamite. 't r f i f Before, a sorority or fraternity can be re-classified 'as a student- community organization, its con- stitution must be reviewed by SGC. Houses with provisions allowing either students or alumni to dis- criminate in the selection of mem- bers would not be recognized. Michael Davis, member of Coun- cil said "before we tell sorority or fraternity alumni they cannot participate in house affairs, we should make sure all necessary evidence concerning anycontrol is available." Davis said that trying to break down outside control by ouster ofi alumni control is "the most ob- vious means but the one that will accomplish the least." Nader t1 speak at Med schoo I. F. Stone: J have no easy answers' By HOWARD KOHN'' Associate Editorial Director Reflecting on his own dilemma with the politics and policies of 1968, I. F. Stone yesterday assured a University audience he is not an oracle of :the times. "I have no easy answers for you," said Stone, . speaking at Rackham in the second of a series sponsored by the journalism department. "In a free society when people care, they get what they want," he said. "And when people don't care, they get what they deserve. "America deserves to be punished, especially for her crimes in Vietnam, and this year's presi- dential race is a punishment." Stone, 61, editor and publisher of the icono- clastic I. F. Stone's Weekly, ventured forth on the incredibly comprehensive topic of "our murky times." "We're caught in huge, institutional, bureau- that a representative government does not embody magic formulas. "Unfortunately we do have a representative government at times. The men in Congress and the man in the White House represent people vho are concerned about issues but who aren't concerned enough to do, anything about them." Perhaps there is little that can be done, Stone conceded. The momentum of the machine called, government will always be carrying itself into bogs like Vietnam. "You can't expect our military to openly admit it can't win a fifth-rate war," he added. "And you can't expect our Congress to understand how Vietnamese can leave their families and live like rats to fight us." Stone clearly and desperately wishes they would, of course, but he does not see the answer in revolution and counter-revolution. "We know everything and understand nothing," he repeated, honestly admitting that his opinions werj iit as susentible to scrunity -'esangaa e