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October 16, 1968 - Image 8

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1968-10-16

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Page Eight


Wednesday, October 16, 1968

IHA votes
to withdraw
from SGC
(Continued from page 1)
commented that SGC has made a
mockery of IHA's opinions. No
member spoke in favor of keeping
an SGC seat during debate.
Bob Neff, '69 SGC executive
vice-president, said last night the
action didn't surprise him.
He thought it would hurt the
residence halls, who no longer will
have a representative voice with
the Council, but that it would not
directly affect SGC.
Myers explained why he had
changed .his position. "I had
spoken against withdrawal as
IRA's president. I had felt that
SGC would try to improve itself.
However, my own personal senti-
ment has always been against
In accounting for the close vote,
Myers said he thought "many of
the members who voted against
withdrawal did so because I had
supported it earlier in the meet-
He added, "I can only support
a voluntary student government,
and SOC is not." He referred to
SGC's requirement of dues from
each student's tuition.
SGC had removed the voting
power of its ex-officio members a
month ago, so that all IHA had
retained was a voice in Council
The withdrawal motion had
been introduced Sept. 10 after
IFC had approved a similar mo-
tion, but IHA had tabled it three
times before last night's vote.

.g~~gggggggggggggigiggggg ..:ggggggggi. :::

The Daily Offical Bulletin is an
official publication of the Univer-
sity of Michigan for which The
Michigan Daily assumes no editor-
ial responsibility. Notices should be
sent in TYPEWRITER form to
Room 3528 L. S. & A. Bldg., be-
fore 2 p.m. of the day preceding
publication and by 2 p.m. Friday
for Saturday and Sunday. General
Notices may be published a maxi-
mum of two times on request; Day
Calendar items appear once only.
Student organization notices are
not accepted for publication. For
more information call 764-9270,.
Day Calendar
Bureau of Industrial Relations Sem-j
inar: New Frontiers in Management,
North Campus Commons, 8:00 a.m. -
5:00 p.m., 7:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.
Center for Programmed Learning for
Business Seminar: "Managing The Pro-
grammed Learning Effort"; Michigan
Union, 8:30 a.m. Advanced Fire School:
Civil Defense Center. 9:00 a.m. Real Es-
tate Institute I: Michigan Union, 9:00
Zoology Seminar: Dr. Uriel Safriel,
Bird Division, Museum of Zoology,
"Vermetids-Reef-Building Gastropods,
4:00 p.m., Wednesday, Oct. 16, 1400
Chem Bldg.
Speech Department Student Labora-
tory Theatre Program: "Tango Palace"
by Maria Fornes and "The Falling 'Sick-
ness" by Russell Edson, 4:10 p.m., Arena
Theatre, Frieze Building.
Department of Journalism Lecture: 1.
F. Stone, Publisher, I. F. Stone's Week-
ly, Washington, D.C.. "A Maverick Jour-
nalist On Our Murky Times": Rackham
Lecture Hall, 4:10 p.m.
Cinema Guild: p. W. Griffith's Hearts
of the World: Architecture Auditorium,
7:00 and 9:05 p.m.
Fall Art Lecture Series: How New Is
Modern?: Joel Isaacson, Assistant Pro-
fessor of Art History, "The Post-War
Generation in the United States": Am-
phitheater, Rackham Building, 7:30 p.m.
School of Business Administration
Lecture Series: Thomas J. Schriber, As-
sistant Professor of Statistics, School
of Business Administration, "General
Purpose Simulation System 360: Intro-
ductory Concepts and Case Studies":
Auditorium 130, Business School, 7:30
Professional Theatre Program: APA
Repertory Company in Sean O'Casey's
Cock-A-Doodle Dandy: Lydia Mendel-
ssohn Theatre, 8:00 p.m.
School of Music Concert: University
Symphony Band, William D. Revelli
Conductor: Hill Auditorium, 8:00 p.m
School of Music Lecture Recital: Johr
Crown, Guest Lecturer and Pianist
"Chopin, Man or Myth," "What Musi
Can Mean To You," "The Piano, It
History and Music": School of Music
Recital Hall, 8:00 p.m.
General Notices

with Prof. Ben Yablonky. Wednesday,.
8:00 p.m. U-M Symphony Band Con-
cert, broadcast live from Hill Audi-j
torium, Dr. William D. Revelli conduc-
tor. Thursday 1:00 p.m. Peace, L o v e,
Creativity: Hope of Mankind - "Devel-
opment of Creativity", with Alfred Jones,
co-director, Mental Health Consultation
Center. Thursday 4:45 p.m. Conserva-
tion Report, with Dr. Karl Lagler,]
School of Natural Resources Thursday
! 5:15 p.m. U-M Feature Story with Jack
Hamilton. 8:00 p.m. U-M Baroque Trio
Concert, broadcast live from RackhamI
Lecture Hall.
Woodrow Wilson Fellowships: Mem-
bers of the faculty are reminded that
the deadline for nominations is Oc-
tober 1. Letters postmarked October 20
will be accepted. They should include
the field of study and the local ad-
dresses of the students nominated, and
should be sent directly to Professora
Otto Graf, Department of G e r in a n.
1079 Frieze Building, University of
Mental Health Research Instituiite
Seminar: Frederick Strodtbeck, Doctor
of Program in Social Psychology, Uni-
versity of Chicago, "The Origins of the
Enthusiasm for Lost Causes," 1057
MHRI, 3:45 p.m., Thursday, October 17.
Department of History Lecture Series:j
Aspects of Negro American History:
August Meier. Professor, Kent S t a t eI
University, "Toward A History of the
Role of Non-Violent Direct Action. in
American Negro Protest": Thursday, Oc-
tober 17, Auditorium A, Angell Hall,
4:15 p.m.
Linguistics Club Lecturer: Dr. Ar-;
thur King, "Recent Developments in
the Police of English Language Teach-
ing Overseas," Friday, October 18, 1968,
7:45 pin., Rackham Amphitheater.
Foreign Vish or
The following individuals can be
reached through the Foreign Visitor Di-
vision of the Visitor and Guest Rela-I
tions Office, Room 22-24, Michigan Un-;
ion. Telephone: 764-2148.
Miss Chaundra Shrestha: Public
SHealth Nurse, Family Planning Pro-
gram of Nepal, Nepal. Oct. 17-20.
Mrs.' Sabitri Joshi; Public H e a I t h
Nurse, Family Planning Program of Ne-
pal, Nepal, Oct. 17-20.
Mr. Hem Hemal; Health Education,
Family Planning Program of Nepal,
Nepal. Oct. 17-20.

Miss Rewa Karmacharya; Volunteer1
Worker, Family Planning Program of
Nepal, Nepal. Oct. 17-20.
Mrs. Sabitri Thapa: Volunteer Officer,
Family Planning Program of Nepal,
Nepal. Oct. 17-20.
Dr. Jyotsna 'askey: Medical Officer,
Family Planing Program of Nepal.
Nepal. Oct. 17-20.
Dr. Shanti Banerjee: Medical Officer,
Family Planning Program of Nepal, Ne-
pal. Oct. 17-20.
Dr. Sabitri Pahari: Medical Officer,
Family Planning Program of Nepal, Ne-
pal. Oct. 17-20.
Dr. Hira Tamvakar; Medical Officer.
Family Planning Program of Nepal, Ne-
pal. Oct. 17-20.
Doc to ral
Paul E~dwiard Myers, Geology, Disser-
tation: "The Geology of the Harpster
Quadrangle and Vicinity, Idaho," on
Wednesday, October 16 at 1:30 p.m. in
Room 2045 Natural Science, Chairman:
F. S. Turneaure.
Pla cemenflt
3200 S.A.B.
Placement Interviews: The following
organizations will interview at Place-
nment Services, the representatives ex-
pect to see at least a vita sheet on in-
terviewees, therefore, if you are n o t
already registered with the General
Division, please stop in and let'us pro-
vide you with the proper materials,
Please call 763-1363 to make appoint-
ments by phone, or stop in and make
appt. in person. Make appts. as soon
{as possible, none accepted after 4 p.m.
day preceding visit.
Current P'osit ion Openings received by
(Genera-1 Division, by mail and phone,
please call 764-7460 for further in-
City of San Francisco, County- of
San Francisco, Calif.:' Professional en-
gineers at Asst, Assoc., Engr., and Sr.
Engr levels, ranging froni degree, regis-
tratioii and 2 years to 8 years exper.
Openings' currently in CE, EE, ME.
State of Venmont Civil Service, Mont-
pelier and Burlington: Chief of Rehab-
ilitation Nursing. BS Nursing or Nurs-
ing Ed. 5 years exper in rehab. nurs-
ing, 1 year supv. or adinin. exper., MS
may be subs for 2 years exper. Land-
scape Architect, two, levels, BA with
anq without exper. Community Shelter
Planning Officer, BA and 4 year's work-

ing with population center planning.
Residential Treatment Center, MA
Psych and 4 years probation, parole, or
counseling work. Asst. Budget Dir., MA
in Publ. or Bus. Ad.. and 6 years. some"
admin., and computer oriented. Co-
ordinator of Volunteer Services, BA in
behavioral sci. and 3 years work in
human resources, 1 in admin. capacity
Asst. position in above area. 1 year
Firestope 'ire and Rubber Company,
Akron, Ohio: Chemical Engineer, de-
gree and 2-3 years. Estate Superinten-
dent, degree in Forestry, Agric, Agron-
omy. exper in personnel supv.
Park District of Highland Park, Illi-
nois: Landscape Architect, BS and 3
.ears design and engrg in this area.
Rohm and Haas Company. Phila., Pa.:
Degrees at all levels in Chem., Organic,
Med., and ChE, Microbiol., Plant Phy-
siol, 3E, CE, and EE. All sectors of
the co., research design and manuf.
and mgmt.
Local Organization, Ann Arbor. Mch.:
Child Welfare Caseworker to work in
foster care progam placing children,
man or woman, BA and sonic exper.
helpful, not necess.
City of Flint. Mich.: Personnel Tech-
nician. MPA or MBA or BA level, or de-
g;ree in psych, quid. and couns. or
other related areas, star knowl.
Port of New oYrk Authority: Offering
varied opportunities for engineers and
architects in areas of design, planning
and construction.
'rhe Center for Safety, New Y o r k
sUniversity,,N.Y.C.: Advanced courses of
study for persons with diversified back-
'grounds from engineering, driver ed..
psych., soch., educ., humanities and
others. Programs leading to MA Indust.
Safety., M4 Safety Ed., Ed.D. Safety
Ed. PhD. Safety Ed., and 6th year
Certificate in Safety Educ. Financial
assist. available for some programs.
375 No. MAPLE PD.-769-1300
MON.-FRI.--7:15 - 9:15
SUN.-- :15 - 3:15 - 5:15
7:15 - 9:15
SAT. ONLY-3:15 - 5:15
7:15 - 9:15
she made the-
made it

21° SA.B., Lower Level
Cook County Dteprtment of Public Aid
will hold group meeting for students
interested ii snamer work on Thurs-
day, October 4, at 4:00 p.i, Sign up
aind get (dails a 212 S.AB. for this
U8 H, West Engrg. Bldg.
OCTOBERt 16, 1968
Allen-Bradley Co.
American Oil Co.
Refining. Planning. & Engrg Dept.
Res. & Dev. Dept.
Collins Radio Co.
The Detroit Edison Co.
Ingersoll-Rand Co.
Lawrence Radiation Lab.
LTV Aerospace Corp.
Mobil Research & Development Corp.
& Mobil Chemical Co. - Res. Depts.
Phillips Petroleum Co.
Sanders Associates. Inc.
Standard Oil Co. of Calif. & Chevron
Research Co.
TRW INC. - Michigan Div



438 W. Huron


Daily Classifieds Get Results

Con-Con dies
short of goal.
(Continued from page 1)

vacancies materialized when an
insufficent number of students
uetitioned for seats in some of the
smaller schools.
And Con-Con lost several more
members at May graduation.
But even more important than
the loss of numbers, graduation
robbed Con-Con of some of its
most interested members.
But even if Con-Con were at
full strength, it is doubtful that
it would produce a plan which
called for significant changes in
student government.
For example, a significant por-
tion of the elected delegates were
chiefly concerned with the forma-
tion of a student union. But as the
Koza plan shows, there is no in-
consitency in having both SGC as
it . is presently constituted and
student unions.

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522 E. William


Broadcasting Service: WUOM Radio
(91.7 Mc.) 11 a.mn. to 11 p.m. daily.
Wednesday 11:00 a.m. The Eleventh
Hour (repeated at 7 p.m.) Ed Burrows
hosts an hour of news and conversation
about the arts and literature. Guest:
Prof. Willis Patterson, School of Music.
Wednesday 1:00 p.m. U-M Aging Con-
ference - Robert H. Binstock, Assoc.
Prof. Politics and Social Welfare,
Brandeis U., on "New Alignments in
Federal and State Governmental Func-
tions on Behalf of the Aged". Wedesday
4:45 p.m. Campus News - produced byI
speech department students. Wednesday
5:00 p.m. The Press and World Affairs,

Divisions of Hughes Aircraft Company
will be conducting interviews on campus:
November 5 & 6
Please see your Placement Director for details
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