Seventy-eight years of editorial freedom Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under authority of Board in Control of Student Publications Campus curios: Plaques to tombstones 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Mich. News Phone: 764-0552 Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily exp ress the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 16, 1968' NIGHT EDITOR: JIM HECK Time for a halt in the bombing THE BOMBING of a wing of the Insti- tute of Science and Technology build- ing was a deplorable and pointless action whibh one can only hope does not foretell a trend. If major changes are to be made in the nature of American society and the con- duct of public affairs they must be effect- ed in accordance with the will of the American people. Whether t h i s implies "radicalizing" the people or persuading them to accept piecemeal reforms is irrel- evant to this discussion, because neither approach justifies wanton violence. Nor, it might be added, is violence a very effective measure for change. The bombings of the CIA headquarters two weeks ago and the IST building Monday night had at most nuisance value. Even had those who planted the dyna- mite succeeded in destroying all of the University'sf classified research facilities their accomplishment would not h a v e been substantial. The war would contin- ue; classified research in fields other than radar and optics would continue; the only effect would be a temporary halt to re- search in electronic counterinsurgency. And the government's ability to sup- press any movement toward multiple, co- ordinated bombings on a nationwide scale is beyond question.' INDEED, further bombings can only pro- voke repression. Harassment and even imprisonment of individuals, innocent or guilty, whose political views do not con- form to the community's idea of patrio- tism, could become a reality. Worse, repeated incidents of bombing can only deal a severe blow to any and all efforts for change by disgusting the American people, especially those most amenable to persuasion. But perhaps the most distressing aspect of these incidents of terrorism is the po- tential threat they pose to human lives, The structure which houses the CIA was unoccupied at the time of the blast, but three custodial employes were working in the IST building late Monday night. For- tunately, they were not injured. If the bombings continue somebody inevitably, will be. Should the incidents of bombing go on they will succeed only in bringing to real- ity everyone's worst nightmares. The bombing must be halted. -URBAN LEHNER Editorial Director -MARK LEVIN Editor -STEPHEN H. WILDSTROM Managing Editor By MARCIA ABRAMSON THIS BEAUTIFUL fall weather provides a perfect opportunity for a walking tour of the curiosi- ties that infest this campus. For against the contrasting' back- ground of nature's wondrous work, you can truly appreciate the ludi- crous artistic abortions of man and University. The campus collection of objets d'art seems to be divided into three categories: remotely classical bas relief, tombstones, and superfluous gifts, such as the rock outside of Angell Hall, gift of the class of 1869. Begin, with the LSA Building, which the administration aban- doned on aesthetic principles. This unique collection of bas re- liefs seems to indicate a highly patronizing attitude toward stu- dents. On the back of the build- ing are carved those two stahdards of a liberal education, Aesop and Hiawatha (the Longfellow! edition, standing by the shores of Gitchee Gummee.) EACH HERO is surrounded by his favorable animals, and the, animal motif is continued on other carvings. I couldn't help but won- der what Aesop and Hiawatha have to do with the administration of a University.; But the piece de resistance of the building are the bas reliefs by the front entrance. Here, graph- ically represented, are the dreams the young man and young girl hope to make good by coming to this University. The young man dreams of sail- ing galleons and all they import- adventure, discovery, exploration, glory, God and gold. Of course. whenever I see the carving, I think of piracy, but the ships are most carefully un-cannoned, and I'ni a girl anyway. However, the figurehead compensates by being the sexiest thing officially carved on any University building; she is much more germane to the theme of a young man's dream. THE YOUNG GIRL holds a couple of screaming brats and is attempted to hand one over to the ostensible father. The family is traveling in a wretched covered wagon surrounded by chickens, oxen, pigs and sheep. This repre- sentation might have been under- standable if the building had been built, a century earlier, but its architecture unmistakably betrays the 1950's attempt to create six story sky-scrapers. Moving to the dental school. another bas relief commemorates one Willoughby D. Miller. Shape- less nymph-like creatures frolic on tablets on either side of the in- scription. The effect is exactly that of a husband-wife double tombstone., The tombstone motif is con- tinued on the monument which sits in the center of the benches on the Diag near the West Engin- eering. This one is dedicated to the founder of Sigma Rho Tau and is ;made of a permanently petrified tree stump. THE BENCHES themselves were donated by the engineering classes of 1907, 1909, 1911, 1913 and 1920. Each class year is inscribed on the brackets which support the legs of the benches. More finesculpture can be found on the fountain between the League and Hill Aud. There is some doubt as to the name and orientation of the piece, because on one side the title "Deep Waters" is inscribed, while on the other side "Sunday Morning" is etched in identical lettering. However, the statute is full of fishes and an incredibly hairy creature spouting water, which might indicate that the first is the actual title. I can't speculate where "Sunday Morning" came from or what it means. 4 *" ,, Daily-Jay L. Oa #idy Moving down to Rackham, we find seven nearly identical bas relief representations of health, social, biological, and physical sciences; language and literature; fine arts; and for some unfathom- able reason, museums. (Incidentally, Rackham was de- scribed as the most beautiful building of its kind when it was builtin the1930'. However, latter- day criticism has tended to assign it to the bombstone class.) PERHAPS the strangest objet d'art on campus is a metal sculp- ture resembling an anvil near the Engin Arch which is entitled sim, ply "Vulcan" and dated 1904. Vul- can, quite phallicly inspired, was painted green over the last week- end, but the paint has already A radical in the hinterlands L Language requirements must go THE TWO-YEAR language require- ment of the literary college is no longer - if it ever was - educationally valid and should be eliminated as soon as possible., The argument against the language requirement is not related to the cur- rent move to abolish all distribution requirements on the basis of the stu- dent's right to make his own academic decisions. That philosophy is not at is- sue here. By academic standards alone there is room for serious doubt about the propriety of the language require- ment. The original reason for instituting this requirement seventeen years ago was the college's purpose of giving a "liberal education." It was stated then, and rightly so, that proficiency in a second language was certainly broad- ening and was intrinsic to this college's concept of a liberal education. A n d while the original philosophy is still yalid, practical limitations - including d wide range of educational, psycholog- ical and institutional factors - make the requirement unfeasible and unfair. The problem of the language require- ment and elementary language in- struction falls into two categories: ele- mentary languages for 18 year olds is either poorly taught, or it is simply un- teachable. These problems are not the fault of the departments of the college, but are inherent in language acquisi- tion and the American educational sys- tem as a whole. Both of the major schools of linguis- tics - the followers of B. F. Skinner and Naom qhomsky - are represented on this campus. The former control French instruction and the latter are in Spanish. While there may be some diffe ences in individual reaction to the two methods, neither seems able to solve the nearly 25 per cent failure rate in language instruction. There is no statistically significant difference in the failure rates between the two, and so the difficulty seems not to lie in method of instruction alone. THE OTHER MAJOR SCHOOL - teaching language through litera- ture - has different goals than the lin- guistic approach. It may be good for what it seeks - it hasn't been domi- nant here for over 15 years now --- but it does not teach language as two-way communication,' which is what is cur- rently sought and needed. Further, the high failure rate here, while still below the national averages for similar instruction, is very revealing in light of success elsewhere in the cpl- lege. The admissions office selects ap- plicants on the basis of their expected not intellectual in itself. Whether it is by habituation or "hypothesis formula- tion" as the two schools of linguists de- bate it, it is a program which ought to be given to students when they are much younger, eight to 14 years old. WHATEVER the nature of Ameri- can antipathy to foreign languages, it is one the college will overcome-only with great pain for its students. The problem of quality is also one which cannot be blamed entirely - or even substantially - upon the depart- ments. Whether the college can or can- not force students to meet distribution requirements, it does have an obliga- tion to make those required courses tolerable. It is unfortunate that these courses are just not taught very well as a whole. This should not be misunderstood. It is not the department's fault. It is, in fact, a direct result of the requirement itself, By forcing so many students into, the elementary language programs, the college forces down the quality. While there are undoubtedly many good teaching fellows, the department just cannot be as selective as it should. It needs too many people. Eliminating the requirement, by lightening the depart- ment's load, would increase the quality of instruction for those who did choose to take it. IT IS EASY to c o n c l u d e then that much of the problem is just not the college's. Language should be taught earlier and taught better when it is. But if the current procucts of the high schools are any indication of what they can do - and it probably is - then there is no relief in sight. Department members and students are almost un- animous in their condemnation of what the high schools tend to call "language instruction." But, unfortunately, that is the place it should be taught, there or even sooner4 The University cannot fairly beat students over the head in trying to teach them language when it just can't be done. The load must be forced back on the high schools, where it belongs. One suggested solution is to make language proficiency an entrance re- quirement, with elementary language instruction given for no credit. While that may be functional for the institu- tion as a whole, it is clearly dysfunc- tional for a large mass of students. It would make the situation that much worse for those who didn't learn a language in time, with 16 extra hours to be taken, their burden would be un- bearable. Simply, the University must find oIher l essncercive means to imnrove By LARRY HOCHMAN Daily Guest Writer (Editor's note: Larry Hoch- man is New Politic's candidate for vice president in Michigan.) A T THE INVITATION of t h e League of Women Voters to appear at a Candidates' Night, two of us drove the 230 miles up to Alpena. Arriving in mid-afternoon, we went to the community college to do some leafleting. (It was reg- ular, not guerrilla leafleting - no one has taught us how to do the latter but it must be akin to tak- ing a revolutionary nap.) The col- lege people were quite receptive, most. were opposed to the draft and many to the war. There were all these strange judge-types and regent-types at a League coffee hour. The women were pleasant and mildly interest- ed in what New Politics was all about. The coffee-pourer, seeing my Cleaver button, whispered, "Is he colored?" In the evening the motorcade began, winding its way from the Chamber of Commerce Building to the Civic Center with a police escort, with bunting fluttering, and with absolutely deserted streets. As the highest office-seeker, pro- tocol placed me in the lead car along with Alpena's mayor. We spoke little. Perhaps we were in awe of each other. THE RALLY STARTED. T h e flag was pledged and theanthem sung - old style, no guitars. A telegram of regret from the Mum- phrey-Huskie team was read, fol- lowed by my allotted two-minute offering. A severe looking woman with a time-bell kept us aspirants right to schedule, no monkey busi- ness. ". . . When machines a r e idle, the owners of those machines care for them, keep them well- oiled and protected. But when people are idle - and not by their own choice - this society keeps them barely alive, without dignity, without (BONG!)" Polite ap- plause, followed by 14 other two- minute jobs. Most of the speakers congratulated the m a n y junior and senior high school kids who were there for their "exemplary behavior," drawing the compari- son with the evil, dirty revolution- aries who are taking over the col- lege campuses. A Democrat running for MSU trustee announced that there were "more poor people living in pov- erty than Negroes." An incredible incumbent bird named Swallow,. running for re-election as State Representative railed against his opponent, a nice - young high school teacher who seems to want to shake things up a bit up there. The brief question period afforded me the chance to say, "yes, total withdrawal from Vietnam; yes,l abolition of the draft." Most of the questions, however, were ad- dressed to a Mrs. Kelly, running for the State Board of Education. She is a lovely woman and the Al- penans enjoyed watching her walk across the stage to the po- dium again and again. Afterwards, more coffee, more milk, more literature distribution, and the climax of the evening - giving my autograph to three jun- ior high girls. But, as Mayor Daley says, who knows what trees we have planted? been carefully removed. Obviously someone takes goodcare of it. 4 Runner-up to Vulcan for ob- scurity is a topless pillar located between the UGLI and the Gen- eral Library. There is writing all over the four sides of the pillar's bases, but erosion has destroyed whatever relevance the pillar might have had. Like gravestones in an old cemetery, the writing was virtually gone. Something may have once rested atop the pil- lar, which is cracked at about sev- en or eight feet. I was unable to ascertain the building material: it was not marble and where it is cracked the thing was turning blue. Another fine old bas relief is located in the Engin Arch itself. The table features a bearded old man and an equally grubby look- ing horse. The tablet reads: IN MEMORY OF JOSEPH BAKER DAVIS STUDENT 1864-1868 ASSISTANT PROFESSOR 1870-1871 ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR 1872-1891 PROFESSOR 1891-1910 ASSISTANT DEAN 1904-1910 YOUNG MAN WHEN THEORY AND PRACTICE DIFFER USE YOUR HORSE SENSE. Other tablets in the Engin Arch, do not offer such sound educa- tional precepts, but praise t h e founders of the University. One inscription commemorates Prof. Charles Simeon Denison, who sug- gested building the Arch. "This tablet is placed here by his col- leagues and students in abiding. memory of his lovable character and gentle manhood." THE FOUNDER of the engineer- ing school, DeVloson Wood, also has a tablet in the Arch commem- orating his "noble manhood." Evidently, anyone can arrange to donate a rock or a fountain or a bench to the University. Benches have been donated by classes and fraternities, but actually the rocks have much more class since they make no pretense at functional value. In front of the flagpole is the rock celebrating the founding of Michigan Scabbard and Blade by the F Company '48th Regiment in 1923. I can't help wondering why. we're not getting new benches and rocks; the most recent gift I could find was the usually-nod function- ing fountain by the Union, a gift of the class of 1956. IMAGINE A NEW ROCK, per- haps on the mall being construct- ed in front of the Administration Bldg.: "Commemorating t h e founding of Voice-SDS, 1961." Or perhaps some trees, a la Mayor Daley. President Tappan, in addition to giving his name to the now famous tree, "planted 48 trees in circles around the oak, each member of the class planting a tree," at least according to the inscription on the rock at the foot of the Tappan Oak. President Tappan evidently failed to antici- pate the growth of the university when he planted his trees. Returning to the Michigan Un- ion, we find yet,, another land- mark. One of the pillars by the side not a pillar at all. As the plaque reads: "In this column are stored documents which record they fifty year history of the Michigan Un- ion's contribution to the academic community and its place as the hearthstone of the campus, pro- viding cultural, social, and re- creational programs, serving also as a laboratory of citizenship,' training students in social re- sponsibility and for leadership in our democracy ,,1904-1954." I couldn't help but wondering what the University thinks has happen- ed to students since 1954. The campus must provide ex- hibition space for even more minor aesthetic and cultural monstro- sities. My tour. didn't even take me inside the buildings; who knows what might be lurking there? On a campus whose archi- tectural standards have been es- tablished by major aesthetic mon- strosities like the LJSA Building, the business administration build- ing and South Quad, what ; else can you expect? r 0 it Letters:Evaluating a quality education' To the Editor: SHOULD LI:E to challenge (and invite other faculty mem- bers and students also to chal- lenge) several contentions made in Miss Jill Crabtree's editorial on faculty-evaluation in Saturday's Daily. I do not speak to the par- ticular situation of the Residen- tial College, since I have not as yet had the experience of teaching there. But I do think that a num- ber of assumptions taken by Miss Crabtree for granted are anything but self-evident. For one, in speaking of the Res- idential College, the writer estab- lishes an opposition between "quality education" and some ne- b u lo u s "political expediency" which may, in her words, "take precedent over the colleges' avow- ed purpose." The R. C. apart, one may legitimately ask what student evaluations contribute to "qual- ity education'" (my italics), and how, and in what sense, does the failure to supply the kind of com- mittee structure discussed by the writer significantly interfere with the acquisition of such an educa- tion. This is not a quibble. The edi- torial appears to go on to equate "quality education" chiefly with student determination of, to quote, "what effect on their motivation and thinking a particular profes- sor has." I do not wish to be un- fair to Miss Crabtree's position, but it seems clear that the judg- m e n t of a professor's teaching technique is a central issue rela- tive to the concept of "quality ed- ucation" in the editorial. I SUGGEST that there is a ser- ious confusion here. Certainly one might for personal reasons prefer to have an entertaining, vibrant. extrovertish professor to his op- to put first things first when it comes to evaluating the worth of a professor? This leads to some observations on other assumptions contained in the editorial, especially the role of an evaluation committee on the "self-correction" of a professor, and further, the idea of "mutual education" in the classroom. As to the first, shades of Chairman Mao! The image of a number of committee-crats (and there can be no pettier committee-crats than students can be sometimes!) pass- ing judgment on their teachers' classroom techniques boggles the imagination. As to the second assumption, it 'is a vanity dear to the hearts of some students that their profes- sors are companions in the class- room who are also there to learn something, preferably from the students. I do not wish to sound arrogant by saying that this makes nonsense of the entire process of teaching and learning. Certainly a professor is by choice of pro- fession always a student, and his own involvement with his classes may do much to give him the oc- casional new insight. But I take it that the proper role of a pro- fessor is to profess something which he is qualified to profess, and the proper role of the student is to study that which is professed. This is not a popular idea today, when professors tend to be looked at chiefly as discussion leaders, group leaders, "resource persons" (horrid words!) dialogue-innova- tors, or as some, sorts of social workers in the "education field." I suggest that that which ought to bind professors and students to - gether in the firstninstance in a university is subject-matter, not personality or teaching technique: The "elasroom exnerience." to use Panhel To the Editor: WE CONTEST the premises up- on which Leslie Wayne bases her opinion in her editorial (Daily Oct. 11). She states, in reference to the relationship between Panhellenic Association and Alpha Kappa Al- pha and Delta Sigma Theta, "the purposes and programs of the two organizations were not the same." This is not true. Panhellenic's Ann Arbor Community Center program and its annual Cancer Drive are just two programs which indicate its concern with service. Alpha Kappa Alpha and Delta Sigma Theta also consider service to be of high importance. In order to expand and improve their pro- grams, they could have utilized the organization, recruitment, and communication opportuni- ties which Panhellenic offers. It has been stressed repeatedly that ". .. Make love Panhellenic Executive Officers are open to any new ideas and are willing to implement any feasible and worthwhile programs. Alpha Kappa Alpha and Delta Sigma Theta were quick to criticize Pan- hellenic's programs and objectives, and yet they failed to suggest any- thing better. The two black soror- ities received no benefit from Pan- hellenic programs because they did' not choose to avail themselves of those benefits. It is stated in Miss Wayne's editorial that "the effectiveness of the clause will be totally nulli- fied without the presence of the black houses. She overlooked the fact that black girls can rush and pledge any of the remaining 21 houses, despite the absence of the two black houses. And if M i s s Wayne does not accept this argu- ment, she should at least see the inconsistency within her own. If Alpha Kappa Alpha and Delta Sigma Theta are truly committed to the elimination of a mechanism which might allow for discrim-; ination, and if it is true that their absence invalidates Panhellenic's elimination of such a mechanism, is, it not likely that the two would be willing to reenter Panhellenic in order to ensure the success of a measure they support? If they are not willing to do so, then one can only infer that they are not as ,committed to their cause as they profess to be. MIS WAYNE STATES th at Panhe lenic has hesitated to com- mit itself, and that "the oppor- tunity for a sincere expression of intent passed ten months ago." On the contrary, this issue is a con- troversial one today because Pan- hellenic made a commitment and a sincere expression of intent ten months ago. Panhellenic has com- mitted itself 'n the elimination of any mechanism which might allow for discrimination, n o t just on this campus, but on campuses all across the !,nation. If a chapter chooses to break away from, rath- er than to work with, its national, chapters on other campuses will :not be able to benefit from the Michigan chapter's example. The sincerity of the member houses is manifested by their continuous ef- forts to obtain this objective, as the files of the membership com- mittee will confirm. And so, Miss Wayne, we would be very appreciative if, in the fu- ture, you would base your opinions upon facts and well'-thought-out argument, rather than upon ridic- ulous assumptions and generali- zations. -Judy Norris Panhel Cultural Con- cerns Committee -Diane Murphy, Panhel Special Pro- 4* r~ - - not war.. ,' I