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October 16, 1968 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1968-10-16

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,t igaYi


Continued sunny;
Slight chance of rain

Vol. LXXIX, No. 41 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Wednesday, October 16, 1968 Ten Cents

Eight Pages






new rush rule
Collegiate Sorosis has submitted a compromise proposal
on the elimination of binding or required recommendations
for pledging new members that is expected, to be approved
by Panhellepic's President's Council.
The proposal makes it mandatory upon all sororities using
binding recommendation to allow Panhel's membership com-
mittee final jurisdiction in the choice of members when the -
committee feels discrimination is involved.
Binding recommendations may allow an alumna to veto
y --- - r__---. ~ the pledging of a new mem-
ber. Required recommenda-
SD S I' tions ;dosare recommendations
prerequisite to pledging.}
An original proposal, tabled by
President's Council Oct. 9, in-
structed each sorority to disclaim
the use of binding or .required rec-
The options in the new plan: Students wait outside Bursley d
@ Submit the original state- operator received the bomb th
ment prepared by Panhel last their rooms at 11:30 p.m. when
By STEVE ANZALONE January stating that the sorority - - --_ .
does not utilize a system of bid-
" n rrqie eomnain v,,The Radical Caucus that broke ingor equre
from Voice-SDS formed a separate n ei recommendations G REFORM:
organization last night, as both in the pledging of new members.
groups met to discuss their upcom- * Submit to Student Govern-
ing programs. ment Council or to the vice-presi-
The officers of Voice dent for student affairs, Mrs. Bar- o n - C o
The ffiersof oic --Paul, bara Newell, a copy of the house's
Gingrich, Grad., Julia Wrigley, '71, national membership policy show-
and Mike Buckley '69 - resigned rainlmmesi oiyso-
and her Busckley '69 jresig ing that the sorority does not use By MARTIN HIRSCHMAN
from their positions and joined the a system of binding recommenda- When S t u d e n t Government
new Radical Caucus organization. 1
dations. , Council's Constitutional Conven-
About 60 persons attended each y If the national uses a system ition began meeting last March,
meeting, and a list circulated at of required recommendations, the there was considerable hope among
the Voice meeting indicated that house must obtain a recommenda- some students and many faculty
a majority of those in attendence tion on each prospective rushee. and administrators that a more
were students and that Voice In the -case of binding recom- representative body would soon
would probably be able to main- mendations. which may be based succeed SGC.
ain 'ts sau son race, creed, color or national But now, more than six months
ization. origin, the house must file the later, it is becoming clear that'
';'he Radical Caucus will retain recommendation with Panhel's Con-Con will not be the panacea
that name and tabled discussion of membership committee which will for those who are dissatisfied with
their relationship with national have final jurisdiction in all cases. the present state of student gov-
SDS. They will take over the cir- Furthermore, says the Sorosis ernment at the University.
culation of the petitions and will proposal, to rush in 1971 each of ! In fact, while it is not yet six
begin a speaking program to end the 16 houses affected by the re- feet under, Con-Con is suffering
distribution and language require- port must fulfill one of the first from terminal cancer.
ments. two requirements, and may not At best, the weekly meetings of
Voice endorsed a two-day stu- use the third option. the convention have provided the

Daily- Andy Sacks
Bomb lhreait
ormitory as Ann police search the building for a bomb. A University
threat call early last night. Students were allowed to return to
police were satisfied no bomb was planted in the dorm.
n with erfsawaly

The dynamite explosion which
rocked the University's Institute of
Science and Technology Monday
night was "similar in nature" to
the bombing of city's Central In-
telligence Agency office three
weeks ago, Police Chief Walter
Krasny said yesterday.
But the IST blast was "larger
and more powerful" than last
month's explosion, Krasny s a i d.
It ripped open the heavy metal
doors of the Institute's East Wing
and shatfered a dozen windows
along the side of the seven-story
"The concussion apparently was
terrific. It was so powerful it sent
a metal piece of that door rocket-
ing down a hallway more than 80
feet and into a wooden door, Kras-
ny said.
Police said a preliminary in-I
vestigation indicates the explosive
device, probably dynamite sticks
with a simple fuse, was detonated
just outside the door of the east
Investigators have determined
that the dynamite used in the CIA
office bombing was detonated just
outside the office.
Krasny said three janitors were
in the building at the time of the
explosion and that one of them
had checked the door where the
blast occurred less than five min-
utes before the explosion.
The North Campus site of the
IST building is relativvely seclud-
ed an afforded an easy escape for
those who planted the bomb, police
Police sealed off the east wing
immediately after the bombing
and University officials said an
estimate of the damage could not
be made until the bomb experts
complete their investigation and
reopen that section of the build-
However, Director of Business
Operations James Brinkerhof, said
to his knowledge there was no
major damage to the interior of
the building or its research equip-
A FBI bomb expert was sent
from Washington yesterday to in-



dent strike for election eve and #
day. Committees were established
to plan activities for these days,
which might include discussions at
various research facilities on cam-
pus and "gag" tours of other facil-
ities that are involved with the
process of war, such as the ROTC
A regional coordination commit-
tee was also formed to make con- By ROB KRAFTO
tact with other groups in planning University Activities
activities for election day. There Homecoming Committe
will be, another Voice meeting to- formal apology last
morrow at 8:00 p.m. on the se-
cond floor of the S.A.B. to con- Janice Parker, '69, a
sider plans. all-black Delta Sigma
ority, who was withdr
onsithe homecoming queer
tion by her sponsor Ka
Psi fraternity Monday.
Miss Parker had cl
questions asked her by
Residential College Representa- judges were "abusive an
tive Assembly last night named a inatory."
seven-man fact-finding commit- Kappa Alpha Psi with
tee to "investigate the issues in- Parker's name because
A volved" in establishing a tri-par- they termed "overt and
tite committee to review faculty, atory judging."
The investigating committee was dMiss Parker said the
charged with interviewing directed at her were diff
dents, faculty and administrators# those asked of white c
In the college to determine prevail- "It was ,as though the
ing sentiment toward such a re- ask me the same things
j view committee, and to report the others."
back to the Representative As- The UAC statemen
semble in two weeks. "Homecoming 1968 wishe
Members of the committee are: ogize to Miss Janice P
RC Associate Directors Theodore her sponsor, Kappa A
Newcomb and Carl Cohen, Allen fraternity for the insult
Guskin of the psychology depart- from the proceedings of t
ment and Michele Benamou of the coming Queen contest
4 French department, Resident Fel- formance of the judges.'
low Jim Lang, and students Nancy UAC president Dan
Nemeth, '72, Pamela Seamon, '72, said, "I think it's obviou
Michael Kubacki, '71, and Wayne was insulted and I
Harrison, '71. should apologize to th

sues apology
k contestant
WITZ because she felt insulted. This did
C e n t e rnot necessarilytmean that the
ee ssed jquestions of the judges wei'e
e issued a meant as such.
night to: "I think that Homecoming coin-
member of mittee was doing all it could for
Theta sor- good, fair, reasonable judging," he
awn from continued.
competi- "I can see how someone might
ask questions that might be mis-
construed, McCreath explained.


Union's third floor with a weekly
Theatre of the Absurd perform-
ance unequaled in the past.
With over 30 members needed
for a quorum, about 15 appear.
They wait about 30 minutes in the
vain hope that a quorum will
miraculously materialize.
A debate ensues on the question
of adjournment, but a motion to
adjourn is ruled out-of-order be-
cause the meeting has never offi-
cially begun since there, is no
Sometimes the members decide
to unofficially discuss proposals
which had been presented at an
earlier unofficial meeting. Some-
times new proposals are unofficial-
ly introduced. Sometimes everyone
Even the proposals which have
been half-heartedly presented of-
fer little that is new, or are con-
sidered unworkable by most of
those who bother to show up.
The most radical proposal for
restructuring has been made by
Con-Con's most politically con-
servative members, College Repub-
lican President Michael Renner
His proposal suggests the elec-
tion of 20 representatives from 10
equally apportioned geographical
However, most Con-Con* mem-
bers feel the difficulty in struc-
turing and the increased ease in
stuffying ballot boxes makes the
system undesirable.
None of the other proposals calls
for a substantive change in the
present structure of SGC.
John Koza, grad, has submitted
a detailed constitution which in-
cludes a provision for the forma-
tion of student unions. However,
as Koza readily admits, his pro-
posal is almost identical to the
present system.
Even the student union provi-
sion afords nothing new. In the
Koza plan unions are given equal
status with student organizations.
Under the present structure, a
student union could just as easily
form and gain recognition as a
student organization.
Con-Con has also been consider-,
ing a brief submitted by Mark
Rosenbaum, '70, which calls for
the formation of a National Stu-
dent Lobby.
The proposed organization, as:
its name implies, would have a
nation-wide base of support and
would take a significant interest
in politics. However, Rosenbaum's

brief suggest no structural changes
in student government at the Uni-
Some support for electing rep-
; esentatives to student government
from each academic unity was ex-
pected to materialize. But the fail-
ure of Con-Con itself has virtually
destroyed the possibility of that
support, because Con-Con mem-
bers were elected from precisely
that kind of academic ward sys-
Without a quorum, any pro-
posal Con-Con might produce
would carry no more weight than
the suggestion of any ad hoc
group of students. Only if it held
an official meeting could the con-
vention place its proposal on the
SGC ballot for ratifciation by the
student body.
HIowever, Neff, who is acting
chairman of the convention, hopes
Con-Con will continue to meet and
come up with a proposal which

Wallace granted

Daily--Jay L. Cassidy
The candidate in Flint


ballot slot

SGC itself can place on the ballot. vestigate the incident. The expert WASHINGTON (A)-George C. Wallace won a place on
Reasons for the failure of Con- is one of the two sent here last Ohio's presidential ballot yesterday in a Supreme Court ruling
Con are complex. month to investigate the CIA officetd
Even before the first meetin bombing. !which will guarantee Wallace a spot on the ballot in all 50
was convened-and it was the only The Michigan State Police yes- states.
one which drew \a quorum-Con- terday dispatched a mobile crime The decision, which forbids any state to impose "burden-
Con was 14 members smaller than laboratory and a team of bomb some" regulations on minor parties without compelling rea-
the originally planned 51. These experts to the scene of the blastson
See CON-CON, Page 8 at Chief Krasny's request. s, has great impact on the rights of all minority political
The blast was felt throughout parties,
the north side of the city and a In a separate 8-1 vote the court also held that the Social-
ELglisl1 1) eetillg crowd of several hundred people, ist Labor Party, which also had been barred, can get write-in
there will be a meeting of mostly students, converged onthe votes for its presidential and vice-presidential candidates.
English majors and prospective scene of the, explosion Monday
English majors to discuss pos- night. Speaking for the majority, Justice Hugo L Black declared
sible changes in curriculum and The east wing of the IST build- Ohio could not justify the stiff restrictions it put on political
concentration requirements to- ing houses the institute's Great candidates seeking ballot status.
day at 4 p.m. in Aud. B Angell Lakes Research Division, a hol-
Hall. ography darkroom and a radar Black declared: "The Ohio laws before us give the two
Laboratory. old, established parties a decided advantage over any new
- parties struggling for exist-
ence and thus place substan-
fA -CI CS WO tially unequal burdens on
Jury frees three,c both the right to vote and the

"I think it was poor judgment
aimed the on thepart of the person invol-
the contest ved, but there's nothing you can
d discrim- do about a single person."
Last night. UAC's executive
drew Miss council met for over two hours to
eof what discuss the judging incident.
Several council members seemed
discrimin- to feel that the mistake was madef
in choosing student judges. "We've
questions learned now that students in this
erent than situation can make serious errors,
ontestants. although unintentional."
'y couldn't ' After a lengthy debate. the
they'd ask council decided to allow the senior
officers to make the final decision
it reads: I concerning the statement.
es to apol- The UAC senior office issued a
'arker axedstatement following their meeting,
Apha Psi explaining, "We feel that the un-,
tresln a derlying factors of these events ."
tresulting have not been thoroughly deter-
the Home- mined, investigated, nor complete-
, ely covered in The Daily. We are
{consulting with concerned parties
McCreath in an attempt to do whatever pos-
s someone sible to alleviate the Homecpming
think we queen problem and to prevent a'
he person similair incident in the future."


In Welfared emonstrators trial
By CHRIS STEELE those resulting from arrests made ances, and I don't think this is a
Two students were convicted Sept. 6 following sit-in demonstra- time to philosophize."
and three acquitted of trespass tions at the County Bldg. Of the "We have a republic under which
charges in another of the welfare 190 persons arrested 32 have now we relinquish some of our rights,"
demonstration trials held Monday been tried. Of those 32, 25 have he said. "Otherwise we would have
before Ann Arbor Municipal Court. been found guilty. chaos." -
Convicted were David A. Sha-' Judge Samuel J. Elden instruct-
piro and Bert J. DeLeeu. The b A plea of olo cotendre-has ed the jury, however, to consider
three students acquitted in the in enents. The are now only whether the defendents were
trial were Pamela Blair, Helen freemog bondens T5ry aitng were 'in violation of the trespass
C~oper an Su S Pamer Al ar sfree on bond o $25 or $50, waiting law and not their possible motives,
gooper, and Sue S. Palmer. All are sentencing which has been ten- otr pos ible tive
graduate students in the Social +,;. ir n ~tlr. . Tnc "Your position is not to, change

Work School.
Monday's trial was the sixth of


You just can't stompin

There is a conspiracy to end th
games of the explorers of the Univer
Steam tunnels have been a favorite
ground for generations of quaddies.
of students have pranced about the
after failing midterms and losing t
notes, but no longer. The new stea
are only 14 inches in circumference.
These fabrications of a prudish tech
being buried around the University1
additional heating capacity on centr
according to Jack Weidenhnh .Diretn

14-nch sea
five large holes. "Men will enter through a man-
e fun and hole to service the steam line," Weidenbach ex-
sity 'steam plains. "Work would have been completed,"
Weidenbach continues, "except for a three-
e stomping month building trades strike which ended in
Hundreds August." The scheduled completion date is now
cylinders mid-January.
heir math Weidenbach says destroyed sidewalks will be
m tunnels replaced "as soon as possible," but replacing
grass will have to "wait for spring." Already
nology are completed are the conversion of boilers from
to provide coal to gas, addition of a boiler, and the in-
al campus, stallation of a network of electrical switchgear.
rs nf Plant The steam lineV nP nS f astAnL-l rall nr dwill

tativewy scheduled for Nov. 1.
The three students were dis-
missed in Monday's trial due to,
the inability of sheriff's deputies '
to identify them as being among.
those in the County Bldg. after
5:30 p.m. Sept. 6.
This question has been the pri-
mary point of contention in the
trial. A total of six students and
five welfare mothers have now
been dismissed on this point.
According to defense attorney
Kenneth Cockrel the methods of

the law," he instructed, "but to
accept it exactly as ,I tell it to
The jury deliberated for about
25 minutes before bringing in their
IHA resigns
from SGC

right to associate."
1 The effect, said Black, violates
the 14th amendment which guar-
antees to all citizens "the equal
protection of the laws," and the
first amendment which indirectly
safeguards the right to form po-
litical parties.
Black said Ohio had failed to
show "a compelling state interest"
to justify "such unequal burdens
on minority groups."
Chief Justice Earl Warren, in
dissent, said neither the Wallace
party nor the Socialists made an
effort to comply with Ohio's elec-
tion laws.
He said the majority of the
court had, in effect, written a new
presidential election law for the
state of Ohio without giving the
state legislature or state courts a
chance "to eliminate any consti-
tutional defects."
Potter Stewart, who also dis-
sented, said he might have been
inclined to join the majority "if
it were the function of this court
to impose upon the states our own
ideas of wise policy."
However, Stewart said, the court
was dealing not with the question
of policy but with a problem of
constitutional power. He added:
"To me it is clear that, under the
Constitution 'as it is written, the
Ohio legislature has the power to
do what it hae done."
The third dissenter, Byron
White, said "I do not understand
how the Independent Party may
be ordered on the ballot-over the
objections of the state."

TL'pnpth no'IVpi fIhi ' Ulu 111UL11 V1By GEORGE MILLER
identification used by sheriff's Inter-House Assembly last night
deputies were "very, very tenu- became the second student organi-
ous.' He went on to say, "There zation to 'withdraw its ex-officio
has been no testimony that the membership on Student Govern-
defendants were physically pres- ment Council.
ent in the building when the tres- A seven to seven tie vote on the
pass statute was read to them. move was broken by IHA presi-
The prosecutor has failed to es- dent Jack Myers, '71, who had
tablish beyond a reasonable doubt previously recommended that IHA
the defendents were present in the defeat the withdrawal motion.,
building at all." The action followed Interfra-
The methnd nf nhntnarnhip ternity Council's move last month.

NO" mIII..

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