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October 15, 1968 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1968-10-15

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Iflfr i!3U


Low"-7 6
Partly cloudy,
unseasonably warm

Vol. LXXI X No. 40 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Tuesday, October 15, 1968 Ten Cents

Eight Pages


MST labs hit,; .
no one injured N
A bomb caused an unptnown amount of damage to the
East Wing of the Institute of Science and Technology build-
ing on North Camptis at approximately 11:45 last night. "
According to radio station WAAM, Ann Arbor Police iden-
tified the cause of the explosion as a dynamite bomb. Police
were reported to have fo'und traces of dynamite on pieces of
paper found in the area of the explosion.
Sgt. Robert Conn, who was temporarily supervising the
investigation last night, said there would be no official state-
ment until later this morning. FBI agents joined the investi-
gation shortly after it was begun by Ann Arbor police officials.
They were said to be awaiting the arrival of the bomb squad.
Twelve" windows and the doorway to the East Wing were
blown out. It was not immediately ascertainable whether the
~-- - . . explosion caused any struc-
tural damage.
Sh e rtIt was unclear to observers
Swhether the blast originated in-
side or outside the building.
" The East Wing of the IST build-
ing houses some Great Lakes re-
at, -' search units, a holography dark-
room and a radar laboratory. Y
* Classified research is conducted in
the radar lab.
The explosion apparently occur-
red near the doorway on the south jTST
By JIM NEUBACHERD end of the East Wing. The radar
University Hospital's first and laboratory is located at the north iH A RGES BIAS-
only heart transplant patient, end. ~J~1~~LjI.1.~J
Philip T. Barnum, is continuing to: Three cstodial employes were
make satisfactory recovery four in the building at the time of the
weeks after his operation, blast. They were not injured. Ann
A hospital spokesman' said yes- Arbor police questioned the three
terday Barnium has been receiving extensively, but the employes re-
teady Banums been n fused to respond to newsmen's
.~steady dosages of Immuran and questions.
steroids in an attempt to, prevent s
possible rejection of the :trans-: Approximately 200 people gath-
planted heart. I ered at the scene of the' explosion, 1oe
However, the spokesman contin- including many University stu-
ued that doctors had been "light- dents. The blast was heard as far
ening up" the dosages of the anti- as two miles away. By LISA STEPHENS
rejection drugs since no compli- IST was created by the Regents By lISA PHEN S
cating Infections, organ difficulties in late 1957 largely as a response evening il- Prtei cai
or other signs of rejection havel to the increase in federal support f he cm ue becadde
been detected, of scientific research following the for homecoming queen because
The spokesman made no refer- launching of the first Sputnik by "the questions the judging panel
ence to a recent report by a medi-the Soviet Union. asked her were abusive and plain-'
enceto recnt epot bya mdi-ly discriminatory."
cal team of the University of Colo- In establishing the institute, the Janice Parker, a member of all-,
rado linking prolonged use of the Regents set forth goals for it, in- Sigma Theta, was re-
anti-rejection drugs and cancer. cluding the coordination of re- moved from competition, said Ron
The same group has, in the past, search. " v'Thompson, member of- Kappa Al-
been strongly in favor of use of In conounction with the Office ~.pha Psi, because of "overt dis-
such drugs in combatting rejec- of Research Administration, IST chmination in the judging."
tion, including the powerful but administers a number of far-flung "r wasibeint judg
little tested anti-lymphocyte glo- j research operations. They include n asbeing ju ged as a black
bulin,' (ALG).= Willow Run Laboratories, a nijr"They asked me questions. like
ALG has been banned from in- center for classified military re- ''What special advantages does
terstate shipment by the Federal search; the Highway Safety Re- being black give you in getting
Food and Drug Administration search Institute, and the Great good gra e getting
until further testing is done with Lakes Research Institute, which is professors?t
it. Thus, University Hospital offi- located in the wing where the "They kept saying things like
cials were forced to develop their bomb exploded. T yAs a member of the minority.
own supply, a lone and tedious IST receives 4unds directly from how do you feel about the white,
process. ! the Regents and from grants from soro yste? bo sthi.
thefe Isorority system?' or something.'
Although none of the evidence the federal government and other Then they'd register shock at a
in the report on anti-rejection public and private agencies. It is coherent answer, as if they didn't.
y' drugs was based on heart trans- administered by a board - ap- expect me to know anything about
plant cases, the team noted five pointed by the :Regents Which re- white majority situations."
kidney transplant cases in which ports to the vice president for Comparable questions were not
the recipient had developed malig- .research. asked to w h i t e contestants,.
nant cancer after the operation. Contacted late last night, Uni-, Thompson says.
The drugs had been employed in versity President Robben W. Flem- "If you were Polish they didn't
each case. ing declined comment. ask you what you felt about the




Voice-SD S
Radical 0

Sp 1tS;

Walkout may
affect status
Voice-SDS split apart after four
weeks of factional fighting be-
tween the Radical Caucus and the
Jesse James Gang.
At a meeting yesterday after-
noon, about 25 members of the
Radical Caucus voted to resign
from Voice as a group and estab-
lish a new organization. Its first
meeting will be at 7:30 .p.m. to-
night on the second floor of the
S.A.B. Among those present at
yesterday's meeting were E r i e
Chester and Bruce Levine. who
have long been identified with the
leadership of Voice.
At this time it is not certain that
Voice can maintain its status as a
student organization after t h e
walk-out by the Radical Caucus.
Voice must demonstrate that the
majority of its members are stu-
The action of the Radical Cau-
cus was prompted by the forma-


g roup

Dail --Thomas R. Copi

building following the blust




.oming contest

situation in Hamtramack." Saul
Green. Kappa Alpha Psi, com-
"The minute the judges walked
into the room, they looked surpris-
ed to see me sitting there," Miss
Parker remarked. "It was as
though I had two heads or some-
"They'd question the other three
girls in my group and then lean
back and say *Now let me think
of a question for you'-as though
they couldn't ask me the same
things they'd ask the others," she
There are ten judges for the
contest. All are represergatives of
various student organizations.
Jim Fisher and Susan Cooper,
co - chairmen o f Homecoming,
could not be reached for comment.
Kappa Alpha Psi had objected'
earlier to a letter sent out by Uni-
versity Activities Center -regard-
ing the judging criteria for con-
testants. They claimed that judg-
ing on the basis of "poise and
looks and personality" removed
any objective criteria for selecting
a queen.
UAC later clarified the judging
scale, including academic achieve-

ment, extra-curricular activities tion of a workshop at the last
and talent, to be weighed on an Voice meeting to investigate t h e
equal basis. they said. Fisher said possibilities of disrupting classes.
at the time, that the criteria had The action was taken after many
remained the same from the year members of the Radical Caucus
before, but that the letter had left. The Jesse James Gang then
been "misconstrued and unclear." held a majojrity of those present
The home cng n ontest and completed the formation of
The homecming quenmcontes
was initiated two years ago bytt
UAC. At that time Dr. Hazel Losh, Much of the conflict between
recently retired professor of as-. two caucuses had centered on this
tronomy and unofficial mascot of issue of confrontation, particularly
the football team, was najned the in the classroom. The Gang advo-
University's "first and forever" cates a program of disrupting
homecoming queen. Chris Ander-! classes as a means of building a
son reigned over the festivities, base ofstudent support for Voice
Kappa Alpha Psi sponsored last programs.
year's queen, Opal Bailey. Martin McLaughlin '71, tempor-
, ary spokesman for the caucus, said {

Daily-Jay L. Cassidy
Voice feuds before fracture


Pizzas, pop, parties
Free for a slight fee

Even free pizza costs money
around here. Just ask any dorm

Beginning in today's edition,
The Daily is featuring a new
format for national and inter-
national news on Page Three.
The day's top stories of the na-
tion and the world are wrapped
up and placed in perspective in
a concise summary. This sum-
mary is backed up by insightful
analyses of major ne~s devel-
opments by the writers of the
Asso'iated P r e s s, Colege
Press Service and The Daily

that "any tactics which involve Although pizza, banana blasts,
outside groups in the classroom ice-cream socials, and plain o 1 d
against the wishes of the students ' milk and cookies doled out at the
involved is anti-democratic and proverbial corridor parties appear
authoritarian.. Not only is it ethi- to be expressions of good will on
cally wrong, but it will alienate the part of the dorm staff, they
people that the radical movement are financed by dormitory dues.

Once over for Romance laguages

As the number of student sig-
natures on petitions to end the
language requirement climbs to.
over 1,200, the Romance lang-
uages department is subjecting
its elementary language'program
/to a critical examination.
Student and literary college
curriculum committee concern
over the validity of a language
requirement, coupled with intra-
department faculty feuding over
instructional methods, h a v e
jointly precipitated the reassess-
But the eyaluation is current-
ly focussing on the humble
teaching fellows who bear most
of the burden of teaching lower
level language courses,
Teaching fellows, who norm-
ally don't attend faculty meet-
ings, have been invited to attend
one early next month. It is hop-
ed that the fellows-who teach
almost all of the 101-232 cours-
es--wil be able to provide in-
formation about the elementary
programs that the faculty mem-

rector of 101-232 Spanish, see
nothing wrong with that situa-
"The teaching fellows do a far
better job than 'professors
would," explains Cressey. It's
not that they are more qualified
but they're more interested and
moretwilling to put more time
into it."
O'Neil adds, "The work we get
from the good and experienced
teaching fellows is as good as an
assistant professor would do."
. But the problem of using
teaching fellows or assistant
professors for elementary cours-
es is only part of the problem.
The debate raging now among
student and faculty concerning
the quality of the instruction
can be summed up in three
0 How good is the teaching
of the 101-232 level courses?
" How good are the methods
employed in teaching there? In
fact, can language be taught at
that level?
* How successful is the pro-
gram in meeting its goals and

On the otter hand, students
and some instructors think the
teaching leaves much to be de-
sired, although there are ad-
mittedly no easy solutions to be
"We have the best Romance
linguistics departments in the
country," O'Neil says, "and they
are involved, although only inci-
dentally, in elementary language
instruction." He adds that lang-
uage instruction on this level is
"no better than any other de-
partment that has as large a
commitment taught by chang-
ing personnel with a high turn-
over rate."
"Our accomplishments." he
says, "are the same as for other
departments." He also notes that
the language requirement is the
largest segment of work requir-
ed under the distribution re-
quirements. "It is the largest
bloc of inescapable time the stu-
dent faces."
H a g i w a r a maintains his
teaching fellows are qualified to
do the work assigned to them

er-sized classes, she says, are a
serious barrier to good "oral-
aural" instruction..
The result is that those who
can't speak well enough resort
to the books available, "which
are invariably bad," she ex-
Donald Dugas, a French in-
structor and former language
co-ordinator for the pilot pro-
gram, calls teaching fellows used
in lower level instruction "cheap
labor." "Everyone knows it, but
no one can find a way to train
them," he says. Some instructors
are excellent though, he main-
He also claims the department
suffers from its size. "The pro-
gram is too big and requires too
many-teaching fellows. We just
can't be selective enough," he
says, "and it's getting worse now
with the draft."
Hagiwara strongly defends his
teaching fellows and the meth-
ods he uses in training them.
They are chosen carefully, he
says, only one out of 25 appli-

must seek as a base."
Last week's action to consider
disruption of classeswas -only the
renewal of the rupture in Voice
that appeared to be mending at
the previous meeting. The estab-
lishment of two committees at
that meeting to start a concrete
program of educational change
had been pushed forward by the
Radical Caucus without meeting
opposition from the Gang.
Tonight's meeting of the Radi-
cal Caucus will seek to build an
organization out of people who
sympathize with the caucus. The
name of that organization and its
relationship to the national SDS1
organization will be considered at1
the meeting.
The walk-out by tbAe Radical]
Caucus followed a similar move byl
a small group of Voice members
who left that organization t w o
weeks ago to form another group,
Many members of the Jesse
James Gang speak of the national1
aspect of the movement. Jim Mel-,
len of the Radical Education Pro-
ject who is new to Ann Arbor this
.year, said at a Voice meeting two
weeks ago that SDS has to define
itself in terms of national libera-
tion movements through out the
Bill Ayers of the Ann Arbor
Community School, added, "We
are the arms of the liberation
front inside the monster."
Voice has traditionally been
fairly divorced from SDS nation-
ally and the antagonistic relation-
ship between the two is well-!
Chester points out that the na-
tin-a AnoC him.-hv of hillnPimp

The traditional system of re-
quiring all residents of a house to
pay dues-which now range, from
$10 to $20 -- is one that has long
gone unchallenged.
The fees are usually -set by the
house government the previous
spring when most of its future re-
sidents are still in high school.
Cosequently, the incoming stu-
dents are given no say in the
money they are later called upon
to pay.
The houses are empowered by
the Regents' bylaws to withhold
credits of students who don't pay
their dues. However, the houses
tend not to enforce dues pay-
ment this way since lines for late
payment and pressure from the
house nets most of the money.
Though mens dues are con-
sistently higher than women's, the
men tend to ignore what their
house governments are doing.
"Most of us are petty busy," ex-
plains Bruce Morris of West Quad.
John Bellaver, '72, admits he
doesn't think much about where

his money is going., "It was really
confusing the first day," Bellaver
says, "so I figured I'd pay my dues
and get it out of the way."
The women, on the other hand,
do not take their dues and dorms
lightly. "Tha participation in
everything is surprisingly good,"
says Jordan Hall president Monica
"It's like one big happy family
here, says Joyce Wizeapple, "71,
president of Couzens Hall. "Every-
one participates in dorm functions
and we all have a great time,"
ACLU seeks
Chicago data
The American Civil Liberties
Union has begun compiling docu-
mentation on the disturbances
which occurred during the Dem-
ocratic Convention in Chicago,
August 26-29.
Photographs and statements
are being solicited from witnesses
to determine, if legal;action should
be begun by the Union. The ACLU
hopes to be able to document al-
leged infringements of constitu-
tional and civil liberties.
Persons with pictures or state-
ments concerning these events are
asked to contact the Illinois divi-
sion, 6 S. Clark Street, Chicago,
60603. Statements will be kept
confidential upon request.



City, Council passes
application for ,futnds

The Ann Arbor City Council last?
night approved a federal funds
application for a three-year hous-
in code enforcement rogrnm.

Federal funds would account for
about two-thirds of the almost
$2 million grant, the rest being
financed hv it nuhic imnrnve..

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