Page Twelve THE MICHIGAN DAILY Suncloy, October 13, 1968 Page Twelve THE MICHIGAN DAILY Sunday, October 13, 1968 DAILY OFFICIAL Conductor: Rackham Lecture Hail, 8:00 plitheater, Rackham Building, 7:30 p.I. p.m. MONDAY, OCTOBER 14 School of Music Composer's Forum: School of Music Recital Hall. Choral Union Series: Gary Graffman, Pianist: Hill Auditorium. 8:30 nm Doctoral Examinations Mgmt. Trng., Operations Research and Advanced International Studies, Wash. Program Analysis. Econ., For, Languages, Gen. Lib. Arts, BULLETIN Advanced Fire School: Registration, Civil Defense Center, 80 a.m. 4 ............::"J:i'"i { i:":}i "'# iti1 '*i ".J.N:{: t iBureau ofn Industrial Relations Sem- The Daily Offical Bulletin is an moar: New Frontiers in Management, official publication of the Univer- North Campus Commons, 8:00 a.m. - sity of Michigan for which The 5:00 p.m., 7:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. Michigan Daily assumes no editor- Real Estate Institute I: Michigan Un-r ial responsibility. Notices should be ion, 9:00 a.m. sent in TYPEWRITER form to School of Public Health Assembly: Room 3528 L. S. & A. Bldg., be- H. W. Poston, Director, Great Lakes fore 2 p.m. of the day preceding Region, Federal Water Pollution Admin- publication and by 2 p.m. Friday istration, Chicago, Illinois, "Federal for Saturday and Sunday. General Water Pollution Program in the Great Notices may be published a maxi- Lakes": Auditorium, School of Public mum of two times on request; Day Health, 4:00 p.m. Calendar items appear once only. Center for Russian and East Euro- Student organization notices are pean Studies and History Department not accepted for publication. For Lecture: Thomas J. Hegarty, Associate more information call 764-9270. Professor of History, Boston University, "Student Activism in Russian Univer- SUNDAY, OCTOBER 13 sities, 1855-1917"; Auditorium A, Angell Hall. 4:10 p.m. Department of History Lecture Series: Aspects of Negro American History- Willie Lee Rose, Professor, University Bureau of Industrial Relations Sea- of Virginia, "The Slave at Home: Two inar: New Frontiers in Management 'Families' or None?": 170 Physics-As- North Campus Commons, 8:00 a.a. -' tronomy Building, 4:15 p.m. Norpm.,h CampCmin9s,.8:00 m. - Center for Near Eastern and North 5:00 p.m.. 7:00 p.m. - 9 p.m1. African Studies Lecture: Lt. Gen. Sir Cinema Guild: Luis Bunuel's L o s John Bagot Glubb, "The Bedouins", Olvidados: Architecture Auditorium, 4:15 p.m.. Auditorium B, Angell Hall. 7:00 and 9:05 p.m. Cinema Guild: D., W. Griffith One Professional Theater Program: APA Reelers: Architecture Auditorium, 7:00 Repertory Company in Shakespeare's and 9:05 p.m. Hamlet: Lydia MBendelssohn Theater, Six Evenings With The Professors: 8:00 p.m. Ernest O. Melby, Professor of Educa- School of Music .Concert: Michigan tion, Michigan State University, "Is Chamber Ensemble - Theo Alcantara, The American Dream A Failure?": Am- ,James Donald Pierce, Education. Dis- G se tation: "Effect of Selected Factors General Notices on Instructional Load in Community I Junior Colleges with a Proposed Adapt- Broadcasting Service: WUOM- Radio ation o fthe Douglass Formula," on (91.r7 M n am. to 11p.daily;Monday, October 14 at 10 a.m. in West Sunday 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. Sunday 1:30 Council Room, Rackham, Chairman: R. p.m. What Must Be Done - "Education", J Y Part 1, with Jonathan Kozol, author: and Dr. Elliott Shapiro, N. Y. City Board of Education. Sunday 2:00 p.m. Cleveland Orchestra, William Stein- 3200 S.A.B. berg conductor - an all-Wagner pro- GENERAL DIVISION gram. Monday 11:00 a.m. The Eleventh EEA IV_ Hour (repeated at 7 p.m.) Ed Burrows Placement Interviews: The following hosts an hour of news and conversationo a tn eier:iealace- about the arts and literature. Guest: ogaetries wll e rerew tat vse- Countess Dagmar von Baudissen, Ger- pect to see at least a vita sheet on in- man sculptress. Monday 1:00 p.m. School terviewees, therefore, if you are n o t of Music Lecture - Gerald Marks talks, already registered with the General plays and sings about Tin aPn Alley, Division, please stop in and let us pro- ASCAP and the Varsity Show". Monday vide you with the proper materials. 5:15 p.m. Law in, The News with Prof. Please call 763-1363 to make appoint- Joseph R. Julin. ments by phone, or stop in and make Cornell University School of Law appt. in person. Make appts. as soon representative will be on campus Mon- as possible.rnone accepted after 4 p.m. day to interview prospective students, day preceding visit. Appointments may be mad'e by calling Mrs. Towle, 1223 Angell Hall, 40312. Notice to Employees of All University MONDAY, OCTOBER 21, 1968 Units: Blue Cross - Blue Shield and Department of the Navy, Wash. D.C. Major Medical Expense Insurance Open and China Lake, Calif.: Men and Enrollment Period will be held in the Women. All day. Bach. and Masters lev-j locations below from October 1 through els in Econ., Educ., Engl., Fine Arts, October 14, 1968. Campus: Office of Gen. Lib. Arts, Hist., Journ., Law, Poll. Staff Benefits, 1058 LS&A Building; Sci, and PhD in Poli. Sci. for Per- Medical Center - Office of Staff Bene- sonnel, PubI. Admin., Purchasing and fits, A7030 Hospital. New applications General Writing, and changes to existing contracts may Stanford University, Graduate School! be made without evidence of insur- of Business, Stanford, Calif.: Men and ability. Family members, eligible for women. All day. All disciplines inter- coverage, may be adedd at this time, ested in MBA or PhD in Business Ad- including those unmarried children over ministration. 19 but not yet 25 who are income tax TUESDAY, OCTOBER 22, 1968 dependents. No new applications, chan- Milwaukee County Civil Service Con- ges, or additions will be accepted after mission, Wis.: Men and women. All this enrollment period until October of day. Bach. level in Inorganic Chem.,I 1969, other than for new employees or Geography, Mirrobiol. Pharmacy, Social1 normal changes in existing contracts Work, Med. Tech. and Engrg. for Social made within the allowable 30-day per- Work, Med. Tech, and engrg. iod. Mitre Corporation, Bedford, Mass., - 7- and other locations nationwide - Men and women. All day. Advanced degrees Cook County Department of Public Aid: Chicago. Ill.: Men and women. All day. All Bach., level degrees inter- ested in social work. Wallace Business Forms, Inc., Clhi- cago, Ill.eand Nationwide: Men. All day. BA BS Econ., Engl., Gen. Lib. Arts, Hist. Math. Psych, Speech, and Soc. for Ter- ritorial Sales. Processing, Mktg. Res., and Statistics. Psych., Public Health, Speech, Soc. and Soc. Wk. for Public Administration. John Hopkins University School of D.C.- Men and women. All day. BA.BS ORGAN IZATION NOTICES Bach Club Meeting Thurs., Oct. 17th, 8:00 p.m. Guild House, 802 Monroe St. Speaker: Richmond Browne, "So' Its A t Fugue - Then What?" Bring W.T.C. in case you have it (and come if you don't t Jelly donuts and conversation afterwards. For further information call 769-2922 or 769-0995. Hillel Foundation, 1429 Hill Street, Sun., Oct. 13th, Soviet Anti-Semitism Teach-in starting at Noon, Monday and Tues., Oct. 14th and 15th, Morning Succos Services at 9:15 a.m. Society of Classical Liberalism Meet- ing, 3-A Union, Sat., Oct. 12th, 8:00 p.m. Speaker: Dr. Stefan T. Possony, Director of International Political Stud- ies Program. Hoover Inst., Stanford University. Topic: "The Mythology of Humane Socialism." Seventh-Day Adventist Student As- sociation, Oct. 13th, 5:00 p.m., 3rd floor conference room, speaker: Dr. Leonard Hare, "God in the Cell, Can a Scien- tist Really Believe That?" Graduate Outing Club, Sunday, Oct. 13th, 9:00 am, trip to Canada Bird Sanctuary, 12 noon trip to Detroit Zoo, ony vaiv~aa±nii vam iu20 ..n mg ~C.. n f991,n urimhu hist. and Poli. skci. r MA d gr pro- grants in nt""na"ion"l Rel'tion'. [NGINEERING PLACEMENT SERVICE 128 II, Nest Engrg. Bldg. Make interview appointment at Room 128 H. eWst Engrg. Bldg. unless other- wise specified. OCTOBER 2', 1968 American Oil Co. - Manufacturing Dept. American Oil Company - Res. & Dev. Dept. Dravo Corporation Eastman Kodak Company General Dynamics Corporation W. R. Grace & Co. - Dewey & Alaty Chemical Co. Illinois Tool Works Ingersoll - Rand Co. Milwvaukee County Civil Service Comm. - Make appointment at Placement Services, 3200 S.A.B. Mobil Oil Corporation - (Ph.D.) Phillips Petroleum Company Standard Oil of California Stauffer Chemical Co. Swift & Company OCTOBER 19-20 3 PM Sat.-3 PM Sun. WEEKEND CONFERENCE ON "PERSONAL RELATIONSHIPS & INTERNATIONAL COMMUNITY" RESOURCE PERSONS: DR. LAURENCE SARBAUGH, Director of A.I.D. Communications Seminars, Michigan State University PAUL R. DOTSM, Director, Ecumenical Campus Center at the Fresh Air Camp-Cost: $2.00 REGISTRATION. Ecumenical Campus Center 921 Church-662-5529 '4 REFERENCE When you come on in a Van Heusen shirt.., the rest come off like a bunch of stiff's. 0 S Blow Yourself Up TO POSTER SIZE 2 Ftx3 Ft. Send any Diack and White or Color Photo. Also any newspaper or maga- zine photo. We will send ou a 2 ft. x 3 ft. perfect pop art poster. A $25.00 $35 Yalue for Frame for 2x3ft. Poster only $3.50 3 x 4 Ft. BLO-UP $750 Poster rolled and mailed in sturdy tube. Original returned undamaged. Add 50c for postage and handling for EACH item ordered. Add local Sales Tax. No C.O.D. SEND CHECK, CASH or M.O. to PHOTO POSTER 210 E. 23rd St., Dept. -374 New York, N. Y. 10010 College Reps wanted-write for details only, MA/MA and PhD in Math and 2:00 p.m. hiking. Oct. 26th overnight physics for Technical writing. R&D, camping trip R.S.V.P. all trips leave Systems Analysis, and engineering. from Huron St. Entrance - Rackham J. C. Penny Co., Inc., Nationwide: Bldg. Men and women. Afternoon only. BAi* x BS in General Lib. Arts for Mgmt. American Institute of Industrial En- Trng, Merchandising and Sales. gineers, weekly luncheon Tues., Oct. WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 23, 1968 15th 12 noon in 229 West Engin. Speak- American Oil Company, Detroit and ers: James Schaaf. Asst. Vice-President, nationwide: M\4en and women. All day. John Lowe, Personnel Mgr. National BA/BS/MA/MS General Chemistry, Bank of Detroit. "Teller Scheduling." Econ., Math and PhD in Gen. Chem for 1 * * * Data Processing, Mgmt. Trng., Mktg. University Lutheran Chapel, .1511 Res., Personnel, Public Relations, Pur- Washtenaw, Sunday Service at 9:30 chasing and Transportation. a.m. and 11:00 a.m. on Oct. 13th. Rev. Bureau of the Census, Suitland Md.: Alfred Scheips, pastor, Sermon: "Truth BA/BS/MA/MS Econ., Geog., Ma t h., With Tolerance" (Communion at 11:00 Psych., and Soc. for Cartography, Data service). THURSDAY, OCTOBER 24, 1968 Bureau of the Budget, Executive Of- Gamma Delta, Lutheran Student Or- fice of the President, Wash. D.C.: Men ganization, outing and picnic with MSU and women. All day. Graduate students Gamma Delta chapter on Oct. 13th. only. MA/MA and PhD in Econ.. Nat'l. Meet at 1511 Washtenaw at 2:30 p.m. Resources, Poli. Sci. and LLB Law. for for a ride to the East Lansing Chapter I ) .'I )' } r= All Subjects Thousands at 19C and up ULRICH'S BOOKSTORE Opposite Engineering Arch £ 'VAN HEUSENe 417 Now from Van Heusen ... the scent of adventure ... Passport 360... the first to last and last and last! are you getting the rnost from your present TRY at our Friends! Seniors! Sheepskin chasers! Lend an ear to a rewarding career in menswear marketing, merchandising, engi- neering at Van Heusen! For full information, send your name and address to: College Grad Department, The VanHeusen Company, 417 Fifth Avenue, New York, New York 10016. Available at dim j1Olt3 c/ANin 113 S. MAIN fteAwoo& 106Ss r EMI-CON LABORATORIES, INC. 520 Bonner Road Wauconda, Illinois 60084 1 NAME I I i _I ADDRESS CITY I 1 L-STATE ZIP DAISY CLASSIFIEDS BRiNG QUICK RESULTS i I UNION-LEAOUE EUROPEAN P T pu~n H TM Chartered Flights MASS METING DOES JUST WHAT YOU WnnT IT TO DO! Converts in an instant from a comfortable cushion to an all protective poncho and hood OCTOBER 23, 1968 Union Ballroom TAKE YOUR SPORT PONCHO: CAMPING . . . FISHING 1 A Flight 1 Flight 2 Flight 3 May 4-Detroit-London June 1-Brussels-Detroit HUNTING.. .BOATING SKIING . . . TO A PICNIC TO THE BEACH . . . OR $16.50 to $25.00 May 8-New York-London Aug. 17-Paris-New York June 29-New York-London Aug. 14-Paris-New York I, I I