Page Ten THE MICHIGAN DAILY Sunday, October 13r 1968 Page Ten THE MICHIGAN DAILY Sunday, October 13, 1968 IT THE DIVINE RELATIVITY- A SOCIAL CONCEPTION OF GOD An introduction to process' philosophy as a framework for theo- logical reflection with special attention, to Charles Hartshorne and the doctrine of God. Four informal seminar sessions will be led by Lloyd W. Putnam of the Office of Religious Affairs. Open to all interested persons. An opportunity to explore the ques- tion: What can most reasonably be meant by the religious term "God"? TIME: Monday eveningsf a :30 P.M., beginning October 14, 1968 PLACE: G HouseU802 Monroe St. October 14-Beyond A Split-Level Universe: :The Philosophy of Organism October 21-Charles Hartshorne-A New Advocate October 28-The Divine Dipolarity November 4-A Framework for Christian Thbught osU defense upsets Purdue, 13-0 Buckeyes loch up Keyes B Big * * "* + * . * I Ten Standings II By The Associated Press COLUMBUS - A savage Ohio State defense stymied Purdue's vaunted offensive machine yester- day and the aroused Buckeyes stunned the No. 1 ranked Boiler- makers 13-0 in a key Big Ten clash before a record Ohio Stad- ium crowd of 84,834. A pair of third quarter inter- ceptions gave the fourth-ranked Buckeyes all the points they need- ed to register one of the biggest upsets of the college season. Halfback Tea Provost intercep- ted quarterback Mike Phipp's pass with the second half only 72. seconds old and sped 34 yards down the sidelines for the f i r s t touchdown. The extra point at- tempt was wide.I With less than four minutes re- maining in the third quarter, re- 1: serve quarterback Bill Long, look- ing for someone to throw to, stormed up the middle 14 yards to pay dirt for the final points of the game. Jim Roman kicked the extra point. The score came only five plays after middle guard Jim Stillwag- on picked off a Phipps' aerial on the Purdue 26. All-American Leroy Keyes was held to 19 yards rushing in seven carries, and Phipps, who came into the game with a 62 percent completion average, was way off form, hitting only 10 of 28. Hoosiers edge Hawkeyes IOWA CITY - John Isenbar- ger's passes and Don Warner's 23- yard field goal helped Indiana to a 38-3 Big Ten Conference foot- ball victory over Iowa yesterday. Isenbarger passed twice to flanker Jade Butcher for touch- downs during the offensive on- slaufht and ran for another score before a sun-baked crowd of 54,633. While totaling 527 yards run- ning and passing, Indiana first squandered a 14-0 lead, then scur- ried from a 28-2l deficit in the final half. Indiana W 2" L 0 a a J i MICHIGAN 1 0 1.000 MEXICO CITY AP' - The 1968, Ohio State 1 0 1.000 Olympic Games, born in chaos and Minnesota 1 1.000 rent by dissension and political Purdue 1 1 .500 strife, opened peacefully yesterday Michigan State 1 1 .500 in a setting of old world splendor Iowa 0 1-.000 and without incident. Nort.wes ern0 .000 While sailors stood shoulder to. Illinois 0 2 .000 shoulder outside the massive, sau- cer shaped Olympic Stadium, built Quarterback Harry Gonso ral- over a lava bed, and police milled lied Indiana on a drive of 77 yards through the crowd of 80,000, Mex- for the tying touchdown in the ico President Gustavo Diz Orda officially declared the Games open third period. Gonso sneakedcat time Ia 12:3 m~ fSj iA .LY*.ic itD .A ime,,, boycott by United States athletes,1 and squabbles over everything from shoes to sex. There was not the slightest demonstration by America's black, athletes, who walked around the circular track with their white: teammates, a few holding their fingers aloft in the "V" for victory sign made famous by Winston Churchill and also used by mem-, bers of the Czechoslovakian team, who received the biggest ovation of any foreign delegation. In a concession to the fairer sex, a Mexican girl, Enriqueta Basilio Sotela, a member of the Mexican track team, became the first women ever in the Olympics to light the sacred flame that burns throughout the duration of the Games. Pet. Olvi 1.000 / upe * m ihu iiiei Sponsored by: 2282 SAB The Office of Religious Affairs 764-7442 LIi The Yellow-Billed Word icker doesn't write words. It helps you remember them. yard for his se nd touchdown to knot the count t 28-28. After Iowa's offense bogged down, Gonso, early in the fourth quarter, pitched out to Isenbarger for the climactic play, and Isen- barger arched the ball 13 yards to Butcher in the end zone. Gophers stop Mini MINNEAPOLIS - Doug Roal- stad rambled 61 yards for a touch- down on a punt return and Min- nesota's defense stood off Illinois at its 10 and 20-yard lines in the second half as the Gophers took ball victory over Illinois yesterday. Minnesota quarterback Phil Hagen completed 17 of 26 passes for 171 yards and one touchdown. Hagen tossed a two-yard pass to fullback Jim Carter for the Gophers' first score in the open- ing period. In the drive that set up a 32- yard field goal by Bob Stein in the fourth period, 'Hagen hit on seven of 11 passes, including five straight. It was Minnesota's Big Ten Dpener and evened the Gophers' record at 2-2. Illinois is 0-2 in conference play. p t,26 35E.t , , VC t: 1 ly 411. The cordons of police were sombre reminders of the recent bloody student riots that left scores dead and hundreds injured and threats of possible new vio- lence to confront the Mexican gov- ernment. 7,400 ATHLETES More than 7,400 brightly attired athletes from 108 nations -most ever to compete in the Games-: marched crisply around the 400- meter synthetic track and stood erect in the infield as 6,200 pigeons and 40,000 balloons soared aloft into the bright, sunny skies. Active competition starts today, with the Games ending Oct. 23. The sun broke through overcast skies just as the Mexican presi- dent, bespectacled and smiling, took the podium with Avery Brun- dage, straight-laced 81-year-old president of the International Olympic Committee, and Pedro Ramirez Vasquez, the first Mexi- can architect who neaded the or- ganizing committee. The Mexican Games have been plagued by controversy ever since this 1%-mile high city was select- ed. It started with the boycott threat surrounding the admission of apartheid South Africa, later rescinded; the cloud of a possible 1. . by Andy Barbas Against The Wall i A miraculous iveek; .Lbet's cry abcout It's great to watch grown men cry. Especially when it's because they won. Thursday night the Detroit Tigers won the World Series and Detroit blew its mind. Yesterday, Michigan beat the Spartans and Ann Arbor decided it was the time to flip its lid too. After the World Series, Al Kaline sat on a bench in the locker- room and cried from sheer happiness. After the Michigan State game, Wolverine Jim Wilhite was so broken up he couldn't pull himself together enough to get out of his uniform. It was hard to stop from joining him. Neither the Tigers nor the Wolverines were noted as come-from- behind teams. This year, Detroit went wild with comeback victories and ended up as World Champions. Michigan. is known as the team that blows victories in the fourth quarter, yet yesterday they were able to reel off two fourth quarter touchdowns in dumping Michigan State. Victory is nice for a change. The last time Detroit won the World Series, I wasn't around to know about it. The last time Michigan beat State, I was a dumb teenybopper who rooted for State because Duffy sounded cooler than'Bump. Thirteen is suposed to be an unlucky number. It's been 13 years since Michigan has overcome the East Lansing eleven in Ann Arbor. When the Wolverines had 13 points yesterday, the Spartans had 14. Maybe 13 means the end of an unlucky streak. A lot of seniors thought they would; graduate without seeing the Maize and Blue beat the Green and White once in the four years they were here. The juniors might even see it happen twice. Ohio State is unbelievably tough at home. Michigan has to meet them in Columbus this year. The seniors have never seen the Wolverines win the Big Ten Championship. Ohio State is the team in their way., Wouldn't that be an exciting year? First the Tigers, then Michigan over State, and then ... Pasadena? Paying for the Other Guy's Accidents ? Save on your Auto Insurance For those who qualify- $25.000 B.A. and P.D. $1,000 Medical Expenses and Uninsured Motorists Protection Single Male Age 21-25 .......$125 per year Married Male Age 21-25 ..... $70 per year SENTRY. -INSURANCE The Hardware Mutuals Organization U' 4 Perfect symbol of the love you share " Being with each other, doing things together . . . knowing that your affection is growing into precious and enduring love. Happily, all these cherished moments will be forever symbolized by your diamond engagement ring. If the name, Keepsake, is in the ring and on the tag, you are assured of fine quality and lasting satisfaction.The engagement diamond is flawless, of superb color, and precise modem cut. Your Keepsake Jeweler will assist you in making your selection ... 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