Sunday, October 13, 1968 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Three Su d y c o e 3 19 8T E M1I A A L ..s...rswww f K Business Staff s proud'to announce the appointment of our new Junior Managers Rhodesian talks at crucial point GIBRALTAR (A) - Prime Ministers Harold Wilson of Britain and Ian Smith of rebel Rhodesia reached the make- or-break stage yesterday in their continuing debate on the future of the African nation under white minority rule. Smith issued a statement saying "today is the crucial day" that "will determine whether or not an agreement is possible." In milder terms, British sources indicated the talks, now in their third day, were unlikely to continue past today unless substantial progress is - =- n made. Panama military installs junta, ousts assembly PANAMA UP - A two-man military junta was installed yesterday by the national guard, which ousted President Arnulfo Arias, suspended constitutional guarantees, and dis- solved the National Assembly. After the swift coup Friday night, Arias took refuge in the U.S.-controlled Panama Canal Zone with his cabinet and other followers. In office only 11 days, Arias, 67; was in contact with U.S. Ambassador Charles W. Adair Jr. and the Canal Zone gover- nor, W. P. Leber Jr. Both rushed back to Panama from Wash- ington where .they had been attending a meeting of the Canal Billing ........... Classified.... Circulation.... Display......... Layout & Proofreading , Personnel........ Promotions... . . Retail Sales-...... Dana Kroguski .. .. Lucy Papp Nancy Asin Barbara Schulz Bruce Hayden Susan Lerner .. George Bristol . Steven Elman The British described the talks as "still tough going." The Rho- desians said the word tough was b.. an understatement, m h. It was understood the key to the- fate of the talks rests with small wtorking groups of officials from 4" "!"}:v:. :: .}:u4"}:t}{}}: :' 3 hvn: : ::Y"v i. both sides seeking common ground EBa s yrh sh on detailed points to put before the two leaders. hss.k..::nitn" The vital point, from which all Associated Press yother difficulties flowed, was still understood to be the British de- *mand for unimpeded progress to- ward majoity rule for Rhodesia's Enriqueta Basilio carries the olympic torch up the 90 steps to the, four million black Africans, now olympic flame cauldron during the opening ceremonies for the governed by 220,000 whites. Olympic Games in Mexico City yesterday. Sm ith has stuck to his insisten e:a th s c n o h p en i h s 3 9M EB RA S N T lifetime or the next 100 years. _fr 9E If the talks remain stalemated. by Sunday attention will have to focus on some face-saving form-r oU ac s u r m ula. The most likely was believed Hou e 1tsqu r m to be an interuption of the talks to let the leaders home for fur- .ther consultations. U a l o a j u n II I i i ) Ian Smithr There will be an important meeting of all Juniors at 6t30 P.M. Sunday at the Daily. Read and Use Daily Classifieds 4W 4l presents THE SAN FRANCISCO MIME, TROUPE. Oct. 18, 19, 20 sales begin 8:00 P.M Wednesday 12 noon free food; choirs provided tickets (yes) $2.500 The talks could conceivably con- tinue through visits by envoys as they have intermittently since Smith unilaterLlly declared Rho- desia independent from Britain in November 1965. Britain regard- ed the move as illegal and ap- plauded political and economic sanctions against the Smith re- gime. Although t h.e British govern- ment regarded Rhodesia's action as an act of rebellion and had re- ceived authorization from the United Nations to use force if nec- essary to prevent Rhodesian inde- pendence, Smith has been able to maintain his regime and its au-I thority for nearly three years. Spokesmen on both sides con- tinued to describe the talks as tough going. But after a late night session yesterday, the term "con- structive discussions" was used for the first time. Smith and Wilson will resume their talks after a shipboard ;church service aboard the British frigate Fearless, where the ses- sions have been taking place. WASHINGTON (P - T h e1 House, stymied for lack of a quor-4 um, met for an hour yesterdaya without even taking up the one remaining task facing Congress-J final adjournment. l Both the House and Senate will meet again Monday but there is little likelihood they will be able: Heath re'jects racepoleicyr to bring the 90th Congress to its official close at that time, either. Rep. James G. O'Hara, (D- Mich.), is blocking House approv- al of an adjournment resolution by insisting that a quorum be present to act on it. That is 217 members, but with election day nearing, House members have been departing in droves and only aboutd35 attended Saturday's ses- sion while 399 were absent. O'Hara is holding up adjourn- ment in retaliation against the Senate Republicans' action in kill- ing a bill that would permit free broadcast debates between presi- dential candidates. The Senate Republicans boycotted a session at which it was to be considered Zone's board of directors: The coup caused dismay n - Washington and the United States suspended diplomatic relations. Secretary of State Dean Rusk issued a statement saying "we are deeply distressed" by the over- throw of Arias. Washington sources acknowl- edge that the United States could swing a lot of leverage in Pan- ama, awhere the expenditures re- lated to the Canal Zone have a large impact on the small coun- try's economy. But they are wary of any move that might be inter-, Spretedas interfering in thatsna- tion's internal affairs and thus could backfire. And there is doubt that the new military leadership in Panama, who portray Arias' as a leftist foe who was heading for dictatorship, could be easily persuaded to hand the reins back to the deposed pres- ident. The coup appeared to have dealt one more blow to the pro- posed treaties that have been drafted for an eventual return of the Canal Zone to Panama. The isthmian strip has been held by the United States for most of this century under a controversial 1903 treaty. U.S. critics of the proposed new treaty arrangement contend that political instability in Panama raises the danger that a Com- munist group might some day1 seize power by a coup and pint the control of the canal in hostile hands. National guard leaders of the coup accused Arias of planning to establish a dictatorship and to convert the national guard, Pan- ama's army, into "a political in- strument of persecution." The juntais headed by Col.'Jose M. Pinilla, summarily retired byj Arias Thursday as deputy chief of the guard. His colleague is Col.' Bolivar Urrutia, named by Arias the same day ,to take over the7 command of the guard. The junta was reported trying to form a cabinet with repre- sentatives of as many political parties as possible, excluding Arias' Panamenista Party. It was obviously fear of what Arias might try to do to reorgan- ize the 5,000-man national guardt that led to the coup. Arias twice before was ousted from the presi- dency by the national guard, in 1941 and in 1949, and he had not forgotten. There had been talk of a coup, ever since May. Sen. Dirksen BLACKPOOL, England ({) -preventing the Senate from get- Conservative leader Edward Heath ting a quorum. U firmly asserted his authority over Britain's opposition party yester- day and rejected "doctrines of ex- tremism." Heath rejected most decisively right wing leader Enoch Powell's call for "assisted repatriation" of colored immigrants which he made in the convention hall last Thurs- day. Heath said, "It there are any who believe that immigrants to this country could be forcibly de- ported because they are colored people, then that I must repud- iate, absolutely and completely." He appealed to the British peo- ple to follow the Tory lead in mak- ing their nation once again great, after what he called four years of a "discredited socialist govern- ment." O'Hara says he won't relent and permit final adjournment until the Senate revives the debate bill. There is nothing to indicate any such change in the Senate posi- tion. The debate bill figured in the brief session held in the House Saturday. Rep. R a y J. Madden, (D-Ind.), said if the Republican presidential nominee, Richard M. Nixon, doesn't want to debate, he might let Sen. Strom Thurmond, (R-S.C.) stand in for him. "From their voting records, speeches and other utterances," Madden said, "'There isn't 14 cents worth of difference between Mr. Nixon's a n d Mr. Thurmond's views." Dirksen asks delay o nuclear pc WASHINGTON (M) - A report by Secretary of Defense Clark M. Clifford on the West G e r m a n government's position may be the key to Senate action of the nuc- lear nonproliferation treaty, Sen. Everett M. Dirksen, (R-Ill.), said yesterday. Dirksen, counselled delay in act- ing on the treaty. He told Presi- dent Johnson he ought to avoid "scarring" the agreement by try- ing to force it before the Senate in the current session of Con- gress. Johnson's statement Friday that he would seriously consider call- ing the Senate back into session to act on the treaty found b o t h Dirksen and Senate Democratic Leader Mike Mansfield of Mon- tana apprehensive about ratifica- tion this year. Mansfield said the urgency ex- pressed by the President was bas- ed on belief that other free na- tions are waiting on the United States to act. These include most of the nations that have the tech- nical ability to develop nuclear weapons. Dirksen said in a separate in- terview it is his understanding one of the main objectives of Clifford's visit to Bonn has been to get West German backing for the treaty. Italy already has served notice through its. foreign minister, Gir useppe Medici, that his country will not sign unless the Soviet Un- ion withdraws its troops from Czechoslovakia. ENDS WEDNESDAY CLuis '3unu elk CIasterpiece fof Eri C! --SEA / :::}}:4 Live, love laugh scratch, die.. ... y. cit ZIBIIBt(Y i Tonite's Features 8:00 P.M. NEXT!! "Sahara" $1.00 at San Francisco "To Have and Have Not" the door MIME TROUPE FINAL PERFORMANCES "HAMLET"TODAY OCTOBER 15-27 -Aw By MUtiSa ALLIED ARTISTS presents BELE dE with W