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October 12, 1968 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1968-10-12

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Saturday, October 12, 1968


Page Three

Saturday, October 12, 1968 THE MICHIGAN DAILY

..,ya,. .,hree.

HHH offers to guarantee cost
of time for presidential debate

LBJ threatens
Senate recall

NEW YORK { P)-The Demo-
cratic team of Hubert H. Hum-
phrey and Sen. Edmund S. Muskie
sought to put heat on frontrunner
Richard M. Nixon yesterday by of-
fering to guarantee the cost of
televised debates-and charging
he is afraid of a face-to-face con-
Humphrey, appearing at a mor-
ning news conference, said that
they had opened negotiations with
a television network for an hour of,
time Sunday night, Oct. 20, for al

three-way debate between Hum-
phrey, Nixon and George C. Wal-
lace, the third-party candidate.
Humphrey, with his running
mate Muskie at his side, made. the
offer one day after Senate Repub-
licans blocked legislation that
would have changed the equal
time regulations to permit free
televised debates like those be-
tween the late John F. Kennedy
and Nixon in 1960.
Both Thursday night and Fri-
day Humphrey complained of

stomach trouble and told newsmen
that he had been suffering from
"stomach flu" and that although
he felt "a little weak," he was
However, shortly after the news
conference aides announced that
a scheduled trip to Cincinnati had
been cancelled and that the vice
president was in bed. Norman
Sherman, a press aide, described
the ailment as "a mild case of the
"At first glance," Humphrey
said of the Senate action on the
equal time rule, "this appears to
have denied the American public
the chance for a faceto face de-
bate among the contenders for the
presidency and the vice presi-
But Humphrey said that he and
Muskie decided to "guarantee the
cost of the debates" and at the
same time "we are asking Demo-
crats, Republicans and indepen-
dents" to send .in donations to
help pay for them.
"Naturally, we hope that Mr.
Nixon and Mr. Wallace will agree
to share the cost of the debates,"
Humphrey added. But he said that
if they would not, he and Muskie


rleatify treaty

WASHINGTON (R)- President Johnson said yesterday he
may call the Senate back into special session to ratify the
nuclear nonproliferation treaty rather than wait until the
new session in January, as Senate leaders plan.
The President said delays could force the United States
into a dire dilemma if new nuclear powers come into being
before the Senate acts.
Johnson taped for radio and television use his new appeal
shortly before Senate Majority Leader Mike Mansfield (D-
Mont.) told the Senate the pact to halt the spread of nuclear
weapons would not be brought up in the session now ending.
Mansfield said arrangements have been made for making
the treaty the first order of business of the Senate Foreign
Relations Committee in the new session in January.
As for Johnson's consideration of a special session before
then, Mansfield told newsmen, "We will cross that bridge

when we come to it."

-Associated Press
LeMay with newsmen in Los Angeles
RETIRED AIR FORCE GEN. CURTIS LEMAY, right, had no comment for newsmen at Los Angeles
International Airport concerning his four-day fact-finding trip to Vietnam next week. LeMay, vice
presidential m ndidat aon the 1, A r, ie-- - S ,Par Tt l e-- - * - _n


were prepared to pay the entire iii"u 'm en eA r
cost with the help of donations swing into Florida.
from "those Americans who want c
to see and hear discussions of the HISTORIC SESSION:
vital issues of the campaign." __
So far, Nixon has declined re-
peated invitations and challenges
from Humphrey to enter a series
of debates. o g
Muskie said that Nixon is "afraid
that a debate might cost him his W
lead." WASHINGTON (I)-The 90th two
"A man who is sure of himself, Congress, which displayed traits LuthE
sure of his potential of leadership, of courage, defiance and fickle- F. Ke
sure of his position on issues need ness as it wrote some footnotes to incun
not be afraid," Muskie added, history, was poised for adjourn- to see
Humphrey proposed that Nixon ment yesterday. ed in
and Wallace appear with him in The members have three weeks jor ci
two debates and that their run- for campaigning before the Nov. 5 to f10
ningmates-Maryland Gov. Spiro elections in which all 435 House natio
Agnew and retired Air Force Gen. seats and 34 of the 100 Senate were
Curtis LeMay-face Muskie in a seats will be filled. Son
third debate. The session which started last spur
In Humphrey's prepared Cin- Jan. 15 and was interrupted by to pr
cinnati speech, read for him by several recesses was marked by housi
John J. Gilligan, the vice presi- some rare happenings. law'
dent said "I am going to smoke There was a lock-in of House in fi
pick Nixon out," and he added: members and a sit-out of senators politi<
"I want to get Dick Nixon, in the closing days, defeat of a The
George Wallace, and Hubert Hum- major presidential nomination, a ethics
phrey on the same platform, at tax increase in an election year, prove
the same time, before the same an about-face on mandated gram
audience-live or on television. spending cuts when they hit close foreig
"I want them to stand up, man to home, and enactment of some 21-ye
to man, and tell the American historic legislation. made
people what they believe in." During the 10-month session, tions,

can. aeupeuluLnt TKar 3 Wty J 4Ue t iiiLO Ageeto r a am.Ilpaign

'set to adjourn

-Associated Press
Humphrey on debates

public figures, Dr. Martin
er King Jr. and Sen. Robertl
ennedy, were assassinated; an
mbent President decided not
ek re-election, violence erupt-
the capital and in other ma-
ities, casualty lists continued
ow in from Vietnam, and two
nal political conventions
me of these events helped
enactment of laws designed
event racial discrimination in
ng, curb crime and beef up
enforcement, control traffic
rearms, and protect major
cal candidates.
e 1968 Congress wrote mild
s codes for its members, ap-
d the biggest housing pro-
in history, voted the lowest
gn aid appropriation in the
ar history of the program,
record cuts in appropria-
and enacted landmark con-


Barry O'Neill
Roger Renwick

1421 Hill St.
8:30 P.M..

} :

sumer protection laws.
On the other side of the ledger,
it shelved bills for election re-
forms, congressional reorganiza-
tion and for free broadcast of-
political debates after starting
them toward enactment.
The closing days of the session
were marked by efforts to clear
the way for broadcast debates
among the major presidential can-
House Republicans staged a
walkout when the bill came up in
their chamber. It took a 32 -
hour continuous session, second
longest in history, to pass the bill.
For the first time in modern
history the speaker of the House
finally ordered a lock-in of mem-
bers to keep a quorum on hand
to transact business.
Perhaps President Johnson's
most galling reversal of the year
was the Senate's refusal to con-
sider his nomination of Abe Fortas
to be chief justice. A Republican-
Southern Democratic filibuster
caused the President to reluctantly
withdraw the nomination.
Never before, historians said,'
had the Senate refused to con-
sider a major nomination although
it has rejected some in the past
after debating them.

Johnson said, "I know that the
pressures of the election are upon
us. But so are the responsibilities
we were elected to fulfill. I hope
the Senate will act now, with the
highest interests of the nation in
"But if members of the Senate
find it impossible to remain and
act now." the President said, "I
shall, after consulting with other
world leaders and leaders of the
Senate, seriously consider calling
the Senate into special session.
"I consider the adoption of this
treaty that important to the se-
curity of our nation and world
White House press secretary
George Christian declined to say
what world leaders might be in-
volved. Nor would me comment on
whether Johnson might summon
the Senate before or after the
Nov. 5 election.
Mansfield indicated he would
at least like to wait until after the
election so "the act of ratifica-I
tion will be divorced from poli-
tical overtones or disputation."
Johnson said he fears that forc-
es working against the treaty in
other countries will gain strength
quickly and an increasing number
of countries "will see it in their
national interest to go nuclear."
Johnson, in raising the spectre
of dire consequences from such a
development, said the United
States could be faced with this,
dilemma: ,
"Either withdrawing our influ-
ence and commitment from areas
of the world which are vital to
our interests; or I
"Having other nations trigger a
nuclear conflict which could in-
volve us."
Under the treaty, nuclear pow-
ers would agree not to give away
nuclear information and non-nu-
nclean nations would agree not to
seek to become producers.

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. .w r

- r


THIS WEEK, OCTOBER 11th and 12th
("Cincinnati Kid" will be shown Oct. 25th and 26th)

and and
DARK To Have and
PASSAGE" Have Not"
800PM.$100at thedoor

Russian intellectuals,
convicted for protest,

9 Cubans-t
jailed for,
-MIAMI Fla. (A'-Nlne Cuban
exiles were jailed here yesterday
on federal charges of plotting ter-
ror attacks on ships and planes of
Spain, Mexico and Great Britain
as part of a nationwide anti-Cas-
tro Vendetta by the group calling
itself Cuban Power.)
The man indicted as the leader,
Dr. Orlando Bosch, seemed trium-
phant after his arrest by FBI
agents. While being taken to jail
under $50,000 bond, Basch raised
his handcuffed arms and made
"V" with fingers of each handas
he shouted: "Victory for Cuban
Bosch and two of the nlnewere
charged in the Sept. 1 cannon-
ading of a Polish freighter in
Miami. The attack became an in-
ternational incident.
The indictment also identified
Bosch as the mysterious "Ernesto,"
the voice of Cuban Power who an-
nounced attacks sometimes before
'they occurred.
Bosch was charged separately
with -cabling threats to Harold
Wilson, prime minister of Great
Britain, Gustavo Diaz Ordaz, pres-
ident of Mexico, and Gen. Fran-
cisco Franco, head of state in
All nine of those arrested by
FBI agents were charged with
conspiracy to violate the neutral-
ity of the United States by making
war against another nation from
U.S. soil.
Some of the targets included
consulates, offices of government
airlines and companies which ship-
ped mercy packages to families in
A tenth man identified in the
indictment, but neither charged
nor listed as a con-conspirator, was
Ricardo Morales Navarrete. Mo-
rales had been arrested earlier by
Miami police in ,connection with
one of the 39 bombings that
struck the city's Cuban colony.
Morales' testimony to the grand
jury was reportedly the key to
breaking the facade of the secret
Andrews Jorge Gonzalez, 37, al-
so was held under $50,000 bound
on the conspiracy count, which
carries a maximum penalty of five
years in prison.
Also charged with Miss Miranda
on the conspiracy counts were
Marco Rodriguez Ramos, 24, Jorge
Luis Gutierrez Ulla, 20, his father,
Paulino Gutierrez, 45, and Jesus
Dominguez Benitez,
Dist. Judge William Mehrtens
released Miss Miranda on a rec-
ognizance bond ,yesterday after-
noon, but denied defense requests
for reduced bonds for the others.


MOSCOW ,1P)-Three Soviet in-
tellectuals were sentenced yester-
day to relatively light terms in
exile from Moscow and two others
were sent to labor camps for stag-,
ing a public protest in Red
Square against the invasion of
After three days of testimony
laced with denunciations of the
invasion, the five were convicted
of disturbing public order and
slandering the Soviet Union. They
had been arrested after demon-
strating for about three minutes
Aug. 25.
The organizers-Pavel Litvinov,
grandson of Stalin's foreign min-
ister, and Mrs. Larisa Daniel, wife
of an imprisoned writer - were
banished from Moscow for five
and four years respectively. Kon-
stantin Babitsky, a specialist in

the history of the Russian lan-
guage, was exiled for three years.
Their companions, Vladimir
Dremlyuga and Vadim Delone,
were sentenced to labor camps for
three years and two years and 10
months respectively.
A relative of Litvinov said all
five would appeal.
Twelve demonstrators were ar-
rested, but only those carrying
signs were held for trial. It was
the only public protest to the in-
vasion so far known to have been
organized by Soviet citizens.
Western newsmen and the gen-
eral public were barred from the
trial. A relative who was in the
courtroom throughout quoted Lit-
vinov as saying in his closing re-
marks: "Freedom is important for
all of us. The more freedom we
have, the better off is our entire



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Sat., Oct. 26, at 8:30 P.M.
TICKET PRICES: $5.50, $5.00, $4.00, $3.50
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(circle price) $3.00, $2.00, each (circle price) $5.00, $4.00, $3.50, each I


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