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October 12, 1968 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1968-10-12

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Fair, sunny and glorious
football weather


Vol. LXXIX, No. 38 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Saturday, October 12, 1968 Ten Cents

Ten Pages



~misusing funds
County supervisors question
personal motives of sheriff
In unprecedented style, a special committee 'of the County
Board of Supervisors yesterday publicly asked Sheriff Douglas
Harvey if he had "diverted any public money" to his personal


'Harvey immediately replied, "No." C
In ~the past the committee has not questioned Harvey's
personal motives but inquired only about the management -
practices of his office.
Committee chairman Supervisor Neal Mast (R-Scio) said
the question was posed to Harvey because it is "the obvious
question in the mninds of the public and the one which can i
clear the sheriff prior to the election."
Mast~ also said Harvey's replies to two brevious sets of
~-____--_ - ___ - -=Oquestions w e r e "unsatisfac-
C . tory." He remarked, "This one
11is the most direct question we a
can ask."
For the first time in the investi-
gation, the text of the question
was released immediately after it
In ler lip is was delivered to the sheriff. Two
N Isets of previous questions were Aso teiPe,
inC us s released until after Harvey re- -soitdPes
plO 9ied and the committee members P tet( lco tr- oes
hdreviewed the answers.
By RON LAND SMAN nThe entire quton c ws"Have
Adispute between bus drivers so-called Safety Guide, prisoners' tuet e z
and the administration over an funds, bond money, concession
unsatisfied grievance resulted in fund or extradition been diverted
a one-hour delay of buses leaving to your personal use?" -~1 ..
North Campus yesterday morning. The committee issued a state- I- -U II'J l
Eleven University bus drivers ment wisth the announcementaofd XW O ii 11 S1 R ;-I ' 1 1
refse tobem tei rus t 645found a lack of administrative
a.m. yesterday and started around control and a lax handling of From Wire Service Reports
7:30, but only after they elicited funds. .NWYR Abu10blcanwhtsud tsok
from business operations director "We are in full agreement with NE YRK-A ut10baknd htesdntto
James Brinkherhoff an agreement the decision finalized in the 1969 over and barricaded two New York University buildings for
to meet at 11 a.m. that morning, county budget that wilt have K. several hours yesterday, winning limited, unofficial reinstate-
The bus drivers' complaint Ross Childs, assistant to the coun- ment for a black militant who was dismissed from the staff
centered on the University's fail- ty administrator, devote approx- the previous day.
ure to act on a grievance that the imately 50 per cent of his time to Th eoteddwe h nvriyare orn
employes filed over a month ago. assist the sheriff for a direct tie Tervl ne hnteuiest gedt et
The answer was received on with the county administrative campus space to the militant, John F. Hatchett, and recognize
Thursday and the drivers called it staff." him as a representative of black students at NYU. But it was

Policy on
CO status
SSS implements
(Irafi law rnles
on belief in cGod
The Selective Service System
has finally deleted from its con-
scientious objector questionnaires
any references to a supreme being
uperior totthose arising from an
human relation."
The move, involving a change ini
SSS Form 150, "The Special Form
for Conscientious Objector," was
came availablegt l3ocal draft
boards just this week.
However, the change had been
called for ovei' a year ago, in the
1967 version of the Military Se-
lective Service Act.
Requirements for conscientious
objector status are now limited
Ito "religious training and belief"
and "opposition to war in any
1form." This approach, adopted by
the 1967 act, was first enunciated
by the Supreme Court in the See-
ger' decision in 1965.
That ruling, which the new
draft law respects, states that "the
test of religious belief . . . is
of its possessor a place parallel
to that filled by God of those ad-
mittedly qualified for exemption."
retar ofoca Bo:ardN.8 n
Ann Arbor, the new form "clearly
explains the registrant's defer-
ment alternatives as a conscien-

tious objector. It facilitates clas-
sification because it is less com-
The new form differentiates be-
tween the I-A-O and the I-0 clas-
sifications. The former is a non-
combatant d u t y classification
while the latter is for alternate
civilian service.
Three questions replace the
seven asked on the old version of
the form:
* fncr''ih ts ha n,, n'n , ,,.

--A oiaePr
The mnost ambitious U.S. flight to (late

"unsatisfactory." Mast confirmed last night that stipulated that "he will no longer be speaking as a representa-
The result of the agreemept Harvey's short answer does "bys ieo Y ,
this morning .was to, meet later. law constitute a reply." He re- tieo Y.
As a result of that 11 a.m. meet- fused, however, to indicate what ."I sincerely believe," said Provost Lewis Hyde, who made
Ing the employes thought the action the committee might now the pact with student demonstrators, "that Hatchett can be
University had accepted their take.- - - - -a forceful spokesman for the
complaint. "They promised us an A recommendation from Mast's black students, but carrying
aswer i witing uesday," said group will be presented to th fu.ll .u R e V~ e I t rnan n
-tive here for negotiations with the The committee could recoin- tolerable."
KUniversity, "they agreed verbally mend that the board ask the thr ee 1 Hatchett was fired Thursday as
today." circui court judges thonor a IU U U l Wdirector of NYU's planned Afro-
But the University's view is 1g-. petitio dthey inowsthave requesHti American Student Center a f t e r
nificantly different. Russell Reis- a grndjryivetgain fHa-called Vice President Hum-
ter, University personnel officer, veys office.thjdgshvsid 00 1 1 d ryadRcadM.Nxn"a-
sadthe at'o the reac they will not rule on the petition ist bastards" in a speech to 700
the workers were unsatisfied with gi.n -

SPACE CENTER, HOUSTON (/P) of coffee and grabbed a. quick

iI±1~~ ~A~.AL~U £IJJUIIV I ~ IU~U.d1 WILII III~ LW~J 1U~.J1~ ~AJ

belief which is the basis of your nats flashd into sace yester- plts, Air Force Maj Donn F.
claim and state why you consider day, whipped through critical Eisele and Waltrer Cunningham,
it to be based on religious training maneuvers and set up housekeep- each making his first space trip.
*A Eain how, when and from, America' new est, bggest spae them the go-ahead for ntote
whom or from what source you ship has the stamina to carry men full day they doffed their heavy
received the religious training and to the moon. spacesuits and bubble helmets and
acquired the religious belief which "We're having a ball," reported donned their Ii g h t coveralls,
is the basis of your claim, veteran Command Pilot Walter breathing the oxygen in the cabin.
* Have you ever given expres- M. Schirra Jr. as he guided Apollo The trio blasted off from Cape
sion publicly or privately written: through the fir'st of its 11 days Kennedy, Fla., at 11:03 a~m. EDT
or' oral, to the views herein ex- of voyage-163 times around the with their Saturn lB rocket pour-
pressed as the basis for your 'earth. ing out more than a million
claim? He took time out foir a hot cup pounds of blazing fuel.

Ten mtinutes later they cut of f
the lastn of thee eines anid glied
egg-shaped path ranged from 140
to 183 miles above the earth, a
shiade highe than the planned
At 1:45 p.m. the crew of the
Appollo 7, still connected to the
silenced second stage of the
PANAMA (IP)-President Ar-
nulfo Arias took refuge last
night in the U.S.-controlled
Panama Canal Zone after a
National Guard officer declared
ary conto folwing e blo-
I ess coup.
old government was supported
by all the officers and men of

was only the second step in the, unirciigasaeaa rgn

University's four- step procedure.
As for the month delay before
receiving the first notice from
the administration, Reister said
the delay was partly due to diffi-
culty of arranging meetings with
The ri evance itself concerned.
the scheduling of the part-time
student employes and the full-
time workers. The workers want
all the regular workers to work
during the week with the students
taking weekend and evening runs.
William Gordy, the union ste-
ward, claims that both the stu-
dents and the full-time workers
Swant it that way. Reister, how-
ever, challenged that. He said that
not all workers wanted the week-
ends off and that some students
did want to work on week-days.
No student bus drivers were
available for comment last night.
Mnner took great pains yes-
Mida to emphasize that the bus
delay was not aimed at the stu-

CL .1a ± rep1rt Uf arvey sC3 o U1LCe'
As 'the auditor general's office has
announced it will be working "for
some time" on state highwagsy de
County court investigation, it is
suedbefor the elections.1be1-
Black history
Prof. Willie Lee Rose, a his-
torian at the University of Vir-
ginia, will deliver the third lec-
ture in a series on black history
this Monday.
SMrs. Rose, author of "The
I Port Royal Experience," a win-
Sner of the Allen Nevins History
Prize, will speak on "The Slave
Family Two Familie o
None."; - e-r
The lacture is sponsored by
the histor'y department and will
be given at 4:15 p.m. on Mon-
day, Oct. 14 in 170 Physics-

ate approved and~ sent to Presi-
.dent Johnson yesterday a record-
low foreign aid spending bill of
$1.75 billion. It was more than
$1 billion under what he had
termed a "bare bones"' request.
get, smallest in the 21-year history
of the controversial program, was
by voice vote without debate.-
In other Congressional action
yterday the House completed its
the Senate a compromise $71.869
billion bill financing the Defense
The Senate was expected to ap-
proved the measure quickly as
Congress hoped for final adjourn-
mient later in the day.
The House roll-call vote of 213
to 6 was only two more than a
quorum required for action. There
was some doubt that any other
important legislation, including a
resolution for adjournment, could
be approved.


Hatchett described his dismissal
a violation of "every principle
academic freedom and freedom

When' NYU president James
Hester announced Hatchett's dis-
chett had been "ineffective in per
forming his duties (in working)
toward improving race relations

Women1 welcomne living chlanges,
cie food, free dom and fun

among all religious, and ethnic By GEORGE MiLLER A freshman at Markley Hall with the campus seems to be a the national guard.
grups." "Women should have equal feels apartments are the best type sufficient condition. There had been considerable
NYU is a 137-year-old privately rights with men. They shouldn't of living ai'rangement at the Uni- "After one year in a dorm, a tension between President
endowed institution with 42,000 1be forced to live in a dorm their versity. "In an apartment, you're girl is familiar enough with the Arias and the National Guard
students, about 2,000 of them sophomore year." completely free to come and go campus to live In an apartment," since the chief executive order-
black. It has a campus in the This was the common opinion whenever you want," she says. asserts Gayle Dolentz, '71, of ed a sweeping shakeup of of-
Bronx. and another downtown at of a sampling of women dorm' Apartments, as the prime alter- Bursley Hall. ,I ficers who had opposed him in
Washington Square in Greenwich residents yesterday in response to native to dorms, seem to be de- "b h ayeeins
Vilae the imminent abolition of the sirable among many wvomen. "I'd "I .see no difference between teMyeetos
i R~e-dorm residence requirement for like to live in an apartment, It dormitory living and apartment
The buildings seized at dawn sophomore women. provides a more home-like atmos- ivnsnenihrhehur rSaturn iB, Degan the crucial dump
and held until noon were a library The Board of Governors of the phere than a dormitory, but you're visitation restrictions," she points of surplus fuel in the rocket tanks,
and a student center on the Bronx Residence Halls had recommend- still away from home,'" says Cheryl out. This set up the next maneuvers
campus. Several hundred other ed Thursday that the Regents Barkovich, '71, a Newberry resi- Better food, conveniences and to be completed today when Apollo
students demonstrated for Hatch- drop the requirement. .dent. lower' cost were the advantages of 7 attempts to track down the
ett's reinstatement at the Wash- All of the girls questioned ex- jThere .are reasons galore for off-campus living Carol Morgan, 1spent rocket and rendezvous.
ington Square campus, but n 0 pressed approval for the new justifying sophomore women living '71, cites. "I really dislike dorm With the mission just three
buildings were invaded, policy. .out of dorms. Even familiarity food, and I have to stand in line .,,,, ''aiIrro


In the relaxed atmosphere of
a Michigan Union lounge, a
small group of University stu-
N dents talked by a- fireside -
N used presumably for effect -
with their University president
E yesterday.
"Just what is the role of the
President?" asked one student.
'Are our faculty leaving at such
a great rate?" inquired another.
And so on, droning through a
wide range of topics.
President Fleming, with his
easy off-the-cuff style, fielded
all the questions, returning an-
swers that exnlainecd enlihrhten.-

ciined to turning the meeting
into a confrontation. Relaxed,
quiet chatter characterized the
Fleming took great pains, for
example, to explain the work-
ings of the high-level decision-
making process of the Univer-
sity's administration to a stu-
dent who felt the whole opera-
tion was extraneous to her aca-
demic life here. -
"I don't make any decisions
alone," Fleming answered he,
as an authoritarianu prsdent.'"
Fleming described his week-

any questions which they might
have concerning our request."
Scattered in and about the
topic of the President's j o b
came questions on many prob-
lems facing the University which
students were concerned with.
'I have heard the University
is losing faculty at a great rate,"
piped up a voice from the back,
"Is it true?"
"Not much more than we us-
ually lose," was the reassur'ing
answer. "We lose some every
year' for many reasons, as does
every other school."
"Do you think the University
should institute a program for

for it," she says. She lives in Jor-
in an aartment for lessu money0
than in a dorm."
"There are too many people
liig oether in dori t's too
kulle, '72. The Couzens Hall resi-
dent added more strong rationale
for off-campus privileges. "I don't
like dorm life at all."
A junior who lives in Barbour
offered her simple appraisal of the
current sophomores: "Sophomore
girls are mature enough to live
outside of the dorms."
Dormitory food was the prime
factor in a frepshman's opposition
to i'equired dorm residenqe. "I
don't like living in the dorm," said
the Bursley woman simply, "be-
cause the food is crummy."
Most of the housemothers ques-
tioned were not acquainted with
the board's action, but te few
that were reacted favorably.

J. urJ.A 0 ,J'.4 L$L. '. ~ ~ L ',A. y
from the emptied and now safe
seond stgemof the rcket. Ten
ahead, turned and faced the 58-
foot rocket.

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