Fans welcome iger champs By FRED LaBOUR Special to the Daily TIGERTOWN-If you went into Metropoli- tan Airport last night to pick up your grand- mother, you were out of luck. You were out of luck because the airport's run- ways, its entrances, its grassy areas, its fences, its parking lots, and even its adjoining express- way were clogged with thousands of deliriously happy Detroit Tiger fans who turned out to salute their heroes upon a victorious return from St. Louis. Estimates of the size of the screaming, yowl- ing, and partially drunk crowd ranged from one harried policeman who said "under 25,000" to nine-year-old Mike Swan who said matter-of- factly that there were at least "a hundred mil- lion" there. Most estimates centered around 50,000. But the people waited in vain, because after two hours of delay, confusion, and' unchecked ru- mor, the Bengals touched down at Willow Run Airport, miles away from all' but about 2,000 of their supporters. "It's impossible for them to land here," said United Airlines representative Jack Gamble at 7:4.5 when the plane had been originally sched- uled to arrive. "Even ift we managed to somehow clear all of the people off of the runway, there's still tons of debris left out there." The debris consisted of innumerable smashed beer bottles, confetti as far as the eye could see, pennants, and an untold number of signs. The rumor situation quickly got out of hand. and even the airline officials seemed boggled on the question of where the Tigers would land. Windsor was mentioned, along with Flint, Cleve- land, and Toledo, and one official said it "could be anyplace between here and Chicago1 but I assure you; that plane will not land within 100 miles of Detroit." Atthe Flint airport, a thousand fans main- tained a hopeful vigil on the hunch that the Bengals would be routed there. Most of the air traffic that had been regularly scheduled into Metro was rerouted to Toledo be- cause of the mob scene. The focal point for the crowd was around the United Maintenance Terminal where several tele- vision mobile units had been set up. The masses were relatively calm until the camera crews turned on their lights and started broadcasting. This nearly sent the people berserk. "When the red light comes on, jump in front of the camera," screamed one fellow to his girl. "Honey, honey, I'm on TV," said a middle aged pman to his ecstatic wife. "My flash cube, my flash cube, pick- up my flash cube," hollered a cheerleader type, trying to take a picture of the happy crowd. Throughout the entire time the fans were at Metro there was a constant cacaphony of air See FANS, Page 10 Sir ja Daily---Andy sacks The fans event. wid ~!ati PANHEL CLAUSE: Vol. LXXIX, No. 37 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Friday, October 11, 1968 ,Twelve Pages SGC to study sorority..bias asks living end for to mandato sophomores rY ByLESLIE WAYNE Student Government Council last n bership - committee to determine wheth which have not signed Panhel's anti-d are in violation of SGC bylaws for stude If the sororities are shown to discri of race, creed, or national origin in th Miembers, the membership committee w --------1-M--M 64 i n t ight' asked its mem- ter the 16 sororities iscrimination clause nt organizations. iminate on the basis he selection of their will refer the matter tP_ fdit trihunal ; dorm onvIct 9 anti-draft} rotesters BALTIMORE, Md. (A) --A jury found nine Catholics g-uilty yes- 0 The tribunal has the power to nweers ithdraw recognition of the soror- ities as student organizations and to suspend rush privileges, until they conform to SGC bylaws... own OWMike Koeneke, president of SGC, said the motion was "not intended to remove sororities from campus S oVern e t but to finally resolve the question of discrimination." The motion was agreed upon By MICHAEL THORYN following discussion whether SGC Engineering Council voted last should immediately withdraw re- night to "seek to establish itself cognition of the houses which as an independent student gov- have not signed the statement. emiznenit, distinct 'from Student Council member, E. 0. Knowles, GCernment souncil." pointed out that since sorority Governmen C "houses do not comply with all of The Regents, who may consider the requirements of a student or- bylaw changes involving students ganization recognition should be at their meeting next week immediately withdrawn. According must approve the action. Council to SGC's council plan, organiza- passed the motion 14-4. tions can qualify for this status "The motion would have been if only students are allowed to unnecessary," said Chris Bloch, vote and sit on its executive board. 170, executive vice president. "if -.If reciognition is withdrawn, SGC were more concerned with sororities must reapply as a stu- student services." dent-community organization and 1 be subject to all SGC membership "SGC will still speak for engi- requirements. neering students as students at Council member Tom Wester- the University," Bloch added. "The dale added that Council must "as- council will represent engineering certain that the administration student opinion and formulate will not overthrow any possible te'day of three charges in con- nection with seizure and burning! of draft board records. The jury was polled for each of the defendants and after the last, verdict of guilty was pro- Jnounced. somebody in the aud- ience stood up and said: "Members of the jury you have just found Jesus Christ guilty."! Several other persons in the courtroom seconded that state- ment. Chief U.S. District Judge Roszel C. Thomsen, ordered the room cleared. The nine pacifists; two of them priests, were convicted of muti- lating and destroying government, Re gental ai By GEORGI The Board of Governorso recommended that the Regents dence requirement for sophomor If the Regents approve the sophomore women would be a registered apartments with pare fall 1969. The Regents are expected t In explaining the decision; John Feldkamp said "the boa recognize a process of evolution mature now than in previous- years." The decision was also based on a favorable experience with the liberalized policy for junior and senior women, he added. Apartment permission was grant- ed to senior women in 1962 and, junior women in 1965. The resolution passed by the board was introduced by Inter- House Assembly President Jack Associated Press Astronaut Walter Schirra talked with rocket expert Wernher Von Braun prior to preparation for to- day's blast off of the three man Apollo space mission. Lift-off is scheduled for 11 a.m. today. ,,,i rules concerning students within decisions by SGC to ' withdraw! the College of Engineering, recognition of the individual hous- Council member George Marek es. r voted against the motion, asking Ref erring to a 1958 decision by' the council to wait until it was OSA to overturn SC's decision to more representative of the engi- suspend Sigma Kappa, Westerdale of the n said "SGC must be able to bring neering student body. None of the suit against the University in case 35 council members are elected by it attempts a -similar maneuver." a vote of the 4.600 engineering In other action, SGC asked that students. the Friday Regents meetings be Administrative vice pre id ent opened to the students. In taking Charles Kheun, '70E, favored ele- this action,. it affirmed its "inten- vating the council from its status tion to open these meetings if the as a student organization to a ,.Regents have not don-" so them- student government., selves by November. 1968." REPLA CE. Computer to aid4 records, hindering administration - .-- --- - -- Myers, '71. of the Selective Service Act and rr T"There is no difference in the causing injury to'government maturity of sophomore women and ' property. They had pleaded in- sophomore men," Myers told the nocent, F board. - t Judge Thomsen obtained prom- , r"Since sophomores are allowed ises from seven of the defendants, to live outside the residence halls,j that they would not deal in un- ev ein.sororities, they should be ally- lawful activities. The seven will ;ed to live anywhere they choosey be released on bail. outside of the dorms," he con-, The trial which opened Mon- By JILL CRABTREE The issue of selection has been join the RC faculty if such a re- tinued. day brought hundreds of anti- Initial discussions in the Resi- kept separate from that of re- view committee had already been "The experience of freshran 'Vietnam war demonstrators to dential College on the feasibility view powers in these discussions. in operation. living-in is sufficient, and sopho- Baltimore. They have stood vigil Faculty and administrators have Those who oppose a review com- mores do not need more of this} at the courthouse and last night of involving students in the select- generally reacted far more fa- mittee have essentially three ob- experience.". they waited with lighted candles. ing and reviewing of faculty have vorably to student involvement in jection: Of 1,100 sophomore women who7 The nine were accused of burn- prompted adamant, if mixed, re- the selection process. -Students do not have suffi- would receive apartment privileges ing the records with homemade action from faculty and adininis- I Both matters were discussed cient expertise to judge faculty; next year, University officialsex- napalm last May 17 at nearby trators in both the RC and the briefly at Tuesday's..meeting of members on their teaching abil- pect only 418 will leave the dormi- Catonsville. Md. literary college. RC Representative Assembly. At ity. tory system.dd __-_-_-ta ie tdetmmessg -Most faculty would be unwill- However, Feldkamp said he does;l that time, student members sg- ost t l u not think the increase 'in the K Egested a joint committee of st-i submit themselves to s number of students living off BOOKLET dentsbfaultysandddninistra-evaluation dents, faculty, and administra- evalution.;campus will result in an apartment3 tors be formed to hear criticism See DEBATE, Page 8 shortage next year " about faculty memrber's course --In addition, no vacancies in the3 ll conduct and, if necessary, to rec- "* dorms are expected since part of course evaluation end their removal. They also nio its sudane bese asked that students have a voice next fall for remodeling, Edward in identifying LSA faculty they Salowitz, associate director of staff members, hopefully grad- for evaluation of course mater- would like uate students, will open t h e ial, examinations, and teachers. - RC t ehK uecaSS nrsity os explaie The programs with an evaluation of The results will be fed into a would be compensated for in the department using CAE data. University computer, and then Proponents of a tripartite fac- Local 1583 of the American other dorms, he said. Joel Stockwr, '69. the commit- written up in the form of a re- ulty review committee hold that Federation of State, County and "The halls were filled to capa-f te oterco-chairmanmmays port. Material will be gvailable students at present have no way Municipal Employes announced city this year and we had to turn tee's other co-chairman usays by February, in time for next of giving professors "positive last night that they will begin away about 8O0 students," Salowitz commpsentabotprofessorsnd year's pre-registration. feedback" on the effectiveness of leafleting-at the Michigan-Mich- added. "If that situation holds comments about professors and CAE was born a year ago as their teaching technique. igan State football game, the true next year there would cer- "'overview" of the department. the Course Evaluation Booklet Students right now have to go Michigan Union and in downtown tainly be no vacancies." Afterthi'es the paelt Committee, under SGC. Al- to deans or department heads Ann Arbor-as a result of "man- In the discussion preceding the 1 A;terk- te r though the original idea was to when they have criticism of fac-: agement's adamant refusal to ne- vote Prof. Frank Braun. a member' aproval I{ ai chiange E MILLER. of Residence Halls yesterday s abolish the dormitory resi- re women. board's unanimous decision, llowed to live in University- ental permission beginning in to approve the board's action. University Housing Director ard's position,. was that they . Sophomore women are more 011 Postpon action on loanpa WASHINGTON (CPS - The idea that the federal government establish a novel loan program called the Educational Opportun- ity Bank (EOB) is not dead - just dormant until after the No- vember elections. The plan was recommended last September by the President's Pan- el on Educational Innovation. It calls for establishment of a fund from which any student could bor- row money for his education with repayment contingent on future income. The idea met strong opposition from two powerful college associa- tions and got only lukewarm sup- port from federal officials. Proponents of the EOB have been biding their time, not want- ing to spark partisan debate over the controversial idea, and know- ing that working with the lame- duck Johnson Administration would be futile. The total EOB program is' de- signed to make it easier for schools to raise tuition and to provide money for students to attend any college for which they qualify. Wi h students able to borrow all the money they need, colleges and universities would no longer feel obligated to keep charges low, ac- cording to the plan. The most vocal opposition to the plan has come from the National Association of State Universities By DAVID SPURR Next semester some 11,000 students in the literary college will be able to use computer technology in selecting t h e i y courses. A group' of undergraduates, the Committee for Academic Evaluation (CAE), is designing. a streamlined plan, using com- puters, to offer students course quaint himself with a computer- ized evaluation of the course in- volving hundreds i of students' responses to questionnaires. Counselors will also be avail- able in the offices to answer questions concerning distribu- tion and concentration require- ments. CAE hopes to have of- fice space in Angell Hall next semester.