Thursday, October 10, 1968 THE MICHIGAN DAILY P F For Direct Classified Service, Phone 764-O Monday through Friday, 9:30-12:30 ageive ,55'7 FOR RENT 1 BEDROOM sub-lease till summer.' 434?0322, Ann Arbor. C6 NEEDED IMMED.-one mature, young woman to complete 3-man apt. $68/ mo. 5 blocks from campus. 662-2789. 07 FOURTH GIRL wanted for mod. apt. Ideal location. $60/mo. Call 769-1282. Ask for Betty, C3 COMV. ROOM, kitchen, bath: for fem. grad, stud. 1 min. from campus, no lease, not a rooming house, no par- ties. 663-3084. C WANTED-1 male roommate to take over 12 mo. lease. Call 769-0665. C2. FOR RENT WANTED: 1 OR 2 male roommates. Viscount Apts. Call 665-8726. FOURTH WANTED-man, woman or beast-to complete four-man. Immedi- ately. Call 761-0703. CC 2 BDRM LUX. APT. near campus, call 764-3556 12-8 p.m.; after 8, 769-0479. 040 WANTED NONSMOKER female room- mate until Dec.. own bedroom in house, call 769-4024. C4 THE GOOD LIFE For young doctors, nurses, teachers, stewardesses, researchers, profession- al people, and grad students. q Bi-level 4 Dishwasher O 2 baths Air-conditioned * Sound-proof * Professional resident manager Excellent residential, setting adjacent to the main campus. Charter Realty FALL APTS. ON-CAMPUS LOCATIONS FOR 3-5 PEOPLE I &. BDRM. APTS. PRICED FROM $200 CALL Summit Assoc. Open Mono-Sat. -- 9:30-5:60 PERSONAL WANTED--2 MSU-UM football tickets, call Sue, 761-0354. FE DOCTORAL STUDENT wants to meet attractive, affectionate co-ed. Please drop snapshot and phone no., locker A-243, Friese Bldg., first floor. F47 41 YD. LINE seats (2) for State game. Best offer by Wed. 8 p.m. 769-5498 after 4. PC FOUR STARVING SOULS eagerly await the arrival of the infamous BOBBI & her magic cookie sheet. They are also proud to announce the upcoming Gourmet Festival starring Karen. Only time and their stomachs will know the results. P48 IS IT TOUGH being a young student- wife? This survey taker wants to know problems & pleasantries of studying vs. cooking. Info kept anonymous. Call Neila at Correct No.: 761-7666. If out, leave nane, number. FD STROBE LIGHT FOR RENT 761-0195 F11 5201 HAMILTON HOUSE, Bursley. M, IT'S WONDERFUL TO HAVE YOU, BACK. WATCH OUT FOR PEOPLE WITH NAMES LIKE ... PAUL! LOVE R.FD WANTED: 4 Leaf Clover. Call 761-4935. F4 SUPPORT OUR US OLYMPIANS-Give Oct. 9, 10 in the fishbowl and on the diag to Michigan Olympic Committee. FD GIVING AWAY FREE, 2 personable lit- tle tiger cats. May be had as a pair or separately. Call 761-4615. s P HAPPY BIRTHDAY FAT VIRGIN HEATHER Love, Alfred, P44 LET'S HAVE Red Skelton after the State Game. -Stulents Demanding Skelton. FE HURRAH! Susan Davis's name will now be officially changed to Susan Davis Amos! The first of our flock to go, all our love and best wishes, No. 12.1 FD FOOSBALL CENTER (table soccer) read, enjoy, the Gargoyle. On next Wednesday. sale F33 1335 S. University' Resident Manager PERSONAL 665-8825 665-0432 STATE GAME TICKETS needed. Call 769-2435. F30 KOREAN KARATE (Tae Kwan Do) Ann Arbor Gymkhana, 662-9200. F14 SAUNA? Ask about our private rooms. AA Gymkhana, 662-9200. P25 GARGOYLE organizational and sales meeting. All new, old and interested staff. Wed., Oct. 2, at 7:30 p.m. in office, 420 Maynard. F TV RENTALS $10.00 per month. FREE Service and delivery. Call NEJAC TV Rentals, .662-5671 today. F39 1967 FORD ANGLIA.. Must be sold. 30 miles per gallon; 6500 miles; $900 or best offer; phone 665-8163. PC INHY MESS with erasing carbon cop- ies? Why ruin your papers with smudges Why not? Because you can now Xerox your original at only 8c WANTED-Male Roommate for 2-man apt. 8 mo. lease. Call 663-0120 or 761-7697. P40 H. HESSE, GJELSNESS, BLOCK * * * OVERFLOW Magazine. Coming soon. F1 ALTO RECORDER. Would like to join a group. Marjie Smith, 668-8239. F36 STROBE LIGHT FOR RENT 761-0195 F11 DON'T LEND HIM YOUR NOTES; he might lose the whole set. Xerox them instead, and save hours and hours of copying by hand. Only 8c per page. Two locations: 211 State St., 769-4252, and 1217 S. University, 769- 0560. F17 LAMBDA CHI ALPHA took the best pledge class on campus. F, WAKE-UP SERVICE-Have your phone ring at any designated time day or night-LOW RATES. DON'T BE LATE FOR C2LASS OR WORK - AGAIN. TELEPHONE ANSWERING SERVICE, 665-8871 (24 hours).' BLOOD DONORS URGENTLY NEEDED ; $7.50 Rh positive. $10 and $12 Rh negative. Mon., Tues., Thurs., Fri., 9-4; Wed., 1-7. 18-21 years old need parent's permission. 483-1894 404 W. Michigan, Ypsilanti Michigan Community Blood Center FOR SALE 761-8055 042 2 BEDROOM, 2 MAN Modern apt. on campus, With all the inquiries. From $200 per month. Call Summit Associates at 761-8055. C18 WANTED: 3rd man to occupy 2 bdrm. mod, apt w air cond, parking, gar- bage disp. Avail. immed. 665-9344 or 761-9380. 031 GRAND OPENING, Of ARBOR MANOR TOWNHOUSES A fine new cooperative community. Graciots hillside living--just 10 minutes from Ann Arbor. Own your own 1. 2, or 3 bedlroom home. Both 1 and 1% bath units including custom crafted Hotpoint appliances. from $97 per month, including all utilities except electricity. Total lawn and garden care, snow removal, trash removal, and all exterior painting included in monthly charge. Throw away your rent receipts and come to Arbor Manor today. Build an equity in a home of your own. Drive south on Carpenter Rd., turn left on Michigan Ave. Continue 1% miles to Second Ave., turn right 1 block to furnished models. Open daily and Sunday from noon till,8, Saturday, noon till 5, closed Thursday. For further information call FCH Services, Inc. 483-7562 C29 GARAGES TO RENT. May be locked. Lease. 723 Packard near State. C49 1-MAN APT, close to campus. Packard and State area. $120 inc. utilities. Lease to April or Aug. 662-6289 after 6. 046 MED. AND LAW STUDENT need room- mate for 2-bedroom 3-man apt. 761- 6872. C4 Parking Garage or parking lot. Reasonable rates. Call Charter Realty. 665-0154. C31 NEAR HOSPITAL Beautiful 2 bdrm., bi-level apt. for 2 to 5 people. Call 665-0154. 014 8 MO. LEASE: Need 1 girl, $65. 665- 5550. C18 ROOMMATES Call Charter Realty at 665-8825. C16 SUSAN B.-Plan B., the Fall, Bob, Spare T., Wallet, No Rays, Supper, O. J., Cocktail Party, 2 alternatives, Liggett, La Dolce Vital Lux, K.K. DZ NIKKORMAT FP with Nikon 50mm. F2 lens--$130. Mamiyaflex, with 80mm lens (C-3)-$120. Call Larry-665-7286. DB PERSONAL SHALOM--If you are a male grad stu- dent with a sense of humor call: 761-4251. FF I HAVE 2 $12 tickets for the auto race in Irish Hills on Oct. 13 that I will trade for 2 good tickets to the UM/ MSU game. Call Detroit, WO 3-1300, or 568-9053, evenings. F8 STEPHAN:' Arrived home Sun. All well. Phone us. Ida & Abe Levitt. F7 TWIGGY, are you gonna play ball? ? Dave. 421-1806. F43 THE MYTHOLOGY OF HUMANE SOCIALISM DR. STEFAN T. POSSONYl 3-A Union, Oct. 12, 8:00 p.m. Sponsored by the Society of Classical Liberalism F6 THE THEOSOPHICAL SOCIETY of Ann Arbor presents Miss Winifred Wylie in a talk, "The Worlds We Live In." Discussion will follow. Friday, Oct. 11 at 8:30 p.m. in Ann, Arbor Public Library conference room (basement). F5 DESIRE ESCORT to take attractive blond roller skating. Call Sherri, 761- 4615. FF SDT OPEN HOUSE Sat., Oct. 12, 4-6 Featuring "The Fox" 1405 Hill St. F10 HELP WANTED BE IN THE HEART of India, Pakistan, or exotic SE. Asia without leaving AA & giving up studies. The Center for S & SE Asian Studies needs part- time secretarial assistance; flexible sched., variable hours, varied & excit- ing work. Apply in person to room 130, Lane Hall. H38 MALE OR FEMALE, occasional daytime babysitter-teacher for lovable hyper- active brain-injured -412 yr. old girl. Prefer someone in physical therapy, education, nursing, or with special interest in a child like this. $1.50/hr. Please call 665-6853. H10 DELIVERY BOYS wanted. Full-time or part-time. Good driving records re- quired. Starting $2/hr. Apply in per- son. Omega Pizza. GOOD FOOD FREE OF CHARGE. The new Phi Epsilon Pi Management in- vites all those sick and tired dining adventurers to file up for a free great meal 6 days/wk. Lunch or dinner. Sound familiar? You're right, we need some waiters. Inquire as soon as possible. Good opportpnity limited. Call 761-3187 and ask for RICK. H12 $3-PLUS WILL BE PAID to a small number of male seniors and male grad students willing to participate in an experi- ment on Decision-Making. There will be 8 sessions varying between 1 and 2 hours. There will be about 3 hours of work at home. ='this exper. will be runkthough thishsemester. Only those who will be able to stick with it need apply. Subjects will be select- ed after the 1st session. People not selected will be paid for their time at $2/hr. For additional info. call 764-9444 on Wed., Thurs., & Fri. be- tween 9 - 5 p.m. ' H13 ADVENTUROUS MUSICAL Female needed for jug band. Call 769-3047. H14 HOLIDAY MAGIC loves ya. 1819~Inc.~ 208 E. Washington, 769-5288. H9' WAITRESSES, fantastic working condi- tions, lovable boss, wages beyond be- lief. Call Fat Bob, 662-2545. H7 FRATERNITY KITCHEN has openings for lunch and dinner jobs. 761-5853, ask for Bob. H8 FREE DINNER to student girl who loves to cook my dinners. Call Mrs. Mole, NO 2-9541 10 a.m.-6 p.m. H44 MARRIED COUPLE to manage student rooming and apt, houses. Must be available thru April 1970. Over 21. Write: Mr. Rome, 2654 Raphael Rd., E. Lansing, Michigan 48823. H46 TYPIST to type via dictation at my apt. 662-1058, 10:30-12:30 P.M. H34 STUDENT WITH INITIATIVE and transportation needed for part-time sales work. Flexible hours. Interesting . work. Call 313-498-2618 for interview.. Hil WANTED TO RENT .x COUPLE WANTS to sublet apt. Dec.- Aug., campus location preferred. Call Julie, 769-2836. L3 STUDENT desperately needs room! Lo- cation not important. Tom, 662-7040. E BIKES AND SCOOTERS S90 $175. Good condition. 663-0685. Z8 '67 HONDA 450/runs, But needs some engine work. Will negotiate. 662-0453. Z44 '65 BMW R50 Excellent condition. Call 769-4928..Z42 1965 TRIUMPH TR-6, $350, needs en- gine work. Good deal-especially for mechanics, Phone 769-3021. Must sell. Z43 BSA 1966. Runs good, needs work. 665- 4373, after 6 p.m. Z40 1967 OSSA 175 c.c. excellent cond. Hel- met extra, handbars included, 761- 8309. Z38 HONDA 305, 4000 mi.. custom work extras, helmet $410. Call Steve, 761- 6327. Z21 .FLAWLESS R-69 BMW, thoroughly restored 1960, must sell, 662-5912. Z20 1965 HONDA 160. Must sell. Best offer. excellent cond. 761-3077. Z34 '67 HONDA 450, 5200 mi. Good cond. Must sell, $590 or best offer. 662-0453. Z30 1966 YAMAHA Twin 100; excellent cond. Less than 2400 mi. Must sell. $225 or lest offer. 662-1101. Z31 HOT THROBBING 1966 Yamaha 250, $375, Call Rick, 761-1237. Z32 '67 HONDA 305 SCRAMBLER, chrome fenders, 3783 mi., Good cond. $495. Call 665-5297' after five. Z37 HONDA 50, 1966 white, inc. helmet. 769-3049. Z36' 1966 SUZUKI 150, good cond., $250. 1968 Honda 90, like new, $275. Call 769- 0046. Z35 1967 HONDA 160, ex. cond., call Jeff at 769-3342. Z24 HONDA 50-C -100, 1967, good cond. Call 662-6930. Z7 HONDA 305 SUPERHAWK, 1965, Very good condition. Ask foi Mark. 761- 5020. Z3 SUZUKI '66 250cc X6 Hustler. Extras. $350. 6-9 p.m. 662-4274. Z33 1968 BSA 441 Shooting Star. Perfect: cond., 3000 mi. 663-3856. Z8 1965 HONDA 50 cc plus 2 helmets, good cond. Call 761,~3883. Z49 1966 HONDA Super Hawk, exc. cond. $425 w/helmets. Dave-665-9741, ext. 368. Evenings call Bart, 1-227-3540. WANTED TO BUY FOUR MICH-MSU tickets, top price1 paid. Call 769-2524 or 761-9813. K41 WANTED: 2 TICKETS for State game. 971-1934 after 5. , K42 TWO SEASON football tickets, 40 yd. line. Call Jan at 663-0055 after 7. K381 WANTED: 4 tickets to State game, top price paid. Call Dick, 764-P947. K40 BUSINESS SERVICES PROFESSIONAL TYPING done prompt- ly and accurately at reasonable rates. Call 434-1121 after 12 noon. J37 25 YEAR OLD GIRL would like job as housecleaner, preferably for middle- aged man. R71-4756, mornings. J36 TYPING DONE in my home. Manu- scripts, papers, etc. 663-7894. J35 TYPING DONE. Call 663-9118. J33 THESES AND TERM PAPERS typed in my home. 769-5441. J27 PAPERS, ESSAYS, hFPORTS, THESES- Perfect copies now only 7c on over- night service. Use correct-o-tape or unlimited erasures on your original and yet be assured of copies that even look better than the original from the new Xerox duplicator. We supply '20 wgt. copy paper free. On request we supply 20 wgt. copy pa- per free. Overnight service only 7c per page (stored in office safe for com- plete safety of documents). Immedi- aet service during business rours only 8c per page. Two locations: 211 State St., 769-4252 and 1217 S. University, 769-0560. JJ MUSICAL MDSE., RADIOS, REPAIRS LUDWIG DRUMS; never used; best of- fer. 662-0185. X40 HERB DAVID GUITAR STUDIO Electrical-acoustical instruments, repairs, lessons. 209 S. State, 665-8001. 10 a.m.-7 p.m. X TWO AR 3a's speakers in walnut. 2 Mo. old, like new. W illdiscuss price. '763-2616, after 5 or weekends. X39 VOICE OP MUSIC Stereo, 1 yr. old. $65. 665-8163. X37 BABY GRAND, beautiful tone. Paid $800 3 months ago. Will accept $600 or best offer. Call Bob, 764-7128 or 483-9669 after 5. X3$ STRING BASS, full size, wood, flat back. 662-5946 after 6 p .X35 TRANSPORTATION DRIVING TO MINNESOTA this week, Room for one girl, new convertible. 426-3662. G3 PETS AND SUPPLIES FLUFFY, gold & white kittens need homes, 6 weeks old, litter-trained, 761-9526, eves, or 761-6245, days. T24 LOST AND FOUND IF YOU'VE lost car keys in the Arb, call Winter, 663-4086 and identify. AE FOUND: 1 large tiger cat, male, very friendly. 1022 S. Forest, Apt. 6 or call 764-8831 after 6. A20 LOST: Large Campus Mail Envelope containing papers and letters. Phone ogy, 221 Angell Hall. REWARD. A21 LOST: Men's glasses, Stadium vicinity, Oct. 5. Reward. 971-5204. AA18 FOUND IN Mich. Stadium last Sat. Kodak Instamatic Camera-Sec. 30, row 87, seat 23. Call 764-5076 eve- nings. A19 USED CARS '59 MGA, rebuilt engine, $425. Call Bob, 665-6665 after 6:30. N15 FOR SALE: 1967 Ford Bronco, 4-sp., 289 V-8, 30,000 mi. 665-7849 after 7. N14 THE PERFECT CAR 1963 Rambler 4-door, radio, heater, new tires, body & engine like-new cond. Has' had only one Northern winter. 761-6336 any time. N13 -1963 CHEV. stick 6, overdrive, mech. sound, reasonable. 769-4849. Nil 1966 SUNBEAM Alpine w/wire wheels and radials. Dk. blue body in great shape. Engine runs very well. Call 971-3705 after 6:30 p.m. N12 1967 MUSTANG CONV., black on yellow, 289. 3-speed, stereo tape unit & tapes. Call Ken after 6 P.M. at 971-3708. N9 1962 FORD FALCON. 6 cyl., 200 cu. in., radio & heater, good economy car, fair condition, $150. Call '63-2851 aft- er 7 p.m. N40 1937 AUSTIN 7, 45,000 mi., runs per- fectly, beautiful condition. 665-5522. N31 '63 MGB, black with red roof, new ton- neau cover and snow tires, motor and trans. newly overhauled. 769-3364. N8 1966 MUSTANG, air cond., stereo tape, radio, 4 barreled carb,, 289 cc, V8, auto trans., tinted glass, black vinyl top, mag wheels, wood steering wheel. Call 769-5669 after 5. N47 Z28 CAMARO 761-9730 N33 RAMBLER '62. $295. 763-4749. N26 '65 MG 1100 Sesan. uMst sell. $500 or best offer. 665-6051. I VW '63, well preservyd, call Dan, 761- 5020. 49 MISCELLANEOUS WANTED DESPERATELY, access to tape of Sandpiper ,"Tuesday After- noon" from Bob Hope Concert. Call 764-J1669. M21 SHADY TRAILS #IDING STABLE, Rid- ,ing daily. Group rides and hayrides at cookout. Also sleigh rides. 12655 Plank Rd., Milan, Mich. 432-4143. M19 HEALTH FOODS AND DIET FOODS. ,5231 N. Ashley. 10 a.m.-6 p.m. (except Sun). NO 2-9541. . M1 ATTRACTIVE 25 yr. old girl with Mas- ter's degree wants to meet young man w. comparable education. Call Karon, between 4-8 p.m. at 662-7701. M18 Z38 PARKING BY SEMESTER, near S. Univ. & Forest. Area paved. $10/mo. Phone 662 2557. M12 Join The Dail y Sports Staff Now Open 6-12 P.M. 203 East Ann All Students Welcome! F42 A NEW KIND OF DATING SERVICE The Interpersonal Dating Service. No Computerization, No imperson- alization, Personal telephone inter- views with trained psychology per- sonnel, data sheet for each of your dates, complete with a picture of each of your dates. Call 665-6614 Mon.-Fri. 4 p.m.-6 p.m., 7 p.m.-9 p.m F41 IF EVERYTHING is predestined and -controlled by fate; why worry at all? --The Gestalt F36 SO FUNNY, we had to call it obnoxious. Gargoyle. Retyrn to the Womb Issue. On sale Oct. 9. P32 DO YOU KNOW 101 alternate uses for the umbilical chord? We do. Buy, FUNNY, HA-HA. Roar. Groan, What can it be? Must be the Gargoyle. On sale Wednesday, Oct. 9. F31 '66 AUSTIN-HEALY 3000, good cond., $1995. Call 761-4784 by 1Sat. B23 FOOTBALL TICKETS-entire group or individually. Call 665-7286. B22 FANTASTIC GIRLS' racer bike, 28", 3-speed. Exc. cond. Call Donna at 764-0803. BB HAVE 4 TICKETS TO MSU/UM game, 3 on 50-yd. line. 769-3432. B24 SKIS - 6'1" Yamaha, boots - 7, Henke, bindings - Nevada toe, Triola heel, poles. Priced to sell. Call 761- 1391 after 6:30. B20 2 WHEEL UTILITY trailer, springs, lights, side racks, $140. 426-3662. B21 41 YR. LINE seats (2) for State game. Best offer by Wed. 8 p.m. 769-5498 after 4. BC FOR SALE or TRADE for a guitar, Magnavox portable cassette tape re- corder, and tapes. Call Marc, 769-4424. B19 TO SELL-girl's black leather pants- suit, hand-tailored in Barcelona. Call Paula, 761-8032. B15 THE BLACK EXPLOSION and SOCIALIST .REVOLUTION PAUL BOTELLE, Vice-Presidential Candidate of Socialist Workers Party -a militant black nationalist --outspoken revolutionary socialist --organizer of Harlem Freedom Now Party in 1964 Speaking on the relation of the black liberation movement to thestruggle for socialism TONIGHT: 8 P.M.-Multipurpose Room, VGLI Open to a Young Socialist Audience C45 BARGAIN CORNER' ARTS & CRAFTS SALE, rec. room, Country Estates Trailer Park, 58220 8-mile Rd., Northville, Mich., Fri. & Sat., 9 a.m.-5:30 p.m., Sun.-1 p.m.- 5:30 p.m. W3 Sam's .Store LEVI'S Galore For Gals and Guys! LEVI DENIMS: Button Fly .. . . . $ 5.29 (Guaranteed to Shrink) NEED ONE TICKET to Michigan-Mich- igan State Game. Call 761-9593. FE UTOPIA IS.. Bill Cosby FC PROTEST RUSSIAN ANTI-SEITISM AT HILLEL (1429 Hill St.) S DAY AT NOON. P12 Nuts and Berries, Pitchers of Brew, She'll stay drunk Till she's twenty-two! BURMA SHAVE Bears' Bell Friday Fit REPUBLICANS AND DEMOCRATS: We have a platform you can read and understand. Write for free copy-no obligation.The Universal Party, P.O. Box 516, Berkeley, California 94701. F13 PERSON NEEDED to drive car to one of several points out East. For fur- ther details call Dan, 761-3293. FF INTERESTING GRAD STUDENT wishes to meet cute Jewish senior or grad. 761-3801 or box 1. P37 LEARN the facts before you buy-there is more to a diamond than meets the eye. Austin Diamond, 1209 5. Uni- versity, 663-7151. F28 Super Slims . ..,.. Pre-Shrunk Dungare's ...... Now Levi Denims for Gals-........ LEVI'S STA PREST: "White" Levi's (5 Colors) Nuvo Hopsack "Stitches"...... $5.50 $5.79 $6.00 $6.98 $8.00 $6.98 $6.98 S-T-R-E-T-C-H . . . . "White" Levi's . . . . $4.98 (5 Colors) I BLUE vs Moo * MIXER Friday, October 11 8:30-12:00 t 100% LAMBS WOOL SWEATERS-V or Crew Neck-$4.95 i