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October 10, 1968 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1968-10-10

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See editorial page



Windy and cooler,
showers ending by afternoon

. _..


Vol. LXXIX, No. 36;

Ann Arbor, Michigan-Thursday, October 10, 1968

Ten Cents

Tn Paes

.. ,e C

,T ,1 4 nr p'

County dept.


The $91,000 fund set up Sept.
ji0 to clothe 1,300 county children
for school has been depleted.
As a result, the Social Services
Department announced yesterday
that unmet declared needs of $36,-
566.83 can not be supplied by the
On Sept. 10, after several days
gf demonstrations and mass ar-
rests, the County Board of Super-
visors, Social Services' Board and
a contingent of county welfare
rMothers receiving Aid to Depend-
ent Children (ADC) monies agreed
to, a total allocation for the emer-;
gency of $91,000.


fund depleted






., I


Eyewitnesses of violence at the
Democratic National Conventior
in Chicago are being sought in
Ann Arbor and throughout the na-
tion by the National Comnissior
on Causes and Prevention of Vio-
1lence in America.
The ldcal offshoot of the com-
mission has begun collecting ac-
counts of police-demonstrator-
media confrontations "too get a
factual reconstruction" of t h e
evenits in Chicago.
With the cooperation of t h e
maw School, John Pfarr, '70L, is
administering the eight-page writ-
ten questionnaire, sketched bythe
national commission and distribut-
ed nationally at various centers.
Tjrustee asks
i VeS h g1bu


The sum was to be appropriated mainder of the original sum, Brose
on the basis of need, not exceed- said, will be given on the basis
ing $70 per child up until Oct. 9, )f need to ADC families who have
after which mothers declaring been added to the 'public assistance
needs greater than $70 per child rolls since Sept..10.
would be paid on a pro-rated basis
with the remainder of the $91,000. day the County Board ofngSuer-
According to Alfred Brose, the visors failed in several attempts to
Social Services Director, a total pass resolutions delineating' t h eI
of $16,559.48 was requested by responsibilities of the Supervisors
468 of the 474 eligible families, should such an incident occur
More -than 1.,300 children received again.
money, but oily 123 of them re-
quested less than the maximum1 Supervisor Fred Lnde (R-Ypsi-
of $70. lanti), chairman of the Ways and
Brose said the Social Services Means Committee of the board,
Department issued total clothing managed to get enough support to'
vouchers of $90,054.15. The re- defeat a resolution asking a "re-
_view of the total public assist-
ance program . . so that emer-
gencies of this kind should never
Mm . rO 'J occur again."
Lunde has consistently main-i
es.tained that an emergency_ as
]'( ', claimed by the ' mothers never
vio len ce existed. He apposed the terms of
the Sept. 10 settlement and at one
Pfarr, who has been interview- i point marched in a counter-de-
ing people at the Lawyers Club for monstration.
the past two evenings, insists all At the meeting Lunde voiced his
information is "given voluntarily strong opposition "on the grounds
and is absolutely essential." that the ADC mothers won by the
However, the Ann Arbor Anti- tactic of disorganizing this coun-
War Mobilization, an affiliate of ty board."
the National Mobilization to Ends
-the War in Vietnam, "strongly In a I~rinted statement circulat-
tresWarny ietnamwstronChicgy ; ed by Supervisors Beat F. Nielson
urges anyone who was ilk Chicago ' (R-Ann Arbor), Richard Walter-
from Aug. 26-20 to refuse to di- house (R-Ann Arbor) and Mildred
vulge any.information, including Harris (R-Ypsilant)d,, the super-
names, to the Chicago study team
of the national commission." visors asked the University "to
"We feel," the mobilization take a hard look" at the methods
steering committee statement can- of teaching in the School of Social
tinues, "any information may pos- Work. The statement indicated
sibly be used to prejudice t h e that a number of social work stu-
cases of the over 600 demonstrat-, dents assisted themothers during
ors arrested during the conven- the demonstrations and negotia-
tion." bns-,

Associationi shelves
Black sororities Alpha Kappa Alpha and Delta Sigma
Theta withdrew from Panhellenic Association at their meet-
ing last, night.
Citing "weak Membership Committee Report recom-
mendations, and the possibility of continued use of discrim-
inatory mechanisms to' rush," the two houses walked out of
the meeting when discussion on a proposed amendment to
drop rushing privileges immediately for 16 houses bogged
down. The 16 houses concerned have not szgned and returned
a statement saying that they- - --

--Associated Press
1T 01
Tiger victorysetss

do not use a system of binding
alumni recommendations in
pledging new members.
1,300 signatures were collected
on the Diag and in women's resi-
dence halls yesterday by Colleg-
iate Sorosis and Delta Sigma
Theta in support of the proposed
The Membership Committee Re-,
port recommends that the houses
oe allowed to -rush this year, but1
if use of binding recommendations
is not elininated by 1970, rushing
privileges will be withheld be-
ginning that year. The Report also
recommends that the 16 houses be
fined $100 immediately, the max-
imum allowed under Panhel's con-
A motion was passed to suspend
the rules and table all proposals
and the report itself until n e x t
week's meeting, postponing debate
on the topic.
"If Panhellenic wants to be

Dave Gordon, Grad, warned "Obviou
students that they "could be sub- students, t
poened" because of their response tion ofg
t. questionnaires, or even because and the n
they came to be interviewed." "All tax monie
they have to do is have someone the statem
there to take your picture." he The sta
said. that the ci
Pf a
Pfarr insisted that the question- manent t
naires would be kept confidential, moieng i

diua~LLe s uenTs names
LANSING 01") - Ion Stevens, would be disassociated from t h e
Chairnian of the Michigan S t a t e questionnaires. He said the single
University Board of Trustees, has page of volu tary personal back-
asked 'Atty. Gen. Frank Kelley to ground information does go in
rule if there is a possible conflict with the questionnaires to Chicago
of interest involving Trustee Ken- where they will be analyzed.
neth Thompson and Philip May, By national order, Pfarr was not
SU vice president for business allowed to divulge any informa-
d finance. tion about the progress of the
Thompson, an executive of investigation. He did say, however,
Michigan Bell Telephone Co., Ste- that he was "pleased with the re-
vens aid, has for some time oc- sponse to the campaign so far."
cupied space rented for him by The interviewing, according to
Michigan Bell in a building oc- Pfarr, will continus as long as per-
cupied by International Business sons'continue to volunteer inform-
Machines near the MSU campus. ation:
Michigan Bell does extensive', Delving into three major areas,
business with the university, Ste- the questionnaire asks about:
vens said. "Incidents of provocation by
At the time of the rental trans- police or other law. enforcement
action, Stevens said, the building personnel by demonstrators, in-
was owned in part by Mrs. May. eluding (if any) assaults, throw-
Thompson, Stevens said, cast a ing of missiles of any type and in-
deciding vote in a meeting of the suiting language."
0oard of Trustees that prevented "Incidents of violence by the
the removal of May from his post police involving demonstrators or
as vice president for business and bystanders.",
finance. "Incidents of violence by police
May has said his family has since involving representatives of t h e
divested itself of its holdings in media."j
the building. Stevens asked Kelley In addition, Pfarr asked e a c h}
to rule if the arrangement con- witness to make a concise state-
*tituted a conflict of interest 1in- ment concerning the general be-.
volving either Thompson or May. havior of the police and one stat-j
In another development, State ing whether or not the demon-
Treasurer Allison Green defended strators provoked the police into
a pension fund loan to an apart- any acts they might have commit-
ment project partially owned by ted.
May's attorney, Leland Carr. The The commission is also interest-
defense came in a report to Gov. ed in whether or not the bystand-
Romney.. Carr is also attorney for ers of the demonstrations w e r e
MSU. ' treated fairly.

and asked
for advice
Jbe, we, as a
to the boa
as being d
regular cot
rupted by
our obligat
the report
There w
on it.
Th C "

sly very exciting to the
but uncalled for disrup-
governmental functions:
needless expwnditures of
s cannot be tolerated,"
Lent said. ST. LOUIS 0PA--"There's going,
atement also suggested to be a big victory dinner in De-
ircuit judges make per- troit Friday."
heir order prohibiting, Mayo Smith, the smiling man-
in the County building ager of the Detroit Tigers,
the county prosecutor couldn't help but sound confident
on handling these situ- after his men 'routed St. Louis:
13-1 yesterday. The victory
ver our procedure 'may squared the World Series at three
a committee, recommend wins apiece and sent Mickey Lo-'
rd thatwe go on record lich against Cardinal pitchingj
determined not to allow star Bob Gibson today in the de-
runty business to be dis- ciding game.. -
pressure groups. This isI Jim Northrup's grand slamho-
Ltion to the citizens and JmNrhu' rn lmh-
of Washtenaw County," mer off relief pitcher Larry Jas-
stated.nter was the big blow in the third
sate, dwhen the Tigers sent 15 men to
das no discussion of the the platedagainst loser Ray Wash-
and no action was taken burn and three others.
It unctha biraf qiic n

enth game duel Thursday with
left-handed Mickey Lolich. also a
two-time Series winner.
Morning showers delayed the
start for 10 minutes and umbrel-'
las sprouted in the crowd of 54,-
692 at Busch Stadium as the rain
resumed in the last of the sev-
enth inning. The lights were.
turned on all during the dark,
cloudy afternoon. Play was held!
up for 49 minutes by rain in the'
last of the eighth.
By the time the ;game was re-
sumed only a handful of fans re-

The Series thus followed the a lily-white organization," said
same pattern as 1967 when the Carol Goings, president of Delta
Cards opened up a 3-1 edge on Sigma Theta, "they shall do so
Boston only to drop two in a row without the help of Delta Sigma
before Gibson bested Jim Lopberg Theta or Alpha Kappa Alpha."
in the final. The only teams to1 With the uithdrm o f ha+xe

ch Gibson finale

apt rihts
Sophomore women may be
freed from the dormitory resi-
dence requirement today as the
Board of Governors of the Resi-
dence Halls meets to act on the
Approval, followed by similar
action by the Regents, would per-
mit sophomore women to live in
non-University housing beginning
next fall, if they so desired.
The board's two voting stu-
dent members are expected to
vote in favor of eliminating the
requirement. At least three facul-
ty members have expressed no
strong objection to the proposal,
but two of these were quick to
add that they want to evaluate
the ideas to be brought forth at
today's meeting before making a
Jack Myers, president of Inter-
House Assembly and a member of
the board, has said that he will
re-introduce the motion, post-
poned from last month's meeting,
IHA formally' recommended
that the requirement be abolish-
ed two Weeks ago.
Myers seeks favorable action by
the board because he believes
that "sophomore women deserve,
the apartment privileges that so-
phomore men have had'for years.
It's part of a natural progression
of steps."
Senior women were granted
permission to live outside of the
dorms in the fall of 1962, and
junior women could do so begin-
ning in the fall of 1965. Men
have always had such freedom,
Myers believes.

1 .

mained in the rain-soaked stands.
Some press box wags thought it
should have been declared a TKO,
as soon as it became legal to

III 1 . iS1111d"1". . y 1 1C 4ij UUl 4 V
come back from 3-1 deficits were
the Boston Red Sox in a best-of-
9 set in 1903, the Pittsburgh
Pirates in 1925 and the New York
Yankees in 1958.
Once again Gibson, who last
worked Sunday in the rain de-
layed game at Detroit, will have
three days' rest while his oppo-
nent. Lolich. will have had only
two days to recover from Mon-
day's winning effort.
It was apparent early that this
See POW . . . , Page 9
tes trend

nt OK's


it wasieoiggest zeries in- save the battered Cards' from ab-
ning since Hack Wilson mis- sorbing further punishment.
judged a fly ball at Philadelphia --- - -------- ___ _
in 1929 and opened the gates for
10 runs by the Philadelphia A's
against the Chicago Cubs. The
A's, trailing $-0 at the time. also }

win tine winarawai of ti e two
houses, there are now no black
women in any sorority belonging
to Panhel.
Student Government Council of-
ficials said last evening that if
Panhel is unable to take conclusive
and sufficiently strong action to
censure the 16 houses at their
meeting next week that SGC's
Membership Committee may step
in to investigate.
The 16 houses affected are: Al-
pha Chi Omega, Alpha Delta Pi,
Alpha Epsilon Phi, Alpha Gamma
Delta, Alpha 'Phi, Alpha Xi Delta,
'Chi Omega, Delta Delta Delta,
Delta Gamma, Gamma Phi Beta,
Kappa Kappa Gamma, Kappa Al-
pha Theta, Kappa Delta, Pi Beta
Phi, Sigma Kappa and Zeta Tau
Alpha Kappa Alpha and Delta
Sigma Theta issued a statement
following their walkout saying,
"Our position is self-evident.
There exists in Panhel a mechan-
ism for discrimination, that of
binding alumni 'recommendations.
"All women of Panhel are aware
of this mechanism and they refuse
See BLACK, Page 10


sent 15 men to bat.
The final score didn't quite



LSA to adoto

Ue u un y A.JUsoaru o zupervis- match the New York Yankees'1L V V II. 1 n L LL1L( 1 1 L i
ors adopted a 1969 budget of $7,- 18-4 rout of the New York Giants
114,373 at their meeting yesterday. in 1936. From Wire Service Reports -An overwhelming majority of
This represents a 19 per cent in- Julian Javier's single with two -oac m erw ant underity -
crease over 1968. out and two on in the ninth administrators and faculty has uate cumriculums drastically re-
The full 5.5 mills property tax saved the Cards from. suffering uncovered widespread agreement vised. Only 10 per cent see this asI
will be levied county residents for the most lopsided shutout in Se- that students 'hould and will be, undesirable;
the first time. In 1968 a record ries history, given a say in academic decision- -More than half the adminis-
levy of 5.42 mills was imposed on Denny McLain, second choice to making. trators and faculty polled feel the
county residents.,1 injured Earl Wilson in Manager' Undertaken by the American average total cost to the student
: The budget includes a 61, per, Mayo Smith's pre-game opinion, Council on Education, the poll of his college education will doubie
cent salary increase for most em- made up for two ' earlier defeats shows administrators and faculty in the next ten years. This assumes
ployes and a sheriff's department by Bob Gibson as he came back in overwhelming agreement that no increase in the rate of infla-
budget near $1.000,000 - the larg- strong with a cortisone shot eas- students should sit "as voting tion.
est single departmental allocation. ing his aching right shoulder. members on most important aca- Trustees and students were also
Appropriations were increased in The Tigers' victory once again demic committees on the typical polled but only a small percentage
all but two departments: social puts it squarely up to Gibson, campus." responded. However, John Caffrey,
services and recreation, the Cards' strikeout ace, in a sev- The report also shows agree- a director of the report, was able
ment that the gradual substitution3 to conclude that "faculty and stu-
of responsibility for self-regula- dents are in greater agreement
S IRF M tion instead of in loco parentis with each other than either is with
as a basis for codes of non-aca- trustees."
demic student conduct' seems-- --- E
en department Iv of facultyPhilo dept.
ien d parten Iand administrators diverged when,
asked whether this movement was
artment "would first no faculty of its own, to 'borrow' faculty desiraelt tho thaitwn aoutbo holds fru
a set of open course from departments and either augment a only one of four administrators
d allow the initiation man's salary or else reimburse his depart- agreed with them. Approximately 65 philosophy
not fall under any ment for his decreased commitment to There is also agreement that students and faculty partici-
t's jurisdiction. them." students will use more "direct- pated yesterday in an informal
that such a loosely- The "course mart" is envisioned as "a action methods to demand changes forum on student involvement in
vill solve the problem curriculum stock market." In practice, it in higher education." Again, how- departmental policy making.
mental demarcations. would probably be a bulletin board where ever, there was disagreement con- The ad-hoc body discussed a
who wished to study course ideas could be posted to be seen by cerning the desirability of such wide variety of issues-including
ultural movement and all interested students and faculty. action. Nine out ten administra- curriculum revisions, distribution
principles might need aThe coordinating body would run the tors ee hisdevelopmentas un- requirements, and institutional-
picpemihned Tecodntn boywudrnte desirable,- while seven of ten fac- ized student representation on
'ces of English, philo-k- course mart, initiate courses and review ulty take the opposing view, faculty committees
re, and art history." suggested courses to screen and refine pro- In addition, half of those polled'fteommceted t o
id also allow the allo- posals. Approved course and faculty would felt the policy-making power of steeinfoum ciatedctmpora y
s to be more flexible. then be recommended to the literary college administrators will be eroded. faculty members, graduate stu-
s of inter-disciplinary Curriculum Committee for review and ap- Eight of ten administrators feel dents and undergraduates major
end to be superficial, proval, the normal procedure for any pro- this is undesirable, while 75 per i nhiosnnhv The n it.

A new interdepartmental program for
the literary college will be put into effect
by next fall if administrative details can
be worked out, according to Dean William
The proposal for the plan, currently un-
der study by Hays and the college's execu-
tive comfittee, was submitted to Hays as a
report of Student Government Council's
. Select Committee on Curricular Reform. It
suggests four main features for the pro-
O A literary college 'open" department.
"a program that would be administered in-
dependently of any single current depart-
ment or subdivision of the college."

The "open" depa
and foremost offers
numbers" which woul
of courses which do
particular department
The report states
structured program 'w
of crossing departn
Someone, for instance
'Romanticism' as a cL
as a set of aesthetic]
to draw on the resour
sophy, music literatur
This structure word
cation of credit hour
"One of the criticisms
courses is that they t

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