Page Two THE MICHIGAN DAILY # U . - A ; * FALL 1968 °A g. 29-30 THE SEVENTH'SEAL. dr. Ingmar'Berg- .',jman, 11956. With Max Von Sydow and ibi Andersson. i ;.Aug.I 1-Sept.,I SUNSET BOULEVARD. dir Billy Wi- der, 1950. VWith Erich V6 Stroeimloria Swanson ' v w r W me ldin, HeddO, Hopper, Ceci, B." DeMille, Jack I I I U I I 4* FmEEWd sda ing*STRIKE. dir."Sergei a Eisenstein 1925. The "only Eisenstemn feature "not I 5 shown itniAnnArbpr. Plus TH UNDER OVER MEXICO ; -cut from Eisenstein's rushes of" Quje Viva Mexico. e 5 and - TIME IN THE SUN. dir. Sergei Eisenstei The second film from footage of-the unfinished Que Via Mexico. Though these rarely seen fiims lack the A udting of Eisestein the brilliance of this man and Shes 19crew ihis Erunristakable. Long short: "Eisenstein" °S biographica[,study. II n.d 8-THE SEVEN SAMURAL. dir. Ikura Kurosawk 1954.. * U ° 1964. With irk,,B ogarde and Torm Cutenay. ' 14 and 15-IL GRtd'. dir.,,Mvichaelangelr Antonion I I xM 7 and 18-SIXTH ANN ARBOR FILM FESTIVAL - { WINNERS AND HIGHLIGHTS. Hore from tour-the world's fines refrospecive showing of recent indepen- i I dent films. 1 I I 9 *nd 20-SIBERIAN LADY MACBETH. dir. Andrei Wa jda. S nde221-HAMLET. dir. A. Kointsev(Russinuer n sion). Arreed-'the most successful film of Shakes I pere yet to bie made. .25 26'and 27-EDiPUS REX. In Greek. S28 and 29-THE FUGITIVE KIND. dir. Sidney Lumet r ' 1960. With Maro forando and Anna Magnni. * I x -OCTOB ER - 2*- FREE Wednesday Slyowing * Special multi-film I Sprogram from Museum oi f Modern Art-THE COM- a * aING OF SOUND. With the first shots on film of iceyw ouse an scenes romg he Jazz Singern S3 and 4-L1ATERRA TREMA. dir. 'Luchino Visconti. I II 5 and 6-PATHS OF GLORY. dir. Stnley Kubrick, 19 s 7. With Savio Montagoli,,Kirk Douglas and Adolphe Men jou. s °o1 and 11 'BED AND SOFA. dir. Abram Room 1929- ! 12 and 13-LOS OLVIDADOS. dir. Luis Bunuel, 1950 * FESTIVAL WEEK OF D. W. GRIFFITH * I 14-GRIFFITH SHORTS °1511-BIRTH OF A NATION. 1915. e { 16-HE*RTS OF THE WORLD. 1921. ; S18-WA I DOWN EAST. 1920. W--INTOERAND G G.CE. 1916. o m r S241--ISN'T LIF E WONDERFUL. '1924. i I U s24 "and '2;5-ARSENAL. dir. A. Dovshenk, 1929.' (Si- Slent)' "the most telling shaft cinema as ever direct- ed against war. 26 and 27-A NOUILAIBERTE. dir. Rene Clair. 1931. TH REE FOR HALLOWEEN * 30- * DEAD OF NIGHT. English, 1946. With Mi- ; # chae Redgrave. e * U 321 and Nov. 1-*FORBIDDEN PLANET. dir. Fred Wr- W co r1956-Colo. "The best ofc the science-fiction in- * U etar yet t e of made."'." -NOVEMBER - * U " 2 and 3-* WOMAN OF THE DUNES. dir. Hiroshi Teshigahara, 1963- 7 and 8-THE THIRD MAN. dir. Carol Reed, 15949 6Wory by Graham Greene. With Orson Welles, Joseph Cotten and Trevor Howard I *9 and 10-VIVRE SA VIE, dir. Jean-Luc Godard. An 9 old story-from the spokesman of thedPepsiGen- * eration and the greatest living filmmaker. A prosti- tute (Anna Karina) sells her body but not her soul., 13- * FREE Wednesday Showing * Trio of Classic documentaries. THE LAND. dir. Rt. Flaherty, 1941. LAND WITH- OUT BREAD. dir. Luis Bunuel, 1932. SONG OF : CEYLON. prod. John Grierson. 14 and 15-MAHANAGAR (The Great City). dir. Sat- * yahis Ray, 1963. Bengali with U.S. subtitles. 16 and 17-BIKE BOY. dir. Andy Warhol, 1967. Star- ring Ann Arbor's Anne Wehrer. 21 and 22-BALLAD OF A SOLDIER. dir. Grigori Chuk- a hari, 1959. t 23 and 24-OPERATION ABOLITION. House Commit- * tee on Un-American Activities' film on Dirty com- mies and OPERATION CORRECTION. The ACLU's i answer. - DECEMBER - 5 and 6-MOROCCO. dir. Jos. Von Sternberg, 1930. : With Marlene Dietrich." 7 and 8-EAST OF EDEN. dir. Elia Kazan, 1954. Troub- * led youth-with James Dean, ;Julie Harris, Raymond u Massey. * I 12 and 13-GO WEST YOUNG MAN. dir. Henry Hath- : away, 1936. With Mae West. 14 and 15-THE LAVENDER HILL MOB. dir. Chas. I Crichton, 1951. Starring Alec Guiness and Stanley w Holloway-robbing a mint. 7:00 and 9:05-Thursday through Sunday (sore Wednesdays) Tuesday, August 27, F OFFICE HOURS/ Circulcon-764-0558 Complaints-9-1 1 :30 Of f ice Hours-1-4 Classiied-=764-0557 Call between 12:30 and 2:30 Kennedy rejects daft move; Humphrey nomiation lkely (Continued from Page 1) Humphrey from capturing the crown on the first ballot and no attempt to stop the movement came from Kennedy, a sure sur- plus of votes would spring forth on the next-and final ballot. While the. plan is now probably irrelevant because of Kennedy's declination, it still bodes one im- portaht thing about this week's convention: the delegates are not so happy with the available can- didates that they are not earn- estly waiting for a white knight to appear from nowhere. Perhaps the perfect indication of this feeling can be found in thie attitudes of the Michigan delega- tion, which is expected to deliver at least two-thirds of its 96 votes to Humphrey. The stances ofj various delegation leaders do not only indicate that they are not entirely pleased with the Vice Vice President, but they;also show a keen desire to find an acceptable alternative., Typifying this feeling is State Sen. Sander Levin. Levin, who as state party chairman has remain- ed officially impartial thus far in the campaign but has long been expected to endorse Humphrey, gave no indication of his position Sunday night fater the Vice Presi- dent addressed the Michigan caticus. "I have questions about his Vietnam position,"' Levin said. "Enough to keep me uncommit- 'ted." Humphrey had told the CLAIM CLUBBING: Newsmen charge brutality CHICAGO (o') - Police Supt. James B. Conlick ordered an in- vestigation yesterday of the club- bing of several newsmen and photographers as they reported disturbances ofaDemocratic Na- tional Convention week. The latest report of police us- ing 'night sticks on newsmen came yesterday. Jim Burns, cor- respondent for the American Broadcasing Co., said that a policeman hit his sound man on' the back with a night stick and then smashed a $900 lens. Burns said the policeman at- tacked without provocation. He said the police had not told them not to film the event or to work in the area, ABC assignment editor Sydney Byrnes said the network is. pre- paring a complaint to Mayor Richard J. Daley. A Chicago Sun-Times photo- grapher, Duane Hall, and a re- porter, Donald L. Jonjack, said policemen clubbed them Sunday as they covered a running clash between police and a crowd of youths in the city's Old Town area, in Lincoln Park and along Michigan Avenue. A policeman hit Associated Presshnewsman James R. Peiprt on the head and back with a night stick, he said, as he covered a confrontation Sunday night between police and youthful demonstrators on the. Michigan I The sound man is Walter James and the cameraman is 7 4-0554 Charles Pharris. The crew was filming the ar- rest in Lincoln Park, of Tom Hay- Office Hours- 12:30-4 den, co-chairman of the Mobiliza- tion Committee to\ End the War in Vietnam, and Wolf Lowenthal, an organizer for the Yippies- - Youth International Party. special target of newsmen. Sun- Times reporter Brian Boyer, who said police threatened but did not strike him, expressed an opinion that the police blamed newsmen for attracting publicity-hungry demonstraters to Chicago. Deputy Police Supt. James M. Rochford was preparing a gen- eral order to his men emphasizing an order of Thursday calling for complete police cooperation with newsmen. In that order, Rochford said: "Despite, any personal feelings of. individuals department person- nel should avoid conflicts with newsmen. It is in the best interest 'of the department and City of Chicago that there be a harmon- ious' relationship between the news media representatives and Qur personnel." The order is to be read at all police roll calls for the duration of the convention. Poice cla'sh with Yippies (Continued from Page 1) The two were arrested earlier yesterday afternoon on charges of disorderly conduct, resisting ar-' res t, and ~obstructing an officer in teline' of duty. A Yippie spokesman, Keith Lampe, said Hayden; and. Lowen - thal, were "just sitting in the grass" when the police moved in. Some 500, Yippies 'marched on Central Police. Headquarters dur- ing'' rush hour late yesterday 'af- ternoon to "protest the arrests. Michigan delegates that he fa | vored a bombing halt, but only I with "an indication of reasonable I restraint by the enemy." Levin. I when asked if he would support a I Draft Kennedy movement, said he would "lean that way." U.S. Sen. Philip Hart (D-Mich.), ,who has been as non-committa* this summer as any other na- tional party figure, went further. "I would support Ted Kennedy if he became a candidate," Hart said, also citing his dissatisfac- tion withthe Humphrey position on the war. Other indicators of reluctant, in the Michigan delegation here became clear. United Auto Work- ers Vice President Leonard Wood- cock, who resigned from the dele- gation Sunday, purportedly be- cause of the current negotiation of a labor contract with the air- craft companies, is a past sup- porter of Robert Kennedy. Sources close to Woodcock said that his resignation was actually due to the fact that he did not see any candidate whom he would feel comfortable supporting. Other UAW members of the' Michigan delegation, notably National Com- mitteewoman Mildred Jeffrey and Irving Bluestone, a top aide of UAW President Walter Reuther, are still uncnommitted. The Droblem these people have -as well as those non-Maddox Southerners attempting to influ- ence Humphrey by temporarily withholding support from him-is that if they should decide to stay away from Humphrey, there is no- where else they feel they can go. Eugene McCarthy is unacceptable because he has not satisfied the party regulars' penchant for work within the Democratic hierarchy, and because of what they consider to be the intemperate words he had for Robert Kennedy when the two men were running against each other. George McGovern is too much of an unknown - he hasn't been included in any of the major polls. And reservations about Lester Maddox (who spoke to the Michigan delegation, pri- marily about the need for better highways) are obvious. So, for the time being at least, there is little alternative to Humphrey from the delegates' point of view. Should Teddy Ken- nedy re-emerge as a possibility (Wjnruh, despite. the Kennedy statement,.' says hie for one will not stop pressing for a draft), the 19 8 convention may suddenly gain drama. But for now, it is simply a boring ball game that not even the delegates seem to want to watch, and one of which almost 4 everybody knows the final score long before the game is over. L -Avenue Bridge across the Chicago I N 0 1 rR i v e r . Other newsmen reporting beat- ingsby police were Newsweek magazine photographer J e f f Lowenthal and Howard Berliant, a free-lange photographer on as-, signment for the Milwaukee Journal. Berliant said several policemen ."f-beat him unconscious as he took " C the building where he was stay- permonth nd deliveryte ulin re he dwa tying ponthon North Clark Street. A Newsweek reporter, John 46 QCulhane, said police struck him three times on his helmet while paotermagazine st af f NEJA C TV RENTALS 662-567u"~n members. A Newsweek spokesman said police seemed to be making a ) I ' _ !~_Y .V There wasn't much tension and there wasn't much aprehension. But the police were back, too, and it's impossible to say whose going to do what or why. I4 NEW TUITION LEVELS Following are the University's new annual tuition levels: Increase UNDERGRADUATE (Michigan residents) UNDERGRADUATE (out-of-state) 1968-69 S 480 $1,540 li GRADUATE (residents) GRADUATE (out-of-state) LAW (residents) LAW (out-of-state) MEDICAL, DENTAL AND PUBLIC HEALTH SCHOOLS (residents) FEDICAL, DENTAL AND PUBLIC HEALTH SCHOOLS (out-of-state) $ 540 $1,648. $ 680 $1,740 $ 960 $2,140 over last year $ 60 $240 $ 80 $248 $ 60 $240 $260 h",:; "rak ~~~~ ~$214 $240,f~;,3::??? k.: ?i, :" .' ;';: :%::r:3 ::