CAMPUS POLICE: SAFETY FIRST? See editorial page ILY Sir i gau :47il CLOUDY High--72 Low-54 Possible showers in afternoon Vol. LXXIX, No. 35 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Wednesday, October 9, 1968 Ten Cents Ten Pages I _ _. .,_ Two sororities Auditor withdraws "demand anti-bias firm i vw s R wii ruleo deception In ' By LISA STEPHENS Two sororities- will introduce a motion at a Panhellenic Council meeting tonight to drop rushing privileges immed- W l iately ifor the 16 houses who have not signed Panhel's ant-O S 1 bias statement. Collegiate Sorosis and Delta Theta will picket and cir- culate petitions on the Diag today to gain support for their en larg es amendment to the Membership Committee report demanding that the houses lose rushing privileges immediately instead of in January, 1970, as the report recommends. v oice sp lit Student Government Council. officials say they may exercise their prerogative of withdrawing recognition of in- dividual houses or of Panhel as a whole if SGC's Membership 1 Inembers debate Committee does not deem Panhel's report recommendations to be strong enough. classroom action Loss of recognition as a student organization, would mean i that Panhel would Joe unable i to advertise any of its activi- By RICK PERLOFF d ' ties on campus billboards and A vote taken at last night's that chapter houses would lose Voice-SDS meeting after over half their status as University ap- of the members originally present proved housing, thus barring had left, created a workshop ,C leaver ne 1fo ei which would "prepare individuals women under 2a from resi- andgroups" for in-the-classroom dence. jactivities ranging from guerrilla Black sororities Delta Sigma theater to the take-over of classes e e ti es Theta and Alpha Kappa Alpha "with or without the consent of have threatened to withdraw from the professor and students." BERKELEY, Calif. (1) - Black Panhel If the amendment does not The real effects of the motion Panther Eldridge Cleaver delivered pass at the Oct. 16 meeting. They remained unclear, however, as the the first of a much-opposed series have also idicated they will walk small number of members present- of lectures on racism yesterday, of the meeting. and the discussion preceding the speaking courteously and avoiding In related action Alpha Ch i vote clouded the actual import of the obscenities that have studded Omega withdrew its signature the measure. 4other recent talks, from the anti-bias statement over, Th the weekend, bringing down to The motion, proposed by Steve1 The 33-year-old ex-convict, who seven the number of houses which Daniels of the Jesse James Gang in the past. has applied four letter have complied with Panhel's re- faction of Voice, came out of a words to Gov. Ronald Reagan solution to eliminate alumni re- committee established last week aduivrsi ty regentsa whok" commendations as a condition for to investigate modes of "radical posed'-his selection as a speaker, pledging nwwmn dcto. addressed 400 students in a class-! Tegn new women, education." room at the University of Cali- The proposed amendment to It was primarily opposed by omornia drop rush privileges immediately members of the Radical Caucus, .e l is based on the theory that "there which has been warring with the He spoke politely and articu- is no compromise with discrimina- James Gang for the past three la then answered questions. tion," explains Carol Peaks, presi- weeks over organizational direc- "Black !isa connotation of evil in I"dent of Alpha Kappa Alpha. "If tion and tactics. this country," Cleaver told the these houses are using a system Early in the meeting. on other introductory session of the stu- that we all agreed a year ago was votes, the Radical Caucus clearly; dent-sponsored course which has discriminatory, there is no rea- prevailed. But the James Gang he 194 turmoil over free speech. son they should be allowed to use boasted much better internal dis- ~h 96 urol vr re pec.Iit for another rush." cipline and was able to keep its 'He was neatly attired in a black Presentat on of the Membership members present until the vote suit and wearing two strings of# Report at this evening's meeting on the workshop proposal arose. beads. He said at one point that will culminate some three years Members of the Radical Caucus, whereas the white dress of a bride >f controversy surrounding the who opposed the measure on the symbolizes purity, that black is process of membership selection in grounrs that it provided a "blank for a funeral, a black beard means sororities at the University. check" for members to do as they a pirate, a black cat means bad Regents by-law 2.14 bars dis- wish under Voice auspices, in- crimination in the selection of ted th ht ssibl at- "These negative connotations of members for any campus organi- tempt to reerse the motion at blackness stigmatize the black zation on the basis of race, creed man as having evil connotations,"or national origin next week's general meeting. haig cnoa i" roign The Radical Caucus has sched-; Cleaver told the nearly 100 en- Statements saying that the so le adeing C dcushs suue rolled in the course and more rority does not use a system of uled a meeting to discuss future than 300 auditing it. policy at 4:30 p.m. today, on the binding alumni recommendationsjsecond floor of the Student Ac- Student sponsors of the course,$ were given to each of the 23 hous- I tivities Bldg. ASocial Analysis 139X, still hope es on campus to be signed and it s nidg.o.h those taking it will get credit. But; returned by September 1 of this There wo inication tht the class began Tuesday in Room year, membed the Jame ho 155, Dwinelle Hall, as a non- To date, seven houses have com- dominated the committee that credit course in order that Cleaver plied. Alpha Chi Omega does, not proposed the motion, would at- can be permitted 10 lectures. use a binding recommendation tempt to implement any of the The regents, without singling system but was forced to withdraw actions mentioned in a lengthy out Cleaver, by name, ruled that its signature becausĀ° its national introduction to the motion speci- guest lecturers must be restricted organization does not recognize fically as Voice activities. to one appearance if the course is Panhel's authority to enforce In other actions, Voice voted. given for credit. changes in sorority constitutions. See WORKSHOP, Page 10 I i I f I allegations accounting Suggests changes i relations ~withi state By JIM NEUBACHER The final results of a State Auditor General's investiga- tion of University financial practices backs away from original charges of misrepresentation in University's account- ing procedures. But -the 108 page report continues to call for significant changes in the state's relationship with the Uni- versity. Major highlights of the report include: -withdrawal of charges made by Auditor General Albert Lee last February when he stated that "the University's accounting procedures and re- porting policies result in an " overstatement of expendituresE and understatement of avail-B ilnore able operating cash in the general i"; -recommendation that the i ivI state Legislature "consider adopt- ing a resolution outlining the pur- 0 ' pose for which students' tuition " 1 "ip" { J t t 'f s )3 >4 i 33( t fia s ij ,, ,.. E i ; j i i i j r i S '' 3 ; } m -Daily-Andy Sachs ixoi embraces Republicans Riegle and Romney Nixon's i-mage confronts Wallace's appeal in Fihnt POSTPONE ACTION Reveal Harvey reply By PHILIP BLOCK A special committee of the County Board of Supervisors released yesterday testimony by Sheriff Douglas Harvey con- cerning his department's finan- cial operations. The testimoney was released at the board's regular monthly meeting yesterday, but action on Harvey's replies to the set of questions was postponed until Oct. 22. Supervisor Neal Mast (R- Scio), chairman of the special committee, told the board yes- terday that his committee has not had time to completely re- view Harvey's answers. "At 11:00 a.m. Monday the answers were handed to me by the sheriff," said )Mast- "Since then the committee met twice yesterday but we still need to review the questions at subse- quent meetings." The special committee ques- tioning the sheriff's financial operations submitted the sec- ond set of questions after they decided that Harvey's answers to a first set were "inconch- safety booklet-a pamphlet re- sembling a safety guide printed by the State Sheriff's Associa- tion-was taken over by Daniel Stashkiw, "a private promoter," in 1967 and 1968 and Stashkiw "was in no way connected with the Washtenaw Sheriff's De- partment." The committee also request- ed, that Harvey produce a copy of an expense account which he submitted to the County Ac- counting Dept. covering ex- pense incurred during an ex- tradition trip over the 1966 New Year's holiday when he used more than $1,000 of county money. Harvey claimed the account- ing report is missing, and "has not shown up anywhere, includ- ing in the County Bldg." How- ever. the sheriff listed the ap- proximate costs of the trip in his answer, In response to the commit- tee's questions concerning the operation of the C o u n t y Jail's commissary-a concession which supplies candy and to- bacco to prisoners at a profit- the gheriff said a "very smnl1 that "any money that may have come up missing from the prop- erty box of a prisoner was re- placed from the concession funds." When Harvey took office, ac- cording to the document, the concessions w e r e purchased from the Ann Arbor Tobacco Co,. a wholesaler, instead of from the Main Street Grocery where they were formerly pur- chased. He also said the profits were now "used for purchas- ing equipment for the County Jail, which is in the jail now, such as air conditioners." According' to Harrison, ac- tions which the board can take against Harvey are limited. "If the sheriff responds to the questions posed by the special committee no matter how in- conclusive they are, the board cannot do anything," he said. "The board is not a judicial body, nor are we qualified to professionally investigate charges which have been level- ed at the sheriff. That is a matter for the Courts and the State Attorney General's Of- fice " I .. i I 3 4 t i i f By URBAN LEHNER Editorial Director Special to the Daily FLINT - Since the beginning of the campaign the principal source of political heat in this heavily working class city of about 220,000 has been the fire-breathing of third party candidate George C. Wallace. Already two Flint locals of the normally Democratic United Auto Workers have endorsed Wallace, one of them in heavy voting. This was the fire Richard M. Nixon attempted to extinguish in a one-stop appearance here yes- terday. Listing grievances with which, he said, the workingman has a right to be fed up,kthe Republican nevertheless argued that to trans- late dissatisfaction with the John- son administration into a vote for Wallace would be in effect an exercise in futility: "Do you just want to make a point or do you want to make a' change? "Do you want to get something off your chest or do you want to get something done? "Do you just want to get a mo- ment's satisfaction, or do you want to get four years of action? FEW WORKERS The problem was that Nixon's 5000-plus audience included few workingmen. It seemed to be com- posed primarily of loyal Republi- cans - who lustily cheered the introduction of Republican digni- taries from Gov. George Romney to the GOP candidate' for Flint drain commissioner - the elder- ly, business executives and their wives, and schoolchildren who were apparently using the func- tion as an excuse to cut classes. In contrast Wallace, speaking here last week, reportedly d r e w factory workers off their second- shift jobs to hear his address. And Nixon's deviations from his prepared text reflected awareness of the un-proletarian character of the crowd. The 350 word address given to the press in advance in- eluded five specific references to "workers" or "the workingman." But the candidate never used either word in his actual delivered speech. And while the text was ' solely directed to Wallace (whom Nixonnever mentioned by name), the speech itself spent the areat-j audiences here. For Nixon, it was. the only Michigan stop yesterday in a four-city transcontinental tour that ended last night in Los Angeles. In the absence of a sizable Wallace-leaning contingent (al- though as 7th District Republi- can Congressman Donald Aiegle intoned the "who's the one?" cad- ence with which he . introducedr Nixon one heckler did answer t aiipa gu "Wallace!" the affair was trans-' formed from a political firefight- ing performance into a typical Nixon 'campaign rally. As such,f it was a nice example of the genre. The Nixon po ium personality is woven togethe out of a num- ber of divergent strands-a pen- chant for encapsuling complex ideas in epigrams, persistent at- tempts to "personalize" his ap- peal with references to his wife, and a barely-suppressed egotism. Some of these motifs were ob- servable yesterday. Nixon com- bined epigram and egotism to ex- plain his stance on Vietnam, fort example. Bowing to Riegle (who was voted a 1967 'Congressman of the Year by the liberal N a t i o it magazine, largely for his construc- tive proposals on Vietnam), Nixon observed: "He understands, as I think I understand, the nature of this war. It's not just for territory, but for people. That's where we've failed, by not bringing the South Vietnamese into it enough." NOT SUBTLE Nor is the egotism always so subtle. Promising to solve the problems of crime, Nixon averred, "I know how to do it; I'm an expert in this area." The Republican candidate has embodied his attempts to bring the campaign down to earth in a well-rehearsed line he uses when- ever he shares the, platform with a prominent Republican. Praising one GOP wife specifically - yes- terday it was Nancy Riegel - then extending the praise to the wives of other named Republicans, he ends with a modest quip, "We all married above ourselves." Another Nixon ploy is to share his political strategy with the au- dience. "Michigan is a critical swing state," he said. "That's why I'm here today, and that's why I'm coming back two more times before election day." and fees can be used . ."; LIt i lI- -suggestion that in order to ! I account fof the faculty work BALTIMORE, Md. (1-A young week," the University require of Catholic teacher testified yester-' faculty members "periodic positive day he helped burn draft records (time) reports."; to raise an outcry against the -criticism of the Regent's Uni- Vietnam War and to "do a tiny versity Bylaws, calling them "ob- bit to stop 'the machine of death solete and of little value": I saw moving." -recommendation that 'auto- David Darst, a 26-year-old nomous and semi-autonomous units teacher of the Christian Brothers within the University (such as the order in St. Louis, Mo., said he boards in control of athletics and wanted to raise an outcry because student publications, the Union- "I saw a very clear crime, very League, and the Lawyer's Club) clear, unnecessary, suffering, very be "realigned into a single organ- clear wanton slaughter-" ization pattern responsible to the He was the leadoff witness in administration and Board of Re- the defense of nine persons ac- gents";. cused of destroying Selective -recommendation that federal Service records by burning them aid to the University be subject with a solution of homemade na- "to review and approval by con- palm last May 17 at nearby Cat- current resolution" of the state onsville, Md. Legislature or the appropriations Asterileund--M da comittesof ac hoseactingwa spent selecting a jury-dem- cominttesfeahhos onstrators supporting the defend- -withdrawal of an earlier rel-yants again paraded through Balti- -intha oft earlr re- more streets -in protest to the draft ominendation that gifts to the and Vietnam war. University be put into the general About 260 marchers delivered a operating fund budget and be thus makeshift black, pasteboard "cof- osed to offset the needed amount fin" to a Selective Service official of state appropriations. at Customs House. Six demon- Although University officials strators were permitted to carry were concerned by the report in the coffin through a heavy cordon general, they were pleased by the of police and U.S. marshals into deletion of the sections on *mis- the lobby of the building. ( representation of funds and gifts DEMONSTRATORS BOOED to the University. Two others went into a small office wher'e they told an official that the coffin represented Ameri- The Philosophy department can and Vietnamese dead in Viet- will hold a forum for all in- nam. Some 200 persons gathered terested philosophy students outside to boo and jeer the dem- and faculty at 4 p.m. today in onstrators. 25 Angell Hall. Judge Roszel C. Thomsen of the U.S. District Court allowed Darst's Lee's earlier criticism ,of Uni- testimony over prosecution objec- versity practices in these areas tions that it was not relevant. had appeared in a preliminary re- Thomsen admitted the testi- port on the investigation which mony with, the understanding he was sent tohState ad nivrsity might instruct the jury later to I officials last "February, disregard it. Thesreport, which appeared Arth G. Muiphy, first assist- whle he enae apropiatonsant U.ti~ attorniey, argued in his while the Senate appropriations opening statement that the "mo- committee was considering the rality of the Vietnam War" was higher education budget, caused not at issue in the case. a furor among legislators. CONCEDES FACTS . On the subject of gifts to the William M. Kuntstler of New University, Lee had recommended fork, defense attorney, said the in February that "all (gift) monies defense would strive to prove that received by the University not spe- "no criminal intent" was involved cifically restricted by a donor - . . in the protest burning. He con- should be reported as funds avail- ceded the "facts" of the case but able for operating purposes for urged the jury to consider the See AUDITOR, Page 10 "principles and issues" involved. EVALUATE MERITS Bus~dconsiders underdgradrl By BILL LAVELY The future of the undergrad- uate program in the School of Business Administration is in doubt. A committee of the business administration faculty assembly studying the undergraduate pro- gram is considering the pos- sibility of discontinuing t h e program entirely. A report is ex- pected sometime this semester. The five-member committee, appointed last March and charged with making a com- pleted review of the Bachelor of Business Administration degree We may decide to increase en- rollment or retain it at its pre- sent level. "The committee was given a free hand," he adds. One professor at the business school, who prefers to remain anonymous, explained that some *segments of the business admin- istration faculty question the value of the undergraduate pro- gram. Their arguments include the fact that some big business schools, like Harvard, have no undergraduate program. There is a feeling among some the liberal arts than they are now getting in the undergrad-. uate program. L. Lynnwood Aris, Director of business school admissions and a member of the committee, said that the committee was estab- lished as part of a periodic re- view of all programs in t h e school. "All of our degree programs' have had committee review in the past few years. A committee studying the Masters degree program gave its report-last fall, and substantial changes were made in the curriculum.. Vice President for Student Af- fairs Allan F. Smith said that he had met with the committee and discussed the discontinua- tion of the program, but he said "there was no concensus in the committee either wpy. I don't think a decision to end the pro- gram is by any means certain." . There are about 270 students in the undergraduate program, which consists of upperclassmen only. The BBA study committee was appointed by the curriculum committee of the business ad- ministration faculty - assembly. The committee members be-