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October 08, 1968 - Image 8

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1968-10-08

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Tuesday, October 8, 1968

Tus~y cobr8.16


Some win and others


from the seat
BJI pevkn
of my rants4

The opening of the conference
season highlighted the third week
of action for Big Ten teams. Each
of the three conference games
played Saturday pitted a confer-
ence favorite against an also-ran,
and none produced any suprises.
At Evanston, Purdue, the nearly
unanimous choice as the top-
ranked team in the nation, scored
the firt time it received the foot-
ball and romped to a 43-6 demoli-
tion of Northwestern.
Although the Boilermaker of-
fensive; unit rolled up more than
300 yards in total offense, the
game was dominated by a pressing
defensive unit which did not per-
mit a Wildcat score until the re-
serves entered the game in the
final quarter. Vero Paraskevas,
Chuck Kle, Bob Yunaska, and
Co., held Northwestern to 60
yards in the first half and 33 in
the third quarter before leaving
the game.
Leroy Keyes again led the of-
fensive show for Purdue with three
touchdown gallops of six yards
and picked up another 100 yards
rushing before leaving the game
in the thtird quarter. However,
Keyes removal did not benefit the
Wildcats as untried sophomore
John Bullock, who hails from the
same Newport News, Virginia, high
school as Keyes, grqund out 80
yards in 13 carries as a\ replace-
Other than these Southern re-
cruits, the offense left little to
cheer about as they sputtered to a

14-14 deadlock and escaped with' an O.egon punt on the nine yard
a 28-14 victory, line and ran it into the endzone.
Quarterback Harry G o n s o The Web oots got on the score-
sparked the Hoosiers' late game board late in the first half, but
surge with a scoring pass to Jade then the Ohio defense took over
Butcher and a touchdown run of hn t Ohio defenst ove
his own of six yards after Illinois and did not allow a first down the
had spent most of a scoreless third





13-0 halftime lead, one score com-
ing with only seconds left in.the
Michigan State did nothing
spe.ctacular in a 39-0 rout of win-
less Wisconsin - they simply
ground out touchdown after
touchdown against an overmatch-
ed opposition.
The Spartans made little use;of
the passing game as they rushed
on 67 occassions, 20 by quarter-,
back Bill Feraco, for 260 yards.

punt situation only twice, as com-;
pared t 10 times for the Badgers'
David Billy. All the State touch-!
downs came on runs of one or two,
yards, with Feraco plunging over
the goal line three times from the!
one. The Spartans demonstrated1
field goal strength which couldf
be helpful this Saturday against,
arch-rival Michigan as Gary Boycet
kicked two through the uprights1
from 38 and 40 yards.E
Indiana ran into unexpectedlyt

quarter inside Indiana territory.
The Illini faced a 14-0 deficit.
in the first quarter, but fought
back to even the game at half-,
time on short runs by Rich John-
son and Bob Naponic after In-
diana fumbles, and dominated
play until the late rally,
In non-conference action. Iowa
faced the fury of Notre Dame and
came out on the short end of a!
51-28 shellacking. The fifth-
ranked Irish, stinging from its'loss
to Purdue last week, broke a 14-
14 first quarter tie and raced to, a
31-14 halftime lead on the strength
of an awesome offensive display.
Wake forest nearly surprised
supposedly strong Minnesota be-
fore succumbing to the Gophers
24-19 on two touchdowns in the
last ten minutes of the game.
Minnesota scored on marches of
80 and 75 yards, the final score
coming on a 28-yard Phil Hagen
to Chip Litten pass to overcome,
both a 19-10 deficit and the rain
and wind which hampered both
Sixth-ranked Ohio State pre-
pared for Purdue's invasion, this
week by using its stingy defense to
overcome Oregon 21-6. The Buck-!
eyes scored early in the game
when safety Mike Polaski blocked

In the second half, the Buck-
eyes broke the game open on a
35-yard touchdown gallop by Jim
Otis and a 55-yard scoring pass
from resei ve quarterback Ron
Marciejowski'to Bruce Jankowski.
The settling of the dust, or mud,
as the case may be. reveal's a fam-
iliar alignment in the conference
standings: Purdue and Indiana at
the top and Illinois, Northwestern,
and Wisconsin at the bottom.
By next week, all the teams will
have played conference games,
with the Purdue-Ohio State clash
the first showdown.,
B oIllboarda
..'.4'.lO,,% . . .
The Fraternity 'A' Touch
Football playoffs start tonight
on Wines Field. Games are
;sAceduled for 5:50, 6:35, 7:20,
and 8:05 p.m.
The/ Joint Judiciary Council
will hear complaints against
the marching band for making
too much noise during practice
on Wines Field tomorrow night
at 7 p.m. on the third floor of
the S.A.B.

Homecoming '68
Oct. 24, 8:30 P.M.
Univ. Events Bldg.

The monotonous pattern mani- strong opposition from an Illinois!
fested itself early in the contest, team which had been previously
i.e. Wisconsin punt, State touch- crushed by two Big Eight foes, as
down, kickoff, Wisconsin punt,
touchdown, etc. the Hoosiers had to score twice in
In fact, MSU was forced into a the final six minutes to break a.

valute life?
Joel Cordish is a teaching fellow in English 123 but he doesn't
know why he is teaching the course or even why he is still in school.
He has been going to college for over six years and it doesn't make
any sense to him. People need help all over the world and here we
are, all of us, grubbing for grades.
This semester, in particular, has been one of reflection for Joel.
Because of this, his heart has not been in his books, and he has yet
to do any studying.
Instead, Joel has spent his time organizing a McCarthy for Presi-
dent write-in campaign in Michigan. Disillusioned, as many of us,
with this year's political scene and the massive problems facing this
country, he has buried himself in this effort.
Since Robert Kennedy was assassinated in California last June
and Senator McCarthy and his supporters were ignored in Chicago
in August, Joel has not known where to turn. School, and all its sense-
less work were not the answers. He has been running to them for six
years and all they have been giving him is agony.
So this year, he has submersed himself in the McCarthy cam-
paign. Whil he knows the Senator has no chance of winning, Joel
has to expr ss his disenchantment with the present system of select-
indpresidential nominees and voting for McCarthy is his way of do-
ing it.
Still, he was not even totally committed. to this write-in effort.
Lately, Joel has been wondering if all his work is doing any good. He
recently wrote a letter to the Daily articulating why he is still sup-
porting McCarthy but even then he didn't believe what he was saying.
It all seemed so useless to him.
Joel began to talk about leaving this. country, but only after fin-
ishing school. After spending so much time in college, he had to get
something out of it. After graduation, he wants to quit the system.
It doesn't seem worthwhile to him to stay. Dissent doesn't appear to
do any good and Joel is not the type to turn to violence.
If going to school, teaching a few classes and working on the Mc-
Carthy campaign wasn't enough, he has been spending much of his
time working out with the Lacrosse club. He probably joined just' to
let himself go. In this modern, supercomplica'ted world there never
seems to be a chance to enjoy yourself. You always have to- be so ser-
Lacrosse was Joel's way of forgetting "about his cares and enjoy-
ing himself. It's just a game. Sure, there are winners and losers, but
the losers always have the chance to play and try to win again.
Life doesn't appear' to grant Joel that opportunity. All life gives
him is headaches and more headaches.
Joel won't get a chance to play Lacrosse again this year or any
year. It's not that he doesn't want to. He can't.
Joel Cordish was shot in thes back by an unknown assailant at 4
'a.m. Saturday morning on the Diag. He most likely will be paralyzed
for life from the neck down.
There are no leads as to who did the shooti ig and no reason to
believe that anyone wanted to shoot Joel He was just there wlen
someone, with a gun, got mad and had to pull the trigger.
The police are quick to put down dissent with clubs and tear gas
but they sure aren't quick when it comes to life and death. Joel Cord-
ish was shot Saturday morning, three days ago. The police department
did not put a detective on the case until:yesterday. In those two days,
the assailant could have hopped a plane to Zanzibar. .
We are quick to punish dissenters for protesting the system but
we are slow to track down would-be murderers when they find a vic-
tim. We are quick to silence dissent but try to get an effective gun
control bill through Congress. It seems we have our priorities upside
Joel is alive, alert and off the critical list at University Hospital.
He is now in intensive care and may be able to leave the hospital in
about a week. But Joel will probably never walk again. The feelings
in his right side were completely cut off by the bullet. He may re-
cover some mobility of his left side but Joel deserves more.
He had begun to plan his whole life but iiow those plans have
gone down the drain. He has to start all over again. All because some-
one got mad and had to shoot him in the back.



Maybe some day we'll learn to protect and preserve life instead
destroying it. It seems too much to ask of mankind now.

$3.00; $2.00
Block Orders
Due Oct. lOat
7:00 P.M. in the
Union Ballroom.
Individual Sales
Begin Oct. 14th at
9:00 A.M. at the
SAB Ticket Booth.


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Thanks to our Perma-Moist" Point.
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