See editorial page
Increasing cloudiness,
chance of rain
Vol. LXXIX, No. 34 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Tuesday, October 8, 1968 Ten Cents
sU ugroupurges campus olice cha
By MARTIN HIRSCHMAN security from the office of the tion will be required," the report manning" of the proposed campus rhe report also suggests that The committee's proposed re- is never
A student-faculty committee has vice president and chief financial states. "Whether or not the Ann precinct of the city police. massive narcotics arrests, I i k e structuring of on-campus law en- ommend
recommended sweeping changes officer to the office of the presi- Arbor police force will be able to University control of either a those at Stony Brook in New York forcement is not designed ' to ulty-stut
in campus law enforcement. dent; , expand to meet the growing de- campus precinct or its own cam- last spring, might be avoided with handle major student disorders. mittee t
In a 49-page report, the Uni- * Coordination of all University nand is problematical." pus police force would "support a campus police force. "The thrust of our recommenda- "The
versity-Police Relations Subcom- police functions under a single To support this conclusion, the law and at the same time mini- "In so far as campus police tions is to the everyday policing volved
mittee for Faculty Assembly's Stu- person filling the proposed post of report cites growing crime rates iaize police-student friction and can prevent this type of action by situations," the report states. which r
dent Relations Committee recom- chief of campus protection and se- and indications that city funds promote maximum freedom of ex- the county and.municipal police, In extraordinary situations, the report s
mends vastly increased- and re- curity. will be inadequate to allow for pression," the report states. they do further the goals of edu- committee asserts, the University in near:
structured police protection' on Student Relations Committee is growth of the police force com- For example, the document sug- cation." the report states. "will have to go to the governor universi
campus, and the clarification of expected to take up consideration mensurate with the increasing gests that the 1967 Cinema Guild Generally, police enter Univer- to obtain help from the State brought
responsibilities in police matters of the report at its regular meet- need for service. obscenity case (described as a sity property only when requested, Police or the National Guard." ually, it
within the University. ing Thursday. In addition to the strictly fiscal situation involving "somewhat according to the report. Excep- The report suggests it would be line of
Specifically, the report calls for: The recommendations a r e prblems, the document points out overzealous police work") might tions noted in the report include "unworkable" for a committee to as possi
0 Establishment of a campus grounded in two major concerns- that "the Ann Arbor Police De- have been avoided if the Univer- surveillance of demonstrations respond to emergency situations
precinct of the Ann Arbor Police the possibility that Ann Arbor partment must be responsive to sity had taken an active role in and undercover investigations of and recommends this power be system,
Deprtment to provide the Uni- police will be .unable to provide the entire community, not specif- policing the campus. narcotics and male homosexuality. vested in the president. syspm,
versity with increased, specialized adequate service in the future, ically, to the University, making "It is highly unlikely," states "In the final analysis, the Ann However, the committee ex- camnis
service. Alternatively; the commit- and the assumption that they are it difficult for them to give our the report, "that the C i n e m a Arbor police would still be able pressed agreement with the Hat- the vic
tee suggests the formation of a not completely prepared to handle specific problem any more atten- Guild incident would have f6l- to come on campus no matter cher Commission on the use of nancial
campus police force not related to the complex police problems of an tion." lowed a similar pattern at Mich- what the University would do,' the the proposed University Council
the city; institution of higher education. Therefore, the report suggests igan State University." MSU report notes. "Therefore, cooper- as an advisory committee to the The
" Relocation of responsibility "As the area becomes more ur- the University "have considerable maintains its own campus police ation and mutual respect are es- president on police matters. for the
for University-police relations and banized; additional police protec- control over the operation and force. sential ingredients." But in case University Council S
Ten Pages
created, the report rec-
s the formation of a fac-
dent Police Advisory Corn-
o handle this function.
president will become in-
in all major situations
equire police action," the
tates- "This has been true
ly all situations at other
ties. Since he will be
into the situation event-
seems wise to have the
responsibility be as.short
r the present University
police relations and on-
security operationsifare,
tered through the office of
e president and chief fi-
report's recommendation
consolidation of present
ee FACULTY, page 5
County Board 1]
Kelley probe of
By JIM HECK Leon Cohan said
The chairman of the County doubts whether th
Board of Supervisors will recom- eral's Office will d
mend at the board meeting today "Unless there is
that the investigation of the Sher- Une the Ast
iff's Department be turned over to recommendation A
Atty. Gen. Frank Kelley. ago will remain tI
ABoard chairman Robert Har- said.
rison (R-Saline) made the deci- In August, Kell
sion after reviewing answers Sher- liminary report
1ff Douglass J. Harvey submitted supervisors begin;
to a set of questions put to him by into the alleged fig
a special committee of the super- ment of Harvey'
visors. said such an inve
AHowever, Deputy Atty. Gen. supervisors would
Draft resi sters tj
raws demonstr
BALTIMORE (N) Counter-demonstrato
chanting, flag-waving crowd which gathered
support of nine persons charged with burning
The supporters, whose numbers swelled to 2
three miles through Baltimore to War Memorif
grrounded the U.S. Post Office building wl
protestors' trial had just begun in U.S. Distric
Police moved swiftly to halt three minor
as they were starting.
The nine Roman Catholic clergymen and
been charged with seizing Selective Service re
urban Catonsvil
last night he
e Attorney Gen-
1o anything with
something new,
torney General's
f several months
he same," Cohan
ey issued a pre-
iay ask
sirable than a grand jury investi-
A grand jury investigation can
only be called by the county's
three circuit judges, but observers
feel such an investigation would
more likely be called if recom-
mended by either the attorney
general or the county supervisors.
Since August. a special commit-
Top state court
refuses to rule
on student vote
The Michigan Supreme Court yesterday denied a request
by three University students to rule on their right to register
to vote in Ann Arbor.
The request, if granted, would have bypassed the state
Court of Appeals where the case is now pending.
The students are appealing an August 23 decision by
Circuit Court Judge James R. Breakey upholding the city's
refusal to grant the students permission to register in Ann
Last Wednesday the students asked the Supreme Court
to take the case prior to a decision by the appeals court. The
suggesting the tee of the supervisors has for-
an investigation mutated two sets of questions for
scal mismanage- Harvey to answer.
stigation by the Harvey submitted written an-
beo m yor e e-swers to the second set of ques-
be more de-_ tions yesterday. Harrison called
the replies, "as inconclusive as the
first set," but announced that the
ria l supervisors were now powerless
"under law" to do anything about
the situation.
Harrison claims under Michi-
gan statutes, that the supervisors
could only take action "if no re-
irs heckled a plies are given."
yshecklda n"Since the replies have been
yseay i handed us," Harrison explained,'
draft records: "itdoesn't matter that they are
2,000, marched inconclusive, the law is definite
al Plaza, then that we can now do nothing."
here the war Had Harvey not made replies to'
t Court. the questions, the supervisors by
incidents just a two-thirds vote could have re-
moved him from office, Harrison
laymen have G
The answers to the second set
cords at sub- of questions submitted to Harvey
le and burn- will be distributed at the super-
ay 17. visors' meeting today.
ors dropped one Harrison said he is "hopeful"
ges against the the supervisors will formally vote
to return the investigation to the
attorney general.
h all defendants But special committee member
are mutilating supervisor Fred Lunde (R-Scio)
Ivernment rec- disagrees. "I assume the super-
[mistration of visors will follow the fact they
toi Ag rndncan't take action until they review
topic chavrnmet the answers," he said. ;
nspiracy charge Though today's meeting is the
last regular monthly meeting be-
0 riot-equipped fore the November elections, when
scores of U.S| a new 13-member board will re-j
eneral Services place the present 39-supervisorsI
licemen were in board, two special meetings have
ost office build- been scheduled in October.
d the single door Lunde said the special commit-
ovg o au tee will make no statement befo'e
isiness inside- today's meeting.
TIGER CATCHER BILL FREEHAN blocks the plate and tags Ca
tempts to score in the fifth inning of yesterday's World Series game
Tige rs
Lil OKs i
From Wire Service Reports
Black Panther Eldrige CleaverI
gained a classroom but lost a bal-
lqt slot over the weekend in Cali-
Roger Heyns, chancellor at the
University of California's Berkeley
campus, agreed Sunday night to:
provide classroom space for a
course to be taught this fall quar-
ter by Cleaver. Last week the uni-
,ersity's faculty senate gave
strong endorsement to the special
course Cleaver was to teach even
though the school's regents had
limited the course to a single lec-
Yesterday the U.S. Supreme
Court refused to order California
put Cleaver on the presi-
dential ballot next month. Cleaver
was turned down without com-
Cleaver's status on the Berkeley
campus is still uncertain since his!
course has not been granted aca-,
demic credit. A resolution passed
y the faculty Senate last Thurs-
day recommended that "all ap-
propriate action" be taken to se-
cure credit for the course.
The issue should be settled at
the next Board of Regents meet-
ing, Oct. 17.
Cleaver also drew the wrath of'
[ax Rafferty, California super-
intendent of public instruction and
Republican senatorial candidate
Rafferty sent a letter to every
city, county and district school
superintendent threatening loss of
ing them last M
Federal prosecut
of the four charg
The charges, witl
pleading innocent,
and destroying g
ords, hindering ad
the Selective Ser
causing injury
property. The coi
was dropped.
More than 20(
city policemen,
marshals and G
Administration po
the area of the p
ing. No one enterec
left open without
thorities he had bR
case was filed with they
appeals court on September
The students appealed to the
Supreme Court for immediate
m . consideration claiming that "un-
less this court acts promptly, they
(the students) will be denied the
right to vote in the November
Associated Prei~sI 1968 election."
rdinail Lou Brock out as he at- Six of the seven justices con-
e- curred in the decision, one justice
not participating.
Arthur E. Carpenter, attorney
for the students, said the wording
of the court's refusal to take the
case implied that it encouraged'
immediate action by the plaintiffs
before the appeals court.
"The Supreme Court seems to
suggest to the appeal court that
it move fast on whatever action
is taken by us," Carpenter added.
ily by St. Louis starter N e 1Ys o n Carpenter said he plans to file
Briles. a motion for emergency appeal
But first baseman Norm Cash before the appeals court within
flied to left to score Stanley on a the next few days. However, he in-
sacrifice. Horton then banged a dicated this motion might not be
liner to the 400-foot mark in accepted since an emergency ap-
right-center and dived into third , peal is properly filed when the
head-first with another triple case is first appealed to the court.
A single by Northrup scored The Supreme Court's decision
Horton for the Bengals' second in the case is questionable, ac-
run before Freehan flied out to : cording to Carpenter.
right to end the rally. "I am not sure of the consti-
Lolich, meanwhile, had settled i tutional power of the higher
down and was iii the process of court over the lower curt," he
See BENGALS, Page 9 said.
Demoeratic coalition
.to hold convention
City ik
-' -
Following heated discussion, the
Ann Arbor City Council last night
narrowly confirmed all five nom-
inations of Mayor Wendell Hul-
cher to the Human Relations
Commission (HRC).
The 5-4 vote, which followed
straight party lines, confirmed
the reappointment of Rev. Fred
Holtfretter and Mrs. Stanley
Thayer to the HRC. Newly ap-
pointed were ReV. Terry Smith,
Paul Wasson, and Ralph J.
The appointment dispute cen-
tered on the failure of Hulcher to
include in his list of nominations
the reappointment of Rev. Russell
Fuller,, present HRC chairman
and a member for three years.
Cedric Morris, a sixth nominee,
withdrew his name from considi
eration last Wednesday in favor
of Rev. Fuller.
"The people of\ Ann Arbor have
the right to hear a dialog on the
appointment," said Councilman
Richard Rbmington (D-1st Ward).
He called on the Republicans who
spoke out against Fuller in a
1'n.deraAv anllhli4 n 1 U.lite +nLV a
By STEVE ELMAN Lolich advanced to second on
and PHIL BROWN Dick McAuliffe's single off reliev-
DETROIT - The Tigers did it er Joe Hoerner-who was charged
agT wIit h the loss-walked Mickey
With their backs to the wall- Stanley to load the bases for Al
three innings to play, the World Kaline.
Championship riding on the out- Kaline slapped a solid hit to
come, and down by one run to the center to score Lolich and Mc-
defending champion St. Louis Auliffe and send Stanley to third.
bardinals-they did it again. The two runs put the Tigers
They did it like they had done ahead to stay, but Norm Cash
it all season in winning the Amer- proceeded to pound out another
ican League pennant for the first single, scoring Stanley with an
time in 23 years-coming up with insurance run and knocking Hoer-
a big late-inning rally to the utter ner off the mound for reliever Ron
delight of most of the 53,634 fans Willis.
gathered for what might easily
have been the final game of the' Willis got Willie Horton on an
1968 World Series, infield fly, then got Jim Northrup
The Bengals scored three times to ground out to end the uprising.
in the bottom of the seventh to The third Cardinal pitcher a 1s o
wipe out a 3-2 margin held by the shut the door on the Tigers in the
Birds since the fourth, and held eighth but the damage had been
on to win 5-3. done.
Tiger hurler Mickey Lolich- Things had not started so nice-
the only member of the Detroit ly for the Tigers, however. St.
staff to defeat the Cards so far- Louis scored three runs in the
started the rally with a b 10 o p first inning, before many of the
single which eluded right fielder fans had found their seats.
Ron Davis' attempted diving
catch with one out.,Leadoff man Lou Brock push-
T, page 5
No clues in
Dia~y attack.
ed Lolich's second pitch into the
left field corner for a double. Jul-
ian Javier grounded out to novice
shortstop Mickey Stanley, but
center fielder Curt Flood followed1
with a sharp single to drive in
Brock with the game's first run.
ciosed Republican caucus to speax
The New Democratic Coalition leader; Channing Philips, Wash- out against him in public.
wound up a two-cay organizing ington, D.C., black minister; Con- Councilman James Stephenson
conference Sunday night with the gressional candidates Allard Low- (R-4th Ward), accused Remington
election of a 35-man steering com- enstein of New York and David of trying to divert debate from the
mittee to plan a larger conven- ! Hoeh of New Hampshire; Donald appointees to Rev. Fuller. He add-
tion of dissident Democrats after'. Peterson, head of Wisconsin's ed that "Rev. Fuller has served for
the election. delegation to the national Demo- three and one half years and has
cratic convetion; and Prof. Ar- no right to reappointment."
As expected, the coalition did nold S. Kaufman of the Unversity
not endorse a candidate for the u m te The Republican members of the
Presidency. On the recommenda philosophy department. -!council defended the mayor's rec-
tion ofa temporary steering -com- Earl Craig of Minnesota was ord on human rights and his list
mittee, which had set up the named to continue as executive of nominees. Councilman John
agenda for the conference, the secretary of the NDC. Edwards (R-3rd Ward) said, , I
NDC also did not consider any "On balance," said Prof. Kauf- find Democrats unduly harsh on
resolutions on other matters. man, "there was an extraordinary the mayor and his appointments
consensus and willingness to work and on the appointment process."
The NDC is essentially a com- towards a coalition movement Councilman Ernest Quenon (D-
bination of supporters of the o within the Democratic party 2nd Ward) complained that "ac-
presidential nomination drives of among those at the conference." tivists are n e v e r appointed."
Sen. Eugene McCarthy, the late m the nCouncilman H. C. Curry (D-lst
Sen. Robert Kennedy, and liberal Ward), whose statements at last
minorities within the Democratic' a week's meeting caused Hulcher to
Party. About 250 delegates from !M ore students i-walk out in protest, supported this
40 states attended the conference. charge. "When all hell breaks
At the final session the tem- o rn cars o ' loose in Ann Arbor," he said, "the
parary 10-man steering committee HRC is not going to do any good."
wai replaced bydai arger odyse- About half of the 36,000 Uni- Hulcher is presently considering
was replaced by a arger body se Abouthalfofthe3,0, ,,i- names to fill the vacancy caused
Then with a count of one andr
d morn-one, Lolich served a high fast ball
student shot Saturday which Orlando Cepeda drilled into
ing on the Diag remains in crit- the lower deck in left center for
ical condition, a spokesman for two more Cardinal runs.
University Hospital said last night.
The student, Joel Cordish. a It looked like more of the same
teaching fellow in the English when Brock led off the Cardinal
Deartmnt, was shoti the baci third with a single-his tenth hit I
Department, was shot in the back 1fteSre-u a u on|
as he crossed the Diag near theI of the Series-but was_ cut down
EconomcrssBldg. t 4: ar hE by catcher Bill Freehan attempt-'
Economics Bldg. at 4:;40 a.m. g ose arcdeghhbe.
Ann Arbor police are investiga- ing to steal a record eighth base.
ting the shooting, but report no Freehan had called for a pitch-
major leads. out with a one-strike count on
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