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October 06, 1968 - Image 13

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The Michigan Daily, 1968-10-06
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Page Eight


Sunday, October 6, 1968

IBM invites you to join an infant industry.


Sri 'ian


Supplement to The Michigan Daily SUNDAY, OCTOBER 6, 1968

Big as it is, the information processing
industry is just beginning to grow.
Recently, Fortune estimated that the value
of general purpose computers installed in
this country will more than double by 1972.
Other publications have other predictions,
and probably no source is totally precise. But
most agree that information processing is
one of America's fastest growing major
Every day, it seems, computers go to work
in a new field or new application. IBM com-
puters are working in such diverse fields as
business, law, medicine, oceanography,
traffic control, air pollution. Just about any
area you can name.
To somebody just starting out, this growth
means exceptionally good chances for
advancement. Last year, for example, we
appointed over 4,000 managers-on
performance, not seniority. Here are four
ways you could grow with IBM:

ment, Manufacturing, Product Test, Space
and Defense Projects, and Field Engineering.
You'll need at least a B.S. in any technical field.

"Working with
Company presidents
is part of the job."

since he got his B.B.A. in June, 1968. Growth
wasn't the only reason he chose IBM. He
says, "I tearned that it's general practice at
IBM to promote from within and to promote
on merit alone. I like that.
"Another growth factor is the job itself," Joe
says. "During my first few years, I'll get experi-
ence in nearly every area of general account-
ing-Income & Expense, Balance Sheet,
and so on. I'll be learning how the company
is structured and how it operates on a broad
scale. That's exactly the kind of knowledge
I'll need to help me qualify for a manager's lob."
Career areas in finance at IBM include:
Financial Planning, Financial Analysis,
Pricing and Business Policy Development,
Accounting, Information Systems, and
Internal Auditing. You'll need at least a
Bachelor's degree.


Engineering and Science
"The interdisciplinary
environment keeps >>
you technologically
"Working in data process-
ing today pretty much means
you work in a broad spectrum
of technologies," says Nick

"I'm pretty much the
IBM Corporation in
the eyes of my
customers," says
Andy Moran. "I
consider that fairly good for an engineer
yvho graduated only two years ago."
Andy earned his B.S.E.E. in 1966. Today,
he's a Marketing Representative with IBM,
involved in the planning, selling and installa-
tion of data processing systems.
Andy's customers include companies with
annual sales ranging from 20 million
to 120 million dollars. He often works
with executive vice-presidents and presi-
dents. Andy says, "At first I was a little
nervous about the idea of advising execu-
tives at that level. But by the time I finished
training, I knew I was equipped to do the job."
Career areas in marketing at IBM include:
Data Processing Marketing and Systems
Engineering, Office Products Sales, and
Information Records Sales. Degree require-
ment: B.S. or B.A. in any field..

"It's a mixture
of science
and art."
"A computer
is prac-
tically use-
less until some-
body writes a
program for it,"
cae Pnl Wilzn


An Associate Engineer at IBM, Nick is a
1967 graduate in Electrical Engineering. He
designs circuits using MOSFET (Metal Oxide
Semiconductor Field Effect Transistor)
Nick says, "Your specialty at IBM can take
you into the front yard of half a dozen dif-
ferent fields. In my job, for example, I work
with systems design engineers, chemists,
physicists, metallurgists, and programmers.
The diversity helps me keep up to date on
the latest technologies."
Career areas in engineering and science
at IBM include: Research, Design & Develop-

"You're in an ideal
spot to move
ahead fast."
"I've always figured my
chances for advance-
ment would be better
in a growth industry.
That's why I picked
IBM?" says Joe Takacs.
Joe's been working 44
in general accounting

saysc ar Vmson.
Earl got a B.A. in Modern
Languages in June, 1967.
He's now an IBM programmer working on a
teleprocessing system that will link the
computerized management information
systems of several IBM divisions.
Earl defines a "program" as a set of
instructions that enables a computer to do a
specific job. "Programming involves
science," says Earl, "because you have to
analyze problems logically and objectively.
But once you've made your analysis, you
have an infinite variety of ways to use a
computer's basic abilities. There's all the
room in the world for individual expression."
Career areas in programming at IBM include:
Systems Programming, Applications Pro-
gramming, Programming Research, and
Internal Programming for IBM's own use.
You'll need at least a B.S. or B.A.

Other reasons to consider IBM
1. Small Team Concept. No matter how large
a project may be, we break it down into
units small enough to be handled by one
person or a few people. Result: quick recog-
nition for achievement.
2. Educational Support. IBM employees
spend over thirteen million hours a year in
company-sponsored educational and training
programs. And plans like our Tuition

Refund Program could help you get your
Master's or Ph.D.
3. 300 Locations. We have almost 50 plant,'
laboratory, or headquarters locations and
over 250 branch offices in key cities
throughout the United States.
4. Openings at All Degree Levels. We have
many appropriate starting jobs for people at
any degree level: Bachelor's, Master's
or Ph.D.

Visit your placement office

Sign up at your place-
ment office for an inter-
view with IBM. Or send
a letter or resume to
Irv Pfeiffer, IBM,
Dept. C, 100 South
Wacker Drive, Chicago,
Illinois 60606.


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