Page Ten
1 urdue
314 South 4th Avenue 761-3548 + Irish blast Hat
Gophers edge]
Hlere's where to find /he
fThev IOWA CITY - Fifth-rated No- The'
iMOST GRACIOUS DINING e tre Dame exploded from an early est on
P M AM r d 14-14 tie and buried Iowa 51-28 in drove
rom 3 P.M. to 1 ,.\I.ecrydayan offensive football display, yes- Phil 1H
Dine wi/h us on Sunday evenin s terday. Chip I
S6 "c "cQuarterback Terry Hanratty downi
prodded the Irish to a 31-14 lead the wi
at the half land retired from the Wak
final game between the rivals with Confer
8:44 left and Notre Dame leading I record,
SundQy, October 6, 1968
Sunday, Otbrr,16
Gophers, holding Wake For-
the next set of downs, then
75 yards in 11 plays with
Hagen passing to split end
Litten for a 28-yard touch-
play with 3:13 to play and
nning marker.
Ke Forest, an Atlantic Coast
ence team now with a 0-2-1
, drove down to the Gopher
t Gopher linebacker J o h n
nwald knocked down Freddie
ers' fourth down pass on
ree-yard line with 1:16 to
Reserve quarterback Joe Theis-
man and Bob Belden directed the
powerful Irish to a final touch-
down in a game watched by 58,043.
To complete the highest scoring
game in a 21-game series, reserve
Mike Cilek zeroed in on Kelly
Reardon for 36 yards on a pass
and Iowa's final touchdown withj
1:48 to go.
Notre Dame, amassing 256
yards on runs, glided from the
early deadlock on the hot arm of
The star senior found running
back Bob Gladieux open and hit
him for 69 yards to) the Iowa twot
on the first play after Iowa tied.
marched into the wind and a cold
drizzle for two fourth period
touchdowns and then held inside
its 20 twice in the final 1:18 for a
24-19 victory over Wake Forest
Minnesota, winning its first
game of the season after two loss-I
es, intercepted five Wake Forest!
passes and recovered t wo fumbles.1
Down 19-10 with less than tenE
minutes to play. Minnesota drove
80 yards in eight plays, including
a 42-yard pass interference pen-'
alty, culminated by a three-yard
touchdown plunge by fullback
Jim Carter. Jeff Nygren's extra
point cut the Wake Forest lead
to 19-17 with 5:33 to play.
18 but
the th
COLUMBUS - Ohio Statew
erupted for a pair of second half ;
touchdowns yesterday on the way
to a 21-6 intersectional football
victory over stubborn Oregon.
The sixth-ranked Buckeyes,
scoring their second triumph of
the season before 70,919 fans,
handed the Ducks their third loss.
Ohio s defense gave Oregon a:
touchdown in the dying seconds
of the first -half, and then shut ALL-AMERICAN LEROY KEYES crashes to a first down in ye
down the rest of the game.r terday's game with Northwestern. The action occurred duri
The Bucks got their only Y the first quarter and helped Purdue to continue a toucldo'
touchdown of the first half with drive, giving them an early lead.
1:22 gone as safety Mike Polas-
ki blocked Alan Pitchaithley's THE MIGHTY FALL:
punt on the Oregon nine, caught
the ball in the air and rambled
into the end zone. Oragemen snare *ruins;
The Ducks got their score after
Mike Kish intercepted Rex Kern's Cowboys corralSu De i
pass on the Ohio 28. Five plays
later John Harrington hit end,
Penny Schuler with a 14-yard SYRACUSE (") - Syracuse un- Sophomore fullback Al New
touchdown pass. leashed a lightning like running with 124 yards in 20 carries,
The Buckeyes went ahead 14-6 game, including a 49-yard touch- Godbolt with 89 yards in 15
ith 3:19 remaining in the third- down return of an onside kick by ries, powered the Orange gro
period when Jim Otis raced 35 end Bill Maddox, to upset ninth- attack.
yards. Early in the final quarter, ranked UCLA 20-7 yesterday.
reserve quarterback Ron Marie- Maddox's dash down the left LARAMIE, Wyo. - The Wy
jowski connected with Bruce Jan- sideline midway through the final ing Cowboys spotted Ari
kowski on a 55-yard touchdown period came moments after Greg State 10 quick points, then c
strike, Jones had scored the lone Bruin from behind for a 27-13 upset
touchdown on a three-yard sweep. tory over the 14th ranked
SDevils yesterday in a Wes
_ort Weser
Spartans dearoy adgers;
Hoosiers fly by weak Ilmii.
ranked Boilermakers cut Leroy W L Pet.
Keyes loose for three touchdowns Michigan State 1 0 1.004
and hammered Northwestern with Indiana 1 0 1.000
a terrifying defense yesterday for Purdue 1 0 .1.000
a 43-6 opening Big Ten football MICHIGAN 0 0 .000
victory. Minnesota 0 0 .0004
All three of Keyes' touchdowns . Ohio State 0 0 .000
came on six-yard runs as the un- Iowa 0 0 .000
beaten Boilermakers rolled up a Illinois 0 1 .000
29-0 lead in the first three quar- Northwestern 0 1 .000
ters before letting up on the win- Wisconsin 0 1 -000
less Wildcats. sion yesterday as the Hoosiers
Purdue's Jim Kirkpatrick took beat Illinois 28-14 in .a Big Tet
the opening kickoff and returned football opener for both clubs.
45 yards to the Boilermaker 45. John Isenbarger was the sharp
Purdue needed 13 plays to move edge of -Indiana's running attack
the ball into the end zone on a with 159 yards in 18 carries.
two-yard run by Perry Williams,
but Keyes was the workhorse in The Hoosiers fumbled away a
the drive as . he carried eight' two-touchdown lead after the first
' times, including a 19-yard run quarter but got two more touch-
marred by a clipping penalty. downs late in the game afteit
From then until the final min- holding for downs twice inside
utes of the half, Northwestern, their 20.
although unable to move the ball, Illinois, suffering its third de-
kept Purdue at bay by recovering feat of the season, refused to quit
a Keyes' fumble and intercepting after Gonso passed four yards to
a Mike Phipps' pass intended for Jade Butcher for one touchdown
es- Keyes. and Isenbarger ran 32 yards for,
ng Purdue put the outconie beyond another before the first period*
wn doubt on the opening play of the ended,
second half when Northwestern's The Illini grabbed two Hoosier
,Bob Doyle fumbled the kickoff fumbles and scored twice in the
and Purdue recovered on the 25. second quarter on short plunges
Four plays later Keyes rolled in by Rich Johnson and Bob Na-
for his second touchdown and a ponic,
21-0 lead. A 46-yard run by Isenbarger se,
* up the three-yard scoring pass
MADISON - Michigan State's from Gonso to Butcher that put
hard-running Spartans, led by the Hoosiers back in front with
quarterback Bill Feraco and kick- 5:11 to play. In the last minute
er Gary Boyce, mauled Wisconsin|Ben'Norman of Indiana intercep-
wton, 39-0 yesterday in a Big Ten foot- ted a Naponic pass and ran it
and ball game, back 36 yards to the Illinois 22.
car- Gonso carried it over from the
ound Feraco scored three touchdowns, five.
all on one-yard sneaks, and Boyce
booted field goals, of 38 and 41
yoI- Thesvictory gave Michigan State
zona a 3-0 record. Wisconsin's winless .
ame streak was stretched to 13.
vic- Feraco scored the first . two
Sun times. Michigan State got the ball.:>
'tern His third TD came in the t h i r d
ame. period.
the Michigan State's other scores
Thne otter Kyriacuse toughdown
by sophomore speedster John God-
bolt came in the third period on a
four-yard burst after another sop-
homore, soccer-style kicker George,
Jakewenke had given the OrangeI
a 6-0 lead on field goals of 26 and,
40 yards-
The rugged Orange defense.
spearheaded by safetyman Cliff
Ensley, turned back three Bruin
drives deep in Syracuse territory.
Ensley, who intercepted two
passes, stopped the first UCLAs
threat in the first period when!
he picked off a Jim Nader pass in
the end zone.
Athletic Conference football g
The loss was the first of
season for the high-scoring S u n jIcame on a two-yard plunge by
Devils. Tom Love and a one-yard blast
Two of the Wyoming touch- by sophomore fullback Earl An-
downs were set up by brilliant derson.
The visitors racked up 24 first
punt returns by sophomore Jim downs to only nine for the Badg-
Barrows. Another 80-yard Bar- ers. Michigan State amassed a
rows run for an apparent touch- total of 360 yards, with 260 com-
pen was nullified by a clipping ing on the ground, while Wiscon-
penalty, sin had 121 total yards, 90 by air.
The victory vaulted the Cow- 4
boys into a tie for the WAC lead. BLOOMINGTON - Indiana
Arizona State got off to a flying quarterback Harry Gonso passed
start scoring a field goal with for two touchdowns, sprinted for
only 2:16 into the game. one and ran a two-point conver-
For the Liberal Arts Major,
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