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October 06, 1968 - Image 7

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1968-10-06

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Sunday, October 6, 1968


S n do , c ob r 6, 19 8T H IC N D A L

Students, peace organizations
schedule election offensive'




NEW YORK (CPS) - With the tions as irrelevant and illegiti-'
presidential elections one month mate;1
away, leftist student and peace or- -Mass demonstrations at poll-.
ganizations across a broad spec- ing places on Election Day, and
trum have begun, planning a "fall various other activities, including
election offensive" opening a new leafletting and guerilla theatre
phase in the national protest of performances.
the electoral system which began.
in Chicago last month and which The / important point about
Will continue through the inaugu- Mobe's planning," Potter said. "is
ration in January. that it provides a chance to re-
The National Mobilization tointroduce the war in Vietnam as
End the War in Vietnam ('Mobe')', an issue nationally.
a loosely formed organization T h e gathering, attended by
which has coordinated many mass about 20, marked the first such
anti - war demonstrations a n d meeting in the city of radical cam-
which called for the protest in pus and peace groups interested in
Chicago, is the one group so far protesting the elections, but al-
to become specific about its plans. ready the lines of political differ-
Mobe leaders say they are call- ence could be seen emerging.
ing on students to "find new ways Jeff Shero, editor of the New
of voting this year - in the streets York underground newspaper, Rat,
rather than in polling places" objected to so strong a connection,
since voting for one of the three between the elections and the war.
major candidates gives no chance "We should try to tie the protest
to vote for ending the Vietnam more to the on-going demands of
war now. the movement," he said ,without
At an initial planning session becoming more specific. "The war
this week in New York, Paul Pot- is kind of an old issue."
ter, a former SDS president who Objections wereralso'raised to
is now on the Mobe steering com- the idea of counter-election polls
mittee, said h i s organization is at which persons opposed to the
aiming at a series of national, "de- three major candidates could cast
centralized" p r o t e st activities their vote at an alternative polling
"leading up to, but not including, place set up, for the day by, the
disruption of polling places." protesters.
The thrust of the activities, he prOteers.
said, will be to link the continuing Other speakers emphasized the
war in Vietnam with the concept need for clear explanation of why
war in the election protest is being stag-
rather than dealing with the sit- ed. While supporting the proposal.
uatlon, tensIs to perpetuate it. The for a boycott, one activist contend-
uaionrten'stoneretuare. to in- ed, "This is going to be the first
program's main features day of the rest of the movement.r
-On the weekend prior to the We have to give people good rea-
elections, possible presentation of sons for what they're doing,"
anti-war generals at public hear- Students, Mobe says, are "draw-
ings at which /the issues surround- ing the connections between ther
ing the war would be presented; war and society as-they see the re-
-Delegations of, anti-war dem- lationship of their universities to
onstrators visiting the nation's "35 both the war, and the federal gov-r
key military bases," locatedmostly ernment."
in the East and South, staging Jeff Jones, a memlier of SDS,
marches and "love-ins;" York regional assembly this wee
-The declaration of November told the group that the Ne w
2 as Vietnam Sunday and urging York regional assembly this week-
clergymen opposed to the war to end will be discusing the. possi-
speak out against it to their con- bility of calling for a student,
gregations; strike prior to election day in
--The organization of mass ral- which students stop attending
lies on the eve of Election D a y classes in order to participate in
supporting a boycott of the elec- activities opposed to the elections.

That same proposal will probably
be discussed the following week-
end at an SDS national confer-
ence in Boulder, Colorado.
On election day, it urges them
to center their activities on "point-
ing out the ties that exist between
the war machinery and the uni-
versity, through all-day teach-ins,
confrontations with draft boards
qr other actions aimed at forcing
universities to e n d military re-
search." Students are also urged
not to attend classes November 5.

The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of the Univer-
sity of Michigan for which The
Michigan Daily assumes no editorial
responsibility. Notices should be sent
in TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3528|
L. S. & A. Bldg., before 2 p.m. of the
day preceding publication and by
2 p.m. Friday for Saturday and Sun-
day. General Notices may be pub-
lished a maximum of two times on
request; Day Calendar items appear
only once. ' Student organization
notices are not accepted for publica-
tion. For more information call 764-
Day Calendar
Bureau of Industrial Relations Sem-
inar: "Management of Managers, Pro-
gram No. 70": North Campus Commons,
8:15 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. and 7:00 to 9:00
School of Music Degree Recital -
Thomas Warburton, Piano: School of
Music Recital Hall,4:30 p.m.
Cinema Guild: Kirk Douglas and
Adolph Menjcu in Stanley Kulbrick's
Paths of Glory: Architecture Auditor-
ium, 7:00 and 9:05 p.m.
Professional Theatre Program: APA
Repertory Company in Shakespeare's
Hamlet: Lydia Mendelssohn Theater,
8:00 p.m.
Electrical Engineering Research Re-
view: Registration: Lobby, Chrysler
Center, 8:00 am.
Bureau of Industrial Relations Sem-
iar: "Management of Managers, Pro-
gram No. '70": North Campjus Comm~ons,
8:15 a.m.
Botany and Human Genetics Sem-
inar: Dr. E. R. Sears will speak on "The
(Continued on Page 8)

The Podium was ;a good fifty
feet from the chain link fence that
held back the homogeneous crowd
yet the advance men had bridg-
ed that gap and created a crowd
equally as enthusiastic as any
created by traditional political
hand shaking. The crowd consist-
ed of two factions; the true Wal-
lace supporters, and the hecklers
who, according to Wallace, were
in need of a good barber. Be-
fore Wallace spoke, the polarized
gathering listened to country wes-
tern music, and contributed hard
earned dollars to Wallace via the
Wallace girls who circulated in'
the crowd.
George Wallace is not a tall
man and a good many views were

blocked by the numerous micro-
phones which recorded the ad-
dress. This was a short stop for
Wallace and he delivered his stock
speech. He spoke of the issues that
rang true to the crowd of sup-
porters; returning control of the
government from the intellectuals
in Washington to "folks like yob.
and me," stopping the "anarchist
movement" that made the streets
unsafe for the working man," and
winning the war militarily if the
Paris peace talks failed. The
hecklers were effective enough to
cause Wallace- to lose his place
twice but also gave him the op-
portunity to cut them down." If
3ny of you anarchists lie down in

front of my car, it is going to be
the last one that you'll even want
to lie in front of."
As Wallace walked off the plat-
form, there was a short scuffle be-
tween a few negro students, some
police, and a few Wallace sup-
porters. As a result of the con-
frontation, numerous heated de-
bates started between Wallace
backers and those who opposed
him. These debates were broken
up by the police, and the two fac-
tions dispersed without further in-
cident. Yet one wonders what
would happen if some of those
anarchists actually did lie down
in front of the George Wallace

4p ____ I___ _____________

photographed by
Jay L. Cassidy



SUNDAY, Oct. 6,7 P.M.

Methodist Church Wesley
the corner of Huron and State


Author: Invitation to Sociology- (a Human-
Perspective); The Noise of Solemn Assem-
blies; The Precarious Vision; and TheSacred
Canopy (elements of a Sociological Theory
of Religion). ou-author, with Thomas Luck-
mann of The Social Construction of Reality.


Are we moving towards a tyranny of the right or a chaos of the left?
Sponsored by the Ann Arbor Council of Churches interfaith Committee for Religion and Peace
Advertised in cooperation with the Office of Religious Affairs, 2282 S.A.B.

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