11 1 .Page Six THE MICHIGAN DAILY Sun lcav, October ,6s 1968 For Direct Classified Service, Phone 764-0 Monday through Friday, 9:30-12:30 MWn5o 7nhpr PERSONAL PERSONAL DEAR JED-NO TRADE. Who needs three platonic girl friends when I've got Rocky Colavito? FF GIRL GRAD., Questionnaire last state- ment "false." Please call 663-3084. F39 INTERESTING GRAD student wishes to meet cute Jewish senior or grad. 761- 3801 or box 1. F37 ANN ARBOR'S FINEST in diamonds-- reasonably priced! Austin Diamond- 1209 S, University-663-7151. F HELP ELECT a senator in ithe tradition of Wayne Morse. Sam Brown, an aide to Paul O'Dwyer, New York senator- 11 candidate, will be at the Assembly Hall of the Union at 8 p.m. Monday, October 7. Everyone is welcomed. FA4 IF EVERYTHING is predestined and controlled by fate; why worry at all? -The Gestalt P36 IS IT TOUGH being a young student- wife? This survey taker wants to know problems and pleasantries of studying vs. cooking. Info kept anon- ymous. Call Neila at 961-,7666. If out, please leave name and No, F33 BEEDGE: Hugh, Lenny, Neal, Dwight, the nubs and all those not allergic to hay seed mourn your passing. From us'and the other unofficial ushers, hope you see more in the afterlife. A card from the 'Vard. r F34 SO FUNNY, we had to call it obnoxious, Gargoyle. Retyrn to the Womb Issue. On sale Oct. 9. F32 DO YOU KNOW 101 alternate uses for the umbilical chord? We do. Buy, read, enjoy, the Gargoyle. On sale next Wednesday. F33 FUNNY, HA-HA. Roar. Groan. What can it be? Must be the Gargoyle. On sale Wednesday, Oct. 9. F31 STATE GAME TICKETS needed. Call 769-2435. F30 SUSAN B.-"Wondergirl from 'Knob Hill" Episode No. 1: Our wondergirl caught a touchdown pass at 8 yrs. of age and fell at the goal line. Result: her preoccupation with falls. Don't miss episode No. ,. Luv, K.K. FA FREE FUR COATI ! DOOR PRIZE. At fur coat fashion show. Music by the PRIME MOVERS. NO ADMISSION CHARGE! Perfume Gifts, Men's and Women's coats modeled. Presented by MADEMOISELLE, New York. Spon- sored by DELTA PHI EPSILON. Tues., Oct. 8, 7:30 p.m., League Ballrm. FREE FUR COAT I I DOOR PRIZE. F22 RETURN to the Womhb with the Gar- goyle. Super huge group therapy ses- session on Oct. 2 at 7:30 at the Stud. Pub. All come, F2 SAUNA? Ask about our private rooms. AA Gymkhana, 662-9200, F25 GARGOYLE organizational and sales meeting. All new, old and interested staff. Wed.. Oct: 2, at 7:30 p.m. in office, 420 Maynard. F1 1965 HONDA CB160, black chrome fend- ers, exc. cond., low mileage. Call 1- 862-0347. FA HELP! We don't want our chicken to die. If you know about chickens, call 769-0762. FF TO THE FRENCH MAJOR (Grad. of Gettysburg Coll.) from the flu shot line (26th) Thurs, 1:15 p.m. You're attractive! How about a date. The Ohio Farmer, 662-3471. F9 SUSAN B: U-M students will read the exciting adventures of "Wonder-girl from Knob Hill" in succeeding issues. Episode No. 1: Was she a real tom- boy? Luv, K.K. FF TV RENTALS $10.00 per month. FREE Service and delivery. Call NEJAC TV Rentals, 662-5671 today. F39 1967 FORD ANGLIA. Must be sold. 30 miles per gallon; 6500 miles; $900 or best offer; phone 665-8163. FC WHY MESS with erasing carbon cop- les? Why ruin your papers with smudges? Why not? Because you can now Xerox your original at only 8c MICHIGAN ARTISTS We will display and sell your paint- ings, etc. for you. Sometimes we buy. THE ATTIC J 204 N. 4th Ave. Ann Arbor 761-8550 F31 HI SWEETS. The frig is full, this should be a good one if coin is any index. Hugs and kisses from lsd. Olpa?!) FF WAN EI--Male Roommate for 2-man apt. 8 mo. lease. 'Call 663-0120 or 761-7697. F40 HEAD MASTER SKIS, 1967 Model, used 8 times, with bindings and poles, $115 or best offer. Call 769-0437. FF per copy during business hours, or only 7c per copy on overnight service. Lower rates on multiple copies. Two locations: 211 State St.., 769-4252, and 1217 S. University, 769-0560. F16 H. HESSE, GJELSNESS, BLOCK * ** OVERFLOW Magazine. Coming soon. F] ALTO RECORDER. Would like to join a group. Marjie Smith, 668-8239. F36 DON'T LEND HIM YOUR NOTES; he might lose the whole set. Xerox them LAMBDA CHI ALPHA took the best pledge class on campus.F instead, and save hours and hours of copying by hand. Only 8c per page. Two locations: 211 State St., 769-4252, and 1217 S. University, 769- 0560. F17 WAKE-UP SERVICE-Have your phone{ ring at any designated time day or night-LOW RATES. DON'T BEdLATE FOR CLASS OR WORK - AGAIN. TELEPHONE ANSWERING SERVICE, 665-8871 (24 hours). F FOR RENT WANTED--1 male roommate to take over 12 mo. lease. Call 769-0665. C2 FOURTH' WANTED--man, woman or beast-tocomplete four-man. Immedi- ately. Cal-761-0703. cc ROOMMATE WANTED: upper-div. or grad to share 2 bdrm. basement apt. 4 blocks from campus, $75/mo. Call ' Dan eves., 761-5854. C39 ROOM. 1108 Hill St. $70/mo. .761-8025, afts. or after midnight. C43 2 BDRM LUX. APT, near campus, call 764-3556 12-8 p.m.; after 8, 769-0479. C40 COMP. ROOM, kitchen, bath: for fem. grad. stud. 1 min. from campus, no lease, not a rooming house, no par- ties. 663-3084, C GARAGES TO RENT. May be locked. Lease. 723 Packard near State. C49 AVAIL m-Oct., 1 bdrm, furn, all utils, 4 blks fr Diag, 145/mo, 761-2568, eves. C37 FOR RENT BIKES AND SCOOTERS HELP WANTED 2 BEDROOM, 2 MAN 1965 HONDA 160. Must sell. Best offer. HOLIDAY MAGIC loves ya. 1818 Inc., excellent cond, 761-3077. Z34 208 E. Washington. 769-5288. H9 Modern apt. on campus, with all the !__- -- - - inquiries. From $200 per month. Call 67 HONDA 450, 5200 mi. Good cond. TYPIST to type via dictation at my Summit Associates at 761-8055. C18 Must sell, $590 or best offer. 662-0453. apt. 662-1058, 10:30-12:30 P.M. H34 ________ ___Z30 -- APT. FOR RENT: 1 bdrm., mod., cam.-W-I--- -----3 TRESSES, fantastic working condi- pus location, 2-3 man. 769-5699 eves, 1966 YAMAHA Twin 100; excellent cond. tions, lovable boss, wages beyond be- 764-8434, afternoons. C35 Less than 2400 mi. Must sell. $225 or lief. Call Fat Bob, 662-2545. H7 lest offer. 662-1101. Z31| - - - --------- -.- - --- --- - 2 BDRM apt. sublet, Nov. 1-July 1, Hu- - - - - ---- ._-.FRATERNITY KITCHEN has openings ron Towers, 662-0894, eves. C36 HOT THROBBING 1966 Yamaha 250, for lunch and dinner jobs. 761-5853, Wo$375. Call Rick, 761-1237. Z32 ask for Bob. H8 WANTED: 3rd man to occupy 2 bdrm. - - - -- ------- --- .. ---..... ._..... _ mod, apt w air cond, parking, gar- 1965 DUCATI 250 cc Manza, lander, JANITORIAL WORK and cleaning up bage disp. Avail. immed. 665-9344 or 5000 mi., extras. Carl, 971-1658 aft. 6. new and used cars. Apply in person 761-9380. C31 Z29 at Herb Estes, Inc., 319 W. Huron, AA. ROOM M ATES '67SUZUKI TRAIL 80 w. helmet. $165 - - .---------- - ..-- or best offer, 761-7808. Z33 OPENINGS for part-time jobs-Male. Call Charter Realty at 665-8825. - 7-H AMalloy Lithographing, 5411 Jackson '67 HONDA 305 SCRAMBLER, chrome Rd 665-6113. H4 C16. fenders, 3783 mi., Good cond. $495._ ___.6513H PHOTO SUPPLIESCall 65-52 after fiv Z37 WORK AROUND your study time. Earn HONDA 50, 1966 whitein e - $20-50 extra per week as part-time 769-3049 e, nc. elmet, driver for Dominos. Over 18, honest. TCENTURY-_6 responsible, and dependably. Stop in 1966 SUZUKI 150, good cond., $250. 1968 at 307 W. Michigan, Ypsi., M-F, 10-4, The Best in Honda 90, like new, $275. Call 769- or call 483-8290 for appointment. H3 Good Used Cameras 0046. Z35 -SML --------ASSEMBLY LANGUAGE programmers. 2-3 MAN SUBLET. Jan.-Alril, campus. 761-7433. near C2 1967 TTONnA lAn vx rnntl nail -Taff a+ # C PF;P-R nr nth pr cm u.11 nmmnltar r ti+n_ 1 1-MAN APT, close to campus. Packard and State area. $120 inc. utilities. Lease to April or Aug. 662-6289 after 6. C46 MED. AND LAW STUDENT need room- mate for 2-bedroom 3-'nan apt. 761- 6872. C4 FURN. STUDIO APT, avail., immed. Great location. $85/mo. Call Detroit, 534-6842 between 5-7. C48 ROOMMATE WANTED. Modern bi-level 1 blk. from law quad. $68/mo. Call 769-4787. C50 ARE YOU A GIRL without lodging for the next 3 months? I need a short- term roommate. Spacious apt., p'riv- ate bedroom. 665-3542 before 1 p.m. Ask for Bunny. C49 Parking Garage or parking lot. Reasonable rates, Call Charter Realty. 665-0154. C31 NEAR HOSPITAL Beautiful 2 bdrm., bi-level apt. for 2 to 5 people. Call 665-0154. C14: 8 MO. LEASE: Need 1 girl, $65. 665- 5550. C18 FALL APTS.* 3 ON-CAMPUS LOCATIONS FOR 3-5 PEOPLE 1 & 2 BDRM. APTS. PRICED FROM $200 CALL Assoc# Open Mon.-Sat. - 9:30-5:00 761-8055 C42 THE GOOD LIFE For young doctors, nurses, teachers, stewardesses, researchers, profession- al people, and grad students. Nikon FT Fl.4 Auto . .. ... ....$275 le""e ."Io .,ca l lJff 't-zso " "s " " ''cputer pro- Nikon "F" F2.0 Autoonly...... $175 769-3342 Z24 grammers. Experience preferred. Sam Nion "F P2.0 Xuot oy . $175 ___ ---_ _ -.-- ---- Russo, Information Control Systems, Rolliefex F 28 Xeontar for. .$125 '67 BULTACCO ENDURO bike. Cheap, Inc., 327 S. Fourth Ave., AA. 761-1600. Leica M3-Duo Range F .20. $225 needs repair, 250 Matador. Call John, H2 Canonflex F 1.8 Auto only ......$ 89 769-0988. Z25 ---- Nikkormat FTN F2.0 Case ........$195 ___ _ STUDENT with time to spare in the Topcon Auto 100 Case...........$ 89 1967 SUZUKI 55 cc, 1100 mi., wind- mornings, must have desire to learn. screen, 2 mirrors, luggage rack and 2 Fast growing local mail order firm CEThUR CARhl) --563 . has an unusual opening, light work, (At our new location) ---- - -__ -- - high wages. Apply in person. Shar 4254 N. Woodward, Royal Oak HONDA 50-C 100, 1967, good cond. Call Products Co., 206 Miller, . H1 Between 13 and 14 Mile Rd. 662-6930, Z7___ ___-_________ LI 9-6355---4--MW-- -27, ex. , m- m g. GIRL 20-28 yrs old wanted to assist ~64 BMW R1-27, exc. coAd . low mileage, handicapped college student. Week- Take 94'fto Southfield Expr. North to Call, collect, after 7. 229-6087. ZF ends off. Room and board, $60/wk. 13 Mile Road-then east to Woodward HON-A -~- ~-----~W --1---.----- 769-5154. H49 and North . HONDA 305 SUPERHAWK, 1965. Very good condition. Ask for Mark. 761- MARRIED COUPLE to manage student DARKROOM SUPPLIES ( 5020. Z3 USED CARS '63 MGB. black with red roof, new ton- neau cover and snow tires, motor and trans. newly overhauled. 769-3364. N8 '61 VW, very good cond., rebuilt engine, snow tines, 6 wheels, 662-1278. NF 1964 MGB Michelin X, wire wheels, In- cas driving lights, abarth clean, aClI Pete, 769-0926. NB '60 VOLVO. good cond. $225. Call 764- S4275or 761-6634 eve. N1 '64 VETTE. 365 hp-327, 2 tops, Good- year polyglass tires, astro wheels, AM- FM radio, 769-2108. N2 '63 CORVETTE, Coupe, 4 spd., posi- 327-350 h.p. Silver. hoverb plus more. Call 761-7347 and ask for Julie. NC '59 DODGE, good running. $145. 761- 4752. N5 '57 FORD, 6 cylinder, stick. 761-3598. N6 '65 PLYMOUTH 2 dr htp. except. clean 1 owner, 39,000 mi., auto trans., p.s. $95. 663-3519. N48 1961 PEUGEOT, good mechanical shape, 4 ne wtires, call 761-6671 weekdays after 5:30, weekend any time. N50 1966 MUSTANG, air cond., stereo tape, radio, 4 barreled carb., 289 cc, V8, auto trans., tinted glass, black vinyl top, mag wheels, wood steering wheel. Call 769-5669 'after 5. N47 1962 AUSTIN HEALY 3000 MKII, good condition, $800 or best offer. Call Carl, 761-9167. N41 1964 KARMAN GHIA, new 1965 engine. Call 761-6520. N43 1963 FALCON. Radio, heater, 6 cylinder, j good gas mileage, good condition. You'll love it for $400. Call Bill, 761- 7060 mealtimes, or 769-2631 other times NF Z28 CAMARO 761-9730 - N33 RAMBLER '62. $295. 763-4749. N26 62 MGA 1600 MKII, good cond., $650. 483-4595 after 6 p.m. NO '65 MG 1100 Sesan. uMst sell. $500 or best offer. 665-6051. N10 BUICK SPECIAL, 1964, 4-door sedan V-6 stick, ex. cond. $600. 510 Cather- ine 668-8598 after, 5 p.m. N9 SES I'S "/BIG ,LOT"1 * Over 200 cars to select from * Special prices for faculty and students * Buy with confidence-over 20 years of honest dealing. SES -incolri-Mercury-CougOr Largest used car dealer in this area HELP ELECT a senator in the tradition of Wayne Morse. Sam Brown, an aide to Paul O'Dwyer. New York senator- ial candidate, will be at the Assembly Hall of the Union at 8 p.m. Monday, October 7. Everyone is welcomed. MA4 ATTEND TO the accrual of 'your es- tates, you under-thirties. Booksale at St. Vincent de Paul Store. 1001 Broad- way, Sat, morning at ten. Moe's was never like this. X120 SHADY TRAILS RIDING STABLE. Rid- ing daily. Group rides and hayrides at bookout. Also sleigh rides. 12655 Plank Rd., Milan,. Mich. 432-4143. M19 HEALTH FOODS AND DIET FOODS. 523% N. Ashley. 10 a.m,-6 p.m. (except Sun). NO 2-9541.M16 ATTRACTIVE 25 yr. old girl with Mas- ter's degree wants to meet young man w. comparable education. Call Karon, between 4-8 p.m. at 662-7701. M18 PARKING BY SEMESTER, near S. Univ. & Forest. Area paved. $10/mo. Phone 662-2557. M12 LOST AND FOUND MISSING from Frieze Bldg.-10-speed racer with infant seat and speedo- meter. If an y info, call 663-9831. RE- WARD. - A14 LOST: Heavy gold chain w. gold piece on central campus. Chain has great sentimental value. $560-eward. Call 764-4077. A17 USED CARS PONTIAC GRAND PRIX 19077 cony., ex tra clean, blie w. white top, tape deck. Asking $2195, 761-0220. N44 1962 FORD FALCON. 6 cyl., 200 cu. in., radio & heater, g-ood economy car, fair condition, $150. Cal 763-2$51 aft- er 7 p.m. N40 1937 AUSTIN 7, 45,000 mi., runs per- fectly, beautiful condition, 665-5522, N31 MISCELLANEOUS °, LUMINOUS PAPER WE BUY, SELL, TRADE (Michigan Bank, Security and Diner Charges accepted) D17 SOLIGOR LENS, 250 mm, Mint Condi- tion, rarely used. Yashica mount, but can be put on most 35 mm cam- eras. A beauty, and a bargain. Will negotiate. Also willing to trade. Call Lloyd Graff, 761-3228. DF SUZUKI '66 250cc X6 Hustler. Extras. $350. 6-9 p.m. 662-4274. Z33 1965 HONDA 50 cc plus 2 helmets, good cond. Call 761-3883. Z49 1966 HONDA Super Hawk, exc. cond. $425 w/helmets. Dave-665-9741, ext. 368. Evenings call Bart, 1-227-3540. Z38 1968 BSA 441 Shooting Star. Perfect cond., 3000 mi. 663-3856. Z6 ~ SUSAN'B.-Plan B., the Fall, Bob, Spare' MUSICAL MDSE., T., Wallet, No Rays, Supper, O.' J, RADIOS REPAIRS Cocktail Party, 2 alternatives, Liggett, La Dolce Vita! Luv, K.K. DZ - ------------- - -- -------------HERB DAVID GUITAR STUDIO NIKKORMAT FT with Nikon 50mm. F2 Unavailable instruments, repairs and lens-$130. Mamiyaflex, with 80mm instructions - 209 S. State. 665-8001. lens {C-3)-$120. Call Larry-665-7286. X _- VOICE OF MUSIC Stereo, 1 yr. old. $65. TRANSPORTATION 665-8163. X37 HERB DAVID GUITA RSTUDIO HELP! Coed needs ride to Detroit Me- Unavailable instruments, repairs and tro Airport Thursday, Oct. 10 after 1 instructions-209 S. State, 665-8001, and in time to make a 2:25 plane. X Cal, Jayne, 764-1895. G2_ rooming and apt, houses. Must be available thruApril 1970, Over 21. Write: Mr. Rome, 2654 Raphael Rd., E. Lansing, Michigan 48823. H46 FREE DINNER to student girl who loves to cook my dinners. Call Mrs. Mole, NO 2-9541 10 a.m.-6 p.m. H44 STUDENT WITH INITIATIVE and transportation needed for part-time sales work. Flexible hours. Interesting, work. Call 313-498-2618 for interview. Hll BUSINESS SERVICES TYPING DONE. Call 663-9118. J33 EXPERIENCED SECRETARY desires part timeremployment evenings or will do private] typing in my home. 971-1533. J31 TYPING inexpensively^ and expertly done in my home. Manuscripts; pa- pers, etc. 663-7894. J32 THESES AND TERM PAPERS typed in my home. 769-5441. / J27 PAPERS, ESSAYS, REPORTS, THESES: Perfect copies now only 7c on over- night service. Use correct-o-tape .or unlimited erasures on yo4t original and yet be assured of copies that even look better than the original from the new Xerox .duplicator. We supply 20 wgt. copy paper free. On request we supply 20 wgt. copy pa- per free. Overnight service only 7c per page (stored in office safe for com- plete safety of documents). Immedi- aet service during business rours only 8c per page. Two locations: 211 State St., 769-4252 and 1217 S. University, 769-0560. JJ GET IN' THE BIG PICTURE Any picture can be mace into a MASTER PHOTO POSTER a 2 ft. x 3 ft. enlargement, printed on heavy, matte paper, suitable for framing. Sent postpaid in crush-p'roof tube. Party pictures and school pic- tures make excellent POSTERS. Do not confuse this with any other offer, this is the best work available in the U.S. ONLY $4.95 ea., or 2 fom same pictude for only $8.95. 'Send your name and address and remittance to: MASTER PHOTO MURALS P.O Box 6038, Austin, Texas 78702 No Negs - No COD Picture returned Texas residents add 2% State Sales tax, See samples in The Match ,ox, after 4:00 p.m. daily./' Clip this ad ' F18 FOUND near the Union tn near be- draggled condition on the 24th of Sep- tember: qne spindle legged, bambi- eyed chtluahua with spInal problems. For Info. call: 764-7615. PP KOREAN KARATE (Tae Kwan Do) Ann Arbor Gymkhana, 662-9200. F14 U of M Ski Club, SECOND' SWITZERLAND MEETING Still some places left on this really cheap ($280) trip. ALL PEOPLE WHO ARE GOING OR WANT TO GO SHOULD ATTEND TUES., OCT. 8, 7:30 P.M. UNION BALLROOM F38 BARGAIN CORNER S am's Store, LEVI'$ Galore For Gals and Guys! * LEVI DENIMS: Button Fly ...... $ 5.29 (Guaranteed to Shrink) NEEDED-Ride to Bloomington, Ind., wk. end of Oct. 18-20. 761-2069. Gi NEED RIDE to Upper Peninsula any weekend soon. Call761-8032. G50! WANTED TO RENT COUPLE WANTS to sublet apt. Dec.- Aug., campus location preferred. Call Julie, 769-2836. L3! STUDENT desperately needs room! Lo-. cation not important. Tom, 662-7040. EI BABY GRAND, beautiful tone. Paid $800 3 months ago. Will accept $600 or best offer, Call Bob, 764-7128 or 483-9669 after 5. X38 F4 WATT Knight stereo amp. Good, clean sound. No. 30 cheap. 764-9711 ask for Kent. XF STEREO RECEIVER - 65-watt Electro Voce receiver 8 mos. old, and 2 matching EV 7a speakers, 6 mos. old. $225. Call Dick, 663-4086. XF STRING BASS, full size, wood, flat back. 662-5946 after 6 p.m. X35 950 E. Mich., Ypsi HU 27133 BLOOD DONORS URGENTLY NEEDED $7.50 Rh positive. $10 and $12 Rh negative. Mon., Tues., Thurs., Fri., 9-4; Wed., 1-7. 18-21 years old need parent's permission. 483-1894. 404 W. Michigan, Ypsilanti Michigan Community Blood Center WANTED TO BUY 1 TICKET each: MSU and homecom- ing. Call 764-3905 after i p.m. C39 WANTED: 4 tickets to State game, top price paid. Call Dick, 764-8947. K40 TWO SEASON football tickets, 40 yd. line. Call Jan at 663-0055 after 7. K38 WANTED: 4 tickgets to Mich/Mich. State game. After 5:30, 663-6843. K49 BIKES AND SCOOTERS HONDA 160 SCRAMBLER-'66: nobbie tire, just tuned, ex. cond. $275 inc. helmet, face shield. 663-0771. Z26 1966 HONDA 50, step-through model. Best offer. 434-1518. Z27 '65 HONDA 90. Very good condition. 761-3598. Z28 HONDA 305, 4000 mi., custom work extras, helmet $410. Call Steve, 761- '6327. Z21 .FLAWLESS R-69 BMW, thoroughly restored 1960, must sell, 662-5912. Z20 1966'BULTACO 175 cc, good cond., must sell, $175 or best offer. Call after 6. 665-2435. Z19 PETS AND SUPPLIES- FOUND near the Union in near be- draggled condition on the 24th of September: one spindle legged bambi eyed' chihuahua with spinal problems. For Info. call: 764-7615. TF FOR SALE SONY TC 350 tape deck. Call 662-5393, B18 '66 DODGE CHARGER--383 cu. in., 4- speed, radio, white walls, $1750., call Ed, 769-1174. - B17 TO SELL--girl's black leather pants- suit, hand-tailored in Barcelona. Call Paula, 761-8032. B15 '65 HONDA 305 Super Hawk. Must sell for drafted friend. Can be seen in A.A. 475-7296 Chelsea, after 6:30 p.m. B9 Order. Your, N21 1 We'll give you a chance to go out o n a limb. With our High Risk/High Reward program for col- lege graduates. if you qualify, you'll be put into a challenging management position immediately. You'll If you do well, you're on your way. Fast. That's the reward. 11 stakes that are a little higher and risks that are a " " 0 0 Bi-level Dishwasher 2 baths Air-conditioned Sound-proof Professional resident manager Excellent residential setting adjacent to the main campus. make your own decisions. Take your own risks, little rougher are your cup of tea, see our recruiter If you can't handle the challenges, we'll find out .or write College Relations, 222 Broadway, New fast enough to keep from wasting a lot of your time. York, N. Y. 10038. That's the risk. A lot of hard work never hurt anyone. A frfstrii Electric MANUFACTURING & SUPPLY UNIT OF THE BELL SYSTEM AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER Charter Realty 1335 S. University Resident Manager 665-8825 665-0432 C29 Super Slims Pre-Shrunk Dungares Now Levi Denir for Gals 's L EVI'S STA PREST:' "White" Levi's . (5 Colors) Nuvo Hopsack "Stitches"..... S-T-R-E-T-C-H "White" Levi's (5 Colors) ..$5.50. $5.79 $6.00 $6.98 .$8.00 $6.98 $6.98 .$4.98 GRAND OPENING of ARBOR MANOR TOWN HOUSES A fine new cooperative community. Gracious hillside living-just 10 minutes from Ann Arbor. Own your own 1, 2, or 3 bedroom home. Both 1 and 13 bath units including custom crafted Hotpoint appliances. from ($97 per month, including all utilities except electricity. Total lawn and garden care, snow removal, trash removal, and all exterior painting included in monthly charge. Throw away your rent receipts and come to Arbor Manor today. Build an equity in a home of your own, A 100% LAMBS WOOL SWEATERS--V or ,Crew Neck--$4.95 CPORISHIRTS