Sunday, October 6, 1968 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Pace FiveA Suda, ctbe 6 168TH MCHGAfDIL Pcci Fv M,, ~rQ F. 0 0 rQ U) *f f- 0 0 And what happened to 'that translator' By PHIL BALLA Letters to Georgian Friends, by Boris Pasternak, tr. by David Magarshack. Har- court, Brace, and World, $4.95. Contemporary events for many University students pose a serious problem. The war, hippies, student activists, monolithic political machinery, assassinations of national leaders, and Black Power hatred all combine to ques- tion the underlying health of the American Way. Is there an alternative value system to be sought and found? When the 1917 Revolution came to Russia, her artists and intellectuals responded to it with all the hope of launching a new and life- giying society. During the war the world's art capital shifted from Paris to Moscow. There may not have been any bread in Moscow but there was Mayakovsky on a cafe table top reciting poetry with a spoon in his lapel. When the government measured public order in terms of the number of workers killed on the Bratsk Railway, futurists measured a successful poetry reading in terms of the riot that followed. If before the revolution artists were thrilled with Pavlov driving his dog crazy, after the revolution artists were busy riding trains full of art out to awaken the peasantry to culture and the new society. A decade later the great laboratory arts of constructivism, neo-rayonism, and cubo- futurism had been disbanded. Kandinsky, Pevsner, and Malevich were expatriots. Es- senin had written his last poem in his own blood and hanged himself. Within another decade poets Mayakovsky, Marina Tsvetana, and Paolo Yashvili were suicides. Prose writer Pilnyak and poet Titian Tabidze disappeared in the purges of 1936-37. The great director Eisenstein had not completed a film for eight years and was sent to a rest home. One of the leading prerevolutionary artist did survive. He was a poet who had once been close to Mayakovsky but by 1920 was unable to either accept the flippancies of the day or support himself by his writing' and consequently left .. after' the artistic movement to retire into interior Russia. Boris Pasternak was thereafter all but for- gotten during the '30's and '40's. Contem- porary poet Andrei Vosnesensky recalls how his mother used to read him Pasternak's early poetry, but most of his colleagues referred to him as "that translator." The dramatic ap- pearance of Dr. Zhivago in the mid '50's came to the West as a windfall from the dark recesses of the Cold War. Very little was known about the once famous poet who seemed consigned to oblivion for two decades. Letters to Georgian Friends is a recent col- lection of 67 letters that Pasternak wrote between 1931= and 1959. Much of the book is shop talk between writers. Many of the letters are unpolished and hurried; more artful ex- pressions of his love for art and 'omen can be found in any of his poems. It gives a good impression of his everyday activities during the silent years when he was not allowed to publish his own work but lived off his trans- lations of Shakespeare, Goethe, Rilke, Ver- laine, and the Georgian poets. For those peo- ple who were taken back by Stalin's daugh- ter's gushing "That's how it was!" identifi- cation with Dr. Zhivago, Letters to Georgian Friends reveals not only how Pasternak came to temper his style, but also it reveals the all too real events that, as he says, ". . . deter- mined my views, my attitude towards the time we live in and towards its chief repre- sentatives, and my future." From his earliest days Pasternak inclined toward mysticism. During the wild anticipa- tions of futurism and the free-for-all as- semblages of imagism, his own tendencies were towards a free reign of the imagination. In a 1957 letter he wrote, "In 1917 and 1918 I wrote down only what by the character of the language or by the turn of phrase seemed to escape me entirely of its own accord, in- voluntarily . . ." The increasing selectivity of his late poetry arose directly out of his acquaintance with Georgian poetry. Visiting Georgia and the Caucasus for the first time in 1931. he found that Tiflis life ". . . was full of mysticism and the messianic symbolism of folk legends which are so favorable to the life of the imagination." Vitality, spaciousness, and vividness he found there closely bound "to the treasures of the Georgian language" and "an untouched store of spiritual reserves." He wrote, "Georgian colloquial speech is still permeated by survivals of old sayings and traces of forgotten popular beliefs. Many Georgian idioms owe their origins to the ritualistic peculiarities of the ancient pagan and new Christian calendar." At the same time that Pasternak was dis- covering the possibilities for personal expres- sion in the repositories of folk sayings and religious traditions, most of his Russian coun- terparts were trying to toe the line to the dictums of Socialist Realism and were achiev- ing not only sterility but an atr political accountability. Silent ar preoccupied with translationsc poets, Pasternak was bypassed in which took the lives of those ve influenced him most. Titian Tabidze was one of th in the purges. Titian introduce to Tiflis life both figuratively a for it was in the Tabidze home th refuge with his wife-to-be in 193 had no other roofs over their h Titian who by personal exams to Pasternak the poets of Geor close bound there between imag "the beauties of some saying or some proverb." "Essential to my existence," wrote, "Titian is to me the best n to follow in my own life." Tiflis through Titian Tabidze ce not just the picturesque back sounds of tambourines, and nigi with bright stars, scents from flo houses, gardens, and confectioner was southern life just the lyri that Titian himself spun in verse talk end parties. As Pasternak Tabidzes in 1933, "To understand different world, a, completely di and way of life-that is not a places or moments or even of Ti perhaps of the earth: it is an a chance to a close participation ir of history and in its future; it is never ending love story." In early 1936 the Union of So met to debate formalism and soci Only weeks before the Soviet fi met with similar intentions ,an great director Eisenstein up to pi rassment for his intellectual pre Writing to Titian about,"the criti porridge which people have, been ly gulping down for over a month urged him, "Don't believe in solut in revolution as a whole, believe it Pasternak... mosphere of the new promptings of your heart. the spec- nd obscurely tacle of life. and not the constructions put of Georgian on things by the Union of Soviet Writers." i the purges In 1937 the great purges swept away those ry men who writers who had shown Pasternak the folk styles and liturgical purpose of his southern ose executed treasures. His personal hero was gone. Many d Pasternak were committing suicide. To Titian's widow .nd literally, Pasternak wrote, "But courage, dear Nina! I at he found want you to live. It's important to me that 0 after they you should live. I need you in order to keep eads. It was my senses, to bring our common answer to its ple revealed conclusion, to endure all." gia and the To Titian's daughter, Nieta. he urged her ination and to hold dear her father's -treasures. In an- subtlety of other letter he said, "how much of him there remains in what he touched and what he Pasternak did." In all these letters can be seen the great kodel I'd like themes of Dr. Zhivago, the metaphors of cosmic intercourse, the bittersweet chalice ame to mean of life drunk and spiralling into the patterns lanes, the of fate, sacrificial history. When officially ac- htimes filled cepted Soviet writ'ers were describing the )wers, coffee glass-eyed heroism of building the new order, 's shops. Nor Pasternak was too involved with real life to c tapestries mimic the hysteria of building new steel and in free works or dam projects. wrote the "Morally, you are almost a heroine." he a completely wrote to Nita Tabidze, "you are part of heroic fferent style history . . , It is only the hope to see part question of of your dazzling future-vital, many-sided. flis, or' even abounding in all sorts of events, morally dmission by justified and boundless as far as spiritual n the affairs values are concerned-that makes us, worn a boundless, out and old as we are, hang on to life and desire it and value it in any of its forms." \ For a generation of students who must viet Writers have something to believe in before they will al relevance. believe, for a generation of students who seek lm industry to substitute a value system with inactivity d held the or activism, Letters to Georgian Friends offers ublic embar- no encouraging sign. "Don't believe in solu- occupations. tions, iTitian! . . . Dig more deeply with your cal semolina drill without fear or favour, but inside your- so touching- self, inside. If you do not find the people. the ," Pasternak earth and the heaven there, then give up your ions. Believe search, for then there is nowhere else to n the future, search." Pasternak: 'No solutions' his countrymen engineered the revolution By BRUCE LEVINE Revolutionary Silhouettes, by Anatoly V. Lunacharsky, tr. by Michael Glenny, with an intro- duction by Isaac Deutscher. Hill and Wang, $5.00. Like Lenin, A. V. Lunacharsky was born into minor Russian nobility; he grew up, however, in an atmosphere of much great- er sophistication and much more pronounced radicalism. Luna- charsky became a revolutionary Marxist early,) and spent the next few years serving the cus- tomary terms of self-imposed and then state-imposed exile. (During the latter period, the police guards found it necessary to keep this young man from moving, since his prolonged pre- sence in any one community al- most guaranteed the establish- ment there of a Marxist cell.) Witll his term of exile com- pleted, Lunacharsky plunged back into revolutionary politics. In and out of the Bolshevik party, he eventually joined with Trotsky, Uritsky, and Ryaza- nov in the so-called "Inter-dis- trict Committee": a group of some 4,000 workers and profes- sional revolutionaries which fused with the Bolsheviks in February, 1917. After the Octo- ber Revolution Lunacharsky be- came People's Commissar for Education, spending most of his time defending the freedom of the arts from the heavy hand of the already-growing Stalinist bureaucracy. With the subse- quent death of Lenin, the rise of Stalin, and the exile of his comrade, Trotsky, Lunacharsky withdrew more and more from the political arena, turning in- stead to his other love, literary criticism. At 59, he died. Revolutionary Silhouettes was. first published in 1919. It reap- peared, with minor stylistic revi- sions, in 1923 and '24 and then disappeared until 1965-when it "reappeared" in completely truncated form. The 1923 edi- tion (from which the current edition is translated) included biographies of most of the revo- lutionary leaders. But no Stalin. Neither in the 1919, the 1923, nor the 1924 editions was there any profile of the Gbneral Se- cretary of the Party. Elsewhere, Bertram Wolfe attributes the gap to an oversight: "in 1923 it still occurred to no one to con- sider the latter (Stalin) as a fig- ure of the first rank." Isaac Deutscher, in his introduction to this edition, explains that this "oversight," among other things, served to keep the book off Rus- sian presses and shelves for 40 years. This is a short book (150 pages) dealing with 10 indivi- duals during turbulent times. In it, Lunacharsky rightfully makes no-pretension to adequacy, much less exhaustiveness. If you are looking for a good introduction, to Russian revolutionary history, search elsewhere. Without some background, you will not under- stand much of what is written here. If you want a general idea of how and where the great men of the Revolution joined and clashed, find another book. Much of Lunacharsky is anec- dotal and politically irrelevant. If you hope to find here some new insight into the mechanics of revolutionary organization, despair. And now, having clearly de- fined what the book is not, I re- alize I ought to explain just what it is. And that is not easy. Lunacharsky had the same problem: "These are not biogra- phies, not testimonials, not por- traits but merely profiles: it is their virtue and at the same time their "limitation that they are entirely based on personal r e c o 11 e ctions. Revolutionary Silhouettes is, in fact, little more than a string of memories of the great (Lenin, Trotsky, Martov, Plekhanov and Zinoviev), the 1 e s s e r (Uritsky, Volodarsky, Sverdlov) and the perhaps fitt- ingly obscure (Bessalko and Ka- linin). There is another problem: reading the book today one re- alizes that it has already pro- vided source material for the now-standard texts on its sub- jects. Lunacharsky's Lenin is no stranger: a powerful though monotonous speaker, a man of an iron will capable nevertheless of warmth and humor. Trotsky, too, is familiar: Brilliant, arro- gant, selfless (yet, in a strange "historical" sense, vain), poor when wheeling-and-dealing but magnificent when allowed to wade into the turbulent social currents he understood so well. And Zinoviev (Lenin's trusted henchman). And Plekhanov (the rigidly orthodox "Father of Rus- sian Marxism"). Sverdlov, Volo- darsky and ,Uritsky are almost indistinguishable, and are in- cluded, one guesses, to remind the reader that the revolution 4', Baez: .Not deep enough to be subtle? was made by more than three or four master planners. Martov, perhaps because he generally receives less sympa- thetic treatment, is here note- worthy, This early comrade-in- arms, later-arch-opponent of Lenin's emerges in these pages as a thoughtful, sometimes bril- liant tragedy. Truly comfortable only in the world of politics, Martov's tragedy is his inability to fit his political theory to the needs of a Russia in revolution, (And even as Lunacharsky wrote that perhaps Martov might yet "find himself" and "emerge as one of the creative minds of the new world," he received word of Martov's death.) One contribution which Re- volutionary Silhouettes c a n make is to pass on to us the mood of the revolution and its heroes. It can pass on insights, comments,asides which, coming from men who lived through THE REAL THING, may be of interest to those who today con- sider themselves part of the re- volytionary tradition - and, more specifically, to the sub- group which considers the Rus- sian experience relevant. (To those who believe that reality and relevance were born when they were, well . .) There is today an element among leftists whose conception of the ideal revolutionary is the one who makes the most noise, weeps the biggest tears, screams the loudest obscenities. Luna- charsky's profile of the revolu- tionary martyr Uritsky is appro- priate: "He made fun of all those eloquent speeches full of pathos about the great and the beautiful; he was proud of being level-headed and was fond of making play with it, even to the point of, apparent cynicism, but in fact he was an idealist of the purest water. For him life out- side the workers' did not exist. His enormous political passion did not seethe and bubble-sim- ply because it was methodically and systematically directed to one end." At least once in any meeting of a Movement group one hears that American workers are ra- cists and therefore a lost cause from a revolutionary's point of view-that they are good only for beating up students blacks and Jews. For the purveyors or such conventional wisdom, I re- commend this historical paral- lel: Lunacharsky relates how the revolutionary movement in Rus- sia had as its foundation men such as the "soldier or sailor who only yesterday belonged to the Jew-baiting 'Black Hundred' gangs, who is now prepared to risk his tousled head for the 'leader of the world revolution -Ilyich (Lenin)'." This last reference is the heart of the book, of the Rus- By JEREMY JOAN HEWES Daybreak, by Joan Baez. The ,ial Press, $3.95. The August morning when the world learned that Russia had occupied Czechoslovakia was a time of shock and fearful spec- ulation for most people. What- ever the effect of the news on -W Joan Baez, that day was not an unusual one for her. She had been instrumental in organiz- ing a five-day marathon of folk and rock performances to raise money for Biafran relief after an early morning appearance there she led demonstrations at the U.N. to protest the Soviet action. That afternoon she ar- ranged for other artists (among them Richie Havens, Pete Seeg- er, Joni Mitchell, Tim Hardin, Judy Collins) to entertain at St. Mark's-in-the-Bowery, where round-the-clock music was in- terrupteo only for evening prayer services. That night she gave two more shows to a full "congregation," few of whom had attended vespers. Until Miss Baez arrived, the sickening heat and sickening world seemed oppressive. But somehow she was cool and se- rene, and her voice softened the collective weight of anguish. Soon the sanctuary was filled with hundreds of voices: "Someone's singing, Lord, Kum- baya ..., She spoke with ironic humor of Russia-"It's nice to know someone -else is as evil as we are"; and with simple eloqu- erge of the desperate need to keep 6000 Biafran children from dying each day. Her beauty lent grace to those who watched, and her songs could not be sepa- rated from the reason she sang that evening. It's curious. Because she has long been such a public, active, dedicated person and has spoken so well in leadership and in song, Joan Baez has seemed to invite those of us who watch her, to draw conclusions about her. And we, of course, could not resist trying to imagine what moves her' and gives her such gentle, special powers. It's cur- ious, because her "journal," Daybreak, shakes the founda- tions of our suppositions with- out really replacing or adding miuch substance to them. There are two reasons why Daybreak leaves the reader rest- less, and perhaps thinking he knew more when he started than relation to these people, the dates and places of her birth and the family's moves, and so forth, but we know only what she has chosen to tell us. This is not to say that the moments, personalities and feel- ings she relates are uninterest- ing. Oh the contrary, she de- scribes some things of impor- tance and tells them well, such as her vivid portrayal of the ex- treme nervous nausea that plagued her growing years. The best chapters of Day- break are devoted to four men who have deeply affected her life, though the author doesn't say so. Bob Dylan is not men- tioned by name, but depicted as "the dada king" who "put us all on . . . until he broke his heart in public."' Ira Sandperl is a Quaker teacher who intro- duced her to Gandhi's thought, travels with her and runs her Institute for Non-Violence. Her husband, David Harris, who also remains unnamed in the journal, is "a very young spiritual monarch" and she is "his woman." She most complet- ly captures, however, her sister Mimi's late husband, Richard Farina. He was "the Black Irish Mad Hatted Rose," who clown- ed everyone into his fantastic imaginary world, who spoke poems and started salad fights at the dinner table. Certainly other elements of her life are mentioned - ac- counts of prison, dreams, medi- tation and an argument for pacifism. But apparently Miss Baez has intentionally left much to the reader's deduction, yet has not given much from which to deduce. That is the other reason for the uneasiness. Simply, we learn a good deal about Joan Baez in Daybreak, but we don't come to know her there. This fact is less regrettable from rigorous literary standards - which we have no reason to demand from her-than from the \resulting dichotomy between what Miss Baez tells us and what she clearly is. Perhaps she knows- herself so well as to be extreme- ly subtle; perhaps,-on the other hand,. she has not gone far enough into herself to be subtle at all. In person - singing, talking, being - Joan Baez is both a beautiful voice and a. serene presence: in Daybreak, some- how she is not quite either. Today's writers .. PHIL BALLA is a senior in the literary college Who con- siders writing about Pasternak "a labor of love." SGC Vice President BRUCE LEVINE, a sophomore, is ac- tive in Voice-SDS and an avid student of the Russian Revolu- tion. JEREMY JOAN HEWES ist a regular reviewer for the Book Page. She is a graduate student in the American Culture Pro-I gram. Trotsky: 'Hid sian Revoluti n-the possibility of all broad-uased revolution in an industrialized country: the ability of the working people to throw out their misplaced hos- tilities towards other similarly- oppressed groups and to recog- nize who truly are their'enemies and who are their allies. The Russian Revolution was-the ex- pression in one country of that need and struggle for liberation which, periodically, can be cool- ed, tempered, misdirected-but never'quieted until liberation is actually achieved. It broke to the surface in Russia and died in isolation, when all it could de- pend upon for defense from its enemies was a new, domestical- ly-based bureaucrazy-its future nmurderer. 'The lesson to be learned from Russia is simply the possibility of the working people taking power. Whit we have yet to prove is their ability to keep it and use it well. storicaily' vain '1 PPAULSEN FOR PRESIDENT!I "We have nothing to fear but fear itself . . and the boogy man." Support this simple savior of America's destiny. Buy his official, profusely illus- trated campaign manual- biography-platform - at bookstores now. $2.95- FAused to be for Apple. Now it's for Annihilate! I i >fF GIR (C1 IF 0' +R