Sunday, October 6, 1968 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Three Sunday, October 6, 1968 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Three NO AUTOMATIC HALT: HHH assures Johnson U.S. suspends diplomatic ties on Viet bombing stand WASHINGTON ()-Hubert H. Humphrey, although eager to stake out an independent Vietnam position, has assured President Johnson he would not automatic- ally halt bombing of the North if t elected. Humphrey, a top aide said yes- terday, gave Johnson this word- and included it in his Monday campaign broadcast on Vietnam, -because he did not want to de- rail preliminary peace talks in Paris. This source implied that the Democratic presidential candidate inserted the condition for a bomb- ing halt because he was wary lest he depart so far from administra- tion policy that Hanoi representa- tives in Paris might be tempted to sit on their hands to await the election returns. As the Vice President himself said later, the emphasis in his Vietnam speech was on halting the bombing rather than on any preconditions. Johnson welcomed Humphrey's private assurances and is standing by his unqualified public endorse- ment of the Democratic candi- date. From the outset, Humphreyj wanted to set himself apart from the Johnson administration, if only to court his party's Viet- nam doves. But he did not want to rupture his official and per- sonal relations with the President.; Some of the Vice President's advisers urged a complete break with Johnson. Others saw no po- litical profit in that. And within each group there were those who emphasized that nothing should be said that might jeopardize the Paris talks. Keeping his-own counsel. Hum- phrey inched toward the day of1 decision. To one television audi- ence he announced he was "not the prisoner of LBJ; whatever; you may accuse him of, he has not captured me." At another time he said with emphasis, that North Vietnam! should negotiate now because it wouldn't get a better deal from him. t Then came last Sunday evening, when final decisions had to be made. Humphrey and key advisers -several flown from the East to his overnight lodgings in Salt Lake City-pondered the problem far into the morning hours. In midafternoon Monday, Hum- phrey drove to .a television studio to film his speech. Within the hour, teletypes of the national news services began drumming out accounts of the speech. This is how Johnson first got word of what Humphrey had to say. Only after the news accounts appeared did the White House ob- tain a full text of Humphrey's speech, from the Democratic Na-* tional Committee offices here. Still later-about five minutes before the filmed appearance was broadcast to home TV sets, John- son got a call from his Vice Presi- dent. 0 in Peru crisis LIMA, Peru i? - Uncertainty brought about by the re- cent coup here has caused a suspension of U.S. diplomatic ties with Peru. A spokesman for the State Department said the U.S. mis- sion will remain in the country. He pointed out that a sus- pension of ties was not the same as a formal break in rela- tiolns. The announcement followed nullification Friday night of a disputed contract with -a U.S. oil firm by the military leaders of the Peruvian coup. They said government officials responsible for the contracts -Associated Press FIRST SECRETARY ALEXANDER DUBCEK talks to Dr. Josef Spacek, a member of the Czech Presidium. Dubcek returned to Prague yesterday af ter confering with Soviet leaders in Moscow. The meeting resulted in the "temporary" stationing of Warsaw Pact troops in Czechoslovakia. NARROW MARGIN: Democrats lead race fr control of House School dispute New York City police grapple with a demonstrator outside Seward Park High School on the city's Lower East Side. Violence flared yesterday after the school's principal refused a demand to release students to join in the demonstrations in support of community control of city schools. CM GUILD Saturday and Sunday PATHS OF GLORY Directed by Stanley Kubrick, 1957 KIRK DOUGLAS ADOLPHE GEORGE MENJOU MACREADY Based on the 1935 best seller by H. Cobb' From the director of Dr. Strangelove and 2001 A Space Odyssey. A rare and powerful U.S. anti-war film f those I ttle sweethearts won't face German bullets, they'll face French ones." "There are few things more fundamentally encour- aging and stimulating than seeing someone else die." "The finest American film of the year . . . one of the screen's most extraordinary achievements." -Hollis Alpert. 7:00 and 9:05 75c ARCHITECTURE 668-8871 AUDITORIUM WASHINGTON (P) - Demo- crats are leading in enough races to maintain narrow control of the next House of Representatives. But holes in that strength could keep them from electing Hubert H. Humphrey if the presidential race is thrown into the House. A district-by-district Associated Press survey also shows that Democrats could lose some of the congressional races which they now lead if Republican Richard M. Nixon sweeps those areas in the presidential balloting. With one month to go before election day, the taly shows: Democrats - Ahead in 184 districts and leading in 46 contests rated close, for a total of 230 po- tential seats, 12 more than needed to control the 435-member House. * Republicans - Ahead in 152 Delegation control of 10 states districts and leading in 31 con- hinges on House races now rated tests rated close, for a total of 183 as tossups. Even more unpredict- potential seats. able are the votes of the other The other 22 races are rated eight states where candidates tossups. - have publicly declared they may The survey shows - Republicans not support their party's presi- not yet matching the gain of 40 dential candidate in a House seats predicted by House GOP showdown. leader Gerald R. Ford. Based on survey results, the Illi- Even if the Republicans won all nois, Montana and Oregon dele- 22 races now rated tossups, they gations would be split evenly be- would gain only 18 seats from tween Republicans and Demo- their present 187. To control the crats, and thus potentially stymied ,House, they must gain 31. from casting a presidential ballot. This survey is not a prediction Oregon, despite its 2-2 party' of how the races will turn out split, could, however, wind up in election day but a report, based the Nixon column if Rep. Al Ull- on interviews and observations, on man, a Democrat, should win re- how the races stand as of now, election and switch from Hum- Money, campaigning, the influ- phrey. Ullman has said: "If I ences from the presidential cam- think that the election of a Demo-' paign-any or all of these could cratic president who has a minor- change district situations before ity of the tally in the vote will the Nov. 5 voting. be detrimental to the interests of Democrats now control the the nation, I will do what is best House 245-187 and there are three for the nation." vacancies. Democrats have a ma- jority in 28 state delegations, Re- publicans in 18 and four are tied.r If George C. Wallace's third- W 0 party presidential bid keeps any candidate from receiving a ma- jority of the 535 votes in the elec- toral college, the election will go By The Associated Press into the house, where each state WASHINGTON - The Senate will cast only one vote regardless preparedness investigating sub- of its size. committee yesterday proposed the Even if the Democrats win the "development of a new air super- 230 races in which they now lead, iority system." these would assure them the votes In a unanimous report, the sub- of only 15 states in presidential committee charged Pentagon offi- balloting. The Republicans' 183 cials have consistently underesti- potential seats would give t h e m mated Soviet progress in de- votes of 17 states. veloping new tactical aircraft. "The United States appears to would be "brought to justice." The military leaders did n o t name the officials it considered responsible for the contract with International Petroleum Corp., a subsidiary of Standard Oil of New Jersey. The military leaders used the oil dispute as a pretext for taking power Thursday. Observers believe Gen. Juan Velasco, the army chief of staff who heads the "revolu- tionary government," is consider- ing a complete takeover of the firm's assets. In New Yorksa spokesman for Standard Oil said a satisfactory contract had been reached with the. Belaunde government and no money was owed outside the con- tract. Belaunde, in exile, in Buenos Aires, said he would travel today to Chile or Bolivia, couritries bor- dering Peru, and await a call "to go back and fight." Asked about charges of corrup- tion in his regime, Belaunde said, "I am willing to return to my country and submit myself to a trial to verify my assets. I can say emphatically that I came out of the government poorer than I went in." Partly through U.S. initiative, the nations invoked for the first time a declaration signed in Rio de Janeiro in Novembbr 1965 pro- viding for talks prior to the rec- ognition of any regime that took over through a military coup. Peru is a party to the declaration. It says t h a t before extending diplomatic relations to a defacto government it must be determined if that government "is ready to take the necessary steps to hold elections within a reasonable per- iod of time, giving the people the opportunity to participate freely, in the corresponding electoral pro- cess." Predict So0'viet 1 VIENNA (MP) - Czechoslovak de- fense minister Martin Dzur said yesterday he believes "the major part" of foreign troops will leave Czechoslovakia territory within three weeks. Speaking over Czechoslovak ra- dio, Dzur said he had negotiated this with Soviet defense minister Marshal Andre Grechko at Muka- cevo, Carpatho-Ukraine. He did not disclose the date of the talks. "I am convinced that by the 50th anniversary of the foundation of the Czechoslovak Republic on Oct. 28 the overwhelming majority of foreign troops may be expected to withdraw." But Dzur added that the Prague leaders would have to reciprocate. He apparently referred to Sov- iet demands for ouster of liberal functionaries still active in party and government and for a more strict observance of the newly in- troduced censorship. The defense minister did n o t mention t h e talks between the Czechoslovak and Soviet party leaders that ended Friday in Mos- cow. The talks resulted in agree- ment on stationing some Warsaw Pact troops in Czechoslovakia. He said the Czechoslovak army would help the government pre- pare for "the highest possible number" of foreign troops to with- draw from Czechoslovakia. I j- i A YO UR MO THER WON'Tf LIKE IT., if you don't go over to the Student Publications Building this week, Oct. 7 to Oct. 10, 10:00 to 5:00 and 7:00 to 9:00 P.M. and make a last ditch attempt to get your SENIOR PICTURE in the 1969 Michiganension, so she can show Uncle Irving you finally graduated. Phone 434-0130 L pi' ' "" ' "" " have a qualitative advantage over the Soviet Union in aircraft which have as their primary mission air- to-ground delivery of ordnance," the report stated. But, it said "this qualitative advantage in air-to-ground tac- tical aircraft has erroneously been used by the Department of De- fense to justify its conclusion that the United States has an over-all tactical air advantage over the Soviets." NEW YORK-New York City teachers will begin voting tomor- row on whether to again strike id news roundupI the 1.1 million pupil schol system here in the lingering and bruising struggle over who is to run the schools. - "I am convinced there will be a strike," said the teachers' union head, Albert Shanker, "and it could be called for by Tuesday." * * * LIBSON-Police swinging night sticks dispersed a crowd of left- wing s t u d e n ts demonstrating against the Portuguese govern- ment yesterday. It was the first instance of mas protest and violence in Por- tugal since the disabling illness and subsequent 'replacement of authoritarian Prime Minister An- tonio de Oliveira Salazar by Mar- cel Caetano. Shouting "liberty, democracy and socialism," about 100 students, from Lisbon University began an unauthorized march to a statue of a pre-Salazar republic leader. Police blocked the way and the students took another r o u t e through a shantytown. Police pur-j I sued them, beating about a dozen stragglers with clubs and fists, witnesses reported. The students threw stones at the police] but apparently hit none of them. Tlie witnesses said it could not, be determined whether the stones flew before or after the police charged. * * *I UNITED NATIONS, N.Y.-J. R. Wiggins arrived from Washington yesterday to take up his duties as the United States' new chief U.N. delegate. He conferred with Secretary of State Dean, Rusk in Rusk's New York hotel suite, inspected his new office in'the U.S. Mission, oppo- site U.N. headquarters, and plan- ned afternoon conferences with the mission staff. * * * WASHINGTON -- The Census Bureau figures that about 74 mil- lion Americans will cast votes for , the next President Nov. 5 if the same percentage of the voting-age population goes to the polls as it did four years ago- This estimate is based on a record voting-age total of 121.5 million people, including service- men overseas. The 1968 total is 2.1 million more than the 114.4'-mil- lion !people of voting age in 1964 when 70.7 million, or 62 per cent actually voted. The baby boom shortly after World War II has contributed heavily to the record number of young people-12.4 million-who have reached voting age since the 1964 'election. Lose Something? Find it with a Daily Classified mesam. . .mv e GARGOYLE AND... SN UTTERED ROQM a". FU M WAK I. ENLTS ICLO i' --- - -- f U I li;! _____________________ k Return to the Womb Issue ON SALE I UNION-LEAGUE and The International Center GUILD HOUSE 802 Monroe MON., OCT. 7-Noon Luncheon 25c PROF. DONALD MICHAEL, Psychology, Head of Systems Design team for new town of Columbia, Maryland: "PLANNING vs. DEMORACY" TUESDAY, OCT. 8 Noon Luncheon, WALTER SHAPIRO, Associate Editorial Director, Michigan Daily: "Community Reaction to The Michigan Daily" (Series: Anti-intellectualism and University) 's1 r ll il STUDY, TRAVEL, WORK ABROAD Are you interested in programs offered to study, travel, or work abroad for the summer or academic year? If so, the time to start planning is NOW. The International Center receives information on many such opportunities annually and has set up informational meetings to distribute the informa- tion and answer questions. RECREATION ROOM of the INTERNATIONAL CENTER I M ;_MnAin. (in the South W ina of the Michiaan Union) , z, ;ii . i I Il III I?1 ~yI~iBt~YIOUSB ) finds( THE NE W LOST CITY I I I 1111! III