48 THE MICHIGAN DAILY p Research I by STEVE WILDSTROM Managing Editor The University's research activ- ities have given it both the title "research capital of the Midwest" and "the Eyes of the Army." Military research, more than ten per cent of total research activ- ity, has won the University praise from the Defense Department and damnation from many of its students and faculty. The largest unit in the Univer- sity's research machine is the In- stitute of Science and Technology (IST). Last year, the University received more research dollars ~ than any other institution in the country and- 'a large part of, those funds went to support IST pro- jects. Headquartered in a striking modern building on North Cam- pus, IST's diverse activities spread around the world. Willow Run Laboratory (WRL) is the largest component of IST. Located in A, surplus Nike missile base on the east edge of Willow Run Airport in Ypsilanti, WRL The most far-flung-and con- troversial-of WRL's projects has abeen a $1 million classified con- tract to teach counterinsurgency techniques to members of the Roy- al Thai military. WRL researchers have-worked with members of the Royal Thai Air Force and Army and helped them set up a Joint Thailand-U.S. Aerial Reconnais- sance Laboratory in the Thai ca- pital of Bankok. University researchers say the " N function of the program has been to train the Thais in sophisticated modern means of electronic sur- veillance in an effort to find "clandestine communist guerilla activity." Through one IST project the University, as far as is known, be- came the only educational insti- tution in the country to have a ballistic missile named after it, ile namesake the now-defunct BOMAC (Boeing Michigan Aeronautical Research, specializes in the technology of Center). remote sensing techniques. Much This winter, WRL researchers of WRL's work is classified con- traveled to Antarctica to apply in- tract research for the Defense De- frared remote sensing techniques, partment. very likely developed .in a military research project, to study the Over the past 13 years, the Ar- structure of the south polar ice my has spent more than $70 mil- cap. Similar work has been done lioq on Project MICHIGAN, whose in the past on the north polar and purpose, as described by its former Greenland ice caps. director, is to "build better spec- WRL and IST are involved in tacles for the Army." Project MI- a number of operations designed CHIGAN has worked to develop to disseminate the knowledge they new means of .battlefield surveil- have picked up..Of course, the dis- laiice, using radar, infrared and semination of information gained optical methods. on classified research contracts is Several 'years ago, the Defense limited to those both possessing a Departmjent's Advanced Research security clearance and what the Projects Agency (ARPA) turned to Defense Department calls "a need University researchers at IST to to know". Two such conferences build and operate a $4.5 million conducted each year are symposia infrared observatory on Mt. Hale- on radar technology and remote akala on Maui, Hawaii. Although sensing of the environment. Por- WRL officials say the observatory tions of the second conference are will be used for academic as well open to anyone in the academic as military purposes, one WRL community with an interest in at- researcher says, "Everyone knows tending.,; it's there to track ICBMs and sat- WRL also operates for ARPA telites." two national information clearing houses, the Ballistic Missile Radia- tion Information Center, which deals with information pertaining to the tracking of and defense against intercontinental ballistic missiles, and the Infrared Infor- mation and Analysis Center, which informs researchers of the latest states of technology in infrared research. Although it is the most speta- cular-and controversial-facet of University research, WRL and other militarily oriented portions of IST represent a relatively small part of the University's total re- search effort. Nevertheless, these classified re- search efforts last fall became the center of a brief but heated con- troversy. Following a comprehen- sive report by The Daily on the extent of "Military Research at Michigan," some pressure was ex- erted on the administration for a change in research policy. , The 250 students that sat in at the administration building in early November were more con- cerned about the University's eli- mination of certain projects than its Institute for Defense An- alysis (IDA)-but this remained a controversial area. Although student and faculty demonstrators came to the sit-in without a clear consensus on just what the protest was about, many of the University's research pro- jects were questioned as well as its membership in the now defunct IDA.. IDA was formed in 1956 in res- ponse to rapid growth of defense department sponsored research. Organized as a consortium of the member universities, IDA describes itself- as a non-profit corporation to provide the Department of De- fense with scientific studies in na- tional security. While military research, at the University itself is concerned al- most entirely with defensive mea- sures and detection, IDA works in all phases of warfare. The more radical members of the sit-in demanded an immediate end to all classified contracts and student review powers over all other research projects. Others were willing to settle for just an end to classified projects and a tri-partite review of research pol- icy. Still others were concerned only with counter-insurgency the Thai'- land project itself. None of the demonstrators got exactly what they wanted. The same day as the sit-n, then President Harlan Hatcher an- nounced the appointment of a fa- culty committee to review research policy. The committee was given its mandate amid many ad-hoc statements on the University's re- search. Engineering Council, for in- stance, gave classifiedlresearch a more or less blanket approval mainly because they feared its discontinuation would have dele- terious effects on the school's cur- riculum and availability of funds. Even earlier, in late October, As- sembly's Research Policies Com- mittee, which was later to mae a report, made a statement fav- oring "no change in the Univer- sity's research p liy until a thor- ough study can be made." Engin's 'bastion of conservatism' crumbles in liberalized program By MARCIA ABRAMSON Sometimes criticized as a bastion of con- servatism, the- College of Engineering this year presents one of the most liberalized programs in the University. Freshmen engineers will be the first to feel the new emphasis on social sciences and humanities and will be able to com- plete their degree in a shorter time. Engineering students with more than 30 hours credit will be able to take advantage of a pass-fail program more liberal than the one offered by the literary college. ' The new program allows degree 'comple- tion in eight instead of 81/2 to nine terms, reducing the .number of credit hours re- quired from 138 to 128 by eliminating re-' 4uired free electives. Overall requirements yin hunanities and social sciences have been raised to an ab- solute minimum of 24 hours and a sug- gested minimum of 28 hours. Traditional engineering composition courses have been replaced by a great books sequence. Courses in advanced English lit-. erature are part of the recommended cur- ricula.: Freshmen will -also be required to take a new four hour course in digital comput- ing and rigid body mechanics. Computer graphics replaces Engineering Graphics 101, as a requirement. The chemistry requirement has been cut from eight hours to four. High school chem- istry is the prerequisite. Physics classes -have been -given a new modern approach. Engineering' classes have been mnodi- fled to provide a group of core classeP in materials, thermodynamics, particle and rigid body mechanics, fluid mechanics, solid mechanics and electrical engineering sci- ence. The. pass-fail program, recently approved by the college's faculty, will apply for a t1ree year trial period, subject to faculty review. roubled - When the formal report of the IAssembly Research Policies Corn- mittee chaired by Prof. Robert E- derfield of the chemistry depart- ment was released in January, it recommended: O The University should not take any classified contract that pre- vents disclosure of the "exis- tence of the contract or identity of the sponsor .. . and the pur- pose and scope of the research " A nine-member faculty panel should be established to review proposed classified worik. How- ever, the Vice President for Re- search should have authority to "over-rule the committee" S The University should lead in establishing an inter-university committee to "work toward ie- duction of federal restrictions on publication and dissemination" of the results of classified work.° Courses available under pass-fail include: * All elective classes in humanities and social science except for those included in. the uniform 12 hour English requirement. All f'ee electives not specified or im- plied as part of the student's degree pro- gram requirements, subject to approval by, his program advisor. * Some technical electives, limited to one per term and only one in either summer half term. The same restrictions apply as for free electives. The student's decision to elect pass-fail must be made within the first two weeks of a term or the first week of a half term. The choice must ,be registered with the En- ,i gineering College Records Office. Instruc- tors will not be notified of pass-fail elections. Only grades of C or above will be given "pass" rating. To be eligible for the Dean's Honor List, a student must elect a minimum of 12 grad- ed hours per term. A minimum of 65 hours of graded credit is required for recognition on diploma. The literary college allows only one pass- fail course for each of four terms. Freshman entrance requirements have also been liberalized. The number of units of English has been raised from three to four; one unit of foreign language can be applied to this requirement, although two as electives. Four units of mathematics are required - two of algebra, one ,of geometry, one half of trigonometry, and one half of analytic geometry or advanced topics. Instead of two units of science, one unit of chemistry and one of physics are speci- fied. The number of electives has been in- creased from three to four as well. . Both the Regents and the school's fac- ulty view the new requirements as "con- sistent with the ever-increasing demands for upgrading the quality of engineering education." O Th any whi or ing The tions isting 1111, land tive Wit classi Stude the q searci tinue endu Th tion who v Unive a ver L sho tom -in t coff whe mee stor T lati gua not but kno men stor Vi A. this seri (see F :H *"C . Ji CAk NO I E 0 1111 Cover Photo et us hope that the students wn in the top left and bot- right photos get together he Undergraduate Library's ee lounge. The UGLI, re they are studying, is a rite campus location for eting new friends (see y page 8) 'he coed shown, in the iso- on of the Mason Hall Ian- ge lab (bottom left) may meet as many new dates, she has the comfort of wing her language require- it will soon be finished (see ry page '7) . ice-President for Research Geoffrey Norman has had, year, concerns at least as ous as the students' studies story above). AMILY RESTAURANT RAMBURGERSASURE CES? IiICKEN ONEY ISLANDS 'MBOYS SMILING SPEEDY SERVICE RRY-OUT SPECIALISTS WAITING PLENTY of PARKING NSIDE SEATING OR EAT IN YOUR CAR )PEN it AM DAILY 662.0022 3325 WASHTENAW RD. ANN ARBOR 2 BLKS. W. of ARBORLAND e University should not take contract "the purpose of ch is to destroy human life to incapacitate human be- s." e committee's recomn..enda- directly affected only one ex- University contract: Project a $261,192 project in Thai- sponsored by a "very sensi- agency in Washington." th no substantive changes in fied research forthcoming, nt Government Counctl put. - - mestion "should classified re-- h at the University be con- d?" to an all-student refer- m. t very broadly worded ques- was defeated leaving those were still concerned about the ersity's classified research in ry difficult position. A. 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